Read Version Innocent Page 5

Chapter 4

  FBI Agent Jim Dawson sat in his office. In front of his desk appeared Damon Harding, president of Second Chance, Inc. Harding wasn't really there but was superimposed over reality by Dawson's neural implants.

  “Mr. Harding, I've been asked to report the results of our investigation to date by my superiors,” Dawson said, clearly uncomfortable at having to report to someone who wasn't even government.

  Dawson knew that Harding was powerful and practically controlled the government, but that didn't mean that he had to like it. Of course, he didn't let his feelings interfere with the professionalism of his report; to do so might mean the end of his career. Dawson had been thrilled to be handed this investigation. The press was eating it up. It might even mean that he could get promoted if he did well. Unfortunately it wasn't ending up that Jeff Hughes was the monster he seemed at first to be.

  “Thank you, Agent Dawson, I'm thrilled that the FBI has decided to include me in this investigation. I hope you know that I am as anxious to get to the bottom of this matter as you are,” Damon replied. Dawson could tell that this guy knew how to play the game. Always polite, but his manner told you the real story, he was in charge here. He nodded his head in acknowledgment.

  “Yesterday after our interview session with Mr. Hughes I had one of our people follow him home on the zip train. The agent was able to plant several micro-bugs on Hughes 's person without detection. In the morning several of the micro-bugs returned and down linked their findings. We intercepted an interesting communication to Mr. Hughes from Sam Storm 6.7. The message did not come through the normal mail routers. In fact, it was not addressed to Mr. Hughes. We're still trying to find out how it got into his system. The message was totally verbal. I am transmitting a transcript to your companion now.” Agent Dawson paused for a second fidgeting with a terminal that was invisible to Damon. Damon was silent for a minute as he reviewed the text of the message. As he read his eyebrows narrowed. When he was finished, Harding looked up at Dawson.

  “This is very interesting. Agent Dawson, it seems to imply one of two possibilities. The first is that Jeff Hughes didn't really have anything to do with this, that he was manipulated by Sam Storm. Or, now that the virus has inflicted its damage, either he or Storm is trying to shift the blame away.”

  “Yes, that was our conclusion as well. But after our interviews with Mr. Hughes I think that we are leaning towards the first explanation. Hughes is a goody; he has an excellent record. We've had him take a truth test and his story of being used unwittingly registers as true. It's possible that he could beat the machine, but his record doesn't show anything that would indicate duplicity on his part,” Dawson said. As he did, he could see a frown forming on Damon’s face.

  “Agent Dawson, I have reviewed that data as well, and I do believe that Hughes is telling the truth. But the contents of this message from Sam Storm clearly indicate that there has been a conspiracy. There are other parties involved, and I don't think we should stop the investigation or surveillance of Hughes until we have uncovered more information about who the other parties might be and found out the location of Sam Storm,” Damon said.

  Dawson didn't miss the authority in the voice. It was an order or soon would be. “Certainly, Mr. Harding, I didn't mean to suggest that we should stop the investigation or the surveillance. It may be that Mr. Hughes will become involved, or the other guilty parties will make themselves known to him.”

  “Good. Then we're agreed. Now what do you think should be done about the fact that Sam Storm said we wouldn't be able to find him without the 'guest' and the restored version of himself from that old backup? Do you think we should allow this restoration to further the investigation?”

  “Well, sir, legally Sam Storm 6.7 has not been declared deceased, and if we did restore this old version, it is highly probable that it would have no knowledge of any of the crimes committed. He would be innocent and would be protected from prosecution.”

  “I fully understand that, Agent Dawson. I helped craft those laws myself. I am not suggesting that we prosecute that old version. But it is obvious to me that something important is going on of which we are unaware. Have you seen the report on the damage done to the backup files?”

  “No, that report hasn’t been given to me yet by the Restoration Division.” Dawson replied, implying the restoration division wasn’t being as forthcoming with the information as he had hoped.

  “Well, I have received a preliminary analysis by the investigators there. It seems that the virus was highly targeted and was not some random attack. There were two targets by the investigator's reasoning. One was targeted at destroying backups of corporeal persons, of which forty percent were Newbies. The rest in this group were targeted at random backups to deflect suspicion. The second group were the three thousand non-corporeal backups.” Damon's voice broke up as he said the last few words. “These backups consisted almost exclusively of those who worked for Second Chance. Some of them were my partners who helped develop the restoration technology.”

  Dawson could tell that Damon felt the attack was personal. If what he said was true, the attack may have been just that. The ramifications were only just beginning to occur to him.

  After a moment Damon continued, “I think it is clear that the attack was levied against the backup system to destroy those that knew how to build a restoration device, and the other group to be targeted were Newbies that were trying to cover their tracks. I have done some checking and it appears that sixty-five percent of the Newbies that had all of their stored versions wiped have not been living on Earth for several years, and that their current whereabouts are unknown.”

  “Are you saying, sir, that there is no one left who knows how to build a restoration device?” Agent Dawson asked. It’s unthinkable. Have the damn Newbies actually pulled off a scheme to bring down the restoration system?

  Damon started waving his hands in dismissal. “No, of course not, we wouldn't risk such a thing. I personally have all the information stored in a very secure place. Rest assured, Agent Dawson, the restoration technology is not in danger of being lost.”

  Dawson was visibly relieved. Damon continued, “What I am saying is that these Newbies who were involved, including and probably led by Sam Storm, have just tried to wipe it out and are certainly up to something more, perhaps even worse than this terrorist act. We must find them, determine what they're up to and stop them. If that means breaking the law and allowing that old backup of Storm to be restored, I'm for it.”

  In that context, Dawson could understand the need to allow the restoration, but he would need approval from…he didn’t even know who could give that kind of approval. Of course Damon Harding could get the approval by making a simple phone call.

  “So what is it you propose we do, Mr. Harding?” Agent Dawson asked.

  “I think you should meet with Director Hughes and tell him that we have received the confession from Sam Storm 6.7, and that he may return to work, contingent on our investigation not turning up anything further to implicate him. Then once he has returned, allow him to start the restoration of the old backup. Once the backup is past the legal stop point, we bust him for breaking the law and get him removed from his position. I think that he will go along with the request in Storm’s message, and we will let him. Then we will find out who the 'guest' is, and we can follow her while they do the work to hunt Sam Storm 6.7 down. I don't really care what happens to them after that, but Storm 6.7 must be found and brought to justice.” Damon Harding was animated about this last remark.

  “It sounds a bit unorthodox, sir, but I believe that with the stakes being so high in this case it can be justified.”

  Dawson had always considered Damon Harding to be arrogant, calculating and inhuman. This meeting had demonstrated to him that Damon Harding was arrogant and calculating but that the man did have some feelings. Maybe he was human after all. And he was right.
Storm 6.7 needed to be brought to justice...the public wouldn't have it any other way, especially once they got wind of the targeted attack at the restoration technology itself. Dawson knew that if he could bring Sam Storm 6.7 to justice, he could write his own ticket.

  “Excellent, Agent Dawson, it has been a pleasure to work with you. I'll make sure that Mr. Hughes regains his access to the restoration facility, but don't worry we'll be watching him so closely that he won't be able to do anything to the system before we can stop him. Good luck.” Damon Harding said in dismissal. Dawson nodded and the image of Damon Harding disappeared from view.