Read Vicious Carousel Page 6

  “Ah. Oooh! So if he acts douchey, I can step in?”

  “Be my guest.” At this point, he’d love to see Tilly give Dennis a run for his homophobic money.

  “You know what? I really like you. You do anything to fuck up my opinion of you, I’m liable to get upset.”

  “I promise, I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”

  “Cool. See you at five.”

  Kenny hung up and wheeled back around to return to the grocery section.

  He’d need more food.

  Chapter Six

  In her dreams, Betsy was trapped in a nightmarish maze, the chain painfully banging on her right ankle as she ran through the labyrinth, always pulled up short just before what looked like a safe exit, forced to turn around and try another way.

  Always with thunderous footsteps just behind her, Jack’s harsh breathing, his threats of what he’d do to her.

  She startled awake and let out a yelp of pain as she nearly rolled off the couch. Kenny, who’d apparently been sitting in an easy chair, dove to catch her, keeping her from hitting the floor.

  Unable to help it, both from the pain and emotions, she burst into tears.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Hey, why are you apologizing?” He helped her back into a more comfortable position, tucking pillows behind her head.

  “This totally upends your lives.”

  “We’re okay,” he said. “We wouldn’t have volunteered if we didn’t want you here.”

  “And, honestly?” Nolan said from somewhere behind them. “You couldn’t be by yourself right now. You couldn’t get out of bed without help this morning. Don’t be in a hurry to leave.”

  “What the hell happened to me?” she tearfully asked. “How did I let myself get into that situation?”

  “We’re all human,” Kenny said as he sat on the coffee table. “We all make mistakes in the name of love.”

  “I thought I was so smart,” she said. “I thought I knew what to watch out for. He had a job, he said all the right things, did all the right things.”

  “And that’s what predators do,” Kenny said. “They learn how to do those things. You were probably a challenge for him because you weren’t some weak woman throwing yourself at him.”

  “I wasn’t enough of a challenge, obviously,” she darkly said. “I never should have played with him. I should have waited.”

  Nolan walked around the end of the couch to join Kenny. “Did he pressure you to play?”

  “No, and that’s exactly it! I asked him to play after we’d met a few times and talked. He didn’t ask me. I knew that was a warning sign, if someone pressured you to play.”

  Nolan shrugged. “Predators improve their hunting skills, unfortunately.”

  “The sad thing is, I thought I sucked at vanilla relationships. I mean, they were nice guys, right? But it was…boring. Like there was always something missing. I just lost interest. When I discovered BDSM it all clicked home what I’d been needing. But even when I dated vanilla guys, I didn’t hesitate to break up with a guy if he got too controlling or wanted too much, too fast. How ironic is that?”

  “Again, predators are cunning,” Kenny said. “It’s their raison d’être. It’s kind of what they get off on doing.”

  “Anything from Ed yet on bail?”

  “He hasn’t been arraigned yet,” Nolan said. “In about an hour or so.”

  “So, here’s another thing,” Kenny said. “Tilly and her guys are coming over for dinner.”


  “And my mom.”

  “Oh.” She let out a sigh. “I’ll stay in my room then.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. We want you to eat with us. You’re why Tilly and her guys are coming over. My mom’s husband might be with her, but doubtful.” Kenny and Nolan exchanged a glance. “We’re going to tell my mom the full truth about us, and about who you are, tonight. We’d been talking about maybe getting married, and all this stuff made us realize how short life is and not to waste it.”

  “I’m happy for you,” she said, feeling a little wistful. “That’s great.”

  “Thanks,” Nolan said. “We’ve already decided we’re not going to tell anyone where you’re staying, except the people who were there last night. If you decide later to tell anyone, that’s up to you. For now, it’s probably safer if we keep your location secret.”

  “Agreed.” She winced as she tried to sit up by herself. These guys were so nice, so sweet.

  So safe.

  It would be tempting to let herself stay here too long, and she knew that.

