Read Vingt ans après. English Page 61

  61. D'Artagnan hits on a Plan.

  As night closed in they arrived at Thirsk. The four friends appeared tobe entire strangers to one another and indifferent to the precautionstaken for guarding the king. They withdrew to a private house, and asthey had reason every moment to fear for their safety, they occupied butone room and provided an exit, which might be useful in case of anattack. The lackeys were sent to their several posts, except thatGrimaud lay on a truss of straw across the doorway.

  D'Artagnan was thoughtful and seemed for the moment to have lost hisusual loquacity. Porthos, who could never see anything that was notself-evident, talked to him as usual. He replied in monosyllables andAthos and Aramis looked significantly at one another.

  Next morning D'Artagnan was the first to rise. He had been down to thestables, already taken a look at the horses and given the necessaryorders for the day, whilst Athos and Aramis were still in bed andPorthos snoring.

  At eight o'clock the march was resumed in the same order as the nightbefore, except that D'Artagnan left his friends and began to renew theacquaintance which he had already struck up with Monsieur Groslow.

  Groslow, whom D'Artagnan's praises had greatly pleased, welcomed himwith a gracious smile.

  "Really, sir," D'Artagnan said to him, "I am pleased to find one withwhom to talk in my own poor tongue. My friend, Monsieur du Vallon, is ofa very melancholy disposition, so much so, that one can scarcely getthree words out of him all day. As for our two prisoners, you canimagine that they are but little in the vein for conversation."

  "They are hot royalists," said Groslow.

  "The more reason they should be sulky with us for having captured theStuart, for whom, I hope, you're preparing a pretty trial."

  "Why," said Groslow, "that is just what we are taking him to Londonfor."

  "And you never by any chance lose sight of him, I presume?"

  "I should think not, indeed. You see he has a truly royal escort."

  "Ay, there's no fear in the daytime; but at night?"

  "We redouble our precautions."

  "And what method of surveillance do you employ?"

  "Eight men remain constantly in his room."

  "The deuce, he is well guarded, then. But besides these eight men, youdoubtless place some guard outside?"

  "Oh, no! Just think. What would you have two men without arms do againsteight armed men?"

  "Two men--how do you mean?"

  "Yes, the king and his lackey."

  "Oh! then they allow the lackey to remain with him?"

  "Yes; Stuart begged this favor and Harrison consented. Under pretensethat he's a king it appears he cannot dress or undress withoutassistance."

  "Really, captain," said D'Artagnan, determined to continue on thelaudatory tack on which he had commenced, "the more I listen to you themore surprised I am at the easy and elegant manner in which you speakFrench. You have lived three years in Paris? May I ask what you weredoing there?"

  "My father, who is a merchant, placed me with his correspondent, who inturn sent his son to join our house in London."

  "Were you pleased with Paris, sir?"

  "Yes, but you are much in want of a revolution like our own--not againstyour king, who is a mere child, but against that lazar of an Italian,the queen's favorite."

  "Ah! I am quite of your opinion, sir, and we should soon make an end ofMazarin if we had only a dozen officers like yourself, withoutprejudices, vigilant and incorruptible."

  "But," said the officer, "I thought you were in his service and that itwas he who sent you to General Cromwell."

  "That is to say I am in the king's service, and that knowing he wantedto send some one to England, I solicited the appointment, so great wasmy desire to know the man of genius who now governs the three kingdoms.So that when he proposed to us to draw our swords in honor of oldEngland you see how we snapped up the proposition."

  "Yes, I know that you charged by the side of Mordaunt."

  "On his right and left, sir. Ah! there's another brave and excellentyoung man."

  "Do you know him?" asked the officer.

  "Yes, very well. Monsieur du Vallon and myself came from France withhim."

  "It appears, too, you kept him waiting a long time at Boulogne."

  "What would you have? I was like you, and had a king in keeping."

  "Aha!" said Groslow; "what king?"

  "Our own, to be sure, the little one--Louis XIV."

  "And how long had you to take care of him?"

  "Three nights; and, by my troth, I shall always remember those threenights with a certain pleasure."

  "How do you mean?"

  "I mean that my friends, officers in the guards and mousquetaires, cameto keep me company and we passed the night in feasting, drinking,dicing."

  "Ah true," said the Englishman, with a sigh; "you Frenchmen are bornboon companions."

  "And don't you play, too, when you are on guard?"

