Read Vampire Princess Rising Page 20

  Even now Rebecca could feel the angry undertow in the room from her wolves. She glanced around the room with an easy smile, signaling all was okay. It didn’t help with the anger which only increased her disgust for the vampires, including her sister.

  Rebecca’s phone rang. Saved by the bell. She thought as she excused herself to answer the call from the unknown number. “Hello?”

  “Yes, hello?” The female voice on the other end sounded shaky like she had been crying, but there were no familiar tones identifying the caller. “Is this Rebecca Winters?”

  “Yes, who’s calling?”

  “That doesn’t matter. I’m returning your call for Joseph.” Rebecca felt a slight burst of irritation that Joseph would not have called her back himself and hoped that annoyance was fueled by the overflow of anger in the room.

  “Okay. Is he there? I really need to talk to him in person,” she asked the fragile sounding girl on the other end.

  “No. He’s dead. Devon O’Brien is the new alpha. Would you like me to get you in touch with him?”

  Dread filled her body and soul. What the hell? “When did this happen?”

  “A few weeks ago. I’ve been dealing with funeral arrangements and other political issues which is why I haven’t called you back until now. Would you like me to pass your message on to the new alpha?” The faceless voice repeated.

  “No, that won’t be necessary, thank you.” Rebecca hung up. She was sure the wolf on the other end had already passed her information on to him and now Devon probably knew what she knew. ‘Why would an alpha go undercover into another pack?’

  ‘I fear there’s no good reason,’ Siren answered.

  ‘Gabe, who do you have watching Devon?’

  Rebecca could hear him frowning without even looking at her. ‘Tonight he’s at the compound with Brutis and Jacob. Why?’

  ‘Because he’s not an enforcer, he’s the new Montana alpha.’

  ‘So why would he be…this is not good.’ The scary realization dawned on him as his face turned from happy to worried.

  ‘No, I have a bad feeling about the entire mess.’ Rebecca walked up to Lucky and tapped him on the shoulder. “Can I talk to you?”

  Lucky turned with confusion in his eyes. “Sure.” He was forced to follow her and Gabe into the kitchen as they were already almost there. When he entered the room he had a look of concern on his face. “What’s going on?”

  “Devon is not an enforcer, he is the new alpha in Montana. Did you know this?” Rebecca asked, feeling hurt and deceived.

  Lucky shook his head. “No. Why would he be here pretending to be something he’s not? And why was the new alpha change not reported? If he had changed to alpha status he would no longer be expected to carry out his protector duties.”

  Rebecca felt worry crawl up her spine as she started to chew on her fingernail. “I don’t know, but I don’t like it. I haven’t felt comfortable with him since day one and now he’s a member of the pack. Lucky—”

  Lucky put up his hand to stop her. “I’ll look into it. It’s not like I want to stick around for the vampire show anyway.”

  He started to go and Rebecca grabbed his hand. “Luck, I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged. “It seems typical standard operating procedures for the Winters sisters.” The coldness in his amber gold eyes cut to her bone. “I should know better to put my emotions on the line.”

  “Let the situation play out.”

  “Like I did with you and Gabe?”

  Rebecca took a step back at the anger in his eyes. Gabriel stepped possessively behind Rebecca and let out a low growl. “That’s my mate you’re snapping at, Lucky.”

  Rebecca rolled her eyes. Not this primate man act again. She thought this was done with.

  Lucky ran his hand through his blond curls, but didn’t step down. “Look, deep down I knew it was over the moment you let Gabe mark you. Mates are meant to be. Simple as that.” Rebecca tossed a guilty look in Gabe’s direction.

  “We can’t apologize for what happens in a dream, Lucky.” Gabriel had the decency to look guilty too. “If she were anyone but my mate I would’ve stepped down, but you know it was not possible to walk away.”

  Lucky nodded reluctantly. “I know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I keep finding myself on the losing end of romance with the Winters girls.”

