Read Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood Page 58



  So much of the night had been consumed in these operations, that by thetime they were over, and the three personages who lay upon the floor ofwhat might be called the haunted chamber of Bannerworth Hall, even hadthey now been disposed to seek repose, would have had a short time to doso before the daylight would have streamed in upon them, and roused themto the bustle of waking existence.

  It may be well believed what a vast amount of surprise came over thethree persons in that chamber at the last little circumstance that hadoccurred in connection with the night's proceedings.

  There was nothing which had preceded that, that did not resemble agenuine attack upon the premises; but about that last mysteriousappearance, with its curious light, there was quite enough to bother theadmiral and Jack Pringle to a considerable effect, whatever might be theeffect upon Mr. Chillingworth, whose profession better enabled him tocomprehend, chemically, what would produce effects that, no doubt,astonished them amazingly.

  What with his intoxication and the violent exercise he had taken, Jackwas again thoroughly prostrate; while the admiral could not have lookedmore astonished had the evil one himself appeared in _propria persona_and given him notice to quit the premises.

  He was, however, the first to speak, and the words he spoke wereaddressed to Jack, to whom he said,--

  "Jack, you lubber, what do you think of all that?"

  Jack, however, was too far gone even to say "Ay, ay, sir;" and Mr.Chillingworth, slowly getting himself up to his feet, approached theadmiral.

  "It's hard to say so much, Admiral Bell," he said, "but it strikes methat whatever object this Sir Francis Varney, or Varney, the vampyre,has in coming into Bannerworth Hall, it is, at all events, of sufficientimportance to induce him to go any length, and not to let even a life tostand in the way of its accomplishment."

  "Well, it seems so," said the admiral; "for I'll be hanged if I can makehead or tail of the fellow."

  "If we value our personal safety, we shall hesitate to continue aperilous adventure which I think can end only in defeat, if not indeath."

  "But we don't value our personal safety," said the admiral. "We've gotinto the adventure, and I don't see why we shouldn't carry it out. Itmay be growing a little serious; but what of that? For the sake of thatyoung girl, Flora Bannerworth, as well as for the sake of my nephew,Charles Holland, I will see the end of this affair, let it be what itmay; but mind you, Mr. Chillingworth, if one man chooses to go upon adesperate service, that's no reason why he should ask another to do so."

  "I understand you," said Mr. Chillingworth; "but, having commenced theadventure with you, I am not the man to desert you in it. We havecommitted a great mistake."

  "A mistake! how?"

  "Why, we ought to have watched outside the house, instead of within it.There can be no doubt that if we had lain in wait in the garden, weshould have been in a better position to have accomplished our object."

  "Well, I don't know, doctor, but it seems to me that if Jack Pringlehadn't made such a fool of himself, we should have managed very well:and I don't know now how he came to behave in the manner he did."

  "Nor I," said Mr. Chillingworth. "But, at all events, so far as theresult goes, it is quite clear that any further watching, in this house,for the appearance of Sir Francis Varney, will now be in vain. He hasnothing to do now but to keep quiet until we are tired out--a fact,concerning which he can easily obtain information--and then heimmediately, without trouble, walks into the premises, to his ownsatisfaction."

  "But what the deuce can he want upon the premises?"

  "That question, admiral, induces me to think that we have made anothermistake. We ought not to have attempted to surprise Sir Francis Varneyin coming into Bannerworth Hall, but to catch him as he came out."

  "Well, there's something in that," said the admiral. "This is a prettynight's business, to be sure. However, it can't be helped, it's done,and there's an end on't. And now, as the morning is near at hand, Icertainly must confess I should like to get some breakfast, although Idon't like that we should all leave the house together"

  "Why," said Mr. Chillingworth, "as we have now no secret to keep withregard to our being here, because the principal person we wished to keepit from is aware of it, I think we cannot do better than send at oncefor Henry Bannerworth, tell him of the non-success of the effort we havemade in his behalf, and admit him at once into our consultation of whatis next to be done."

  "Agreed, agreed, I think that, without troubling him, we might havecaptured this Varney; but that's over now, and, as soon as Jack Pringlechooses to wake up again, I'll send him to the Bannerworths with amessage."

  "Ay, ay, sir," said Jack, suddenly; "all's right."

  "Why, you vagabond," said the admiral, "I do believe you've beenshamming!"

  "Shamming what?"

  "Being drunk, to be sure."

  "Lor! couldn't do it," said Jack; "I'll just tell you how it was. Iwakened up and found myself shut in somewhere; and, as I couldn't getout of the door, I thought I'd try the window, and there I did get out.Well, perhaps I wasn't quite the thing, but I sees two people in thegarden a looking up at this ere room; and, to be sure, I thought it wasyou and the doctor. Well, it warn't no business of mine to interfere, soI seed one of you climb up the balcony, as I thought, and then, afterwhich, come down head over heels with such a run, that I thought youmust have broken your neck. Well, after that you fired a couple of shotsin, and then, after that, I made sure it was you, admiral."

