Read Vicky Van Page 7



  There were many calls on Vicky Van's telephone that morning. It seemedto me that the bell rang almost continually. The police peopleanswered it, and one time, I was surprised to learn that the call wasfor me.

  I took up the receiver and heard Mr. Bradbury's voice.

  "I called up your home," he said, "and your sister told me to try thisnumber. Now, look here, Calhoun, I wish you'd go to see Mrs. Schuyler.I've talked with her over the telephone, and she asked me to come upthere, but I've got the Crittendon case on this morning, and I can'tget away very well. So you go and see what you can do for her. Shetold me you were there last night, and she's willing to have you in myplace."

  I agreed, feeling rather flattered that the rich man's widow should soreadily accept me as Mr. Bradbury's substitute.

  "I'm sorry you're going there," said Mrs. Reeves, her eyes fillingwith tears, as I took leave of her. "Of course, the Schuylers willpump you about Vicky, and try to make you say that she killed thatman!"

  "I must tell Mrs. Schuyler the truth," I said.

  "Yes, but can't you give Vicky the benefit of the doubt? For there isa doubt. Why should she kill a man she never had seen before?"

  "Perhaps he wasn't a stranger to her, after all."

  "Why, I heard her say, before he came, that she didn't know him."

  "You heard her say she didn't know Mr. Somers," I corrected. "I'vebeen thinking this thing over. Suppose Vicky did know Mr. Schuyler,and when Steele proposed bringing a Mr. Somers--"

  "No, you're all wrong!" she exclaimed. "I saw them when they met, andI'm sure they had never laid eyes on each other before. There was notthe least sign of recognition. Besides, that isn't like Vicky--to havea millionaire and a married man for her friend. That girl is allright, Mr. Calhoun, and I don't want you to let Mrs. Schuyler thinkshe isn't."

  "Perhaps Mrs. Schuyler knows something about her."

  "I doubt it. Anyway, you stand up for Vicky, as far as you can do sohonestly. Won't you?"

  "I can surely promise that," I replied, as I started on my errand.

  Approaching the Fifth Avenue residence, I looked at the house, which Ihad been unable to see clearly the night before.

  It was large and handsome, but not one of the most modern mansions.Four stories, it was, and as I glanced up I noticed that all thewindow shades were down. The floral emblem of death hung at one sideof the wide entrance, and as I approached, the door silently swungopen.

  A footman was in charge, and I was ushered at once to the librarywhere I had been some hours earlier. It was not a cheerful room; theappointments were heavy and somber, though evidently the woods andfabrics were of great value. A shaded electrolier gave a dim light,for the drawn blinds precluded daylight.

  A soft step, and Mrs. Schuyler came into the room.

  Black garb was not becoming to her. The night before, in her bluehouse-dress, she had looked almost pretty, but now, in a black gown,without even a bit of relieving white at her throat, she was plain andvery pathetic.

  Her face was pale and drawn, and her eyes showed dark shadows, as ofutter weariness. She greeted me simply and glided to a nearby chair.

  "It is kind of you to come, Mr. Calhoun," and the fine quality of hervoice and inflection betokened New England ancestry, or training. "Asyou were here last night--you seem more like a friend than a merebusiness acquaintance."

  "I am very glad, Mrs. Schuyler," and I spoke sincerely, "that you lookon me like that. Please tell me anything you wish to, and command mein any way I can serve you."

  The speech sounded a little stilted, I knew, but there was somethingabout Ruth Schuyler that called for dignified address. She had the airof bewildered helplessness that always appeals to a man, but she had,too, a look of determination as to one who would do the right thing atany cost of personal unpleasantness.

  "It is all so dreadful," she began, and an insuppressible sobthreatened her speech. But she controlled it, and went on. "There isso much to be gone through with and I am so ignorant of--of lawand--you know--of police doings."

  "I understand," I returned, "and anything that you can be spared, restassured you shall be. But there is much ahead of you that will be hardfor you--very hard, and perhaps I can help you get ready for it."

  "Will there be an inquest, and all that?" she whispered the word halffearfully.

  "Yes, there must be; though not for several days, probably. You knowthey can't find Miss Van Allen."

  "No. Where can she be? I don't suppose they will ever find her. Whyshould she kill my husband? Have you any theory, Mr. Calhoun? Howwell did you know this--this person?"

  "Only fairly well. By which I mean, I have met her some half a dozentimes."

  "Always in her own house?"

  "Not always. I've attended studio parties where she was present--"

  "Oh, Bohemian affairs?"

  "Not exactly. Miss Van Allen is a delightful girl, bright and of merryspirits, but in no way fast or of questionable habits."

  "That's what they tell me; but pardon me, if I cannot believe a reallynice, correct young woman would have a married man visiting her."

  "But remember, Mrs. Schuyler, Miss Van Allen did not invite Mr.Schuyler to her house. As near as we can make out, Mr. Steele broughthim, without Miss Van Allen's permission. And under an assumed name."

  A blush of shame stained her face.

