Read Van Laven Chronicles: Throne of Novoxos Page 38

  “Stupid bitch, he wants this more than I do.” Through his clothing, he pressed his hardened manhood against her bare ass. “He told me you’re just another stupid bitch who needs to learn her place.” She felt him undoing his pants as his grip around her neck tightened painfully. “Consider this your first lesson.”

  Tears burned her eyes and something primal in her awakened. Her inner voice exploded from her. Comron, don’t let him do this to me!

  A growl emitted from his throat as if he were in agony. “Bitch, you think I can’t hear you?”

  Don’t let him destroy us. I need you to fight for me, Comron!

  He slammed her head down hard against the surface of the dresser, “Shut up!” he yelled in her ear. She could feel the heat of his erection against her skin. This time his protest was louder, more tortured.

  He squeezed so hard she thought he’d crush the base of her skull. Comron! Comron! Please.

  Suddenly he pitched backward and fell to the floor where he writhed in a hellish battle. Vaush unlocked the door and spared a second to look back at Comron. His face was contorted in unspoken agony and he began tearing out clumps of hair. “Get out of my mind!” he screamed repeatedly as blood trickled from his scalp.

  Brimming with the need for revenge and to end Comron’s torment, Vaush ran from the room and out to the guards. “Give me your rifle,” she ordered.

  “Your Grace?” the guard said bewildered.

  She snatched it from him and ran to Crausin’s door. She fired at the door lock then kicked it open. Inside, she found Crausin on the floor rolling around in his own mental anguish. She stood over him.

  “Hey, Crausin!”

  He looked up with murder in his eyes.

  “Fuck this!” she said and slammed the butt of the rifle into his face, knocking him out cold.

  “I think you got him, Your Grace,” said the guard as Vaush remained poised over Crausin.

  “Believe me, that bastard had it coming,” she tossed the rifle back to him. “Much obliged.”


  Suddenly, it felt as if a thousand kilos had been lifted off Comron’s brain. He opened his eyes to find himself alone in their bedroom. He looked at his hands now filled with bloody clumps of hair.

  The nightmare was over, and he’d prevented Crausin from using him to do something utterly reprehensible to Vaush. He cringed at the shockingly vulgar and despicable things Crausin had forced out of his mouth. How did it happen? Crausin had never exhibited that ability before and what if he managed to do it again? Fending him off for that brief period had nearly been the death of him. The thought of a rematch terrified him.

  Will you force me to kill you the way you killed your father? he wondered. What choice did he have? He couldn’t risk letting Vaush be hurt that way again.

  Damn you, Crausin! You brought this down upon your own head!

  Should he do it now? Was that what Vaush wanted?

  Vaush. He picked himself up off the floor and went to the living area just as she walked in. For a moment, there was only silence between them until his vision blurred with bitter, remorse-filled tears. “I was too weak to stop him sooner. I’m sorry … so ashamed.” Unable to say another word he headed toward the main door.

  “Where are you going?” Vaush asked.

  He met her gaze. “To kill him.”

  Vaush closed her eyes and sighed heavily. “The mind control thing, can he do that from Nethic?”

  “I honestly don’t know. He’s never done anything like that to me before.”

  “I’ve given orders that he is to remain sedated until we can send him back to Nethic. Obviously, he will never step foot on Novoxos.”

  “He won’t step foot anywhere if he’s dead. I mean to kill him, Vaush. He’ll never hurt you that way again.”

  “Comron, you stopped him when it really mattered. I can’t let you do something you’ll regret for the rest of your life. If he’s destined to fall apart without you, have him formally declared insane and depose him. You or Rhence can reign in his place. Nethic needn’t suffer due to his madness.”

  He lowered his eyes. “Do you wish to send me away as well?”

  She hesitated a moment. “Was all that true about you being his clone?”

  His face burned with humiliation and he nodded.

  “We’re both victims here. He mentally violated you every bit as much as he meant to violate me.”