  "Never," said the Englishman.

  "In that case you must be horribly bored, and have my sympathy."

  "The fact is, I look to my turn for keeping guard with horror. It'stiresome work to keep awake a whole night."

  "Yes, but with a jovial partner and dice, and guineas clinking on thecloth, the night passes like a dream. You don't like playing, then?"

  "On the contrary, I do."

  "Lansquenet, for instance?"

  "Devoted to it. I used to play almost every night in France."

  "And since your return to England?"

  "I have not handled a card or dice-box."

  "I sincerely pity you," said D'Artagnan, with an air of profoundcompassion.

  "Look here," said the Englishman.


  "To-morrow I am on guard."

  "In Stuart's room?"

  "Yes; come and pass the night with me."


  "Impossible! why so?"

  "I play with Monsieur du Vallon every night. Sometimes we don't go tobed at all!"

  "Well, what of that?"

  "Why, he would be annoyed if I did not play with him."

  "Does he play well?"

  "I have seen him lose as much as two thousand pistoles, laughing all thewhile till the tears rolled down."

  "Bring him with you, then."

  "But how about our prisoners?"

  "Let your servants guard them."

  "Yes, and give them a chance of escaping," said D'Artagnan. "Why, one ofthem is a rich lord from Touraine and the other a knight of Malta, ofnoble family. We have arranged the ransom of each of them--2,000 onarriving in France. We are reluctant to leave for a single moment menwhom our lackeys know to be millionaires. It is true we plundered them alittle when we took them, and I will even confess that it is their pursethat Monsieur du Vallon and I draw on in our nightly play. Still, theymay have concealed some precious stone, some valuable diamond; so thatwe are like those misers who are unable to absent themselves from theirtreasures. We have made ourselves the constant guardians of our men, andwhile I sleep Monsieur du Vallon watches."

  "Ah! ah!" said Groslow.

  "You see, then, why I must decline your polite invitation, which isespecially attractive to me, because nothing is so wearisome as to playnight after night with the same person; the chances always balance andat the month's end nothing is gained or lost."

  "Ah!" said Groslow, sighing; "there is something still more wearisome,and that is not to play at all."

  "I can understand that," said D'Artagnan.

  "But, come," resumed the Englishman, "are these men of yours dangerous?"

  "In what respect?"

  "Are they capable of attempting violence?"

  D'Artagnan burst out laughing at the idea.

  "Jesus Dieu!" he cried; "one of them is trembling with fever, havingfailed to adapt himself to this charming country of yours, and the otheris a knight of Malta, as timid as a young girl; and for greater securitywe have taken from them even their penknives and pocket scissors."<
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  "Well, then," said Groslow, "bring them with you."

  "But really----" said D'Artagnan.

  "I have eight men on guard, you know. Four of them can guard the kingand the other four your prisoners. I'll manage it somehow, you willsee."

  "But," said D'Artagnan, "now I think of it--what is to prevent ourbeginning to-night?"

  "Nothing at all," said Groslow.

  "Just so. Come to us this evening and to-morrow we'll return yourvisit."

  "Capital! This evening with you, to-morrow at Stuart's, the next daywith me."

  "You see, that with a little forethought one can lead a merry lifeanywhere and everywhere," said D'Artagnan.

  "Yes, with Frenchmen, and Frenchmen like you."

  "And Monsieur du Vallon," added the other. "You will see what a fellowhe is; a man who nearly killed Mazarin between two doors. They employhim because they are afraid of him. Ah, there he is calling me now.You'll excuse me, I know."

  They exchanged bows and D'Artagnan returned to his companions.

  "What on earth can you have been saying to that bulldog?" exclaimedPorthos.

  "My dear fellow, don't speak like that of Monsieur Groslow. He's one ofmy most intimate friends."

  "One of your friends!" cried Porthos, "this butcher of unarmed farmers!"

  "Hush! my dear Porthos. Monsieur Groslow is perhaps rather hasty, it'strue, but at bottom I have discovered two good qualities in him--he isconceited and stupid."

  Porthos opened his eyes in amazement; Athos and Aramis looked at oneanother and smiled; they knew D'Artagnan, and knew that he did nothingwithout a purpose.

  "But," continued D'Artagnan, "you shall judge of him for yourself. He iscoming to play with us this evening."

  "Oho!" said Porthos, his eyes glistening at the news. "Is he rich?"

  "He's the son of one of the wealthiest merchants in London."

