Read Vampyre: The Graveyard Series: Elizabeth's Journal Page 3

  As a young man of twelve, Max was traveling with a group of children orphaned in the Luna Realm. They were coming as a gift for Dauphine Isolde, in honor of her new union to Father. On the last night of their travel, their carriage wheel broke and they were stranded in the Penumbra woods. Father was given notice, he and a limited attack party immediately left in an attempt to protect the children. The garous that live in these woods are known to be utterly monstrous and regularly attacking caravans that travel through their territory. By the time Father arrived, it was horrific. The children were ripped to pieces, heads lying dozens of hand lengths from their shredded bodies. As Father stepped around the bowels of several children that lay in heaps on the ground, he sees the sinewy bodies of these young children strewn throughout the modest clearing, and it brings a tear to his eye.

  As he makes his way through the broken bodies Father heard a slight noise and then was able to focus on a slowing heartbeat. He searched and found a thin, scraggily looking dark haired boy lying, face down barely conscience buried beneath a few of the bodies.

  As Father lifted him up, Max’s arms gave way and another child falls from his arms. Father began to heal him with his blood. He began to come around and his wounds slowly healing. Father brought him back to the castle where he continued his recovery. Father made sure to spread the news among the humans that all the children had perished. It took him a few days to fully recover. In that time, Dauphine Isolde had grown positively fond of him. She spent hours at his bedside tending to his every need. They formed a close bond from that day forward and she groomed him into an obedient prince, Lord Maximillian Caderyn Domitius Vitus Demonte Crowned Regent Prince of the Fleur Realm. Dauphine Isolde made a demand that Max be accorded a royal name and title before he was sired. He had several more years until he was of siring age and she did not want anyone else coming in and taking his position away. He is one of a select few in all of our written history, to be granted this honor.


  Max was provided a mentor, Lord Reginald Charbonnier, just after he arrived in the kingdom. He trained Max in many forms of sword fighting. He was never able to keep Max’s attention for long. The only time Max seemed intrigued, was when Reginald would teach him how to include it more in dance and grace to the routines. This is where Max discovered he could tell stories with the movements of his body. Though dancing is not something a Prince can claim as a skill to boast, he was repeatedly reminded. He should gain expertise in leadership, intimidation, strategies and mastering his sanguine abilities. After his siring, he was sent to the Draconian Realm for a century, to train him in the ancient bloodline secrets. When he returned, the young boy who loved to dance was suppressed and hidden away except when he knew it was safe.

  Father sent him to England when I was twelve to improve the relations among our Realms. The human nations had been battling for some time and this is causing tensions among our Realms. Max and I write each other often. He was the one who assisteded me most through Isobel’s banishment. His words of encouragement kept me going, to know I was not alone and he would always be there for me. He returns tonight, just for my coronation. Marie told me he is bring a lady home with him to be his future princess. I am excited to meet her. She must be a special being too have gained Max’s admiration.



  Twenty-Fifth of May, 1206

  Thymesage Gardens

  Half a night’s travel

  Northwest of Fleur Castle


  Tonight begins my coronation festival. We are at my favorite spot, The Thymesage Gardens. It is a brisk half night’s travel from Fleur Castle. Arthur or Father use to take Iso and me here to play when we were young. Father was deliberate to arrange this festival here. There is a modest Chateau here where our most prestigious guests will stay and our other guests each have their own opulent tents spread throughout the outer gardens.

  Celebrations will commence tonight at sunset and will last for the upcoming five nights. Many of the royal families from various Realms have traveled here for this occasion. Our allied Realms, whom could not come themselves, have sent an envoy in their stay. I was told that King Dominic and Queen Sofia of the Shadow Realm arrived last night and were settled into their private chambers. I am excited to see them again. Queen Sofia always shares the best stories that often hold some underlying meaning that I am sure one day I will understand. Last time she told me the story regarding a Brujería who knew of life and death magic. She could bring anything back from the dead with just a touch of her lips and she can kill you or it with a flick of her hand. There had not been any being who had crossed her path that could best her in a fight.

  One evening, alluring and virginal looking man rode up to her on his unicorn and challenged her to a duel. Should she win, his life would be in her hand. However, if she lost, she must bestow upon him a kiss. A kiss that would seal her fate to be his queen until the minute he takes his last breath. She was arrogant and accepted his challenge. With a conceited flick of her wrist she attempted to send him into extinction, but her power had no effect over him. He continued slowly towards her, sword drawn and pointed towards her throat. She began to panic; shaking her hand after each attempt, she could not conceive why she had no effect on him. She began to back up, as panic surged through her eyes. She continued until her back pressed against a deformed tree trunk. His slow stride finally brings him close enough to press the tip of his sword to her throat, no one had ever managed to get their sword drawn from its sheath… she had no choice but to surrender. He lowered his sword and pulled her close. She held up her side of the bargain and began to kiss him deeply. It was the most passionate kiss either had ever experienced. As she pulled away, ready to be his queen. But as her gaze turned down upon him, he began rapidly aging… shriveling into a timeworn old man at an astonishing rate. They fell to the ground as her strength was not enough to hold him up. Tears begin to well up in her eyes. With his last breath, he thanks her for releasing him from his curse and slips off to the undead plane with the memory of her kiss on his lips…


  It is a delightful story, but I have no idea what her point is. One day I am going to write her stories down and try to determine the meaning and lesson she was forever attempting to impart. Until then I love listening to her tell them. She is remarkably animated and lively. She reminds me some of Max’s new lady luv. I met Lady Jesica last evening after they arrived and had time to refresh themselves.