  “It was like a waking nightmare,” Comron shook his head. “The worst kind imaginable where someone you love dearly is being tormented by a twisted demon, and you’re utterly helpless to do a thing about it.” He lifted his eyes to her. “That is, until she cries out to you and somehow, you find the strength you never knew you had.”

  She slipped her hand into his. “We’re not going to let Crausin win. He goes back to Nethic, and you’ll come with me as planned.”

  Comron closed his eyes and the tears fell from them. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  She glanced at his hands, saw the blood under his nails. “Come on,” she led him to the washroom where she rinsed his hands clean and dried them on a towel. “We should treat your scalp. Does it hurt?”

  He shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  She used the moist towel to wipe the residual blood from his face. “I’m glad you’re back.”

  Standing so close, her scent enthralled him. But he didn’t dare touch her after what had just transpired.

  She brushed the hair from his eyes, her fingers trailed down the side of his face. He breathed deeply in response, turned his head so his lips grazed her fingers. No! he told himself.

  “Are you … hurt in any way?” he asked. “Perhaps, you should … uh, speak to someone or ….” He could barely form words, he desired her so powerfully. He began to panic, as he didn’t trust himself being this close to her.

  “I could speak to someone,” she answered. “Or … my husband could take me over to the couch and make love to me. Personally, I’d prefer the latter.”

  It took all of his inner fortitude not to take her there in the washroom. He trembled under the strain of it. “Are you certain, love? I mean, so soon after … you know.”

  “You fought hard for me, and now I want to reward you,” she said and looked away. “Besides, I really want to put this behind us and feel safe in your arms again.”

  He nodded. “Very well. We’ll take it slow. But if you’re feeling uncomfortable or need me to stop, just say the word.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him softly. “Make love to me.”

  Without further hesitation, he took her by the hand and led her to the sofa. He understood too perfectly why she wished to avoid the bedroom.

  She reclined upon cushions and pulled him down upon her. He kissed her tenderly for as long as she needed, never moving forward until she gave the signal. When she arched her back, he groaned with pleasure and unbuttoned her shirt to draw his mouth along her breast. He ignored the pounding need to sink his swollen manhood deep insider her. He would wait, no matter how much pain it caused him. But he wasn’t opposed to spiking her desire. He sucked her nipples, his tongue teasing them skillfully until she begged him to enter her. The invitation came by way of her lifting her hips and grinding them against him.

  “Yes,” he murmured, and he thought he’d lose his mind when her hand slid down to unfasten his pants. He lifted to let her release him. She stroked him firmly, and her touch sent him into the stratosphere. He would lose his load in a second.

  “Oh, Vaush,” he breathed heavily. “My love!”

  When she stopped to undo her pants, Comron helped her as she wiggled her hips free of them. And now there was nothing between them. Hot, hardened flesh touched soft wetness.

  “I love you, Comron,” she said and for some reason tears sprang forth and streamed down the sides of her face. He knew then that despite her body’s responses, she was still afraid … of him. It was killing him. He needed this more than he needed his next breath! But what he
needed even more was for Vaush to feel safe and loved.

  He kissed her brow tenderly then lifted himself off her. “We’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  She gasped in surprise and sat up. “You said exactly what I had hoped you would.” She placed her hand upon his heart. “This is my Comron, the man I love … and greatly desire.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re certain, love?” he asked, scared to move, scared not to. But then she nodded and gave him that tantalizing, seductive smile of hers and all doubts evaporated. He moved over her and drove himself deep inside her. They both moaned aloud, and he thought he’d come instantly. Mortified, he pulled back with a tremulous breath. He kissed her for a moment longer, willing his desire to abate before he began stroking gently. But, knowing him too well, Vaush would not be satisfied with this slow tease. She rocked her hips forward and gripped his.

  “That all you got, Van Laven?” she asked in a sultry voice that he felt in every fiber. “Come on; show a girl a good time.”

  He grinned wolfishly and chuckled. “Oh, Emperor Sorren. If you had any idea of what I’m about to do to your daughter.” He drove deep and hard inside of her, plunging relentlessly, over and over again. Vaush cried out in sublime pleasure, declaring him a god, a stallion, the best she’d ever had! His powerful rhythmic thrusts threatened to pitch them over into ultimate ecstasy before their time.