  "And knows lansquenet?"

  "Adores it."


  "His mania."


  "Revels in it."

  "Good," said Porthos; "we shall pass an agreeable evening."

  "The more so, as it will be the prelude to a better."

  "How so?"

  "We invite him to play to-night; he has invited us in return to-morrow.But wait. To-night we stop at Derby; and if there is a bottle of wine inthe town let Mousqueton buy it. It will be well to prepare a lightsupper, of which you, Athos and Aramis, are not to partake--Athos,because I told him you had a fever; Aramis, because you are a knight ofMalta and won't mix with fellows like us. Do you understand?"

  "That's no doubt very fine," said Porthos; "but deuce take me if Iunderstand at all."

  "Porthos, my friend, you know I am descended on the father's side fromthe Prophets and on the mother's from the Sybils, and that I only speakin parables and riddles. Let those who have ears hear and those who haveeyes see; I can tell you nothing more at present."

  "Go ahead, my friend," said Athos; "I am sure that whatever you do iswell done."

  "And you, Aramis, are you of that opinion?"

  "Entirely so, my dear D'Artagnan."

  "Very good," said D'Artagnan; "here indeed are true believers; it is apleasure to work miracles before them; they are not like thatunbelieving Porthos, who must see and touch before he will believe."

  "The fact is," said Porthos, with an air of finesse, "I am ratherincredulous."

  D'Artagnan gave him playful buffet on the shoulder, and as they hadreached the station where they were to breakfast, the conversation endedthere.

  At five in the evening they sent Mousqueton on before as agreed upon.Blaisois went with him.

  In crossing the principal street in Derby the four friends perceivedBlaisois standing in the doorway of a handsome house. It was there alodging was prepared for them.

  At the hour agreed upon Groslow came. D'Artagnan received him as hewould have done a friend of twenty years' standing. Porthos scanned himfrom head to foot and smiled when he discovered that in spite of theblow he had administered to Parry's brother, he was not nearly so strongas himself. Athos and Aramis suppressed as well as they could thedisgust they felt in the presence of such coarseness and brutality.

  In short, Groslow seemed to be pleased with his reception.

  Athos and Aramis kept themselves to their role. At midnight theywithdrew to their chamber, the door of which was left open on thepretext of kindly consideration. Furthermore, D'Artagnan went with them,leaving Porthos at play with Groslow.

  Porthos gained fifty pistoles from Groslow, and found him a moreagreeable companion than he had at first believed him to be.

  As to Groslow, he promised himself that on the following evening hewould recover from D'Artagnan what he had lost to Porthos, and onleaving reminded the Gascon of his appointment.

  The next day was spent as usual. D'Artagnan went from Captain Groslow toColonel Harrison and from Colonel Harrison to his friends. To any onenot acquainted with him he seemed to be in his normal condition; but tohis friends--to Athos and Aramis--was apparent a certain feverishness inhis gayety.

  "What is he contriving?" asked Aramis.

  "Wait," said Athos.

  Porthos said nothing, but he handled in his pocket the fifty pistoles hehad gained from Groslow with a degree of satisfaction which betrayeditself in his whole bearing.

  Arrived at Ryston, D'Artagnan assembled his friends. His face had lostthe expression of careless gayety it had worn like a mask the whole day.Athos pinched Aramis's hand.

  "The moment is at hand," he said.

  "Yes," returned D'Artagnan, who had overheard him, "to-night, gentlemen,we rescue the king."

  "D'Artagnan," said Athos, "this is no joke, I trust? It would quite cutme up."

  "You are a very odd man, Athos," he replied, "to doubt me thus. Whereand when have you seen me trifle with a friend's heart and a king'slife? I have told you, and I repeat it, that to-night we rescue CharlesI. You left it to me to discover the means and I have done so."

  Porthos looked at D'Artagnan with an expression of profound admiration.Aramis smiled as one who hopes. Athos was pale, and trembled in everylimb.

  "Speak," said Athos.

  "We are invited," replied D'Artagnan, "to pass the night with M.Groslow. But do you know where?"


  "In the king's room."

  "The king's room?" cried Athos.

  "Yes, gentlemen, in the king's room. Groslow is on guard there thisevening, and to pass the time away he has invited us to keep himcompany."

  "All four of us?" asked Athos.

  "Pardieu! certainly, all four; we couldn't leave our prisoners, couldwe?"

