Read Vingt ans après. English Page 24

  24. The timely Arrival of D'Artagnan in Paris.

  At Blois, D'Artagnan received the money paid to him by Mazarin for anyfuture service he might render the cardinal.

  From Blois to Paris was a journey of four days for ordinary travelers,but D'Artagnan arrived on the third day at the Barriere Saint Denis. Inturning the corner of the Rue Montmartre, in order to reach the RueTiquetonne and the Hotel de la Chevrette, where he had appointed Porthosto meet him, he saw at one of the windows of the hotel, that friendhimself dressed in a sky-blue waistcoat, embroidered with silver, andgaping, till he showed every one of his white teeth; whilst the peoplepassing by admiringly gazed at this gentleman, so handsome and so rich,who seemed to weary of his riches and his greatness.

  D'Artagnan and Planchet had hardly turned the corner when Porthosrecognized them.

  "Eh! D'Artagnan!" he cried. "Thank God you have come!"

  "Eh! good-day, dear friend!" replied D'Artagnan.

  Porthos came down at once to the threshold of the hotel.

  "Ah, my dear friend!" he cried, "what bad stabling for my horses here."

  "Indeed!" said D'Artagnan; "I am most unhappy to hear it, on account ofthose fine animals."

  "And I, also--I was also wretchedly off," he answered, moving backwardand forward as he spoke; "and had it not been for the hostess," headded, with his air of vulgar self-complacency, "who is very agreeableand understands a joke, I should have got a lodging elsewhere."

  The pretty Madeleine, who had approached during this colloquy, steppedback and turned pale as death on hearing Porthos's words, for shethought the scene with the Swiss was about to be repeated. But to hergreat surprise D'Artagnan remained perfectly calm, and instead of beingangry he laughed, and said to Porthos:

  "Yes, I understand, the air of La Rue Tiquetonne is not like that ofPierrefonds; but console yourself, I will soon conduct you to one muchbetter."

  "When will you do that?"

  "Immediately, I hope."

  "Ah! so much the better!"

  To that exclamation of Porthos's succeeded a groaning, low and profound,which seemed to come from behind a door. D'Artagnan, who had justdismounted, then saw, outlined against the wall, the enormous stomach ofMousqueton, whose down-drawn mouth emitted sounds of distress.

  "And you, too, my poor Monsieur Mouston, are out of place in this poorhotel, are you not?" asked D'Artagnan, in that rallying tone which mayindicate either compassion or mockery.

  "He finds the cooking detestable," replied Porthos.

  "Why, then, doesn't he attend to it himself, as at Chantilly?"

  "Ah, monsieur, I have not here, as I had there, the ponds of monsieur leprince, where I could catch those beautiful carp, nor the forests of hishighness to provide me with partridges. As for the cellar, I havesearched every part and poor stuff I found."

  "Monsieur Mouston," said D'Artagnan, "I should indeed condole with youhad I not at this moment something very pressing to attend to."

  Then taking Porthos aside:

  "My dear Du Vallon," he said, "here you are in full dress mostfortunately, for I am going to take you to the cardinal's."

  "Gracious me! really!" exclaimed Porthos, opening his great wonderingeyes.

  "Yes, my friend."

  "A presentation? indeed!"

  "Does that alarm you?"

  "No, but it agitates me."

  "Oh! don't be distressed; you have to deal with a cardinal of anotherkind. This one will not oppress you by his dignity."

  "'Tis the same thing--you understand me, D'Artagnan--a court."

  "There's no court now. Alas!"

  "The queen!"

  "I was going to say, there's no longer a queen. The queen! Rest assured,we shall not see her."

  "And you say that we are going from here to the Palais Royal?"

  "Immediately. Only, that there may be no delay, I shall borrow one ofyour horses."

  "Certainly; all the four are at your service."

  "Oh, I need only one of them for the time being."

  "Shall we take our valets?"

  "Yes, you may as well take Mousqueton. As to Planchet, he has certainreasons for not going to court."

  "And what are they?"

  "Oh, he doesn't stand well with his eminence."

  "Mouston," said Porthos, "saddle Vulcan and Bayard."

  "And for myself, monsieur, shall I saddle Rustaud?"

  "No, take a more stylish horse, Phoebus or Superbe; we are going withsome ceremony."

  "Ah," said Mousqueton, breathing more freely, "you are only going, then,to make a visit?"

  "Oh! yes, of course, Mouston; nothing else. But to avoid risk, put thepistols in the holsters. You will find mine on my saddle, alreadyloaded."

