Read Violet Page 13

protect him before he dissolved. The children had seen the light she thought was gone. They’d seen beyond whatever it was about her that had repulsed everyone else.

  For one moment Violet was nothing but light. She burst out from the nexus she’d formed with Nate’s essence, praying now that he would live.

  It’s alright, she heard him say. I trust you, Violet.

  At first, all Violet could do was keep the Enorahts at bay. Determined to save Nate, even if she couldn’t save herself, she flew out at them in all directions, burning her energy through every one of them until the roar of their singular voice was silenced. Their screaming grew louder still and they shouted curses at her, only making her burn brighter to eradicate them.

  Then she was everywhere, floating through the leaves around her and illuminating the entire clearing. There was a peace in this form she hadn’t had as a human and she thought this would be fitting.

  This sensation vanished as soon as Violet saw Nate lying unconscious on the ground. She was certain he was dead. In her desperation, Violet made herself smaller, curving around him like she’d done before and keeping him warm.

  Please… please stay…

  Once Nate stirred, Violet grew calm. He groaned as he lifted his head and saw her floating before him.

  ‘Don’t go, Violet. You can’t.’

  ‘It’s too late.’

  ‘Can’t I bring you back again?’

  ‘I’m not sure…’

  ‘Let me try,’ he said, opening his mouth ever so slightly.

  Violet almost hesitated, scared she’d hurt him this time and bring about the same curse. Her love was what sent her back; she refused to be in the world without him. She refused to be alone again.

  Something was vastly different. Now his own body had briefly turned to light, his cells had been altered. She couldn’t mesh with them or draw on their energy, she was being repelled instead. When she tried again, his body seized up. The sudden heavy beat of his own heart brought her terror to a peak and she thought she’d lost her chance.

  She was thrown backwards, hitting the ground in a heap instead. A burning pain radiated through her body and she couldn’t move or breathe. She heard him scramble over to her and he cradled her.

  Her body was paralysed and she couldn’t open her eyes.

  ‘Violet, wake up! Please wake up…’

  Just as she felt him giving up on her, Violet’s chest swelled and her lungs filled with air. Her heart woke into a rapid rhythm and she sat up quickly, her adrenaline rousing her whole body as she gasped for air. Nate let her breathe, holding her gently and waiting for her to settle.

  As soon as she was able, Violet put her arms around him. Her legs were numb and she wasn’t sure she could move them.

  ‘It’s okay,’ he told her. ‘Just rest.’

  The air was freezing and their clothes were still intact but tattered badly by dozens of tears. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the growing gloom around them.

  ‘It’s dark,’ she whispered, her voice now gone.

  As Violet lifted her head to face him, she saw Nate’s skin was glowing gently. The glow coalesced and she watched it move to his palm to make a tiny sphere of light.

  Nate stared at it with the same wonderment he’d had when she’d first found him. ‘Does this mean…? Am I…’

  Violet managed to smile. She watched the light dance up above them, finding the strength to push herself up. Nate held her as they walked, and they followed the light back to the campsite, as a strange glow began spreading through the trees.

  On the edge of the woods, Violet looked behind herself, astonished to see the air now filled with dancing white lights.

  ‘Nate, look!’ she murmured.

  He turned with her, still supporting her, and they stayed silent, both awed by the vision of the lights.

  We are free… They have been vanquished and will trouble you no more.

  ‘What of all of you?’ she asked as her voice returned.

  We are where we should be, the kelesnae said in unison. Thank you both for setting us free at last.

  In a sudden blinding burst, the millions of lights vanished, leaving the woods in almost perfect darkness.

  Nate blinked repeatedly and Violet’s own eyes were still dazzled.

  ‘What happens now?’ he asked her.

  She gave him another gentle smile. ‘Whatever we wish. Hopefully, now the Enorahts are gone, my curse over everyone has too. I think it’s safe for you to go home now, Nate.’

  ‘For both of us?’

  ‘I believe so.’

  She was able to walk unaided the rest of the way to his car. Night had set in completely on their way back and Violet felt sleepy beside Nate as he drove. Still she kept herself awake, quietly gladdened by the thought she was safe in this world now as she was.