  “We all know Celestia has a power over Savannah. Talk to her and find out what she’s really feeling when her sire isn’t around.” Rebecca suggested.

  “That’s just it, Becks. She tells me she won’t be second best to you and then turns around and makes me second best to her. I’ll wait to see how it plays out, but I won’t chase her.”

  Rebecca couldn’t think of anything to say to help her sister and her friend. She simply nodded slightly and let him go. The pain in his eyes stayed with her, though, and it only reinforced her desire to help them both. She was tired of seeing her friends and family in pain.

  Gabriel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. The touch, ignited the fire between them, it always did. No matter how much she wanted to deny it. She turned to face him, their eyes locked—green and blue the color of the sea. Fitting since she felt like she was being swept away on a wave of emotions.

  “We’ll find out what Devon is up to,” he promised. He must have seen the worry in her eyes because he placed a gentle hand on her cheek and smiled. “I’ll always protect you.”

  Rebecca felt herself fall into his hand, his body. In that moment another chain seemed to snap in the deepest part of her soul, locking her to him and him to her. She may not have said the words but the promise was in her eyes, in the gentle kiss she gave him.

  He didn’t wait for permission, he was a dominant wolf and hungry for her. He deepened the kiss, pulling her tight against his body. Her friends, family, pack, and world crumbled around her as passion exploded in her body. He fit so right. He was made for her and she for him. It was the promise given to all shifters. One day they would meet their mate…it was up to them how they reacted when they met.

  ‘Mine,’ he growled possessively in her mind.

  Suddenly she was filled with a desire to stake her claim to him. She broke the kiss and held his gaze, both of them breathless. Her body still bombarded with his need for her. “I can’t fight it anymore,” she whispered. “I’m yours as much as you’re mine.”

  The smile that broke across Gabe’s face was one she’d never forget. He pulled her against him in a hug so tight that she found it difficult to breathe. He pulled away and leveled his eyes with hers. “I’m not dreaming, am I?”

  Rebecca laughed and smiled as she shook her head. “No, you aren’t dreaming.” There were many things they needed to work out but she was sure of one thing. He was her mate. Hers and she was his. Only death would change that.

  He hugged her again. “If we were alone right now I’d show you how excited I am that you’re mine.”

  “We have a lifetime for that.” She smiled as he cupped her face in his hands. Before she could say another word he crushed his lips against hers and the room began to spin as she felt his desire flood her body. Her mating mark tingled in response to the commitment they made. Their wolves connected and the power was so overwhelming, she thought she was going to pass out, but she managed to keep consciousness while she enjoyed the fire he lit in her body.

  When they broke the kiss the room exploded in claps, cheers and comments like, ‘get a room.’ Rebecca felt the heat rise in her cheeks, but turned and took a good natured bow. She didn’t know how they knew to join them in the kitchen, but there they were. It appeared her pack knew exactly what happened, right there in front of everyone, the mate bond was sealed and Rebecca couldn’t be happier.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Savannah watched Rebecca and Gabriel kiss. Their passion seemed to suck all the energy out of the room and drew every eye in the room. It was obvious, even to the novice supernatural that they were maki
ng a bonding commitment. How could she decide to bond at such a young age? She found herself wondering.

  ‘Shifters have a primal need to find their mate. It’s as much a biological exchange as it’s an emotional bond,’ Viktor answered her with his smooth, sexy voice in her mind.

  ‘Eavesdropping on ones thoughts is not considered gentlemanly.’ Savannah pointed out in an angry tone.

  His eyes grew stormy and locked on hers. ‘I never said I was a gentleman, Savannah.’

  She shuddered at the implication in his tone and the look he gave her.

  ‘Vampires, by nature are predators. Everyone, including their partners, become prey with a simple chemical reaction. It’s important to never feel scared or feel the desire to flee my presence. If you do, I’ll give chase. Again, a biological response. One I have no control over.’ He placed a possessive hand on her shoulder from behind and pulled her toward his body. ‘And being an alpha male, I’m more in-tuned to that reaction than most vampires.’