  Mouston breathed a sigh; he couldn't understand visits of ceremony madeunder arms.

  "Indeed," said Porthos, looking complacently at his old lackey as hewent away, "you are right, D'Artagnan; Mouston will do; Mouston has avery fine appearance."

  D'Artagnan smiled.

  "But you, my friend--are you not going to change your dress?"

  "No, I shall go as I am. This traveling dress will serve to show thecardinal my haste to obey his commands."

  They set out on Vulcan and Bayard, followed by Mousqueton on Phoebus,and arrived at the Palais Royal at about a quarter to seven. The streetswere crowded, for it was the day of Pentecost, and the crowd looked inwonder at these two cavaliers; one as fresh as if he had come out of abandbox, the other so covered with dust that he looked as if he had butjust come off a field of battle.

  Mousqueton also attracted attention; and as the romance of Don Quixotewas then the fashion, they said that he was Sancho, who, after havinglost one master, had found two.

  On reaching the palace, D'Artagnan sent to his eminence the letter inwhich he had been ordered to return without delay. He was soon orderedto the presence of the cardinal.

  "Courage!" he whispered to Porthos, as they proceeded. "Do not beintimidated. Believe me, the eye of the eagle is closed forever. We haveonly the vulture to deal with. Hold yourself as bolt upright as on theday of the bastion of St. Gervais, and do not bow too low to thisItalian; that might give him a poor idea of you."

  "Good!" answered Porthos. "Good!"

  Mazarin was in his study, working at a list of pensions and benefices,of which he was trying to reduce the number. He saw D'Artagnan andPorthos enter with internal pleasure, yet showed no joy in hiscountenance.

  "Ah! you, is it? Monsieur le lieutenant, you have been very prompt. 'Tiswell. Welcome to ye."

  "Thanks, my lord. Here I am at your eminence's service, as well asMonsieur du Vallon, one of my old friends, who used to conceal hisnobility under the name of Porthos."

  Porthos bowed to the cardinal.

  "A magnificent cavalier," remarked Mazarin.

  Porthos turned his head to the right and to the left, and drew himselfup with a movement full of dignity.

  "The best swordsman in the kingdom, my lord," said D'Artagnan.

  Porthos bowed to his friend.

  Mazarin was as fond of fine soldiers as, in later times, Frederick ofPrussia used to be. He admired the strong hands, the broad shoulders andthe steady eye of Porthos. He seemed to see before him the salvation ofhis administration and of the kingdom, sculptured in flesh and bone. Heremembered that the old association of musketeers was composed of fourpersons.

  "And your two other friends?" he asked.

  Porthos opened his mouth, thinking it a good opportunity to put in aword in his turn; D'Artagnan checked him by a glance from the corner ofhis eye.

  "They are prevented at this moment, but will join us later."

  Mazarin coughed a little.

  "And this gentleman, being disengaged, takes to the service willingly?"he asked.

  "Yes, my lord, and from pure devotion to the cause, for Monsieur deBracieux is rich."

  "Rich!" said Mazarin, whom that single word always inspired with a greatrespect.

  "Fifty thousand fran
cs a year," said Porthos.

  These were the first words he had spoken.

  "From pure zeal?" resumed Mazarin, with his artful smile; "from purezeal and devotion then?"

  "My lord has, perhaps, no faith in those words?" said D'Artagnan.

  "Have you, Monsieur le Gascon?" asked Mazarin, supporting his elbows onhis desk and his chin on his hands.

  "I," replied the Gascon, "I believe in devotion as a word at one'sbaptism, for instance, which naturally comes before one's proper name;every one is naturally more or less devout, certainly; but there shouldbe at the end of one's devotion something to gain."

  "And your friend, for instance; what does he expect to have at the endof his devotion?"

  "Well, my lord, my friend has three magnificent estates: that of Vallon,at Corbeil; that of Bracieux, in the Soissonais; and that ofPierrefonds, in the Valois. Now, my lord, he would like to have one ofhis three estates erected into a barony."

  "Only that?" said Mazarin, his eyes twinkling with joy on seeing that hecould pay for Porthos's devotion without opening his purse; "only that?That can be managed."

  "I shall be baron!" explained Porthos, stepping forward.

  "I told you so," said D'Artagnan, checking him with his hand; "and nowhis eminence confirms it."

  "And you, Monsieur D'Artagnan, what do you want?"

  "My lord," said D'Artagnan, "it is twenty years since Cardinal deRichelieu made me lieutenant."