  Right now, she’d settle for being able to go to the bathroom by herself. “I hate to ask for help, but I need to get up.”

  The men rose as one. They were a lot alike despite their differences in appearance. Nolan, with his blond hair and blue eyes, a couple of inches taller than Kenny, who had short brown hair and brown eyes. Together, they got her on her feet and down the hall to the bathroom.

  This time, at least, she was able to go by herself. And she avoided looking in the mirror when she washed her hands. When she turned, she spotted a bunch of new stuff on the shelf over the toilet, things that hadn’t been there before.

  Girlie stuff.

  She turned to stare at them, where they stood in the doorway with guilty looks. “When did you go shopping?” she asked.

  “After you zonked out,” Kenny said. “If I didn’t get the right stuff, let me know. I picked you up some pajamas and things, too.”

  Her one good eye watered. “It’s perfect. Thanks. I appreciate it.” She reached over, ripped open the box holding the deodorant, and reached under her shirt to apply some. “I had to use his. He wouldn’t buy me any of my own.” She replaced the cap and set it on the shelf. “I took stuff like this for granted before. I can’t remember the last time I went shopping. I had to give him a list of stuff I needed, and he would buy it, if he felt like it. It was like I had to earn it.”

  When she turned, the dark expressions on the men’s faces startled her. “What?”

  “Sorry,” Nolan quietly said. “Just that if we’d known he was being this shitty to you, we would have stepped in a lot sooner to try to help you out. A lot of us would have.”

  “It’s my own fault for not saying anything and not leaving sooner. Well, it’s my fault for letting him do this to me in the first place.” She managed a glance in the mirror. “The worst part? I was raised not to tolerate this kind of abuse. I think that’s why it took me so long to find BDSM and accept it. Then I threw myself into it wholeheartedly and got my heart ripped out in the process.”

  They got her situated back on the couch, this time sitting up. Nolan brought her more ibuprofen.

  “When do I have to go back to get my stitches out?” she asked.

  “You don’t,” Kenny said. “You were probably too out of it last night to understand all of that. They’d already given you a pain shot by then. They’re dissolvable stitches. If you have swelling or infection, you have to go back. Otherwise, you’re good. Well, other than the head injury.”

  At least the nausea had faded. Likely due to being able to eat. “I promise, when I’m feeling better, I’ll start helping with chores.”

  “Stop,” Nolan said. “Seriously, we mean it. We get it, you’re not a mooch. Message received.” He smiled. “Think of this as a very hard-earned vacation for a few days, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Any ideas what to do about a job?” Kenny asked.

  “No. I’ll need to get a job so I can get a car. I doubt the place I worked will hire me back.”

  “Why’s that?” Nolan asked.

  “It was a real estate office. They’ve probably filled my position.”

  “Wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

  “I will.” Sadness settled over her. “I thought I’d met Dom Dashing. Instead, he was a Master Baiter.”

  Kenny snickered. “That’s a good one. At least your sense of humor’s still

  “About the only thing I have left that’s still truly mine,” she said. “And even then, he tried to beat that out of me, too.”

  * * * *

  Ed called back a little later on Kenny’s phone. “I have good news and bad news.”

  “Start with the bad,” Kenny said as he walked into the living room and sat on the end of the couch.

  “He’s pleading not guilty, and the judge set his bail at one hundred thousand dollars.”

  “Dammit. What’s the good news?”

  “He didn’t make bail. He doesn’t have the money. And Tony got into that computer, which led us to doing a little looking around. We were able to access his online bank account. He’s only got about a thousand dollars in his account. So he’s going to be sitting right where he is for a while. He can’t afford bail. And before you ask, no, we can’t transfer the money out. She’s not on the account. That would be fully illegal, and get her in trouble if we did it.”

  Kenny gave a very worried-looking Betsy a thumbs-up, triggering a sigh of relief from her. “That is good news, though,” Kenny said.

  Nolan appeared from the kitchen. “What?”

  “Didn’t make bail,” Kenny said.

