Read Vanished Page 11

  Chapter Ten

  What a day. Andrea picked up the phone, dialed and then waited. It rang three times and then, “Hi Brian. I said I’d call when I got settled. I’m at the Beresford.”

  Brian expressed his approval. “I managed to get most of the things on my to-do list done and I must say, I rather enjoyed myself. Having all that money opened some doors that I’d not been able to afford before.”

  She listened as Brian teased her about shopping. “Typical woman. Give her some money and the worries of the world go away.”

  “Yeah, well, I figure I deserved to have a few minutes of ‘no’worry’. Anyway, I also called Marcia. I wanted her opinion on the money. Having a lawyer for a friend helps in times like these.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Well, since my name is on the bonds, they’re legally mine to do with as I please. She says that there’s nothing anyone can do. Have you met Marcia and her fiancé Jonathan?”

  “I did. In fact, Trent and I have been talking about a bachelor party for Jonathan. How are the plans coming? I understand they’ve decided to get married in Hawaii…kind of elope.”

  “Today she asked me to be one of the bridesmaids. I told her that would depend on when the wedding was since we’re headed for Haiti. I also told her about my house.”

  “Changing the subject…wanna go out for dinner tonight?” Brian seemed to want to keep their conversation light this time.

  Andrea looked toward the bedroom closet. “I’d like that. It’ll give me a chance to show off one of my new purchases.”

  “Is there any place special you’d like to go?”

  “Why not right here. I peeked into the dining room when I arrived and it looks pretty elegant.”

  “That’s right. Some of the guys at work have talked about the Beresford’s dinner menu. It’s supposed to be really good. How about I come by about 7. That way you can relax and I can take the time to get spiffed up too.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll see you later.” Andrea hung up and then picked up the phone again to call the dining room for reservations. That task done, she walked toward the bedroom. A good long soak in that great tub is just what I need. As long as I don’t mess up my new hairdo.


  Promptly at ten to seven, Brian pulled up in front of the Beresford Inn, a large twelve story building with penthouse suites on the top floor. He stepped out of the car to enter enormous glass doors that were opened by a doorman. “Welcome to the Beresford,” the uniformed man said. Brian smiled in return. He looked around the lobby and noticed that several people were heading toward the dining room. I’m glad I decided to wear a suit and tie.

  “What room is Miss Wilton in please?” The desk clerk asked for his name and then dialed Andrea’s room to announce him. Brian smiled thinking about her being in a secure place for a change.

  “Miss Wilton will be right down.” Brian walked over to an overstuffed chair that faced the elevator to wait.

  Before long, the doors opened and he gasped. She’s beautiful and what has she done to her hair? Brian watched as Andrea walked slowly toward him. Her hair was shorter and she’d had some highlights added. The dress was spectacular…made her legs look longer somehow. “You look fabulous.” He took her hand and held it a fraction longer than he’d ever done before.

  “Do you like my new dress? I thought I’d splurge.” Then she lowered her voice a smidge. “Max’s money helped a lot. It was fun not having to worry about how much something cost for a change.” She giggled.

  “Like I said earlier…just like a woman.”

  She batted her lashes at him and turned for the short walk toward the dining room. “We’ve already discussed how men shop so I’m not going there.” She was actually flirting with him. Brian took her arm to walk beside her. I didn’t think she knew how.


  Andrea was feeling a little like Cinderella. “You look pretty debonair too.”

  Brian chuckled. “I love dressing up once in a while. It gives me an excuse to use my manners.” He opened the door to the restaurant. The dimly lit interior was swathed in mood lighting. Small intimate tables surrounded a dance floor. The maître’d showed them to their table.

  “Andrea, I’m beginning to look forward to our trip. How about you?” A waiter by the name of Peter interrupted before she could answer. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I’ll have a diet cherry coke.” Andrea’s favorite.

  Peter looked at Brian. “Just water for me, thank you.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Peter walked away leaving menus for them to check out.

  While she looked over the selections, Andrea responded to Brian’s earlier question. “I am looking forward to the trip too. I have always loved to travel. Just haven’t had much opportunity.”

  “Me neither. Uh, Andrea. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, I think I do. Why?” Andrea cocked her head to one side wondering what next.

  “Well…I just wanted to tell you that I think you look beautiful but you are also smart. I want you to believe that I have no ulterior motives here. I know my reputation. It’s mostly exaggerated but…”

  “Yes, I know. You’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman. I know we’re traveling to a foreign country together and I wouldn’t have asked you to come if I thought…”

  “That I’m a letch?” Brian wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  “Well, no…but…I know I’m not your type so…”

  “Oh, and what is my type?” Brian chuckled.

  A dark red coursed its way up Andrea’s neck. She knew she must be beaming like a neon sign that said unsophisticated in capitol letters. Just then Peter returned. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  For the next few minutes, choosing their entrée took up the space vacated by the unanswered question. Andrea focused on the menu and while Brian’s eyes seemed turned in that direction also, she wondered what he could be thinking.

  “I’ll have the poached salmon.” Andrea loved seafood of any kind. She handed her menu to Peter.

  Brian selected rib-eye steak cooked medium rare. Peter invited them to make a trip to the sumptuous salad bar so Andrea stood. The salad bar, located in a smaller room to the right side of the dining room, contained three salad buffets with enough selections to make a meal.

  “Wow. We didn’t need to order anything else.” Brian perused the assortment of cold meats, crackers, cheeses, soups, and salads. He grabbed an ice cold plate from the container and began filling it.