  "And what made you make sure of that?"

  "Why, because you scuttled away like an empty tar-barrel in full tide."

  "Confound you, you scoundrel!"

  "Well, then, confound you, if it comes to that. I thought I was doingyou good sarvice, and that the enemy was here, when all the while itturned out as you was and the enemy wasn't, and the enemy was outsideand you wasn't."

  "But who threw such a confounded lot of things into the room?"

  "Why, I did, of course; I had but one pistol, and, when I fired thatoff, I was forced to make up a broadside with what I could."

  "Was there ever such a stupid!" said the admiral; "doctor, doctor, youtalked of us making two mistakes; but you forgot a third and worse onestill, and that was the bringing such a lubberly son of a sea-cook intothe place as this fellow."

  "You're another," said Jack; "and you knows it."

  "Well, well," said Mr. Chillingworth, "it's no use continuing it,admiral; Jack, in his way, did, I dare say, what he considered for thebest."

  "I wish he'd do, then, what he considers for the worst, next time."

  "Perhaps I may," said Jack, "and then you will be served out above abit. What 'ud become of you, I wonder, if it wasn't for me? I'm as goodas a mother to you, you knows that, you old babby."

  "Come, come, admiral," said Mr. Chillingworth: "come down to thegarden-gate; it is now just upon daybreak, and the probability is thatwe shall not be long there before we see some of the country people, whowill get us anything we require in the shape of refreshment; and as forJack, he seems quite sufficiently recovered now to go to theBannerworths'."

  "Oh! I can go," said Jack; "as for that, the only thing as puts me outof the way is the want of something to drink. My constitution won'tstand what they call temperance living, or nothing with the chill off."

  "Go at once," said the admiral, "and tell Mr. Henry Bannerworth that weare here; but do not tell him before his sister or his mother. If youmeet anybody on the road, send them here with a cargo of victuals. Itstrikes me that a good, comfortable breakfast wouldn't be at all amiss,doctor."

  "How rapidly the day dawns," remarked Mr. Chillingworth, as he walkedinto the balcony from whence Varney, the vampire, had attempted to makegood his entrance to the Hall.

  Just as he spoke, and before Jack Pringle could get half way over to thegarden gate, there came a tremendous ring at the bell which wassuspe
nded over it.

  A view of that gate could not be commanded from the window of thehaunted apartment, so that they could not see who it was that demandedadmission.

  As Jack Pringle was going down at any rate, they saw no necessity forpersonal interference; and he proved that there was not, by presentlyreturning with a note which he said had been thrown over the gate by alad, who then scampered off with all the speed he could make.

  The note, exteriorly, was well got up, and had all the appearance ofgreat care having been bestowed upon its folding and sealing.

  It was duly addressed to "Admiral Bell, Bannerworth Hall," and the word"immediate" was written at one corner.

  The admiral, after looking at it for some time with very great wonder,came at last to the conclusion that probably to open it would be theshortest way of arriving at a knowledge of who had sent it, and heaccordingly did so.

  The note was as follows:--

  "My dear sir,--Feeling assured that you cannot be surrounded with those means and appliances for comfort in the Hall, in its now deserted condition, which you have a right to expect, and so eminently deserve, I flatter myself that I shall receive an answer in the affirmative, when I request the favour of your company to breakfast, as well as that of your learned friend. Mr. Chillingworth.

  "In consequence of a little accident which occurred last evening to my own residence, I am, _ad interim_, until the county build it up for me again, staying at a house called Walmesley Lodge, where I shall expect you with all the impatience of one soliciting an honour, and hoping that it will be conferred upon him.

  "I trust that any little difference of opinion on other subjects will not interfere to prevent the harmony of our morning's meal together.

  "Believe me to be, my dear sir, with the greatest possible consideration, your very obedient, humble servant,


  The admiral gasped again, and looked at Mr. Chillingworth, and then atthe note, and then at Mr. Chillingworth again, as if he was perfectlybewildered.

  "That's about the coolest piece of business," said Mr. Chillingworth,"that ever I heard of."

  "Hang me," said the admiral, "if I sha'n't like the fellow at last. Itis cool, and I like it because it is cool. Where's my hat? where's mystick!"

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Accept his invitation, to be sure, and breakfast with him; and, mylearned friend, as he calls you, I hope you'll come likewise. I'll takethe fellow at his word. By fair means, or by foul, I'll know what hewants here; and why he persecutes this family, for whom I have anattachment; and what hand he has in the disappearance of my nephew,Charles Holland; for, as sure as there's a Heaven above us, he's at thebottom of that affair. Where is this Walmesley Lodge?"

  "Just in the neighbourhood; but--"

  "Come on, then; come on."

  "But, really, admiral, you don't mean to say you'll breakfastwith--with--"

  "A vampyre? Yes, I would, and will, and mean to do so. Here, Jack, youneedn't go to Mr. Bannerworth's yet. Come, my learned friend, let's takeTime by the forelock."