Read Vanished Page 31

  Chapter Thirty

  Brian scurried from the trees toward the beach and the dock. Andrea followed carefully, moving in the near dawn hours toward the cold water. Had those thugs returned after dumping the body? They walked into the still black liquid, grabbed their equipment from its hiding place and began gearing up. First the rebreathers, mask, and snorkels and then the scooters. Just as they felt they were ready to sink into the murky depths again, they heard a motor approaching rather fast.

  Brian grabbed Andrea’s hand and drew into the shadows under the dock. They sank as low as the water would allow and then waited. They watched the bow of the small craft appear at the end of the dock and then move slowly to the exact spot where they were hidden.

  “Take the rope and tie us to the dock.” The man who spoke yawned. The other grabbed the rope tied to the bow and jumped up onto the dock. The boat rocked.

  “I’ll be glad when we have the stuff and can get outta here. The boss seems to think we don’t need to sleep but those black animals get ta sleep all night.” He jumped to the dock. Footsteps moved across the boards over Brian and Andrea’s head toward shore.

  Andrea removed her regulator. “Phew, that was close.”

  “The sooner we get back, the sooner we can get the FBI over here and stop this craziness. Those guys have no love for black people that’s for sure. I wonder if they’re white supremacists.” He shoved the regulator back in his mouth, moved out from under the dock in his crouched position.

  “Whatever they are, they’re sick. Their thinking is warped and evil.” Andrea followed Brian as he walked slowly into deeper water. She replaced her regulator, and sank into the water, her scooter turned on and ready to go.

  The return trip to the larger island of Haiti seemed much quicker since they knew exactly where they were headed and didn’t have to follow anyone. By the time they arrived at the beach near the clearing and their car, the sun rays were peeking just over the horizon to the east. The sky was bright enough that anyone walking along that beach would have seen them emerge. But no one walked there at this time of day.

  Brian pulled his scooter on shore. Andrea tried to lift hers but her arms felt as if they’d already done a ton of work. She had little strength to walk up the beach with the rebreather still on her back. Brian grabbed her scooter.

  “Feeling a little tired, I guess?” He looked toward her.

  “I feel as if a whole day to sleep would not be enough. All of a sudden, my energy is sapped.” She removed her rebreather and set it on the ground, careful not to scratch this expensive piece of equipment.

  “Me too. It’s as if God gave us the energy for the task but now the task is over. Only it’s not. We still have to get Trent and Diane off that island and before those thugs come to get Trent for the day.” Brian entered the tree line on the path toward their vehicle.


  Trent watched Brian and Andrea retreat to the beach and the water beyond. His heart went with them. How long before they’d be back with the authorities, he wondered? Would they get here before the men came to get him? He looked toward Diane and then moved closer, hoping the information he’d given Brian and Andrea wasn’t causing her any more stress. He’d hoped to keep the worst from her but…

  “Trent, I had no idea what you faced. I’m sorry. I wanted to blame someone and you were it, I guess. I can’t believe we’re in this situation. I can’t believe that God would allow us to go through this.” Diane melted into her husband’s arms, the first time she’d done that since all this began. “I thought this was because of something you and Max had cooked up and now we’re paying for it. I should’ve known better.”

  “Oh, Diane, how could you think I’d be part of this awful stuff? Max and I did talk about all the money we could make but not for a moment was I ever tempted to go along with his plans. I couldn’t tell you then because of the secrecy at the lab and I couldn’t tell you here because I didn’t want you to worry any more than you already did every time they came to get me.” He held her close, relishing the warmth of her body and her comforting arms. “Now, we have to get out of here…now. Those guys can’t find us here when they come for me.”


  “Get Jeffrey dressed. I’ll move the bed and we’ll get those boards in the wall loose if I have to tear them out with my bare hands.” He pulled the bed away from the wall. The movement wakened the little tyke who’d slept through all the commotion in the early dawn hours.

  “Mommy, Daddy. I awake.” Jeffrey stretched. “It morning now?”

  Diane laid his clothes on the bed beside her and began removing the t-shirt she’d allowed Jeffrey to sleep in the night before. “We have to get dressed, quietly. We’re leaving this place and going someplace to hide. We’ll see if the men will find us.”