  "Ah! ah!" said Aramis.

  "Tell us about it," said Athos, palpitating.

  "We are going, then, we two with our swords, you with daggers. We fourhave got to master these eight fools and their stupid captain. MonsieurPorthos, what do you say to that?"

  "I say it is easy enough," answered Porthos.

  "We dress the king in Groslow's clothes. Mousqueton, Grimaud andBlaisois have our horses saddled at the end of the first street. Wemount them and before daylight are twenty leagues distant."

  Athos placed his two hands on D'Artagnan's shoulders, and gazed at himwith his calm, sad smile.

  "I declare, my friend," said he, "that there is not a creature under thesky who equals you in prowess and in courage. Whilst we thought youindifferent to our sorrows, which you couldn't share without crime, youalone among us have discovered what we were searching for in vain. Irepeat it, D'Artagnan, you are the best one among us; I bless and loveyou, my dear son."

  "And to think that I couldn't find that out," said Porthos, scratchinghis head; "it is so simple."

  "But," said Aramis, "if I understand rightly we are to kill them all,eh?"

  Athos shuddered and turned pale.

  "Mordioux!" answered D'Artagnan, "I believe we must. I confess I candiscover no other safe and satisfactory way."

  "Let us
see," said Aramis, "how are we to act?"

  "I have arranged two plans. Firstly, at a given signal, which shall bethe words 'At last,' you each plunge a dagger into the heart of thesoldier nearest to you. We, on our side, do the same. That will be fourkilled. We shall then be matched, four against the remaining five. Ifthese five men give themselves up we gag them; if they resist, we killthem. If by chance our Amphitryon changes his mind and receives onlyPorthos and myself, why, then, we must resort to heroic measures andeach give two strokes instead of one. It will take a little longer timeand may make a greater disturbance, but you will be outside with swordsand will rush in at the proper time."

  "But if you yourselves should be struck?" said Athos.

  "Impossible!" said D'Artagnan; "those beer drinkers are too clumsy andawkward. Besides, you will strike at the throat, Porthos; it kills asquickly and prevents all outcry."

  "Very good," said Porthos; "it will be a nice little throat cutting."

  "Horrible, horrible," exclaimed Athos.

  "Nonsense," said D'Artagnan; "you would do as much, Mr. Humanity, in abattle. But if you think the king's life is not worth what it must costthere's an end of the matter and I send to Groslow to say I am ill."

  "No, you are right," said Athos.

  At this moment a soldier entered to inform them that Groslow was waitingfor them.

  "Where?" asked D'Artagnan.

  "In the room of the English Nebuchadnezzar," replied the staunchPuritan.

  "Good," replied Athos, whose blood mounted to his face at the insultoffered to royalty; "tell the captain we are coming."

  The Puritan then went out. The lackeys had been ordered to saddle eighthorses and to wait, keeping together and without dismounting, at thecorner of a street about twenty steps from the house where the king waslodged.

  It was nine o'clock in the evening; the sentinels had been relieved ateight and Captain Groslow had been on guard for an hour. D'Artagnan andPorthos, armed with their swords, and Athos and Aramis, each carrying aconcealed poniard, approached the house which for the time being wasCharles Stuart's prison. The two latter followed their captors in thehumble guise of captives, without arms.

  "Od's bodikins," said Groslow, as the four friends entered, "I hadalmost given you up."

  D'Artagnan went up to him and whispered in his ear:

  "The fact is, we, that is, Monsieur du Vallon and I, hesitated alittle."

  "And why?"

  D'Artagnan looked significantly toward Athos and Aramis.

  "Aha," said Groslow; "on account of political opinions? No matter. Onthe contrary," he added, laughing, "if they want to see their Stuartthey shall see him.

  "Are we to pass the night in the king's room?" asked D'Artagnan.

  "No, but in the one next to it, and as the door will remain open itcomes to the same thing. Have you provided yourself with money? I assureyou I intend to play the devil's game to-night."

  D'Artagnan rattled the gold in his pockets.

  "Very good," said Groslow, and opened the door of the room. "I will showyou the way," and he went in first.

  D'Artagnan turned to look at his friends. Porthos was perfectlyindifferent; Athos, pale, but resolute; Aramis was wiping a slightmoisture from his brow.

  The eight guards were at their posts. Four in the king's room, two atthe door between the rooms and two at that by which the friends hadentered. Athos smiled when he saw their bare swords; he felt it was nolonger to be a butchery, but a fight, and he resumed his usual goodhumor.

