Read Van Laven Chronicles: Throne of Novoxos Page 12

  Comron. He broadcast his thoughts, spreading them out like a net over the sea. I’m here waiting for you. What in the blazes is keeping you?


  Vaush endeavored to make sense of all that had transpired in the last few hours—the fear, the anger, the surrender, and the ecstasy. Had she not just made passionate love to the Crown Prince of Nethic? Had he not just declared his love and devotion for her and insist that they continue their relationship beyond Patheis?

  It was sheer madness!

  Yet she craved Comron desperately and knew she’d do anything, even risk the wrath of her father to be with him. Their feelings were so raw and intense in the moment, but how would they feel about each other in the sober light of day when they returned home to their respective worlds? Would their fire still burn as brightly? Would the ever-present fear of being discovered eventually overpower their desire to see each other?

  As if sensing her turmoil, Comron held her tight and said, “We have no choice, my love. The path has been laid before us and I will not let you turn aside from it, or from me.”

  She wished she shared his resolve and confidence. She found it astounding that a man like Comron could be so swept away by love. He knew full well the dire repercussions of this decision, yet he remained steadfast, ready to risk it all to be with her.

  As they lay there in silent contemplation, he shifted his position so that their bodies were flush against each other. The gesture was intended to be one of comfort as he gently caressed her. As she snuggled into him, his confidence began to permeate her thoughts as, slowly, she began to believe that they could have a future. She had no doubt that she could spend forever here, entangled in his body, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

  Her fingers traced his jawline. She felt the chain around his neck and looked at the medallion hanging from it. She turned it over and examined it. The elegance balanced by the strong masculine look of it intrigued her.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, still holding it. “Is it a family heirloom?”


  “Can I attribute it to your taste, or was it a gift?” A token from Lady Spira she wondered?

  “It was a gift.”

  “Oh, from whom?”

  Reluctantly, he replied. “From Crausin.”

  “Ah,” she said with a sigh of relief. “Well, your father has exquisite taste. Does it have—”

  He pressed his lips to hers, giving her the distinct impression that she was being silenced. But it didn’t really matter as she became preoccupied with the business of returning his kisses and enjoying the urgency of his caress. Her own breathing grew heavier and her hunger for him eclipsed all reason.

  She let herself drown in the euphoria of his embrace, the taste and feel of him driving her wild. How could she ever do without him? How could any woman surrender him after having been with him? That’s when she remembered.

  Spira! Comron was due to marry her in four weeks. The thought hit her like an ice-cold shower.

  “Comron.” Vaush disentangled herself from him, sat up, and pulled her shirt closed over her breasts. “You’re to be married shortly.”

  He felt the anchor of the betrothal weighing him down when he wanted nothing more than to soar freely with Vaush. “Yes, but you know I don’t love her. I swear; she’ll never share my bed.”

  “But Spira will still be your wife!” Angry tears sprang to her eyes.

  He sat up alarmed at her emotion. “In name only. You will be my true wife, the woman my heart belongs to and with whom I’ll spend my nights.” He stroked her arm, but Vaush shrugged it off.

  “I won’t share you with another woman and play the mistress whore!” she said in fiery indignation.

  “Vaush, you know that I have no control over the matter,” Comron argued. “My Duke has ordered this marriage. None of it has anything to do with us.”

  “Really?” She flashed a rapier smile. “Then I’ll take a husband in name only and keep you on the side as lover.”

  He grabbed her firmly by the arms. “You will do no such thing! You are mine alone.”

  “Then you must be mine alone, or you will be nothing to me!” Vaush leveled him with a steely glare that cut right through him. “I am no man’s whore, Comron. Not even yours.”

  He could feel her pulling away, erecting a wall that would stand between them forever if he didn’t tear it down. They were at the hangar bay and Vaush was waiting for him to turn around … to make the bold gesture to save them.

  “Why is it so easy for you to speak of walking away when the mere thought of it is shattering my mind?”

  “Easy? Your wedding day will be like boiling acid in my veins.” Tears spilled from her eyes. “But, even if it kills me, I’ll never see you again once you’re married.”

  The sense of panic that coursed through Comron left him with no other choice.

  “Now you listen to me. This love we share is more precious to me than anything I’ve ever known.” He took a deep breath and stared earnestly into her hazel eyes. “For this reason … I will defy my Duke and end my betrothal as soon as I return to Nethic.”

  Vaush was clearly shocked by his declaration and was a moment in finding her words. “Is ... is that even possible?”

  “The legalities are complicated, the monetary penalties are prohibitive and, more importantly, we’ll lose the Eskridge depository holdings.” His brow lowered at the prospect. “But there are alternatives to the Eskridge assets. It can all be sorted with a bit of cunning and swift work.” He wouldn’t dwell on Crausin’s response, lest he lose his resolve.

  Vaush lowered her eyes. “I’m asking too much of you, aren’t I?”

  The corner of his mouth tugged to the side as he considered the demands he would make of her in return. “Yes, but it’s no more than I will be asking of you.”