  Nolan pumped his fist and sat in one of the easy chairs to listen in.

  “I’m going to file for the restraining order to be made permanent tomorrow,” Ed said. “Is there anything else we need to get for her out of the apartment?”

  “Let me ask.” He turned to her. “Did we get everything you need last night?”

  “Well, everything that’s technically mine. If he can’t get out of jail, I wouldn’t mind going in and getting stuff I’ll have to replace that he made me get rid of, like dishes and stuff.”

  Kenny spoke to Ed. “What’s the legalities of clearing out the rest of the apartment?”

  “She was a resident there. Her driver’s license lists that address. Legally, she can do what she wants with the contents. The police have released the scene. And I have a list of volunteers ready to go get everything else.”

  “Do it, please.”

  “Kel’s got an empty unit over at the complex. We’ll move it there for now. The Collins brothers said it’ll take less than an hour to do.”

  “Do we need to bring her over?” Kenny asked.

  “Not unless she wants to come. We’ll leave any men’s clothing behind. I’m sure the landlord will appreciate not having to empty the place.”

  “Thanks. Keep us posted.” She motioned for the phone. “Hold on.” Kenny passed it to her.


  “Yeah, honey?”

  “Please tell everyone how much I appreciate all of this. I’ll find a way to pay them back somehow.”

  “You pay them back by healing your body and making a full recovery with your life.”

  * * * *

  Tilly and her men arrived at a quarter till five. Nolan no sooner had the door open than she swooped in past him with a peck on the cheek, aiming straight for Betsy on the couch.

  Landry smiled. “Long time, no see.” He carried Kenny and Nolan’s bag and set it just inside the door.

  “Yeah, tell me about it.” He reached for the covered casserole dish Cris was carrying. “Ed said they’ve emptied the apartment except for Jack’s clothes.”

  “Good,” Landry said with a satisfied nod. “That’ll be a nice surprise for him to return to, if he ever makes bail.”

  As Nolan carried the dish into the kitchen, he spotted Tilly sitting on the couch next to Betsy, her arm around Betsy’s shoulders.

  He suspected Tilly would practically glue herself to Betsy whenever possible. Her and Eliza both. Tilly would soon be starting work as Leigh’s assistant out in LA at their production company, and Eliza would have to stand in for their group’s de facto momma bear.

  “So what’s the plan, man?” Tilly asked Kenny as he joined them in the living room.

  Nolan returned from the kitchen. “I think that depends in part on whether or not Dennis comes with Mom for dinner.”

  Tilly shrugged. “We going for full honesty, here? Or just ‘common friends,’ or what?”

  Nolan looked to Kenny. This was his mom. He knew he had his own revelations he’d have to go through with his family, but he wouldn’t make this decision for his partner.

  “Full honesty,” Kenny said. “At first I wasn’t going to talk about the BDSM stuff, but you know what? If I’m going to get it all out on the table, I’m going to feel a lot better.”

  “Cool,” Tilly said. She glared at Landry, who looked like he was about to speak. “And yes, I will behave myself, Sir. Fussypants.”

  Cris snickered. “One of these days, you’re going to say that to him and he’s going to haul off and spank you in the bad way.”

  She stuck her tongue out at Cris. “No, he won’t. Because he lurrrrves me.” She blew Landry a kiss.

  Nolan was relieved to see Betsy attempt a smile. “I hope my appearance doesn’t scare the crap out of your mom,” she said. “I look horrible.”

  “This might sound wrong,” Kenny said, “but I’m going to put it out there anyway. I’m honestly hoping she feels so badly for you that she sort of glosses over the whole BDSM revelation. That, and that we’re sometimes poly with a woman.”

  Tilly gasped. “You two sometimes partner up with women?” she said, sounding totally surprised. “I had no idea.”

  Now Betsy laughed. She patted Tilly on the leg. “Tilly, please. Lying doesn’t suit you. I swear that I will not get involved in any other relationship unless you and-or Eliza have signed off on it first. But it’s way too soon for you to try matchmaking, okay? I don’t even have a damn car. I just want my life back first.”