  Jesica is exuberant, and bright. Her cerulean eyes sparkle with a bit of mischief. Her chestnut hair is cut rather masculine but it fits her angular features. Her body shows a power beneath the cloth she wears. She exudes strength and authority, while remaining delicate and soft. Her father is the Grand Duke of the Edmead Dominion. Their union would serve to ease tensions between our Realms and would elevate her status.

  She appears to be absolutely taken with Max and he her. I did not see his eye wander once during our dinner. In fact, they had the most romantic moment during our dinner. Father had the local troubadours brought in during the meal to play a lovely tune for us. As we swayed to the melodic tune, Max reached over and took Jesica’s hand gently to pull her to her feet. They fell in to the rhythm of the music and danced as if they were the only two people in the room. Their bodies spoke of the sensuality that flowed between them.

  They received a round of applause upon finishing. Jesica was slightly flustered but Max had no shame. Almost everyone congratulated them as they took their seats. Dauphine Isolde eyes glowed with green envy, before joining in complimenting them.

  After dinner I wanted to show Jesica the rose gardens. Max asked Arthur joined us. Max and he grew brotherly after Arthur was brought into the castle. Naturally they begin chatting and catching up. This gave me a chance to get to know Lady Jesica more thoroughly.


  “How are you fairing being considerably distant from
your family?”” I inquire.


  She pauses a moment before answering, “Being apart from my family is rather common place. My human years were spent away from my family at a school in Rome. That is where I met my sire. After he chose me and I was embraced. I was always off emissary missions or other critical Realm business; I was rarely home.”

  “It was by mere accident Max and I met at all. I was sent home to retrieve an essential scroll that I had unfavorably forgotten. I was on my way back when I ran right in to this dark and mysteriously handsome stranger.” Her eyes look back at Max and her aura glows brightly with love.


  “He distracted me for such a significant amount of time, I almost missed my appointment.”

  She paused He awakened something in me. I finished my business and refused my father’s wishes to send me on another mission. I came right back to the castle and began spending as much time as possible with Max. I sought Max out, which my Father deeply disapproved at first.

  We would spend hours during the daylight sitting by a fire in my Manors basement, talking about our lives and what it is like growing up in such strange circumstances. He is a wonderful negotiator and has done wonders to ease tensions between our Realms.”


  She pauses, looks around briefly then whispers excitedly “My sire, Lord Dudley, changed his mind though eventually and…” she hesitates but the excitement within her cannot be contained, as she blurts out, “I have been gifted to Max. We are here to work out the details with your father. King Alexandir Dinev and Queen Evandros Dinev will arrive the night before festivities begin. They will be staying on and under the following full moon… We are to be eternally bonded through blood.”


  I squealed and hug her. “We have much to arrange. I know just the gentleman to design your gowns. He is inventive, imaginative and just brilliant when it comes to designing the most flawless of gowns that are impeccably suited to your personality. “


  “We must start designing it immediately after my coronation. I am overjoyed to have a new sister.”

  We continued on discussing a myriad of ideas concerning what she desires for the ceremony, guests that must be invited and she tells me more in respect to her courtship with Max. When Arthur and Max catch up to us, he admonished her for giving away their secret with such ease, but he is only dismayed with her for a second. How could he stay mad at such a sweet and stunning woman?


  She retired with me to my bedchambers just before sunrise and we stayed up all day discussing her upcoming ceremony, and then all of the events we were to attend over the upcoming nights. She just had to see me model my dresses.


  I have a different dress for each event, each more extravagant than the prior one. The first is a simple violet shift dress. It is made from the most exquisite silks, which were gifted from the emperor of the Zhang Realm. They are our only eastern allies. The Empress Daiyu Liqin Biyu Shuchun Zhang had the dress made for me by one of their master dressmakers. He has designed a dress or coat for all Fleur Realm coronation since its founding. The simplicity in the design is what provides the beauty in this dress. It fits me flawlessly, hugging my curves gracefully before flaring out to the floor. The sleeves are like giant bells that flow well past my fingertips. It is fairly light and flutters gracefully in the air when I twirl and dance around my room.