  Charles was perceived through the door, lying dressed upon his bed, atthe head of which Parry was seated, reading in a low voice a chapterfrom the Bible.

  A candle of coarse tallow on a black table lighted up the handsome andresigned face of the king and that of his faithful retainer, far lesscalm.

  From time to time Parry stopped, thinking the king, whose eyes wereclosed, was really asleep, but Charles would open his eyes and say witha smile:

  "Go on, my good Parry, I am listening."

  Groslow advanced to the door of the king's room, replaced on his headthe hat he had taken off to receive his guests, looked for a momentcontemptuously at this simple, yet touching scene, then turning toD'Artagnan, assumed an air of triumph at what he had achieved.

  "Capital!" cried the Gascon, "you would make a distinguished general."

  "And do you think," asked Groslow, "that Stuart will ever escape while Iam on guard?"

  "No, to be sure," replied D'Artagnan; "unless, forsooth, the sky rainsfriends upon him."

  Groslow's face brightened.

  It is impossible to say whether Charles, who kept his eyes constantlyclosed, had noticed the insolence of the Puritan captain, but the momenthe heard the clear tone of D'Artagnan's voice his eyelids rose, in spiteof himself.

  Parry, too, started and stopped reading.

  "What are you thinking about?" said the king; "go on, my good Parry,unless you are tired."

  Parry resumed his reading.

  On a table in the next room were lighted candles, cards, two dice-boxes,and dice.

  "Gentlemen," said Groslow, "I beg you will take your places. I will sitfacing Stuart, whom I like so much to see, especially where he now is,and you, Monsieur d'Artagnan, opposite to me."

  Athos turned red with rage. D'Artagnan frowned at him.

  "That's it," said D'Artagnan; "you, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, to theright of Monsieur Groslow. You, Chevalier d'Herblay, to his left. DuVallon next me. You'll bet for me and those gentlemen for MonsieurGroslow."

  By this arrangement D'Artagnan could nudge Porthos with his knee andmake signs with his eyes to Athos and Aramis.

  At the names Comte de la Fere and Chevalier d'Herblay, Charles openedhis eyes, and raising his noble head, in spite of himself, threw aglance at all the actors in the scene.

  At that moment Parry turned over several leaves of his Bible and readwith a loud voice this verse in Jeremiah:

  "God said, 'Hear ye the words of the prophets my servants, whom I havesent unto you.'"

  The four friends exchanged glances. The words that Parry had readassured them that their presence was understood by the king and wasassigned to its real motive. D'Artagnan's eyes sparkled with joy.

  "You asked me just now if I was in funds," said D'Artagnan, placing sometwenty pistoles upon the table. "Well, in my turn I advise you to keep asharp lookout on your treasure, my dear Monsieur Groslow, for I can tellyou we shall not leave this without robbing you of it."

  "Not without my defending it," said Groslow.

  "So much the better," said D'Artagnan. "Fight, my dear captain, fight.You know or you don't know, that that is what we ask of you."

  "Oh! yes," said Groslow, bursting with his usual coarse laugh, "I knowyou Frenchmen want nothing but cuts and bruises."

  Charles had heard and understood it all. A slight color mounted to hischeeks. The soldiers then saw him stretch his limbs, little by little,and under the pretense of much heat throw off the Scotch plaid whichcovered him.

  Athos and Aramis started with delight to find that the king was lyingwith his clothes on.

  The game began. The luck had turned, and Groslow, having won somehundred pistoles, was in the merriest possible humor.

  Porthos, who had lost the fifty pistoles he had won the night before andthirty more besides, was very cross and questioned D'Artagnan with anudge of the knee as to whether it would not soon be time to change thegame. Athos and Aramis looked at him inquiringly. But D'Artagnanremained impassible.

  It struck ten. They heard the guard going its rounds.

  "How many rounds do they make a night?" asked D'Artagnan, drawing morepistoles from his pocket.

  "Five," answered Groslow, "one every two hours."

  D'Artagnan glanced at Athos and Aramis and for the first time replied toPorthos's nudge of the knee by a nudge responsive. Meanwhile, thesoldiers whose duty it was to remain in the king's room, attracted bythat love of play so powerful in all men, had stolen little by littletoward
the table, and standing on tiptoe, lounged, watching the game,over the shoulders of D'Artagnan and Porthos. Those on the other sidehad followed their example, thus favoring the views of the four friends,who preferred having them close at hand to chasing them about thechamber. The two sentinels at the door still had their swordsunsheathed, but they were leaning on them while they watched the game.

