Read Vampire Shift Page 20

Chapter Twenty

  "Get off me!" I roared, throwing a punch at Potter. But with lightning speed, he snatched hold of my wrist and pulled my arm down by my side.

  "That's no way to treat a friend and colleague," he said, blowing cigarette smoke out of his nostrils.

  "You're no friend of mine," I spat. Trying to yank myself free of him, I could see that Potter was in his police uniform and I thought how he wasn't fit to wear it.

  "But he's your friend, right?" Potter asked, looking over my shoulder. I looked back to see Craig just outside the church door, twenty or so vampires standing behind him.

  "I thought he was," I whispered to myself.

  "Sergeant Phillips isn't you're friend," said a voice to the side of me and I turned round to see Murphy. "And he certainly isn't a friend of ours. "

  Looking between the three of them, I said, "What's going on here?"

  "Phillips went missing three years ago," Murphy said. "He used to be one of my constables. "

  "But that's impossible," I said. "He was my sergeant at training school. "

  "So that's where you've been hiding?" Murphy called out to Craig.

  "Had someone looking after you? Protecting you?" Potter said, over my shoulder.

  Stepping away from the front of the church and coming towards us, Philips smiled and said, "Not protecting - more like guiding - showing me how things should be. "

  "So what did you do with her?" Murphy asked. "I mean, that's why you went missing, wasn't it?"

  "Who are you talking about?" I asked them. I didn't mind who provided the answer, I just wanted to know what was going on.

  "Your mother, Kiera," someone said from behind me, and glancing back over my shoulder, I watched as Luke stepped from the shadow of a large tree and into the swirling snow.

  At the sight of him, my heart lept and my first instinct was to go to him. Out of everyone here, he was the one I wanted to trust. Then I remembered what Phillips had told me about him, how suspicion had fallen on him after my mother's disappearance.

  "Phillips told me that it was your fault that my mother vanished," I shouted.

  "I should've been there for her," Luke said coming towards me. "I was meant to have been crewed with her that night, but I was sent back beneath ground on a false errand by your friend over there," and he looked at Phillips. "When I'd realised that I'd been tricked, I rushed back above ground, but I was too late - Phillips had vanished and taken your mother with him. "

  With my head spinning and not knowing who or what to believe, I looked at Craig and asked, "Is this true?"

  "Poor, beautiful Kiera," Craig smiled. "Can't you see the truth for once?"

  "Tell me!" I snapped.

  "Your mother was the best," he said. "Her ability to see was so superior to yours - you're almost blind compared to her. She had me and what was going on in this town all figured out within days of her arriving and we couldn't let that be. "

  "Who's we?" I shouted.

  Then there was the sound of thunder overhead and we all looked up to see a winged figure falling like a stone from the sky. Snow flurried all around it, making it difficult to see who it was. The creature landed with a thud, their huge black wings drawn around them like a cloak. Then, as if shuddering, the wings unfurled to reveal Rom. Stepping forward, Craig came to stand beside him, and it was then I realised it was them I'd overheard in the corridor at the police station earlier that night. Pulling off his coat and tearing his shirt away, Craig threw back his shoulders and as he did, his wings sprang from his back.

  Understanding how cruelly he'd tricked me and had tried to lead me to my capture at the church, I sprang forward, wanting to get at him. But Potter had hold of my arm and yanked me back.

  "Easy tiger," he whispered in my ear. "All in good time. "

  "Rom?" Murphy breathed, and he sounded genuinely shocked and hurt. "So you are one of them?"

  "If you mean by them, the Vampyrus that are sick and tired of living beneath the ground while the humans tread on us under foot - then yes, I'm one of them," he said, and his voice was calm but stern.

  "But you've fed on humans. Look at the result of your actions!" Murphy said, pointing to the vampires that crowded behind Rom and Phillips. "Look what you've done!"

  "You've broken the Vampyrus' rules of coming above ground," Luke said.

  "Oh the rules," Rom said. "Stupid me. "

  "Why don't you join us?" Craig grinned. "You really don't know what you are missing. "

  "No thanks," Potter said, behind me. "I hate the sight of blood. " And without having to look back at him, I knew he would have that wise guy smile of his spread across his face.

  "You're pathetic, Potter," Rom almost seemed to growl. "You're all pathetic. How long do you think it will be before the humans invade The Hollows? Look at what they've done up here. Look at the chaos and devastation they've caused. "

  "And by feeding off them and turning them into some half-breed of us is making things better, is it?" Luke asked.

  "For centuries there have been what the humans call 'vampires'," Rom said, as if justifying his actions. "Since the dawn of civilisation, Vampyrus have come above ground and fed, creating these vampires. "

  "And they've had to be hunted and destroyed," Murphy said. "Our history has proven that this is not the way. We have to find unity with the humans - find a way of living together. "

  "What, by sneaking around?" Phillips hissed. "Secretly living among them and scurrying back beneath ground every time you hunger for one of them? You're a disgrace to the Vampyrus if that's what you think. We should be able to fly and soar through the air - we should be free. "

  "And what about them?" Luke said, pointing at the vampires. "Are they free?"

