Read Viking Boys Page 33



  Garth Halsen and his father were strolling over the hill that day. Theold Yarl of Broch was always restless during a storm, and never caredto sit in the house when the elements were at war, "for there is sorrowon the sea," he would say at such times; "and I cannot rest when Ithink some poor souls are fighting for life on the water." As thefather and son walked on they saw Pirate, and he saw them, and made atonce for them, whining in the most distressful manner.

  "What dog is that? Why, I've----"

  "It's Yaspard's dog," Garth exclaimed; "and he wants us to go with him.Something has happened, I fear."

  They hurried in the direction which Pirate so intelligently indicated,and he soon led them to where our Viking-boy lay.

  By that time Yaspard had revived a little, and was sitting up lookingaround in a dazed state, but the cheery voice of old Halsen soonrestored his wits, and he could give an account of what had happened.

  "No time to lose, lads," said the Yarl, with all the fire of strongmanhood eager to help the forlorn and weak. "We'll carry you over thehill between us, boy, and get out the boats."

  They swung Yaspard up on their arms and went over the hill at a goodpace, considering the Yarl's age, until they reached a cottagefortunately not far distant. There our hero was left in the care ofkindly women, while Mr. Halsen and Garth hastened to the nearestfishing-station and gathered a stout crew.

  When Yaspard was reviving under the influence of warm food and a cozybed, a sixaern with Mr. Halsen as skipper was speeding round the NorthNess, and appeared before the longing eyes on Swarta Stack like anangel of deliverance.

  "He has done it!" Harry exclaimed. "Yaspard has not met hisgreat-grand-uncle's fate!"

  "How do you know?" Lowrie asked. "It may hae been the dog. It's asenseful beast."

  "Don't you see they are coming straight as an arrow for the Stack?"answered reflecting Harry. "No doubt in their minds as to where weare. Now Pirate's arrival and demonstrations could only indicate thatwe were in a strait somewhere among the holmes, but only Yaspard'stongue could tell the identical place where we are."

  "Ye're awfully wise!" Lowrie exclaimed with much admiration, whichbecame qualified when Bill remarked, "Some one may have seen our fire,or the sail."

  "I don't think so," Harry answered. "I have had my eyes on thehillside over there all the morning, and I'd have seen any person whocame there--unless they were by the creek, which is hidden from us bythe curves of the North Ness."

  "Any person _there_ would not see us," said Bill, "so you must beright. But if Yaspard landed, how is it we did not see him?"

  "He would land at the creek, most likely; and the little daal whichleads over the hill from the shore dips under the level of the Nesshill, so we could not possibly see him. But we shall know all about itvery soon now."

  "I'd rather die on Swarta Stack than ken he is in the sea," blubberedLowrie, whose fears on Yaspard's account had quite unnerved him.

  But what a cheer those boys sent up when the sixaern came close, andHarry called out "Is Yaspard safe?" and received for answer a joyous"Yes, yes! he's all right by now."

  They shouted and sobbed together, until Tom was recalled from hishalf-unconscious state to a knowledge that rescue had come, andmurmured, "I am so glad for their sakes, poor boys!"

  The Yarl had not omitted to bring such nourishment as could be mostquickly procured, and as soon as the boat was moored the castaways werequaffing draughts of milk and devouring oatcakes and butter. Nothinghad ever tasted so sweet to Tom's lips as that milk, and the gentlevoice of Garth Halsen, his cool soft touch, were as good as medicine.

  He was carefully conveyed to the boat; the _Osprey_ was safely beached,high and dry, and loaded with stones to prevent her being buffeted bythe winds again, until such time as she could be removed; and the boys,with lightened hearts, scrambled into the haaf-boat, carrying with themall their campaigning effects.

  "If Yaspard were here," said Harry, "he would wish to stay by his boatuntil he had made her fit to float us off the Stack again. I don'thalf like leaving her all by herself, poor old _Osprey_."

  "You and your Viking can return and finish up your voyage of discoveryanother time," quoth Garth; "but at present you must submit to beingtaken to Broch in a commonplace manner."

  But the Yarl had been watching Tom, as he lay among coats spread ongrass in the bottom of the boat, and the kind old man's face had grownmore sad and serious every moment.

  "I think we must not make for Burra Wick after all," he said. "Much asI'd like to have you at Broch, I believe we ought to take anothercourse. This lad should be in his father's hands with as little delayas possible. So it's Collaster where we will bring up."

  And to Collaster they went, after landing Lowrie on the nearest pointof Burra Isle, to carry tidings of them to Yaspard, as well as to GertaBrace, who would certainly be alarmed if her uncle did not put in anappearance that day.

  We can imagine the sensation created at the Doctor's house when Tom wascarried there, and the story of his misadventure was told. Harry didnot tell that it was Tom's own fault which brought about the accident,and it was many a long day before Tom was able to give the full accountof it himself. But we must leave him in the care of his loving motherand skilful father, content to know that he recovered eventually, andlived to take a front place in many a wild adventure with his oldantipathy Harry, and his new one Yaspard Adiesen.