  “Oh, you mean like hide and seek.” Jeffrey giggled and then placed his hand over his mouth. “S-h-h-h.” He scooted across the bed to stand on the floor in front of his mother. “Me do.” He held his hands out for the rest of his clothes.

  “Okay, you get dressed while I pack a few things.” Diane tried to smile but it froze on her face. Were they putting their son in more danger by leaving now?

  “Trent, maybe…”

  “Diane, if they come to get me, I won’t be able to help you get out and the guys will be able to use me and you as a shield when the FBI comes for us. See?” He pushed the knife he held between the boards they’d been working on for the last two nights. He pried. “I need something stronger.”

  Diane pointed to the bed post. “Could you use this as a battering ram? I know you’d have to be very quiet doing it but…”

  “That might work.” Trent quickly removed the end from the bed, tilted it and then rammed it against the board. The sound seemed so loud to them both. They stopped, listened for footsteps and then breathed a sigh of relief. Trent looked toward his handiwork. The first board was hanging slightly askew. He wiggled it some more and, sure enough, it gave way. Now for the other one.

  It took them a few more minutes but then they had everything ready for their departure from the prison that had held them for over a week. Diane had a satchel packed with a few items of clothing and some food. “In case.” She held it up for Trent’s inspection.

  “Let’s go. Jeffrey, remember not a sound or they’ll find us.” Trent helped Diane through the opening first and then Jeffrey. He looked around at their makeshift home. I won’t be sad to leave this place. He wiggled his body through the tiny space, barely large enough for Diane, never mind his larger frame. The rough hewn boards scratched his arms and shoulders, tore the only pair of pants he’d have until the rescue came, and then he was free. “Okay, let’s find that cave.”


  “I’m just so anxious to get the Michners safely home.” Andrea followed behind, lugging her rebreather. “I hated to see them in those conditions. Did you notice that sick look on Diane’s face when we said they would have to stay behind? That’s the hardest thing I have ever had to do.”

  Brian stopped and turned toward her, walking more slowly backwards. “That was hard but we had little choice. If that boat had been tied to the dock…maybe…but since it wasn’t, we had no way to get them off that island.”

  “Well, well, look who’s coming back from an early morning swim. Or should I say dive.” Brian jumped and turned toward the sinister voice behind him. Andrea looked over his shoulder. Jason stood right beside their car, leaning on the driver’s door.

  “Jason…er…where did you come from?” Andrea squeezed past Brian on the narrow path.

  “Yeah right. Like I’d let you get away with this stuff. You’re not going to ruin my one chance to make it…to get richer than I ever dreamed. No way. Get over here. Drop your stuff and …”

  Brian moved toward the passenger side of the car. “I’ll get your clothes, Andrea.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Jason pointed the gun he held toward Brian’s face.

>   “I’m just getting Andrea’s clothes. She’s cold.”

  “Aw-w-w. Now ain’t that just too bad.” He looked toward Andrea again. “You guys have been nothing but trouble for me since the beginning.” His temper began to rise. “I tried to be friends but you had to go and…”

  Brian reached in through the open window. Andrea’s purse was sitting on the front seat. He grabbed it and took the weapon out. He hid it in the palm of his hand before Jason could look toward him again.

  Andrea’s attention was focused on the gun. “Jason, you can’t…I mean…You aren’t going to shoot us, are you?”

  “I should have done this right in the beginning. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with this now. Where’d you guys go anyway?”

  Brian moved around the hood of the car. “We just went for a night dive…practice, you know.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet. Now what’re you up to?” His voice was trembling, his anger palpable. He raised the gun even higher, now pointed in Andrea’s direction. “You tell me or I’ll shoot her right here and now.”

  Brian reached out with the stun gun in his hand. He pressed the trigger and two wires streaked toward Jason’s back. The wires stuck and Jason began to convulse. He dropped the gun and was lying on the ground before Andrea could blink.

  “Grab the gun, Andrea. Keep it on him till I can find something to tie him up with. The FBI will want to question him and more, I’ll bet.” Brian raced to the car and popped the lid. “Here, you tie. I’ll cover him so he won’t hurt you. Tie his hands quickly before he comes to.”

  “That stun gun really works.” Andrea wrapped the rope tightly around Jason’s wrists and then pulled it toward his feet and did the same. In no time she had him trussed like a turkey ready for the oven.