  "We've given them new life," Rom said. "They are better than they were before. They are like us. "

  "They're nothing like us," Murphy said. "They're mindless animals. Their only want and desire is to kill and destroy. We are better than that. "

  "Then join us," Rom spat. "Let us be the most powerful race on the planet. "

  "No thanks," Murphy said, unbuttoning his shirt.

  Sensing that Murphy was readying himself to do battle, Rom and Phillips arched their wings high above them. "Give us Hudson and we will go," Rom said, as if suggesting a truce, using me as some kind of peace offering. "That's all we want. Let us have her. "

  "Never!" Luke roared, running towards them and flinging his shirt away in torn strips. Leaping into the air, his back twisted as his wings ripped through his flesh and fanned out on either side of him. I watched as he swooped upwards, racing towards Rom at a terrifying speed. In a blink, Rom shot from the ground and flew into the sky, clattering into Luke.

  I looked at Murphy, who was now also stripped to the waist, and was neatly folding his police shirt in two.

  "Don't you think you should go and help him or something?" I shouted.

  "Okay, don't rush me," he grumbled. "I'm not as young as I used to be. " For his age, like Rom, he was in pretty good shape. He wasn't exactly muscle bound, but he was toned. The only thing that gave his age away was the silver hairs that covered his chest. Placing his shirt on top of a nearby grave, he looked at me and said, "Make sure that doesn't get dirty. "

  Before I'd had a chance to say anything back, he was gone, his giant bony black wings propelling him through the night sky towards Luke and Rom. Then from behind me, I heard a roaring sound. Spinning round, I watched Potter spring into the air, and while airborne, he flung away his police jacket and shirt as his wings ripped out through his back. Within an instance, he was on Phillips. They spun and tumbled through the air as they grappled with one another.

  There was a swooping sound above me and I looked up to see Rom plummeting through the sky. He had hold of something and whatever it was, it was thrashing about. As Rom whisked closer, I could see that it was Murphy who was struggling with him. Then in a spray of shadows, I saw Luke appear as if from nowhere. There was another sound s
imilar to that of thunder, and he spun through the air at Rom, his wings pinned back making him look like an eagle. Snatching hold of Rom's wings, he yanked him back and upwards into the sky. Rom lashed out with his fists, and in doing so, he dropped Murphy, who fell towards the ground. He dropped at such an incredible speed that I thought he would smash straight into the gravestones beneath him. But within inches of hitting them, he spread his wings open like two black sails and soared upwards again.

  There was a noise just behind me. Twisting around, I could see the vampires charging towards me. Stumbling backwards knowing that I only had seconds to react, I grabbed two bottles of holy water from my coat pocket. Snatching off the lids, I held a bottle in each hand and squeezed. Jets of water shot from the ends of the bottles and straight into the faces of two approaching vampires.

  They were running at me so fast that they didn't have time to stop or react. The holy water splashed off their faces, and at once they threw their claw-like hands over their eyes. The vampires screamed, and above their cries, I could hear the sound of hissing and spitting. Then the most disgusting thing that I'd ever seen happened. Their faces started to dribble through their fingers in thick, gloopey streams. One of them pulled its hands away, and I could see its left eye ooze from its socket and slide down its cheek.

  "What have you done!" this one screeched.

  "Have some more," I shouted, and emptied the bottle at him.

  Within seconds his face, ears and nose were nothing more than a crimson red mess that was now sliding off its neck and down its chest. Clutching at the air, the vampire collapsed onto its knees, then went down completely.

  Looking up, the second vampire still had its face covered with its hands. Seeing my chance, I sprayed the last of the holy water at him. I could see the skin on his face bubbling and sizzling, and he pushed his hands against his head as if trying to hold it together. But within seconds it had collapsed inwards like melting putty. Staggering for just a moment, the vampire stumbled over and was still.

  But there were more, and they lept and bounded over the gravestones as they charged at me. Chucking the empty bottles away, I fumbled for two more.

  "Come on!" I screamed, willing myself on.

  "Hungry!" one of the vampires cried, pouncing off a nearby gravestone at me. With its arms outstretched, its long ivory nails slashed at my face. But then they were gone. I looked up to see the vampire cartwheeling through the air. My rescuer swooped in, and hovering just feet above me, Potter yelled, "Get out of here or you're gonna die, Kiera!" Then he was snatched away by Phillips as he swooped in and almost seemed to rugby tackle Potter in mid-air.

  I raced across the graveyard, weaving myself amongst the gravestones. But the vampires were relentless, and once again started to hunt me down. I could hear their screeching and shrieking just feet away, but then I took a wrong turn and was heading towards the back of the graveyard and the stone wall that reached up into the night.

  With my heart racing, I started to panic.

  "There must be a gate. . . a door. . . anything," I mumbled, but I knew I had nowhere to go. Looking back I could see several of them striding towards me, their speed and agility terrifying. They were gaining on me with such speed that I knew I wouldn't have time to get a crucifix or bottle from my pocket. They were within touching distance, so close that the spit from their fangs spattered my face. I closed my eyes, then my stomach lurched and I felt the sensation of rising upwards off the ground. I opened my eyes, looked down and already the church was just a pinprick below. Glancing upwards, expecting to see either Murphy or Potter but hoping for Luke, I screamed as Father Taylor grinned down at me.