Read Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood Page 20



  The violent ringing of the bell continued uninterruptedly until atlength George volunteered to answer it. The fact was, that now there wasno servant at all in the place for, after the one who had recentlydemanded of Henry her dismissal had left, the other was terrified toremain alone, and had precipitately gone from the house, without evengoing through the ceremony of announcing her intention to. To be sure,she sent a boy for her money afterwards, which may be considered a greatact of condescension.

  Suspecting, then, this state of things, George himself hastened to thegate, and, being not over well pleased at the continuous and unnecessaryringing which was kept up at it, he opened it quickly, and cried, withmore impatience, by a vast amount, than was usual with him.

  "Who is so impatient that he cannot wait a seasonable time for the doorto be opened?"

  "And who the d----l are you?" cried one who was immediately outside.

  "Who do you want?" cried George.

  "Shiver my timbers!" cried Admiral Bell, for it was no other than thatpersonage. "What's that to you?"

  "Ay, ay," added Jack, "answer that if you can, you shore-going-lookingswab."

  "Two madmen, I suppose," ejaculated George, and he would have closed thegate upon them; but Jack introduced between it and the post the end of athick stick, saying,--

  "Avast there! None of that; we have had trouble enough to get in. If youare the family lawyer, or the chaplain, perhaps you'll tell us whereMister Charley is."

  "Once more I demand of you who you want?" said George, who was nowperhaps a little amused at the conduct of the impatient visitors.

  "We want the admiral's _nevey_" said Jack.

  "But how do I know who is the admiral's _nevey_ as you call him."

  "Why, Charles Holland, to be sure. Have you got him aboard or not?"

  "Mr. Charles Holland is certainly here; and, if you had said at once,and explicitly, that you wished to see him, I could have given you adirect answer."

  "He is here?" cried the admiral.

  "Most certainly."

  "Come along, then; yet, stop a bit. I say, young fellow, just before wego any further, tell us if he has maimed the vampyre?"

  "The what?

  "The _wamphigher_," said Jack, by way of being, as he considered, alittle more explanatory than the admiral.

  "I do not know what you mean," said George; "if you wish to see Mr.Charles Holland walk in and see him. He is in this house; but, formyself, as you are strangers to me, I decline answering any questions,let their import be what they may."

  "Hilloa! who are they?" suddenly cried Jack, as he pointed to twofigures some distance off in the meadows, who appeared to be angrilyconversing.

  George glanced in the direction towards which Jack pointed, and there hesaw Sir Francis Varney and Mr. Marchdale standing within a few paces ofeach other, and apparently engaged in some angry discussion.

  His first impulse was to go immediately towards them; but, before hecould execute even that suggestion of his mind, he saw Varney strikeMarchdale, and the latter fell to the ground.

  "Allow me to pass," cried George, as he endeavoured to get by the ratherunwieldy form of the admiral. But, before he could accomplish this, forthe gate was narrow, he saw Varney, with great swiftness, make off, andMarchdale, rising to his feet, came towards the Hall.

  When Marchdale got near enough to the garden-gate to see George, hemotioned to him to remain where he was, and then, quickening his pace,he soon came up to the spot.

  "Marchdale," cried George, "you have had an encounter with Sir FrancisVarney."

  "I have," said Marchdale, in an excited manner. "I threatened to followhim, but he struck me to the earth as easily as I could a child. Hisstrength is superhuman."

  "I saw you fall."

  "I believe, but that he was observed, he would have murdered me."


  "What, do you mean to say that lankey, horse-marine looking fellow is asbad as that!" said the admiral.

  Marchdale now turned his attention to the two new comers, upon whom helooked with some surprise, and then, turning to George, he said,--

  "Is this gentleman a visitor?"

  "To Mr. Holland, I believe he is," said George; "but I have not thepleasure of knowing his name."

  "Oh, you may know my name as soon as you like," cried the admiral. "Theenemies of old England know it, and I don't care if all the world knowsit. I'm old Admiral Bell, something of a hulk now, but still able tohead a quarter-deck if there was any need to do so."

  "Ay, ay," cried Jack, and taking from his pocket a boatswain's whistle,he blew a blast so long, and loud, and shrill, that George was fain tocover his ears with his hands to shut out the brain-piercing, and, tohim unusual sound.

  "And are you, then, a relative," said Marchdale, "of Mr. Holland's, sir,may I ask?"

  "I'm his uncle, and be d----d to him, if you must know, and some one hastold me that the young scamp thinks of marrying a mermaid, or a ghost,or a vampyre, or some such thing, so, for the sake of the memory of hispoor mother, I've come to say no to the bargain, and d--n me, whocares."

  "Come in, sir," said George, "I will conduct you to Mr. Holland. Ipresume this is your servant?"

  "Why, not exactly. That's Jack Pringle, he was my boatswain, you see,and now he's a kind o' something betwixt and between. Not exactly aservant."