  “Great. Now let’s hurry. It’s already taken us longer than I wanted. Those thugs will be getting ready to go get Trent soon. Are you alright?”

  “Yeah. I guess I’m getting used to this. Is that a good thing?” She laughed nervously and then smiled. Jason scowled, just beginning to focus. “I’ll get dressed quickly.” She walked to the passenger side of the car, grabbed her clothes and them went into the bushes, looking for some secluded spot to dress.

  As soon as she returned to the car, Brian took his clothes and did the same. Jason was struggling with his ropes, trying to get loose it appeared. “I tied those pretty tight. You won’t get loose. We plan to hand you over to the FBI. They’re waiting for our phone call as we speak.” Andrea kicked some dried leaves toward his face. “I can’t believe that someone who works for General Warehouse could be so immoral. What you and your friends planned to do is incomprehensible.”

  “Oh get off your high horse. You think you’re better than me. Well you’re not. Little miss virgin…eh? Sleeping with some guy you’ve just met, yet. You’re no saint.”

  “It’s none of your business but Brian and I…”

  “She’s right. It’s none of your business. Andrea you owe him no explanation. Let’s get him loaded and then we can make that phone call.” Brian dumped his wetsuit and the rest of the gear in the trunk. He then lifted Jason into the backseat with Andrea’s help.

  Brian picked up his cell phone. “Agent Menen, please.” Andrea listened as Brian related the night’s events to the FBI agent when he answered the phone. “Trent and Diane are on the island alright. They’re being held in a building at the far left of the compound but they may not be there by the time we get back. Trent was going to try to get them to a safer place, a cave, so they wouldn’t be in the line of fire.”

  Andrea looked into the backseat. Jason scowled again, his hatred tangible. She poked Brian, reminding him of Jason.

  “Oh, we have one of the gang in custody already. He tried to kill us when we got back to the beach here.” Brian listened for a couple of minutes. “Yeah, well we couldn’t let him get away so we tied him up and he’s in the backseat.” He listened some more. “Yeah, the ropes will hold. We’ll be right there.” Brian took the receiver from his ear and gave it a look of astonishment before placing the instrument next to his ear again. “Why not? They’re our friends. We’re the ones who found them.” Andrea surmised Agent Menen didn’t want them involved any longer. “We’re involved, whether you guys like it or not.”

  Brian continued to stare into space with an impatient look. Andrea figured they were being shoved aside in the investigation. Brian was not going to give in that easily it seemed. “No, we’ll go with you. We’ll stay out of the way. We know where Trent and Diane plan to hide. They’ll go there for safety with their son Jeffrey.” Then, “Good, we’ll see you then.” He hung up with a sense of accomplishment that even Andrea could see all over his face.

  “They thought they could get us to stay behind.”

  “I figured that was what…” Andrea eyes jumped from Brian’s face to the man in the back seat when he interrupted.

  “You guys think you’re so smart. Well, the boss’ll show them turkeys alright.” Jason snorted his discuss.

  “I don’t think so, Jason. We outsmarted you, didn’t we?” Andrea smacked her palms together in a ‘that’s that’ gesture.

  Brian ignored Jason and started the engine. “We’ll meet them at the dock. That’ll still give us time to get to the island before those men bring Trent and Diane their breakfast.”

  “Good,” said Andrea. “There’s no way I want to remain here while they raid that island.”

  “Apparently the warrants are made out for kidnapping only at this point since the Michners were reported missing over a week ago and the police are already involved at home. Once they have those men in custody, they will add murder and kidnapping here to the charges. Kidnapping is a federal offense which makes the FBI’s involvement legitimate.”

  “Well, that makes sense. I don’t care how they do it; I just want Trent and Diane off that island, safely at home with their son. Brian, we did it. I can’t remember when I’ve been so tired and yet exhilarated at the same time.”

  Brian smiled toward the woman seated beside him. “Me, too.”

  “Oh get a grip.” Jason snorted toward the couple in front of him.

  Brian slammed on his brakes when they arrived at the dock. He hauled Jason out of the back seat just as another man, with a badge on a chain around his neck, parked himself to the right of the vehicle. Brian dragged Jason unceremoniously over to him. “I take it you’re Agent Menen?”