  “You’d better take it easy. You have a steak coming, remember.” Andrea’s mouth watered. “If I’d had any idea the salad bar included this large a feast, I’d have ordered just that.”

  Once they returned to their table and said a short prayer for the meal, their conversation resumed between mouthfuls.

  “I checked with my cellular provider. My plan enables me to connect to anyone, from any country, at anytime. What about yours?”

  “Great minds think alike. I checked on mine today too. They assure me that it’s good to go anywhere in the world. I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” He set his fork down and took a long drink of water. “You know…I can’t wait to get started. Not that I have ever pictured myself in the role of detective, but it is kind of exciting to know we could be the ones to uncover whatever is going on here.” Peter arrived with their main course.

  Andrea took a bite of her salmon. “It is, but it’s also a kind of scary exciting, don’t you agree?”

  “I do. Considering the murder and your fire…well, it does cause one to think about the consequences of our decision. But I haven’t changed my mind and I know you haven’t either. Whoever these people are, they aren’t going to succeed with Strait and Wilton on the case.” Brian chortled and then continued shoveling food into his mouth. “Yum. This is so good. The steak is done exactly as I like it.”

  “What do you mean, Strait and Wilton?” Andrea joined his playful mood. “What a
bout Wilton and Strait?” She broke off another piece of salmon with her fork.

  “Eat your food, woman.” He winked. “Maybe after dinner, you’ll feel like doing a little dancing.”

  As the meal progressed, they formulated plans for their trip. Brian concurred with Andrea’s decision to visit a travel agent and have them make all the arrangements. “Have you had a chance to check on the internet to see what a flight might cost?”

  “No…my computer was in the house…remember?” Andrea’s smile vanished.

  “I’m sure the hotel has one.” Brian turned toward their waiter as he poured two very aromatic cups of coffee. Peter cleared away the dirty dishes then returned to take their dessert order.

  While they waited, Brian steered the conversation away from recent events. “Did you know that Trent and I were both football players in high school? He was a line backer and I played quarter back. We actually won the state championship our senior year but we had a great team.”

  “I guess I never knew you both played so much sports. You seem not to do much of that these days. You just watch.”

  “Yah, well…us armchair quarterbacks have a lot of fun watching too but playing was…”


  “That too.”

  Peter arrived with dessert.

  “Oh my.” Brian rubbed his stomach. “Maybe we should have shared.”

  Andrea blushed. That was too personal. “I think I’ll just eat this slowly and enjoy every bite. I haven’t enjoyed a meal so much in days.”

  Thirty minutes later, Andrea sat back to sip her coffee. She sighed in contentment as the flavored brew coursed down her throat cooled by the icy confection. “This is good.”

  “We’ll have to bring Trent and Diane here to celebrate once we’re all home again.”

  “So much has changed in less than a week.” Andrea stared toward the dance floor. “Life has certainly not been dull, but some of the excitement I could do without. Do you know that I’m working on a novel? It’s gone now, ashes amidst the rubble of my life,” she said melodramatically.

  “Your life is not rubble. I didn’t know you were a writer. Like Diane, huh?”

  “Not exactly. Diane is a journalist. I dabble.”

  “I’ll bet you’ll find all kinds of things to write about after this is over. Are you finished with your coffee? Do you want more?” Brian searched for their waiter.

  “No, I think I’ve had enough. I’ll never get to sleep tonight. After the workout I got last night, tossing and turning like a gymnast, I need a good night’s sleep. Besides, I have a lot of details to get worked out tomorrow.”

  “Do you want me to come with you … err… I mean, if you need me that is?”

  “No, I think I can handle everything myself. Shall we call it a night then?”

  “Not yet.” Brian stood. He reached out to take her hand in his. “Will you join me in this waltz? I think this is the perfect way to end an evening with a beautiful woman.” His eyebrows danced up and down in his best imitation of the worse cartoon villain.

  “Why certainly, monsieur.” Andrea stood and walked with Brian to the center of the near empty dance floor. The band played softly as they circled. Brian’s arms propelled her in the slow sensuous movements. Andrea’ heart began to pound.

  Stepping back a little, she said, “I think we should travel first class, don’t you? When are we going to get another chance to do that?”

  Brian looked at Andrea for a moment or two before answering. “First class is okay by me. Should make the trip more comfortable.” He drew her back into his arms, masterfully and yet with gentleness. “Relax Andrea. Let the song work its magic. Forget about the trip for a few seconds, okay?”

  Andrea could feel herself beginning to like this man, maybe more than she should. She followed Brian’s lead and swayed to the beat. Her heart picked up the rhythm. I think I could grow to like this. Then the dance ended. Brushing her hands down over the skirt of her dress as if to clear her head, she smiled. “It’s been a long time since I danced. I hope I wasn’t too rusty.”

  “On the contrary. I hope we have another opportunity.” He placed his hand in the middle of her back to steer her through the tables.

  “I am looking forward to a good soak, and then a long night under those soft sheets,” Andrea said, stifling a yawn behind well-manicured hands. “The suite is just perfect. I may get to like this lifestyle.”

  Brian nodded his head in agreement but said nothing. They walked through the lobby to the front door. Brian handed the parking attendant the key to his car.

  “Thanks Brian…for coming tonight I mean. The food was spectacular, and I loved the elegant atmosphere in the dining room. It sure took my mind off the stuff, you know?”

  Brian whistled a bar or two of the waltz softly, almost to himself, and then launched a smile of pure satisfaction in Andrea’s direction just before he walked out of the building. Andrea’s heart skipped a beat, taking her breath with it.

  Interesting. She walked toward the elevator and another sleepless night.

  * * * * *