  "Ay, ay, sir," said Jack. "Have it all your own way, though we is paidoff."

  "Hold your tongue, you audacious scoundrel, will you."

  "Oh, I forgot, you don't like anything said about paying off, cos itputs you in mind of--"

  "Now, d--n you, I'll have you strung up to the yard-arm, you dog, if youdon't belay there."

  "I'm done. All's right."

  By this time the party, including the admiral, Jack, George Bannerworth,and Marchdale, had got more than half-way across the garden, and wereobserved by Charles Holland and Henry, who had come to the steps of thehall to see what was going on. The moment Charles saw the admiral achange of colour came over his face, and he exclaimed,--

  "By all that's surprising, there is my uncle!"

  "Your uncle!" said Henry.

  "Yes, as good a hearted a man as ever drew breath, and yet, withal, asfull of prejudices, and as ignorant of life, as a child."

  Without waiting for any reply from Henry, Charles Holland rushedforward, and seizing his uncle by the hand, he cried, in tones ofgenuine affection,--

  "Uncle, dear uncle, how came you to find me out?"

  "Charley, my boy," cried the old man, "bless you; I mean, confound yourd----d impudence; you rascal, I'm glad to see you; no, I ain't, youyoung mutineer. What do you mean by it, you ugly, ill-looking, d----dfine fellow--my dear boy. Oh, you infernal scoundrel."

  All this was accompanied by a shaking of the hand, which was enough todislocate anybody's shoulder, and which Charles was compelled to bear aswell as he could.

  It quite prevented him from speaking, however, for a few moments, for itnearly shook the breath out of him. When, then, he could get in a word,he said,--

  "Uncle, I dare say you are surprised."

  "Surprised! D--n me, I am surprised."

  "Well, I shall be able to explain all to your satisfaction, I am sure.Allow me now to introduce you to my friends."

  Turning then to Henry, Charles said,--

  "This is Mr. Henry Bannerworth, uncle; and this Mr. George Bannerworth,both good friends of mine; and this is Mr. Marchdale, a friend oftheirs, uncle."

  "Oh, indeed!"

  "And here you see Admiral Bell, my most worthy, but rather eccentricuncle."

  "Confound your impudence."

  "What brought him here I cannot tell; but he is a brave officer, and agentleman."

  "None of your nonsense," said the admiral.

  "And here you sees Jack Pringle," said that individual, introducinghimself, since no one appeared inclin
ed to do that office for him, "atar for all weathers. One as hates the French, and is never so happy aswhen he's alongside o' some o' those lubberly craft blazing away."

  "That's uncommonly true," remarked the admiral.

  "Will you walk in, sir?" said Henry, courteously. "Any friend of CharlesHolland's is most welcome here. You will have much to excuse us for,because we are deficient in servants at present, in consequence of comeoccurrences in our family, which your nephew has our full permission toexplain to you in full."

  "Oh, very good, I tell you what it is, all of you, what I've seen ofyou, d----e, I like, so here goes. Come along, Jack."

  The admiral walked into the house, and as he went, Charles Holland saidto him,--

  "How came you to know I was here, uncle?"

  "Some fellow wrote me a despatch."


  "Yes, saying at you was a going to marry some odd sort of fish as itwasn't at all the thing to introduce into the family."

  "Was--was a vampyre mentioned?"

  "That's the very thing."

  "Hush, uncle--hush."

  "What for?"

  "Do not, I implore, hint at such a thing before these kind friends ofmine. I will take an opportunity within the next hour of explaining allto you, and you shall form your own kind and generous judgement uponcircumstances in which my honour and my happiness are so nearlyconcerned."

  "Gammon," said the admiral.

  "What, uncle?"

  "Oh, I know you want to palaver me into saying it's all right. I supposeif my judgment and generosity don't like it, I shall be an old fool, anda cursed goose?"

  "Now, uncle."

  "Now, _nevey_."

  "Well, well--no more at present. We will talk over this at leisure. Youpromise me to say nothing about it until you have heard my explanation,uncle?"

  "Very good. Make it as soon as you can, and as short as you can, that'sall I ask of you."

  "I will, I will."

  Charles was to the full as anxious as his uncle could be to enter uponthe subject, some remote information of which, he felt convinced, hadbrought the old man down to the Hall. Who it could have been that so farintermeddled with his affairs as to write to him, he could not possiblyconceive.

  A very few words will suffice to explain the precise position in whichCharles Holland was. A considerable sum of money had been left to him,but it was saddled with the condition that he should not come intopossession of it until he was one year beyond the age which is usuallydenominated that of discretion, namely, twenty-one. His uncle, theadmiral, was the trustee of his fortune, and he, with rare discretion,had got the active and zealous assistance of a professional gentleman ofgreat honour and eminence to conduct the business for him.

  This gentleman had advised that for the two years between the ages oftwenty and twenty-two, Charles Holland should travel, inasmuch as inEnglish society he would find himself in an awkward position, being forone whole year of age, and yet waiting for his property.