  Savannah felt the blood in her veins rush through her. She wasn’t sure if it was attraction or anxiety that flooded her system, but she understood his instincts when his fingers sunk into the soft flesh of her shoulder and his breath got hot on her neck.

  ‘I can smell your apprehension, indecision mixed with desire. Would you like me to kiss you?’ His warm voice was like a lullaby, soothing and comforting. His body hard and possessive.

  She turned her head slightly, an attempt to free herself from the nails sinking into her flesh, stinging and trapping her in that spot. It was all the invitation he needed. He gently kissed her cheek and used his free hand to maneuver her lips toward his. It was their second kiss and it wasn’t bad. His cold lips moved expertly over her own. He obviously had a lot of experience in these matters. She felt his excitement flow into her and fill her with interest. She allowed herself to sink into his embrace, to see if there was something deeper.

  He nipped her lower lip and slid his tongue across the bite mark. In response she opened up to him. He tasted like honey. Sweetness mixed with death, it was an odd combination. He twisted her around the rest of the way in his arms and she found herself pressed chest to chest against him. An intoxicating spell weaved around them for a moment.

  A grin spread across his face when he stepped back from the kiss and the embrace. He placed his finger under her chin and waited for her to look him in the eyes. “That was nice.”

  Savannah nodded her head. “Yes, nice.” It was nice. Her mind couldn’t help but flashback to the intense kiss she and Lucky shared. If that kiss hadn’t happened she would’ve really enjoyed this one. But now, kissing her fiancé seemed wrong. Nice but so wrong. She turned around and looked for Lucky, but he was gone. There was a part of her that was thankful he was gone and didn’t see their public show of affection. Now she just needed to figure out how she was going to work this out with Viktor. He did say it was arranged and he was expecting an open marriage. But was that something she could really do? Was it something she wanted to do?

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Rebecca slid her hand into Gabriel’s as they entered the Authority meeting room underneath the dusty old Vacuum Repair Shop. Her pack was already seated in the stadium seating area, waiting patiently for the results. The vampires were also in attendance. Witches were represented as well as many other supernatural groups. She was the last to be seated at the head table. Violet was back in her normal seat and she shot Rebecca a nasty glare. According to Lucky the evidence against her was damaging, but not strong enough to go to trial…yet. But it gave them plenty of new leads to follow up and he suspected only one lead would be all they needed to move forward with a prosecution. Due to her conflict of interest she won’t be involved in the judging if it made it to court. However, the election was still taking place and tonight the results would be given.

  “Now that we are all present.” Francesco shot an irritated look toward Rebecca as he struck his gavel down to quiet the audience.

  Rebecca caught sight of Savannah who was sitting next to Celestia and Viktor in the front row of seats. Sundae, Hunter, Natalia, Jackson, and Georgie were securely flanked within the ranks of her pack. Devon sat on the outside row and Gabriel found a seat directly behind him. Better to keep an eye on the covert alpha.

  Lucky called her a few hours ago and told her he was getting stonewalled looking into the situation with Devon…that made her feel nervous.

  “…the votes have been tallied and the council is ready to announce the results.” Francesco continued on. Rebecca had learned he liked to hear his voice and expected him to drag out the announcement a little longer. He could’ve announced the news a while ago. Get on with it already.

  Rebecca’s eyes were drawn to movement behind Violet. A couple of protectors had slowly made their way behind the vampire queen. Rebecca heard the words and felt terror slide up her spine. Celestia stood and took a bow as the protectors that were behind Violet took her into custody.