  “Well, can’t blame a Domme for trying, can you?”

  “No, and I love you for it.”

  “Oh, she has a phone,” Kenny said, getting up to retrieve it from where he’d left it charging in their bedroom.

  “She does?” Tilly whipped hers out. “Cool, what’s the number?”

  “I do?” Betsy asked.

  “I bought you one,” Kenny called over his shoulder.


  Nolan caught the hint of fear in her voice and called him back. “Kenny, wait.” Nolan arched an eyebrow at her. “It’s not an expensive phone or an expensive plan. But we’re doing this for you for two reasons. One, you need a phone of your own. Consider the phone and the first two months a gift. Hopefully by that point you’ll be able to afford to pay for it yourself. If not, we’ll give you two more months as an early Christmas gift.”

  Her left eye closed, a tear squeezing out from under the lid as she nodded.

  Tilly’s voice dropped, her tone tender. “Betsy, you’re not the first woman to end up in this situation. The difference here is you have people who love you and want to help you. Let us help you. Please?”

  Betsy nodded again. “Thank you.”

  Nolan nodded for Kenny to get the phone. He brought it back, showing her how to use it. Tilly immediately set to work programming a bunch of numbers into it for her, including hers and her men’s numbers, Eliza, Tony, Shayla, Ross and Loren, Ed—everyone. Kenny had already programmed his and Nolan’s cell and work numbers into it for her to have.

  After Tilly returned it to her, Betsy stared at it for a long moment, then handed it to Tilly. “Take a picture of me,” she quietly said.

  Tilly’s brow furrowed. “Uh, why?”

  “Because I never want to forget this. I want a picture of how I look right now, so if I ever start to do something stupid again, even after I’ve forgotten how badly this hurts, even after I’ve moved on and have my life and independence back, I want to be able to look at my face and remember why I can’t fuck up this badly ever again.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kenny wasn’t the least bit surprised when he heard a car door shut two minutes before six and glanced out the front window to see his mom walking up their driveway.


/>   He already had the front door open when she stepped onto the porch. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, sweetie. Extra guests for dinner?”

  He took the red velvet cake she’d made from her. “Yeah, that’s…complicated.”

  “Compli—” Her jaw snapped shut when she spotted Betsy sitting on the couch.

  “Mom, it’s a long story, and I promise you, you’ll get all of it.” He made a quick round of introductions while Nolan came and took the cake from him.

  His mom walked around the coffee table to sit on the other end of the couch next to Betsy. “I hope the son of a bitch who did this to you is in jail!”

  “He is, Mom,” Kenny assured her.

  He started with the quick version, that Betsy called Tilly for help, and a bunch of them rushed in to provide said help.

  When he finished that part, his mom glanced at Tilly, her men, then back to him. “Okay. So what aren’t you telling me?”

  Nolan had joined them out in the living room. “You know how that one night after dinner we had the TV on, and one of those commercials for the Fifty Shades movie played?” Kenny asked her.


  “We all live it in real life.”

  The room went tomb-silent.

  Kenny watched his mom as her gaze swiveled from him, to Betsy, to Nolan, then to Tilly and her guys. “So you three,” she said, using a finger to indicate Tilly, Landry, and Cris, “are a…group?”

  “Triad,” Landry offered. “We’re a poly triad. Tilly is my wife, and Cris is my slave, and we’re all partners.”

  “And it’s really complicated if we explain more than that,” Tilly added, this time without any of her characteristic snark added for conversational flavor.

  His mom nodded, then looked back at Kenny. “So, some of those women you and Nolan brought around before?”

  He nodded. “They were women we were dating or playing with,” he admitted.

  “And her?” She pointed at Betsy. “No offense to any of you, but she looks like she should be in the hospital.”

  “I checked myself out of the ER last night,” Betsy said. “Don’t worry, right now, all I’m planning to do is survive long enough to look human again and get my life back.”