  Under such circumstances, reasoned the lawyer, a young man, unless he ispossessed of very rare discretion indeed, is almost sure to getfearfully involved with money-lenders. Being of age, his notes, andbills, and bonds would all be good, and he would be in a ten times worsesituation than a wealthy minor.

  All this was duly explained to Charles, who, rather eagerly thanotherwise, caught at the idea of a two years wander on the continent,where he could visit so many places, which to a well read young man likehimself, and one of a lively imagination, were full of the mostdelightful associations.

  But the acquaintance with Flora Bannerworth effected a great revolutionin his feelings. The dearest, sweetest spot on earth became that whichshe inhabited. When the Bannerworths left him abroad, he knew not whatto do with himself. Everything, and every pursuit in which he had beforetaken a delight, became most distasteful to him. He was, in fact, in ashort time, completely "used up," and then he determined upon returningto England, and finding out the dear object of his attachment at once.This resolution was no sooner taken, than his health and spiritsreturned to him, and with what rapidity he could, he now made his way tohis native shores.

  The two years were so nearly expired, that he made up his mind he wouldnot communicate either with his uncle, the admiral, or the professionalgentleman upon whose judgment he set so high and so just a value. And atthe Hall he considered he was in perfect security from any interruption,and so he would have been, but for that letter which was written toAdmiral Bell, and signed Josiah Crinkles, but which Josiah Crinkles soemphatically denied all knowledge of. Who wrote it, remains at presentone of those mysteries which time, in the progress of our narrative,will clear up.

  The opportune, or rather the painful juncture at which Charles Hollandhad arrived at Bannerworth Hall, we are well cognisant of. Where heexpected to find smiles he found tears, and the family with whom he hadfondly hoped he should pass a time of uninterrupted happiness, he foundplunged in the gloom incidental to an occurrence of the most painfulcharacter.

  Our readers will perceive, too, that coming as he did with an utterdisbelief in the vampyre, Charles had been compelled, in some measure,to yield to the overwhelming weight of evidence which had been broughtto bear upon the subject, and although he could not exactly be said tobelieve in the existence and the appearance of the vampyre atBannerworth Hall, he was upon the subject in a most painful state ofdoubt and indecision.

  Charles now took an opportunity to speak to Henry privately, and informhim exactly how he stood with his uncle, adding--

  "Now, my dear friend, if you forbid me, I will not tell my uncle of thissad affair, but I must own I would rather do so fully and freely, andtrust to his own judgment upon it."

  "I implore you to do so," said Henry. "Conceal nothing. Let him know theprecise situation and circumstances of the family by all means. There isnothing so mischievous as secrecy: I have the greatest dislike to it. Ibeg you tell him all."

  "I will; and with it, Henry, I will tell him that my heart isirrevocably Flora's."

  "Your generous clinging to one whom your heart saw and loved, under verydifferent auspices," said Henry, "believe me, Charles, sinks deep intomy heart. She has related to me something of a meeting she had withyou."

  "Oh, Henry, she may tell you what I said; but there are no words whichcan express the depth of my tenderness. 'Tis only time which can provehow much I love her."

  "Go to your uncle," said Henry, in a voice of emotion. "God bless you,Charles. It is true you would have been fully justified in leaving mysister; but the nobler and the more generous path you have chosen hasendeared you to us all."

  "Where is Flora now?" said Charles.

  "She is in her own room. I have persuaded her, by some occupation, towithdraw her mind from a too close and consequently painfulcontemplation of the distressing circumstances in which she feelsherself placed."

  "You are right. What occupation best pleases her?"

  "The pages of romance once had a charm for her gentle spirit."

  "Then come with me, and, from among the few articles I brought with mehere, I can find some papers which may help her to pass some merryhours."

  Charles took Henry to his room, and, unstrapping a small valise, he tookfrom it some manuscript papers, one of which he handed to Henry,saying--

  "Give that to her: it contains an account of a wild adventure, and showsthat human nature may suffer much more--and that wrongfully too--thancame ever under our present mysterious affliction."

  "I will," said Henry; "and, coming from you, I am sure it will have amore than ordinary value in her eyes."

  "I will now," said Charles, "seek my uncle. I will tell him how I loveher; and at the end of my narration, if he should not object, I wouldfain introduce her to him, that he might himself see that, let whatbeauty may have met his gaze, her peer he never yet met with, and may invain hope to do so."

  "You are partial, Charles."

  "Not so. 'Tis true I look upon her with a lover's eyes, but I look st
illwith those of truthful observation."

  "Well, I will speak to her about seeing your uncle, and let you know. Nodoubt, he will not be at all averse to an interview with any one whostands high in your esteem."

  The young men now separated--Henry, to seek his beautiful sister; andCharles, to communicate to his uncle the strange particulars connectedwith Varney, the Vampyre.