  "I realize," she said, "how that reflects against my husband. Must allthis be made public, Mr. Calhoun?"

  "I fear it must. The law is inexorable in its demands for justice."

  "But if they can't find Miss Van Allen, how can they indict her? orwhatever the term is. Why can't the whole affair be hushed up?Personally, I would far rather never find the girl--never have herpunished, than to drag the Schuyler name through the horrors of amurder trial."

  "I quite understand your position, but it will not be possible toevade the legal proceedings. Of course, if Miss Van Allen is neverfound, the affair must remain a mystery. But she will be found. A ladylike that can't drop out of existence."

  "No, of course not. Why, her bills must be paid, her household effectslooked after; is she in a house or an apartment?"

  "A house. I understand she owns it."

  "Then she must communicate with her business people--lawyer, bank orcreditors. Can't you trace her that way?"

  "We hope to. As you say, she must surely return to attend to suchmatters."

  "And her servants? What do they say?"

  I described the unusual menage that Vicky Van supported, and Mrs.Schuyler was interested.

  "How strange," she said. "She sounds to me like an adventuress!"

  "No, she isn't that. She has money enough."

  "Where does she get it?"

  "I don't know, I'm sure. But she is a quiet, self-reliant littleperson, and not at all of the adventuress type."

  "It doesn't matter," and Mrs. Schuyler sighed. "I don't care anythingabout her personality. She must be bad or she wouldn't have killed myhusband. I'm not defending him, but men don't go to the houses ofcomplete strangers and get murdered by them! And I hope she will neverbe found, for it might bring out a story of scandal or shame that willalways cling to Mr. Schuyler's memory. But, of course, she will comeback, and she will plead innocence and lay all blame on Mr. Schuyler.Can't we buy her off? I would pay a large sum to keep her story fromthe world."

  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Schuyler, but that can't be done."

  "I thought you would help me--I'm so disappointed."

  Tears gathered in her eyes, and her voice trembled. I wished Bradburyhad had this job instead of myself, for I am soft-hearted wherefeminine appeal is concerned, and I didn't know quite what to say.

  But just then the two Schuyler sisters came into the library and Irose to greet them.

  "Oh," cried Miss Rhoda, "it's all too awful! We can't believe it! Iwish I had that girl here! You must find her, Mr. Calhoun--you must!"

  "Yes," chimed in Miss Sarah; "
she must be brought to judgment. An eyefor an eye and a life for a life. That's the Scripture law."

  "Don't talk so, Sarah," pleaded Ruth Schuyler. "It won't bringRandolph back, to punish his murderer. And think of the awfulpublicity!"

  "I don't care for that. Murder has been done and murder must beavenged. I'm ashamed of you, Ruth, if you let any idea of personaldistaste stand in the way of righteous law and order."

  "I, too," agreed Rhoda. "Spare no effort or expense, Mr. Calhoun, tofind that wicked girl and have her arrested."

  "I daresay you are right," and Mrs. Schuyler's acquiescence showed herto be more or less under the iron hand of the family opinion. "Ofcourse, if you feel that way, I shall raise no obstacle to the law'sprogress. Whatever you advise, Rhoda, I agree to."

  "Certainly you do. You are young, Ruth, and you are not a Schuyler.Why, the very name demands the strongest powers of the law. I onlyfear that the most desperate efforts may not succeed. What is youropinion, Mr. Calhoun? Can they find that woman?"

  The scorn of the last two words, as uttered by Rhoda Schuyler's sharptongue, is not to be reproduced in print.

  "I think most probably, yes, Miss Schuyler. I think she must returnsooner or later."

  "Don't wait for that!" exclaimed Sarah. "Send people to search forher. Scour the country. Don't let her get away beyond retrieval. Offera reward, if necessary, but get her!"

  "A reward!" repeated Rhoda. "Yes, that's it. Put it in the paper atonce; a large reward for any information of Miss Van Allen."

  "Stay," I urged; "don't decide on such measures too hastily. Might younot defeat your own purpose? Miss Van Allen doubtless will see thepapers, wherever she may be. If she learns of the reward, she willhide herself more securely than ever."

  "I think so, too," said Ruth, in her gentle voice. "I am sure, Rhoda,we oughtn't to do anything like that just yet. Oh, how hard it is toknow what to do."

  "Yes, we've always deferred everything to Randolph. How can we getalong without him?"

  "We must," and Mrs. Schuyler set her pale lips together in an evidentdetermination to be brave and strong. "Now, Mr. Calhoun, what is thereto be discussed in a business way? I mean regarding Mr. Schuyler'sbusiness with you or Mr. Bradbury?"

  "Nothing at present," I returned, feeling sure the poor woman hadquite enough on her mind. "The will can be examined at yourconvenience, and any questions of securities or money can rest overfor a time. Do you wish any ready cash? Or shall we look after anymoney matters?"

  "Thank you, no. Such things are systematically arranged in thehousehold. Jepson attends to bills and tradesmen. My greatest wish isfor a secretary or some person to write notes and look after the floodof letters and telegrams that has already begun."