  She looked so beautiful glistening beneath him. His hungry little earth-bound angel, clinging to him, nails digging in for the erotic ride. As he pounded harder and faster, the sofa banged noisily against the wall and its springs protested beneath them. Soon Vaush’s moans grew so loud, he was certain the whole ship could hear her. He grinned and drove deeper.

  Damn, she felt so amazing, so hot inside he could melt in her. He angled his shaft forward and rotated his hips with each stroke, skillfully working her slick, ripe bud. He needed her to come quickly, knowing he would be there in seconds. Surely he would, he’d been poised on the tender brink of orgasm for some time, always one thrust away from sweet release. Chasing the elusive prey, he widened the rotation while stroking masterfully. Vaush’s hips rose in unison, grinding against him with equal vigor. Time stretched out before them, suspending them in a marathon of unending pleasure. Their bodies moved as one organism, gyrating wildly while locked together in a mutual desire to give and receive pleasure. In that moment, Comron realized that they were touching heaven.

  The revelation produced the most powerful climax he’d ever experienced. At that precise moment, Vaush’s body convulsed beneath his as his seed pulsed into her. Vaush’s inner walls spasmed rhythmically around his shaft, masterfully milking him of all he had to offer. The action prolonged and amplified his orgasm, spreading it out to his extremities. He cried out in his native tongue, swearing his eternal love. The superlative pleasure was far more than his mortal body could endure. Mercifully, his mind shut down, leaving him adrift somewhere in heaven.


  After Vaush finally came down from unimaginable heights of pleasure, she finally felt the pressure of Comron lying upon her.

  She tapped his shoulder. “Comron?” When he didn’t respond, she became mildly alarmed and checked for a pulse. It was steady and strong. Recalling Chaiyse’s brief lecture on Murkudahl mating rituals, she smiled to herself and gently rolled him off her. She let him have the sofa while she knelt on the floor, gazing at him in his stupor.

  After the initial mating act, Chaiyse said the Murkudahl male slipped into a comatose state. If the female was well-pleased with his technique and stamina, she would wait patiently to inform him that she had accepted him as her permanent mate. But, if she were displeased, this was her opportunity to slay him in a demonstration of her great displeasure. That’s certainly one way to cull the herd of inadequate lovers, Vaush thought upon hearing the lesson.

  After a few minutes, Comron’s eyes fluttered open and he turned to look at her with confusion in his eyes. “What’s happening?”

  “It’s over. You passed the test,” she announced.

  His brow furrowed. “Come again?”

  “Maybe later.” She chuckled. “It’s a Murkudahl custom. It means we’re mated for life.”

  He smiled lovingly at her. “You’re my wife. We were already mated for life.”

  “Yes, but that otherworldly bliss we just shared was essence induced. We will crave it all of our lives, but will only find satisfaction in each other.”

  He considered it a moment and nodded. “I rather like the sound of that.”

  “I’ve been told it only gets better with time.”

  His eyes widened appreciably as he sat up. “Better than that? Woman, you’ll be the death of me.” He grinned and shrugged. “What the hell. Death by massive orgasm it is.”

  The door buzzer sounded. They both looked over and exchanged curious glances. “I have no idea, but let’s find out,” Vaush said and slipped Comron’s shirt on over her nakedness. It reached half way down her firm, golden-tan thighs. He sat up and pulled his pants back on as Vaush answered the door.

  “Captain Yaeger,” she blurted out and blushed terribly. She turned to Comron. “Look, darling. It’s Captain Yaeger.”

  “Your … Grace,” Yaeger said apprehensively.

  Comron pulled up bare-chested and stepped in between them. “What do you want?” he asked with a distinct edge in his voice.

  “I’ve come to escort you to the bridge. General Erlacher needs to have a word with you.”

  Vaush didn’t know whether to be heartened or troubled by this development.