  She cuddled next to him, more demure and pliant after having won that battle. “I’m sorry to make such demands of you. But I won’t compromise or defile another’s marriage, whether it be real or in name only. Besides, the thought of another woman having a legal claim to you makes me see red.” She scowled and curled her fingers like claws. “I already want to rip Spira to shreds.”

  He chuckled softly and stroked her hair.

  “Vaush, is there anyone that you’ll need to break off with when you return home?”

  “No one of consequence. My work has kept me so busy of late I’ve had no social life to speak of since Grantham.”

  “Good, then there will be no rivals for me to kill off.”

  She laughed. “No, that won’t be necessary. As if anyone could rival the formidable Prince Comron Van Laven.”

  He propped himself up on an elbow and gazed down at her. “I love the way you say my name … especially when I’m inside of you.”

  Something below spasmed within her in anticipation and trepidation. His needs had been so demanding and relentless the first time.

  His hand slid down her back, coming to rest on her bare bottom. His gentle kisses now grew more insistent, prodding her to part her mouth to his. As his tongue slipped in, he moaned with pleasure anew. Already she felt his flaccid member growing stiff with the imminent prospect of more lovemaking. Her body tensed in response.

  Comron relented and deftly maneuvered her on top, allowing her to set the pace for this round.

  He looked so stunningly handsome laying beneath her, staring up, so eager for her. She ran her hands slowly over his muscular shoulders and chest. “You have the body of a Mythran god,” she said admiringly.

  “Thank you,” he replied in a husky voice as his hands stroked her thighs straddling his waist. She could feel the heat from his shaft behind her against her bare cheeks. She knew he was dying to lift her onto it. But she couldn’t resist making him wait for it. She grinned at him and then leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose, then his lips. His hips rose, while he nudged her hips backward.

  “Not yet,” she whispered, ignoring the lustful
pleading in his avid green eyes.

  His expression became tortured. “Please, my love,” he moaned, squeezing her buttocks firmly as he ground his hips against hers. A gasp escaped her at the anticipation of the pleasure his body would soon bring her. She allowed him to pull her down, taking a breast into his mouth. Hearing her own throaty moan, she knew it would only be seconds before she gave in.

  His breath was hot in her ears. “Don’t you want me inside you?”

  Dizzy at the mere thought of it, she exhaled, “Yessss.” She lifted her hips and pulled his shaft forward. She slowly slid down the length of it, letting it fill her. They both moaned with deep satisfaction.

  He gripped her hips firmly and undulated his body rhythmically beneath hers. “Mmm, you’re so hot inside, angel.”

  She arched her back and his hands slid up to her breasts and squeezed them hard as she rode him, hips rocking back and forth, rising and falling in slow controlled motions.

  She wanted to memorize the glorious expression on his face. He was sublime with teeth gritted and muscles taught in his struggle to maintain control. She grinned and quickened her strokes, steadily driving him toward the edge, toward release.

  As if determined to see her surrender first, he kneaded her nipples between his fingers tips. She sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh … damn.” It would be a close finish again, she thought, clenching and releasing her inner muscles with each measured stroke. His moans grew louder, letting her know unmistakably that she was driving him out of his mind.

  She continued stroking away for all she was worth.

  Suddenly, his undulating body went still beneath her. Triumphantly, she awaited the pulsation of his release. But it never came.

  “Oh, shite!” Comron exclaimed, abruptly lifting Vaush off him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He pointed skyward. “Your father’s here.”

  “What?” she asked completely bewildered, looking up just in time to see the burst of light against the dark sky. The bright colors formed the Bastionli family crest. Fear chased away any remnants of desire. “Frithe’s gate!” she exclaimed, instinctively grabbing her shirt to cover herself.

  “We must be closer to the coast than I thought,” Comron said, scrambling to pull his pants back up. “Crausin is likely there as well.”

  “What if they’ve sent scouts out here to look for us?” Vaush looked around anxiously as she fastened her brassiere. “Comron, if my father’s men find you ….”

  “I know how to take care of myself.” He slung his satchel over his shoulder and drew his firearm. “Please hurry, love. We can’t risk them moving off without us.”


  Moving briskly, they covered two more kilometers, navigating through the darkness. They came to a rest at the top of a waterfall. Carefully, they climbed out to the edge and peered down over the steep cliff. For the first time since being marooned, they saw the silvery outline of the coast stretching out before them.

  Comron quickly spotted the fiery light at the far end of the beach.

  “The Bastionli camp.”

  Vaush nodded, though her excitement was dampened by the knowledge that they must soon part ways.

  “It’s less than a kilometer away,” he observed. He continued to scan the beach in search of another camp. “There!” He pointed north of the Bastionli camp. “Another one, it must be Van Laven.”

  “And no battle raging?” she asked, trying to conceal her disappointment over his elation. “Maybe there’s hope for us after all.”

  He scoffed. “Don’t be fooled. They’re temporarily distracted by the rescue mission. Once they’ve found us, I doubt they’ll play so nicely.” He scanned the cliff side. “Come on, I’ll guide you down.”