  “That’s right. I’ll take him now. You two get aboard. If we’re going to make it to the island in a timely manner, we need to get underway.” The man was all business. Brian and Andrea watched the stocky man remove the ropes tying Jason’s feet and hands. He cuffed him instead. “Johnson, take this guy to the local jail until we get back. The police chief is also a suspect. Jail him too. Roberts, go with him.”

  Once everyone else was on board the motor launch, Andrea and Brian were introduced to the group of men and one woman who had been aboard when they approached the dock in Port Au Prince.

  “How did you guys get here so fast?” asked Brian.

  “We set up a communication center in the Dominican Republic, just off the shore where the two countries meet.” Agent Menen waved his hand toward the ocean. “We headed out as soon as the sun rose. We knew you’d be calling soon.”

  “Well, I’m glad you weren’t too far away.” Andrea shivered. She drew her arms over her chilled body. “Our friends are in danger. These men are ruthless and fanatical. They’re trying to coerce Trent into making a chemical weapon against black people. Trent’s been stalling but sooner or later they would have figured out that he had no intention of complying, even when his family was threatened. He just couldn’t.”

  “That’s right.” Brian wrapped his arms across his chest, his back to the cabin door leading to the captain’s wheelhouse. “They’ve threatened to kill Jeffrey and Diane in front of him.”

  “Well, we’ll be there shortly. What time did you say they bring breakfast to the Michners??

  “They didn’t say but I assume it’s early. They may have already been there.” Brian leaned against the worn wood.

  Agent Menen spoke in a soft, yet authoritative voice. “We’ll be there as quickly as we can. You guys just relax. When we get there, you wait until we have the island secure before going off to get the Michners. Understand?”


  Brian had supplied the exact coordinates to the island for the FBI agents to follow. He sat down on a bench towards the stern of the boat. There he’d be able to see everything going on. He’d be able to see the island as soon as it came into view. I hope Trent and Diane are already out of that cabin.

  He rested his hand on the side of the vessel as it streaked through the water. Seagulls had already begun their search for food and were following, hoping he would throw some tidbit to them. The spray from the wake made by the boat was cool and refreshing in the early morning sunlight. If it weren’t for the mission we’re on, I could enjoy this. Andrea sat beside him.

  They watched the federal officers prepare for their invasion of the island. They took off the baseball hats they’d been wearing and replaced them with helmets. Next they slipped bullet proof vests over starched white shirts. The vest had the letters FBI written clearly on both sides. Then they made sure their weapons were loaded.

  The agent gave Andrea and him a vest to wear as well. “Just in case.” The air was cool on top of the water unlike the feeling when they’d been wearing wetsuits and were under it.

  “Andrea, are you going to be glad when this is all over?”

  “Yeah, I will…only…” She smirked but then her face got a serious look. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. Now when we visit at the Michners, it’ll feel more like a family.”

  Brian looked toward the water zipping past them. “I’ve enjoyed this adventure with you too. Maybe…” He fell silent. We’ve been through a lot. I’m probably feeling the strain. “Why don’t we pray about what we’ll encounter at the island…and for the Michners safety, of course?”


  As soon as Andrea bowed her head Brian began. “Father God, please protect Trent and Diane. Help us find the Michners once the criminals are in custody. Lord, please keep the officers safe as well and Lord, help Andrea and I transition back to normal life when this is over. Amen.”

  Andrea shivered again but this time not from the cold. I’m really not a brave woman. Not when it comes to confronting those guys and real bullets. She was happy to let the agents do their job but…she’d help find the Michners. Lord. She prayed silently. Protect us. Please keep each one safe and especially Trent, Diane and little Jeffrey. Help him to remain as quiet as his parents need him to be so they can get to safety.

  The bullet proof vest was longer than her torso. It did not bend easily so sitting was a problem. She lay back, trying to straighten her body but in a sitting fashion. She was so tired. The sun had warmed things considerably since they left the dock. I wonder how Brian feels about all this coming to an end. Maybe we should spend a day or two just enjoying the tropics without having to wonder if we need to follow any clues. She began to think about what she had facing her when she arrived back home. She’d not heard a thing from the real estate agent she’d contacted. She expected she’d be going home to a hotel room anyway since she had no furniture yet. Her mind drifted to her animals. I wonder how they’re doing. I’ve had no chance to call.