  "Yes, and you would be gratified if Cardinal Mazarin should make youcaptain."

  D'Artagnan bowed.

  "Well, that is not impossible. We will see, gentlemen, we will see. Now,Monsieur de Vallon," said Mazarin, "what service do you prefer, in thetown or in the country?"

  Porthos opened his mouth to reply.

  "My lord," said D'Artagnan, "Monsieur de Vallon is like me, he prefersservice extraordinary--that is to say, enterprises that are consideredmad and impossible."

  That boastfulness was not displeasing to Mazarin; he fell intomeditation.

  "And yet," he said, "I must admit that I sent for you to appoint you toquiet service; I have certain apprehensions--well, what is the meaningof that?"

  In fact, a great noise was heard in the ante-chamber; at the same timethe door of the study was burst open and a man, covered with dust,rushed into it, exclaiming:

  "My lord the cardinal! my lord the cardinal!"

  Mazarin thought that some one was going to assassinate him and he drewback, pushing his chair on the castors. D'Artagnan and Porthos moved soas to plant themselves between the person entering and the cardinal.

  "Well, sir," exclaimed Mazarin, "what's the matter? and why do you rushin here, as if you were about to penetrate a crowded market-place?"

  "My lord," replied the messenger, "I wish to speak to your eminence insecret. I am Monsieur du Poins, an officer in the guards, on duty at thedonjon of Vincennes."

  Mazarin, perceiving by the paleness and agitation of the messenger thathe had something of importance to say, made a sign that D'Artagnan andPorthos should give place.

  D'Artagnan and Porthos withdrew to a corner of the cabinet.

  "Speak, monsieur, speak at once!" said Mazarin "What is the matter?"

  "The matter is, my lord, that the Duc de Beaufort has contrived toescape from the Chateau of Vincennes."

  Mazarin uttered a cry and became paler than the man who had brought thenews. He fell back, almost fainting, in his chair.

  "Escaped? Monsieur de Beaufort escaped?"

  "My lord, I saw him run off from the top of the terrace."

  "And you did not fire on him?"

  "He was out of range."

  "Monsieur de Chavigny--where was he?"


  "And La Ramee?"

  "Was found locked up in the prisoner's room, a gag in his mouth and aponiard near him."

  "But the man who was under him?"

  "Was an accomplice of the duke's and escaped along with him."

  Mazarin groaned.

  "My lord," said D'Artagnan, advancing toward the cardinal, "it seems tome that your eminence is losing precious time. It may still be possibleto overtake the prisoner. France is large; the nearest frontier is sixtyleagues distant."

  "And who is to pursue him?" cried Mazarin.

  "I, pardieu!"

  "And you would arrest him?"

  "Why not?"

  "You would arrest the Duc de Beaufort, armed, in the field?"

  "If your eminence should order me to arrest the devil, I would seize himby the horns and would bring him in."

  "So would I," said Porthos.

  "So would you!" said Mazarin, looking with astonishment at those twomen. "But the duke will not yield himself without a furious battle."

  "Very well," said D'Artagnan, his eyes aflame, "battle! It is a longtime since we have had a battle, eh, Porthos?"

  "Battle!" cried Porthos.

  "And you think you can catch him?"

  "Yes, if we are better mounted than he."

  "Go then, take what guards you find here, and pursue him."

  "You command us, my lord, to do so?"

  "And I sign my orders," said Mazarin, taking a piece of paper andwriting some lines; "Monsieur du Vallon, your barony is on the back ofthe Duc de Beaufort's horse; you have nothing to do but to overtake it.As for you, my dear lieutenant, I promise you nothing; but if you bringhim back to me, dead or alive, you may ask all you wish."

  "To horse, Porthos!" said D'Artagnan, taking his friend by the hand.

  "Here I am," smiled Porthos, with his sublime composure.

  They descended the great staircase, taking with them all the guards theyfound on their road, and crying out, "To arms! To arms!" and immediatelyput spur to horse, which set off along the Rue Saint Honore with thespeed of the whirlwind.

  "Well, baron, I promise you some good exercise!" said the Gascon.

  "Yes, my captain."

  As they went, the citizens, awakened, left their doors and the streetdogs followed the cavaliers, barking. At the corner of the CimetiereSaint Jean, D'Artagnan upset a man; it was too insignificant anoccurrence to delay people so eager to get on. The troop continued itscourse as though their steeds had wings.

  Alas! there are no unimportant events in this world and we shall seethat this apparently slight incident came near endangering the monarchy.