  “NO!” the fallen queen screamed. “How dare you betray me!” Her eyes zeroed in on all her subjects. The majority of them lowered their heads. “You all made a terrible choice.” She was dragged off the stage and taken into custody. That was when the real tragedy happened. According to the stories she’d be stripped of her queen essence similar to how a pack leader was stripped of her alpha. The process killed most supernaturals but vampires were pretty much immortal, so Violet would most likely survive. Rebecca felt a twinge of guilt for the part she played in the queen’s downfall, but if she really did order the massacre of her pack that guilt was misplaced. Rebecca would’ve felt better if that fact had been completely confirmed before the election, but she had no control over those matters. All she could focus on now was making the right choices for the survival of her new pack.

  Celestia came up to the stage and was given the floor to speak. “I want to thank everyone for the role they played in removing Violet from her place in power. She had misused that power many times but her involvement in the massacre of the wolf pack—”

  “Alleged involvement.” Rebecca interrupted her.

  Celestia narrowed her eyes toward her genetic enemy. “Yes, alleged involvement, of course, you are right. It is because of that tragedy that I would like to perform my first official act as the new queen.” Celestia motioned toward Katarina. The red headed child vampire stood up and placed a piece of paper in front of Rebecca.

  “As penance for any involvement the vampires had in the tragic massacre I am offering the Arizona pack a truce and would like to officially enter into peace talks.” It seemed like everyone in the audience and on the council gasped. You could hear a pin drop and all eyes turned to Rebecca, waiting for her response. “It is about time our two warring factions found some peace and this tragedy is the perfect catalyst.”

  Rebecca looked at the form. She skimmed the words in the three paragraphs. She had already discussed the document with Celestia but she wanted to make sure there were no loop holes she added. It was straight forward. They would enter into a truce enforced by both leaders and the protectors. Anyone caught violating the time of peace will be sentenced to the maximum point of the law. During this truce peace talks would commence.

  Katarina placed a pen in front of her. In this case, the pen was mightier than the sword. “Celestia, I agree to enter into peace talks with you.” She signed the truce form. Katarina brought it over to Celestia who also signed it.

  The crowd burst into an uproar. Neither side was happy with this development. Everyone in this war had lost someone close to them and wanted vengeance not peace. Rebecca wasn’t happy either but she had little choice. She agreed on Sundae’s life and with Savannah’s blood pact. Her hands were tied. She just hoped her pack would understand how this could be a good thing.

  Francesco pounded the gavel into the table, commanding silence, but the audience was not listening. The protectors fell in line and acted as a wall, keeping the angry mob in check while
the council members were ushered out of the room and into Francesco’s office. No one spoke until the door was closed. Then the outbursts commenced. Rebecca and Celestia just sat down and allowed the rest of them to fight about the arrangement. No one, it seemed, was happy about the truce.

  ‘Gabe, is everything all right out there?’

  ‘No. I’m trying to get your sister, Jackson, Sundae, Georgie, and Hunter out of here. I will be back to pick you up once they’re safe.’

  ‘Don’t hurry. It looks like it’s going to be a long night here too. Keep an eye on Devon.’

  ‘I already have Persephone keeping tabs on him. Don’t worry, Becks, we’ll get through this.’

  ‘Yeah, we shall see. Be careful.’ She wanted to say more but couldn’t bring herself to tell him her strong feelings over a telepathic phone call. She needed to see him face to face, to judge his reaction.

  ‘You too, and I love you.’

  That simple sentence made Rebecca lose her breath. She wanted to tell him she liked him strongly, not love…it couldn’t be love, could it? No, it was too soon.

  ‘I…care about you too.’

  Despite the urgency of the situation he managed to chuckle deeply into her mind. ‘Let me know when you are ready to leave.’

  ‘All right.’

  Rebecca turned her focus back on the council.

  “The witches would support a truce between the vampires and werewolves.” Catherine added her support against the arguments that were taking place.

  “I would think you’d welcome a peace between our two factions.” Rebecca pointed out, logic her good friend.

  “Yes, well, that is not the point.” Francesco held his hand up to silence Rebecca’s argument.