  I felt surprised, for I had assumed that the rich man's wife had asocial secretary of her own.

  "I've no one," she said, in response to my glance, "Mr. Schuylerdidn't wish me to have a secretary, and indeed I didn't need one. Butnow--"

  "Of course, it is necessary now."

  "Not at all," interrupted Miss Rhoda. "I am surprised at you, Ruth!You know how Randolph objected to such things, and now, as soon as heis gone, you begin to--"

  "Hush, Rhoda," said Ruth, with gentle dignity. "It was not necessarybefore, but it is now. You've no idea what a task it will be. All ourfriends and many of Randolph's acquaintances will call or sendmessages and they must be acknowledged--"

  "And, pray, what else have you to do, but acknowledge them? Sarah andI will attend to our own. A great many, doubtless, but not too much ofa task for us, when it is in memory of our dear brother!"

  "Very well," and Ruth spoke calmly, "we will wait for a day or two,Mr. Calhoun, and then, if, as I believe, the matter requires furtherconsideration, we will discuss it again."

  Clever woman, I thought to myself. She isn't altogether chummy withthose old maid sisters, and yet she knows better than to have any opendisagreement. I'll bet she gets her secretary when she gets ready forone! I'll be on the lookout for the right girl for her.

  "When will they bring my husband home?" she continued, without waitingfor comment on her decision about the secretary.

  "Some time to-day," I returned, looking commiseratingly at theharassed white face. "Probably this afternoon. Can I take any messageregarding the funeral arrangements?"

  "Not yet," and Ruth Schuyler shuddered. "Those details are soterrible--"

  "Terrible, yes," said Miss Sarah, "but they must be looked after. Wewill see the undertaker's men, Ruth. I think Rhoda and I will knowbetter what is fit and proper for Randolph's burial ceremonies thanyou possibly can."

  I began to realize that the sisters had a family pride which did notinclude their brother's wife in their councils. Apparently she was, orthey deemed her, of lesser birth or social standing. Personally,however, I greatly preferred the gentle kindliness of the widow to thearistocratic hauteur of the sisters.

  Ruth Schuyler made no objection to the proposition, and seemedrelieved that her advice would not be required.

  "Who is in the house where Mr. Schuyler was--where he died?" sheasked, hesitatingly.

  "Only the police," I answered, "unless Miss Van Allen has returned."

  "Were--were there many people there--last night?"

  Clearly, she wanted to know more details of the occasion, but didn'tlike to show curiosity.

  "Yes," I informed her, "quite a number. It was Miss Van Allen'sbirthday, and so, a sort of little celebration."

  "Her birthday? How old was she?"

  "I've no idea. I should guess about twenty-two or twenty-three."

  "Is she--is--what does she look like?"

  The eternal feminine wanted to ask "is she pretty?" but RuthSchuyler's dignity scarcely permitted the question. I noticed, too,that the sisters listened attentively for my reply.

  "Yes," I said, truthfully, "she is pretty. She is small, with veryblack hair, and large, dark gray eyes. She is exceedingly chic andup-to-date as to costumes, and is of vivacious and charming manner."

  "Humph!" sniffed Miss Rhoda, "an actress?"

  "Not at all! Victoria Van Allen is a well-bred lady if there ever wasone."

  "You are a staunch friend, Mr. Calhoun," and Mrs. Schuyler looked hersurprise.

  "I speak only as I feel; I can't say surely that Miss Van Allen didnot commit this crime, for I know there is evidence against her. But Ican't reconcile the deed with her character, as I know it, and I, forone, shall wait further developments before I condemn her. But, ofcourse, Mrs. Schuyler, my personal feelings in the matter have noweight in law, and I stand ready to obey whatever orders you may givein connection with a search for the missing girl."

  "I don't know exactly what I do want done, yet, Mr. Calhoun," and RuthSchuyler glanced deferringly toward the sisters.

  "No, we don't." For once Sarah agreed with Ruth. "After the funeral,we can set our minds to the finding of the criminal. Of course, thepolice will do all they can, meantime, to trace her?"

  "Of course. And such a plan is best. She may return--"

  "To a house guarded by police?" asked Ruth.

  "Possibly. If she is innocent, why not?"

  "Innocent!" exclaimed Miss Rhoda with utmost scorn.

  "Some of her friends think her so," I observed. "Mrs. Reeves, a ladywho was at the party, stayed in the house all night, and is, I think,there still."

  "Why did she do that?" asked Mrs. Schuyler, looking puzzled.

  "She hoped Miss Van Allen would return, and she waited there to lookafter her."

  "That was kind. Who is this lady?"

  "She lives down on Washington Square. I only know her slightly, butshe is a warm-hearted and a most capable and sensible one. She refusesto believe that Vicky Van--"

  "What do you call her?"

  "Her friends call her Vicky Van. It--it sort of suits her."

  "From what you say, I judge she is not the terror I thought her atfirst; but, all the same, she murdered my husband, and I cannot lookon her as you seem to."

; "Nor can I blame you. Your feelings toward her are entirely just, Mrs.Schuyler."