  Vaush followed, listening carefully to Comron’s instructions as they descended. When they finally reached the bottom, Vaush was mentally and physically exhausted. She nearly collapsed, doubling over with hands on knees. “Give me a minute.”

  He rubbed her back. “Take slow deep breaths … that’s it.”

  “All right,” she finally said, standing erect. “Let’s finish this.”

  “Vaush.” Comron inclined his head to the side. “It is finished, our journey together ends here.”

  Her voice caught in her throat, from somewhere deep inside came the sound of wailing in her ears. She bit her lip to keep it from trembling.

  “It’s likely that Larrs will have scouts about patrolling this area in search of you,” Comron explained. “You understand that we can’t be found together.”

  “Naturally,” was all she could manage as she fought to match his composure.

  “They’ll likely find you before you reach the shore, but I want you to continue along this stream through the clearing, then follow the shoreline to your father’s camp. I won’t leave Patheis until I have confirmation that you’re safe in the Bastionli camp.”

  She managed a tremulous smile. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

  “I know you will.” He glanced out toward the shore. “Well ….”

  “W-we should say our farewells now.” Squaring her shoulders, she extended her hand. “Thank you, Comron, for everything you did for me back there. I never would have survived it without you.”

  He stared at her hand as if she held a snake in it. “What is this?” he asked irritably.

  She dropped her hand to her side. “I was … I don’t know.”

  He closed the distance between them. “Is this how we are to part?”

  She looked away, wishing she could make her escape before the tears started to fall.

  “What’s wrong?” He tilted her chin up to look at him. “Can’t I hold you one last time before you go?”

  “Yes,” she said, throwing herself into his arms and burying her face in his chest. She wanted to savor the feel of him, burn him into her memory in all his rugged, glorious perfection.

  He squeezed her tighter, resting his head upon hers. “My sweet, sweet angel. What am I to do without you constantly by my side?”

  “Comron, I’m so afraid.”

  “Everything is going to be fine,” he said softly. “Soon you’ll be home safe in a warm bed.”

  She looked at him. “No, I’m afraid we’ll never see each other again.”

  The hurt and anger in his eyes made her want to weep.

  “I don’t want to hear that,” he said sternly. “Of course we will.”

  But she persisted. “Once you return to your home to confront your father and your duty, will you still feel so strongly about us? What if they refuse to release you from the betrothal?”

  Comron’s brow furrowed and his jaw clenched. “The betrothal will be broken, and I will send for you. If you do not come to me, I will go to you. Even if that means going all the way to Ti-Laros to demand what is mine.”

  The notion of Comron on Ti-Laros frightened and exhilarated her beyond measure. Would he really be driven to something so insane just to be with her?

  “Know this for a certainty.” There was a hint of menace in his voice, “Nothing will keep me from what is mine. Not Larrs, not Crausin,” he pulled her roughly to him, holding her immobile as he laid a devouring, all-consuming kiss on her. He breathed in her ear, “Not even you.”

  Dazed and speechless, she could only watch as Comron walked away into the night.


  “I knew you’d find me … eventually,” Comron said and laughed as Crausin nearly squeezed the life out of him with a hearty embrace.

  “I set out the moment I received your message.” Crausin drew back and smiled broadly at Comron’s five-day beard, unruly hair, and ragged clothing. “God’s teeth, you look like hell.”

  “And you look like you haven’t slept in days.”

  “Not a wink since I got your call. I never should have sent you on this bloody trip.”

  “No, to the contrary, it worked to our advantage.” He glanced around at the escort guard then nodded for Crausin to walk with

  “What is it?”

  “I found out that General Lugen Undersoll is most likely the mole. He arranged for the explosives on the transport and sent an assassin after me.”

  “An assassin!” Crausin’s eyes flew wide. “Then it wasn’t industrial espionage. How do you know this?”

  “The assassin confessed it all. Well, at least that house Undersoll had contracted his services to kill me if the crash didn’t.”

  “Fucking hell, Com, he came so close!”

  “I’m fine, Crausin, and now we finally have some answers.”

  Crausin scowled. “I’ll have that bastard’s balls raked across the coals before I have his head on a pike.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “But you’re right, now we know how they gained access to the nav-systems. He’s coordinating his attacks with the rebels as cover. Damn it, we still need to understand how deeply this goes so that when we cut him down, we eliminate everyone associated with him.”

  “So we let him run free for now?”

  “We’ll put a tight security detail on him and monitor all of his communications.” He glanced back at the forest, “What happened to the assassin?”

  “After the interrogation I … administered justice.”

  “Comron, he was far more valuable alive.”

  They both looked up as Ti-Larosian transport ships roared overhead, illuminating the night sky.

  Comron glanced at Crausin. “I’m guessing they found the girl.” The scouts had already mentioned that the Ti-Larosian were present searching for Larrs’ daughter.

  “Yes, in addition to a Ti-Larosian guard found barely breathing.”

  Crausin took Comron’s arm, and his green eyes grew dark. “I understand the Bastionli snatch had some part in saving your life.”

  Comron bristled at the reference. “I was dying and even though she knew I was the Prince of Nethic, she saved my life. In return I was obliged to help her reach the shore.”