  Nate was exhausted by the time they were out of the woods. He was seriously considering spending the night in the car at that point, but he couldn’t stand the idea of being in there any longer. He forced himself to drive back to the same motel.

  What he couldn’t fathom was how he was even able to function after what had happened. Being almost ripped apart by the Enorahts, Nate knew he’d be having nightmares of this the rest of his life. He’d seen his own blood dripping from his arms before his eyes were burned out, his vision flooded by the swarm of dark lights.

  Watching them close in on him and Violet, he’d honestly believed he could protect them both with sheer determination. He would’ve died for her, and he would have stayed a kelesnae if it meant she would live. He’d have done anything. He knew the moment she’d possessed him again that she was in danger, but he had control this time. He kept her from harm, concentrating on her image and willing her into wholeness once more.

  His stubborn refusal to lose her kept her alive.

  But now Nate was shattered and not entirely sure he’d ever be the same again. Did he have new powers now? Could he still become invisible or could he turn into light just by thinking it? He was too weary to even try. All he wanted to do was sleep for a week.

  She stayed beside him when he returned to the motel for another key. Nate scanned the clerk’s features to see if he was repulsed at all by Violet. He’d given her a glance, appearing indifferent and accepting the last of Nate’s money before returning his attention to the baseball game playing on the old TV behind the desk.

  Looking at Violet gave Nate a flood of conflicting emotions. Their ordeal with the Enorahts had created a bizarre union between them that would make anything physical they did pale in comparison. But he wasn’t repelled. He was stronger now in spite of his weariness, and less afraid than he’d been before he’d met her. He thought he’d be unshakable in the face of any confrontation, he had more power to protect her and himself. He had nothing to be scared of anymore. Not even death itself.

  ‘I feel completely different now,’ he said to her. ‘Like I’ve finally woken up.’

  ‘I was so scared I’d lost you, Nate. I couldn’t let you die because of me.’

  ‘Well, I wasn’t going to let them take you, Violet.’

  She stayed in his arms a moment and he felt her breathing begin to slow. Her heart was pounding, he could feel it resonating through him. Somehow, his own pulse seemed to slow hers. She was holding him tightly and feeding off his calmness as he gently stroked her hair.

  ‘I love you, Nate,’ she whispered. ‘I’ll always love you.’

  Kissing her then was absolutely heavenly. Nate didn’t want anything else. He sat with her, holding her hand and keeping quiet as she told him how she thought she’d stopped the Enorahts. If he’d not been there, she was sure she would have lost to them.

  ‘I’m glad I was with you,’ he said honestly. ‘I’m glad I could help you stop them at last. And I don’t regret what happened to me, even with all the pain. Now I know how you felt all those years alone.’

  ‘I’d hoped you wouldn’t. I’m still so sorry.’

You saved me, Violet. You don’t have anything to be sorry about.’

  Violet took a shower while Nate picked up the phone and dialled his mom’s number. He forced himself to do this so he could sleep that night with the knowledge their ordeal was over. Jacqueline didn’t answer for some time, making him freak out more than he already had.

  ‘Hello?’ she said, somewhat frantic.

  ‘Mom, it’s me. Are you okay?’

  ‘Nate? Where are you?’

  ‘I had to take Violet away, remember? You didn't want her in the house.’

  ‘I never said that!’ she cried. ‘You haven’t answered your phone for over a day! What is going on with you?’

  Nate would’ve been relieved if he wasn’t angry at her disgusting reactions in the first place. He had to test her anyway. ‘So she’s not an abomination against God, then?’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean? Why are you saying this?’

  ‘Mom, calm down. I’ll be home tomorrow, I promise.’

  Nate hung up on her as Violet emerged from the bathroom. She had a towel around her chest and carried her clothes in a bundle in her arms. Her wet hair was unbrushed and it clung messily to her shoulders and back. Even in her distress, she was still beautiful.

  ‘We can go back tomorrow,’ he told her. ‘Mom doesn’t even remember what she said to you.’

  Violet’s shoulders lifted and sagged with her breath. ‘I wish I could forget everything. But you can go home, at least. Should we go now?’

  ‘It’s too far to drive back tonight and I’m too tired.’ He shifted up onto the bed, on the verge of passing out. As he put his arm over his eyes, he heard