Read Veterans Day Page 6

I was one week away from graduation when a bombshell was dropped. The Corps informed me that the kid we had called “Zero,” was alive. L.T told me that I was the only one to make it back alive, so when I heard this I began to wonder if anyone else had made it out without L.T's knowledge.

  “He was seriously injured,” The Corps told me and a group of armed soldiers. “Burns to over 98% of his body. Broken arms, a broken leg, both lungs punctured, three cracked ribs, and half his jaw had to be removed. Hecksford here only had to take down a chef!” Everyone in the room laughed but me. “His name will remain ‘Zero’ at his request. Seeing as how he is a new person he wanted a new identity as well. He even pleaded with us to kill all of his family, so deep is his dedication to the program. He wants and needs no ties to his former life. All he wants is to kill for his country. Hecksford, I will take you to him shortly. You two can have a little catching up session. Afterward the last of the program will be completed. Dismissed.”

  I was escorted to a large hospital ward that I had never seen before. There was almost no light. The room was the size of half a football field. There was one light with one bed near the center. A small table with a mirror lay next to it. I walked closer and saw that the mirror was shattered. Zero lay in the bed grinning. I wanted to look away but he spoke to me before I could.

  “Isn't this glorious?” he asked. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “You shouldn't be alive.” “But I am,” he said. “I still live despite what happened to me. I hear you had quite a simple

  mission. The simplest out of all of us that were sent. I guess L.T wanted to go easy on you.” He winced as he spoke L.T’s name. “The Kenyans were killed quickly. The racist and ‘Habib’ were found tied together with their throats slit. Me, on the other hand, I was dipped into oil. Hot oil. I was set on fire, doused with water, and then dried off near a heater. Then they beat me with clubs. Then set on fire again. They laughed the entire time. But so did I. I could not help but laugh. The lunacy of the situation was not lost on me. I laughed as I was pulled from a river by a fisherman. There is no reason I should be alive. Now I don't see a reason why anyone should be.”

  “That’s a horrible thing to think, man,” I said. He smelled like burnt meat. He smelled like he looked. The bottom half of his mouth was covered by a mesh of some sort. Obviously more of our tax dollars at work. Millions were spent to keep this monster alive. “Why did you want to come back to the program anyway? We're just puppets to them!”

  “We're all puppets,” Zero said. “But sometimes we cut the strings and do not fall.” He sat up and rubbed his face, which was beading with sweat. The smell of him became stronger as he leaned closer to me. I fought back bile. “I will be the best there ever was. I know it in my soul. If I have to kill you to prove that I will. Nothing can stop me.”

  “Is that what you think your destiny is?” I asked. “To be the best?” “Yes,” he replied. “No offense, extra crispy,” I said. “But I'm the best. See you when I see you.” I began to walk

  away. “Apex,” Zero said. I froze mid-step. “What did you say?” I asked. “L.T said I was the apex of the program,” he said. “He was right.” “What else did he tell you?” I asked. I was enjoying hearing about L.T instead of just thinking

  about him. But I wish his name wasn't coming from this beast’s mouth. “He said that his pet-name for you wasn't just an abbreviation of your last name,” Zero

  whispered. “Have you ever looked up the definition of the word 'hex'? It says ‘to bring bad luck.’ That’s what you do. You got the others killed because L.T wanted to fuck you.”

  “Goodbye, Zero,” I said as I walked about. “Goodbye, dead one,” Zero laughed. If snakes could laugh, this is what it would sound like.