  Bill carried the news to Wester-voe and Fred Garson, while Gloy tookhis cousin Gibbie to Lunda; and Harry asked to return with the Yarl andGarth to Burra Isle. He wanted above all things to be with Yaspard,and in his company finish up the adventurous expedition after a moresatisfactory manner than that of being taken home with the wounded.But Harry did not say a word beyond expressing his eager desire toreturn and stand by the Viking-boy.

  Next morning the haaf-boat returned to Burra Isle, and at the same timeFred despatched messengers (Gibbie being one of them) to Boden toreport Yaspard at Broch, "Not much the worse of a ducking, andreturning home as soon as possible."

  Fred had got the whole story from Bill, and he rightly conjectured thatthe return of the raven would have raised some anxiety, seeing thatYaspard had told his sister that Thor should bring a message, and Thorshould precede the _Osprey_ by only a few hours. Thor bearing nomessage, and followed by no boat, was indeed an ill omen. Moreover, hehad reached home _raven_ously hungry, and in a very sulky, savage mood,which added to Signy's fears regarding her brother, although Uncle Bruespooh-poohed the little girl's presentiment of evil.

  But the arrival of Fred's messenger and Gibbie made a commotion inBoden, we may be sure, and nothing would satisfy either Mr. Adiesen orJames Harrison but they must start off and bring home their boys. Youmay imagine their surprise and disgust to hear, on arriving at Broch,that Yaspard--restored to all his wonted spirit and energy by a goodnight's rest--had borrowed a boat, and accompanied by Harry and Lowrie,and a clever seaman who knew well how to clamp the broken ribs of aboat, had gone to Swarta Stack to repair and bring home the _Osprey_.

  "The boy is stark mad!" exclaimed Uncle Brues; but the Yarl, whose soulthrobbed in sympathy with that of our Viking-boy, made answer, "Hishead is as straight on his shoulders as need be. That lad is made ofthe right stuff, and will be heard of in the world some day. You neednot be afraid for him."

  "I suppose we ought to go and help him?" the scientist said; but Halsenshook his head. "Even I," he said, "felt it would be best, kindest, tolet the lads take their own way. They were bent upon bringing backtheir boat triumphantly, and they'll do it. Let us leave them all thesatisfaction and glory that they can get out of their adventures."

  And I tell you Yaspard's heart glowed with a good deal of satisfactionwhen he sailed the _Osprey_ up Burra Wick that afternoon, her flagflaunting from the mast-head as gaily as when she sailed away on hervoyage of discovery and peril.

  Right heartily the g
ood old Yarl and his guests and son cheered thegallant boy and his comrades, as the boat, a little lob-sided, andconsiderably scratched and battered, ran along the crags, and came tobelow Broch. Hearty indeed was the welcome they received, and neitherMr. Adiesen nor Harrison let the boys know that they were there for thepurpose of looking after "those roving madcaps."

  In truth Uncle Brues was not a little proud of his nephew, and made himrepeat the story of his swim with Pirate, which Yaspard did, entirelyunconscious of the heroism he had displayed.

  "What did you think most about when you were in the water?" Mr. Adiesenasked after a time--his scientific instincts rising above emotion, andprompting him to discover what are the sensations a human beingexperiences in such exceptional circumstances.

  "I thought of Mam Kirsty's old song, 'My cradle and my grave,' chiefly.I had committed my life to God's hand when I started. Just before Ilanded I thought I saw Signy holding out her hands, as she did when shewent adrift. That's about all."

  "Well, my dear, I think you must feel that you have had enough ofVikinging for the rest of your life," said the scientist with a smile;but he was not ill-pleased when his nephew answered, "It has only mademe long for more! I want _now_ to do real good Viking work. I want togo out and explore the world--the stars, if that were possible--and tofight all the foes of the Red Cross, and to bury all feuds, and winname and fame like a right noble and right valiant Viking."

  "You _have_ done so, if you but knew it," quoth Garth; and HarryMitchell said, "You will do all that, I don't doubt; and I'll followwhere your flag leads, old man! I never could stand by the side of abetter comrade, and I don't believe I could ever find a finerleader--so there!"

  "Thank you, Harry," Yaspard answered simply.

  I need not tell you of the home-coming to Moolapund, of Aunt Osla'stears and tea, of Signy's joy, of Thor's profound reflections, finishedup with a sage "Just so!"--of all the talk and enjoyment in fightingtheir battles o'er again.

  We can leave our Viking-boy at this happy stage of his career, assured(like the Yarl of Broch) that he was heard of in the world in laterdays.

  * * * * * *

  Transcriber's note:

  This e-book contains the words "Boden" and "brodhor". In the original book, the "o" in "Boden" and the first "o" in "brodhor" were o-macron.

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