  “There’s the island.” An agent shouted over the sound of the engines. The boat slowed to a crawl through the water making almost no noise at all. The agent ducked behind the wooden sides, and it was then that Andrea noticed one of the men aboard was dressed as a fisherman. He was also black, the color of most of the islanders who fished these waters.

  The boat moved closer. It appeared as if nothing inhabited the island. No one was about. Just before they reached a spot to the left of the dock, the man pretending to be a fisherman cut the engines. The boat pulled up close to the shore in water deep enough for it to float but shallow enough for the agents to scoot over the sides and walk ashore.

  They moved as trained assault soldiers would, Andrea suspected. She and Brian followed close behind. They’d promised to stay clear of the buildings while the agents rounded up the culprits. They sat on a rock on the beach, waiting for their turn to move further up the shoreline.

  Shots were fired. Shouts sounded everywhere. An explosion. It seemed to the two novices that a war was in progress. Andrea ducked her head. Those guys are not giving up without a fight. She peeked through half closed eyes. There were men racing in several different directions. This is taking forever.

  But then all was quiet. Vested men escorted about four thugs toward the dock. Now it’s our turn. Brian led the way. Andrea followed him around the nearest buildings toward the stand of trees that Trent had pointed out that morning. He held the branches for her and then scurried in a crouched position towards the dense underbrush that hid the cave. He pulled more branches aside. Andrea saw exactly what they were looking for. Removing their vests, to allow better access to the small opening, Brian continued to lead. The two crept through the entrance. Although pitch black, they could hear breathing.

  “Trent, Diane, are you here?” Andrea couldn’t keep quiet any longer. If someone else was in here, they’d have to deal with that later.

  “Oh, Andrea, it’s you.” Diane’s reply was little more than a whisper. “I was afraid they’d found us.”

  “Brian, am I glad to see you. What’s happening outside?” Trent scooted over toward their rescuers.

  Brian sat on his haunches. “We came with seven FBI agents, all well armed. They’re rounding up those slime balls now, but they aren’t going quietly, it seems.”

  “Unca Brian, Unca Brian.” It seemed that Jeffrey finally recognized the voices of his friends in the darkness. He launched himself at his father’s friend.

  “Yes, big fella. I’m right here.” Brian pushed Jeffrey back to his parents. “You stay with mommy and daddy until we get you out of this cave, okay?”

  “We’re hiding, Unca Brian.” Jeffrey sat on his mother’s lap.

  “We know little one, we know.” His mother gave him a big hug. “You’ve been so good. And so quiet. We need to be quiet a little longer, though.”

  Preparations were made to exit the confined space. Silently, Brian grabbed Diane’s hand and led. The little group followed him out the entrance, Andrea close behind. Outside, Andrea stood and hugged Diane. She couldn’t help but notice how thin her friend felt inside the tattered dress she wore. Diane’s legs buckled, her eyes flowing with tears held in check for so long. Trent moved quickly to her side. His concern was written all over his face. He, too, looked as if he hadn’t eaten much since they were taken.

  He and Brian shook hands. Then Brian lifted Jeffrey into his arms and gave him a big hug. Jeffrey giggled, but the adults cautioned him to stay very quiet. Everyone was to remain where they were until an agent came for them. They had no problem obeying that order.

  There were several large rocks scattered all around the entrance to the cave. Everyone sat down to wait and listened. Shouts could be heard from English speaking men. No more shots were heard. The situation seemed to be under control. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Footsteps. Snapping twigs. Everyone skittered for cover again. However, they soon found themselves looking into friendly eyes. The agent walked toward Trent and shook his hand. “I understand you have been in a bit of a situation here. We’ll need you to give us a statement as soon as we get back to Port Au Prince. We’ve set up a command post there. Now let’s get you folks out of here and some place where you can rest.”

  The FBI agent led the way. Trent and Diane watched as handcuffed men were loaded aboard a second boat that had materialized since the agents had come ashore. A third vessel, larger than the other two, was just offshore. Several small motor launches were transporting people from the cages to the ship that would return the
m to their homes. Once aboard the ship, they would receive medical attention, Andrea was told.

  Brian and Andrea looked at the Michners as they walked gingerly over the rocks towards the boat waiting to transport them to freedom. Then they looked at each other. Andrea was feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. She was sure that Brian was feeling the same thing. We did it. We actually did it!

  * * * * *