  Athos seemed to grow calm as the critical moment approached. With hiswhite, aristocratic hands he played with the louis, bending andstraightening them again, as if they were made of pewter. Aramis, lessself-controlled, fumbled continually with his hidden poniard. Porthos,impatient at his continued losses, kept up a vigorous play with hisknee.

  D'Artagnan turned, mechanically looking behind him, and between thefigures of two soldiers he could see Parry standing up and Charlesleaning on his elbow with his hands clasped and apparently offering afervent prayer to God.

  D'Artagnan saw that the moment was come. He darted a preparatory glanceat Athos and Aramis, who slyly pushed their chairs a little back so asto leave themselves more space for action. He gave Porthos a secondnudge of the knee and Porthos got up as if to stretch his legs and tookcare at the same time to ascertain that his sword could be drawnsmoothly from the scabbard.

  "Hang it!" cried D'Artagnan, "another twenty pistoles lost. Really,Captain Groslow, you are too much in fortune's way. This can't last,"and he drew another twenty from his pocket. "One more turn, captain;twenty pistoles on one throw--only one, the last."

  "Done for twenty," replied Groslow.

  And he turned up two cards as usual, a king for D'Artagnan and an acefor himself.

  "A king," said D'Artagnan; "it's a good omen, Master Groslow--look outfor the king."

  And in spite of his extraordinary self-control there was a strangevibration in the Gascon's voice which made his partner start.

  Groslow began turning the cards one after another. If he turned up anace first he won; if a king he lost.

  He turned up a king.

  "At last!" cried D'Artagnan.

  At this word Athos and Aramis jumped up. Porthos drew back a step.Daggers and swords were just about to shine, when suddenly the door wasthrown open and Harrison appeared in the doorway, accompanied by a manenveloped in a large cloak. Behind this man could be seen the glisteningmuskets of half a dozen soldiers.

  Groslow jumped up, ashamed at being surprised in the midst of wine,cards, and dice. But Harrison paid not the least attention to him, andentering the king's room, followed by his companion:

  "Charles Stuart," said he, "an order has come to conduct you to Londonwithout stopping day or night. Prepare yourself, then, to start atonce."

  "And by whom is this order given?" asked the king.

  "By General Oliver Cromwell. And here is Mr. Mordaunt, who has broughtit and is charged with its execution."

  "Mordaunt!" muttered the four friends, exchanging glances.

  D'Artagnan swept up the money that he and Porthos had lost and buried itin his huge pocket. Athos and Aramis placed themselves behind him. Atthis movement Mordaunt turned around, recognized them, and uttered anexclamation of savage delight.

  "I'm afraid we are prisoners," whispered D'Artagnan to his friend.

  "Not yet," replied Porthos.

  "Colonel, colonel," cried Mordaunt, "you are betrayed. These fourFrenchmen have escaped from Newcastle, and no doubt want to carry offthe king. Arrest them."

  "Ah! my young man," said D'Artagnan, drawing his sword, "that is anorder sooner given than executed. Fly, friends, fly!" he added, whirlinghis sword around him.

  The next moment he darted to the door and knocked down two of thesoldiers who guarded it, before they had time to cock their muskets.Athos and Aramis followed him. Porthos brought up the rear, and beforesoldiers, officers, or colonel had time to recover their surprise allfour were in the street.

  "Fire!" cried Mordaunt; "fire upon them!"

  Three or four shots were fired, but with no other result than to showthe four fugitives turning the corner of the street safe and sound.

  The horses were at the place fixed upon, and they leaped lightly intotheir saddles.

  "Forward!" cried D'Artagnan, "and spur for your dear lives!"

  They galloped away and took the road they had come by in the morning,namely, in the direction toward Scotland. A few hundred yards beyond thetown D'Artagnan drew rein.

  "Halt!" he cried, "this time we shall be pursued. We must let them leavethe village and ride after us on the northern road, and when they havepassed we will take the opposite direction."

  There was a stream close by and a bridge across it.

  D'Artagnan led his horse under the arch of the bridge. The othersfollowed. Ten minutes later they heard the rapid gallop of a troop ofhorsemen. A few minutes more and the troop passed over their heads.