  “Concerning?” Comron said.

  “Removing Nethicaen ships from the battlefield,” Yaeger replied. “Your father is already there.”

  “What?” Vaush exclaimed. “I asked that he be kept under for the duration of his time aboard this ship.”

  “I know, Your Grace—”

  “Vaush, my name is Vaush.”

  “Yes, well, the Duke of Nethic will be leaving very soon, meanwhile, the General needed him awake to carry out his plans.”

  “What plans?” Comron said tersely.

  “You’ll find out soon enough when you come with me,” Yaeger replied, matching Comron’s tone.

  “Give me five minutes.”

  Vaush looked at Comron. “You mean, give us five minutes. I want to know what’s going on.”

  “Very well,” Yaeger said cordially. “I’ll just wait out here in the—”

  “Good,” Comron said, shutting the door in Yaeger’s face.

  “That was a bit rude, don’t you think?”

  “He’s lucky I didn’t rip his damn head off,” he said and motioned for her to return his shirt.

  “Why would you do that?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You’re seriously asking me this?”

  “I hope this isn’t over what I said earlier. It meant nothing. I was just trying to get you to see reason.”

  “Oh, and Yaeger’s name just happened to be at the top of your list of potential lovers!”

  “I had to pick someone aboard the ship. What other names do I know besides his and Erlacher’s?”

  “Why do you think he agreed to come after me? Yaeger has a thing for you and you expressed interest in sleeping with him!”

  “I did not.” Vaush glanced toward the door in complete mortification. “Lower your voice, he’s right out there.”

  “I don’t give a bleeding shite what he hears!” Comron shouted toward the door. “As a matter of fact, let him go on notice. If I catch him so much as looking at you, I’ll fucking kill him!”

  As the trio proceeded down the corridors on their way to the bridge, the tenuous silence continued. Comron had managed to make amends with Vaush after she’d convinced him that he had no rational reason to be jealous of any man, especially after their Murkudahl mating ritual. All other men might as well have privates the size of her little pinky for all the interest she had in them. Seeing the foolishness of his jealousy, he apologized pr
ofusely for embarrassing her. After a quick shower, they’d headed out to see Erlacher.

  Before they entered the bridge, Comron let Vaush precede them and turned to Yaeger. “Look, I want to apologize for what you may have heard back there at our quarters. It was all just a big misunderstanding. Are we square?” he asked, extending his hand.

  Yaeger eyed his hand dubiously before accepting it. “Cubed.”

  “Great,” Comron said, slapping him on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  They entered the old bridge, and it struck Comron as the deck of an ancient sea vessel with heavy oak decor and iron ore settings. But he could not deny the advanced technology in which the ship had been outfitted. Full holographic images of starscapes and battle formations appeared along with a vast array of tactical read-outs displayed around the various ships. He glimpsed the formidable armada of imperial warships, Warbrenger’s Destroyers, and Nostrom’s elite single fighters.

  “Good gods, I hope Erlacher knows what he’s doing,” Comron said to Vaush.

  “This way,” Yaeger said, leading them to the mid-size conference room where Vaush had met Erlacher for the first time.

  “Charm him, Comron,” Vaush said, “I so want him to like you.”

  He winked at her and walked in behind her. Charm was something he could do quite well when the occasion called for it, and winning over Vaush’s grandfather was certainly such an occasion. But the minute he spotted Crausin standing there speaking casually to Erlacher, he fairly lost all sense of decorum.

  “Evil son of a bitch!” Comron yelled and charged across the room.

  “Comron, no!” he heard Vaush call out. But he was too enraged to be reined in, even by her. He grabbed hold of Crausin and slung him against the wall where he began throttling him.

  “Van Laven, enough!” Erlacher barked with such command, Comron froze with his fist in mid-air. “I’ll thank you to work your family disputes out elsewhere.”

  Comron glared at Crausin and growled, “You are dead to me!” He spat in his face and walked off to rejoin Vaush.

  She patted him on the shoulder. “Way to roll out the charm, babe.”