  The ornateness of each dress outweighs the one before. All culminating to my coronation gown. It is light gold in color. The gown is bejeweled with Amethysts, Copal, Moonstones, Pearls and Tourmaline jewels that balance exquisitely to the gowns color. I believe it totaled over one thousand gems. At least the last time I tried to count. The dress had a gradient effect, with the darkest gems on top, fading to the lightest shades wrapping around the skirt. The headdress is bejeweled with over two hundred diamonds. The bodice has been shaped around my figure. The stiffness of the fabric provides me with a touch of cleavage. The skirt begins to flare out from my hips then falls gracefully to just brush the floor. I have to wear several smaller skirts underneath to keep the fullness from deflating. The sleeves are fitted tightly until just below my elbow where they then flare out until just past the tips of my fingers. Gems line the hems on the bodice and skirt and create intricate floral patterns. There is a twelve-foot train that is embroidered with the Fleur Sigil in gold thread.

  I have had to spend a month practicing wearing it. It was much easier after I was embraced and I gained my vampryic strength. As a mortal, the weight of this dress was purely exhausting. After a fitting I would find ghastly bruises on my hips and ribs. They would cinch it entirely too tight, that I fainted several times, and Marie had to hold me upright in order for them to finish the fittings.

  My final fitting was last night and I was pleasantly surprised by the strength I had gained. I had no trouble standing upright, and I was even able to complete my coronation bow for the first time without tipping over. This will provide with a wide array of fashion ideas. I am excited to explore them with Tymn.

  Jesica suggested that I wear my human mother’s tiara as good fortune. It was gifted to me on the night of my birth by my human father. I have begun to feel her presence more strongly. As if she is always nearby watching with an approving eye. Each night I wear it, it will serve as a reminder of my human heritage, and feel like my mother is standing there with me.


  I never knew my human mother. She died while giving birth to Isobel. Arthur says King Phillippe Augustus, my human father, gave us away now that he could not bear to look at Isobel and blamed her for the Queen’s death.

  Dauphine Isolde is the only mother I have ever known. There has always been this aloofness from her that I have never been able to understand. She has remarkable beauty and grace. She hails from the Svarog Realm. It is in the north, consist of the human region known as Scandinavia. Her human years were spent as a lady of the court for King Harald Bluetooth. Her family was killed during a Viking attack when she was 17. She was away that night and returned to find her village and castle had been ransacked. King Torgeir Reiten, of the Svarog Realm arrived to try and protect the village. Finding only Isolde alive he makes her a deal. She was the reason he had come to protect this village. He had been watching her for some time. Her grace, beauty, and diplomatic skills made her enticing. She had nothing left here now and he was offering to provide her wealth, power, and security. All she had to do was leave Scandinavian with him and pretend she died in the attack as well. She would move to his keep near the Baltic Sea and be prepared for her new future, as Princess Isolde Myrgiol Finna Unna Caecila Vigdis Reiten of the Svarog Realm.


  When I was a young child, she would summon me to her chambers. I would sit on the stool by her vanity, watching her finish preparing for one event or the other. The smell of powers and toilet water permeate my nostrils as her ladies finish styling her hair. She would then dismiss her ladies and it was the only times I felt close to her. She would slowly run the brush through my hair, manipulating it with her fingers, creating curls out of thin air. She would lose her herself in the moment and begin telling me stories in respect to how she grew up.

  She was sired during the following full moon and then moved to the Svarog Castle near Magerøya. She spent ninety-eight years growing and learning from the royals there. She traveled on many diplomatic missions during her years there. She had worked with Father to calm tensions between our Realms. During her 115th year, she was bestowed as a gift of peace to the Fleur Realm to ease tensions. There have always been whispers of her resentment towards Father, but they have always appeared blissful together. I see how much he dotes upon her, listens to her opinions and honors them. I often hear him credit her for his strength and the beauty she brings to our Realm. She is a proper queen and I have never heard her speak out of turn towards our Realm or Father.


these occasions that I can recall how sweet and caring she was towards us, at least in those early years. I always envied her fair porcelain skin. Her lustrous hair color that shimmers of gold. Her sharp, chiseled features are a testament to her inner strength. Her ice blue eyes do make it difficult to read her emotions but I envied her in the way any young child envies their ravishing mother. She used to tell me all styles of stories regarding what it was like to grow up in a place that was always cold. She told me it strengthens your core. It enables you to be able to handle, even the harshest of circumstance.


  As we got older, she stopped coming around as much and I have only seen her once since my siring. It was the night of my awakening. Everything was resplendent, jagged, effulgent, harsh, many colors swirling around everyone. Dauphine Isolde was standing at the end of my bed. She was the first one that came into focus. But her eyes were…

  I do not know how to describe it.

  They were swelled with something a kin to hate… jealousy… envy… and something else my mind cannot place.

  As Dauphine Isolde realized I was beginning to focus, she put on her mask of joy and acceptance. As each guest began to depart, she took me aside and gave me a present...


  “My vampryic Mother gave me this on the day I was awakened. Now I pass it on to you, my first vampryic daughter. Keep it close to your heart and it should protect you from true harm.” She turned and left hastily.