Read Violet Miracle, A Little Bit of Coffee, Flowers, and Romance Page 7

  “So, what about Sam and Jesse and Will? Oh, yeah, Will is taken, right?”

  Violet easily followed her friend’s quick change of subject by now. Not missing a beat, she replied, “Sort of. I mean Ivy obviously likes him, but he hasn’t figured that out yet. Perhaps he doesn't realize she’s all grown up and is beautiful inside and out. Hopefully, he will soon.”

  “So, what about Sam and Jesse? They’re Ivy’s brothers, right?”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not sure if Jesse has quite forgiven me for pepper spraying him the first night I was here, but Sam has been very nice. When I found out about the terms of the will, he took me out for pizza. At first, I felt so stupid, bursting into tears with him standing at my door, but he led me over to the porch swing and let me cry. Then, he took me to this place where they served Chicago-style pizza. I felt safe around him, like I could trust him.”

  “Hmm. Did he pay or was it Dutch?”

  Violet was confused. “He wouldn’t let me pay. I tried.”

  “Oooh. That means you had your first date.”

  “What? It wasn’t a date. We’re friends. Besides, I only met him three days ago.”

  “Well…” It was obvious Sue didn’t really believe her. “Keep me posted anyway. I want to meet this Sam Givens when I come visit.”

  “I’m sure they will all love you.”

  “I’m sure I will love them if they love you.”

  Violet laughed. A truer friend she couldn’t ask for. They talked for quite a while until Sue finally signed off saying she needed to get some sleep before she had to work the next day.

  “Don’t forget to call me with details of your ‘tour’ with Sam tomorrow.”

  Violet groaned. “We’re only friends, and I really appreciate him letting me see a real morgue and all the tools of his trade. It’ll be great for my book.”

  “Your books, I love. The stuff you do for your research, not so much.”

  “I’ll leave out the gross stuff and try to answer all your questions.”

  “If you can’t get me by cell, be sure to e-mail or text me, okay?”

  “Sure thing.”

  The two girls finally said goodbye and Violet put her cell into her pocket. Sue was exactly what she needed that day. As she got ready for bed, she was almost thankful that she was staying a little longer than originally planned. Of course, nothing more would come out of her friendship with Sam, but she was glad to make some really wonderful new friends.


  The next day, Jesse sat at a table at the Coffee House working on his computer. When he set down his mug of coffee after taking a sip, he nearly blew it out his nose as Violet came up to his table with a coffee carafe.

  “Would you like some more coffee?” she asked.

  Jesse blinked. What was she doing there, trying to serve him, wearing a polo shirt with the Coffee House logo on it?

  “Jesse? Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Just wondering about the new waitress,” he said, gesturing at her shirt.

  “Your mom is so sweet. Sam must’ve talked to her because when I came in this morning she offered me a job. It’s perfect hours and perfect pay to keep me for the next three months. Your family is so terrific. You are really blessed to have them.”

  “Uh, yes…” He made a valiant effort to not groan.

  Oblivious, she asked, “So, do you want that refill?”

  Her perkiness nearly undid all his fine resolutions.

  “Sure,” he said pushing his mug toward her. He watched as she carefully poured the coffee. Amazingly, the coffee went where it was supposed to, straight into the cup, not in his lap. Perhaps there was hope.

  “See you later.” As she turned, she bumped into someone and the half full carafe spilled most of its contents onto Jesse’s front. She got his shirt and his lap. He had to give it to her, she could do spectacular quite well.

  “Oh, Jesse, I’m so sorry.” She handed him a napkin and began to clean up the table and floor.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he replied, sighing. If Sam got really serious about this girl, he was going to need a suit of armor for protection. Luckily, he had his gym clothes in a bag in his car. He would just change into them. It would be easier than going back home. At least he didn’t have any clients to meet with that day.

  After he had changed his clothes, he sat back at his booth, watching Violet warily. His mom saw him, came out from behind the counter, and crossed the room over to his table. “Isn’t Violet wonderful? I’ve been needing another employee, and she’s perfect. Did you know she worked in a diner for over seven years?”

  “Uh, no, I wasn’t aware of that,” he replied. How did those customers ever survive her?

  “She was let go just before she came here. She said it was because of the economy.”

  Jesse wondered privately if there was some other reason she neglected to mention.

  “Poor thing,” his mother continued. “She’s not very happy about having to stick around for three months, but this is good for her and us.”

  “Uh, hmm,” said Jesse, trying to be noncommittal. What did everyone see in this crazy girl?


  At lunch, Jesse had more cause for worry. His mother gave Violet a lunch break so she could join Ivy, Sam, Will, and him for lunch.

  “Your mom is so wonderful,” she gushed. “I just can’t thank her enough for hiring me.”

  “I’m so glad it worked out,” said Sam.

  Jesse tried not to glare at his brother, but he knew who got Violet hired now.

  “I’m glad too,” said Ivy. “Of course you’re upset about having to stay longer, but I’m happy for us.”

  “You’re sweet,” said Violet. “I guess the Lord is working it all out. At least now I won’t starve.”

  “Oh, with Mrs. Gives around, there was never any chance of that,” said Will.

  “Isn’t this family terrific?”

  “Yeah, they are,” said Will looking at Ivy. When she turned toward him, he quickly looked away.

  “Oh, Sam, I just remembered,” Violet began. “I have to cancel my tour of the morgue with you this afternoon. Mrs. Givens hasn’t worked out my hours yet and I really want to be available for her.”

  “I didn’t realize you already planned something for this afternoon,” said Mrs. Givens, coming by. “Go ahead and meet with Sam. Be sure to come back tomorrow morning about 9.”

  “Oh thank-you so much.” Violet grinned.

  Jesse wanted to gag. First of all, since when did Sam schedule a personal tour for the girl, and already she got special favors from their mom? Did she have his entire family fooled? Why did everyone think she was so wonderful? They barely met her. That does it. It’s time for me to do some real investigation. Why was she ‘let go’ from her previous job, and what was her past really like?

  After everyone left, Jesse began clicking away at his computer with a vengeance. First stop, a deep search into the Butterfield police files.

  Chapter 12

  Violet bounced from foot to foot unable to contain her excitement about touring a real morgue. She certainly didn’t mind her guide either.

  Sam tried to prepare her, but there’s almost no way to be totally ready. At least he’d covered the body.

  When Violet walked into the examination room, she didn’t expect her reaction or the sudden memories. A large mound covered with a crisp, white sheet lay on an operating table. For a few moments the past swept her away, to another room similar to this, another body on another table, blood all over the sheets. The ability to breathe left her. She became a living statue, unable to move, only stare.

  From out of a fog she heard someone speaking her name. “Violet, Violet, are you all right? Are you going to faint?” Sam supported her elbow and put his hand on her back. “I’m sorry. I’ll take you out of here.” He tried to gently turn her away from the room and back toward the door.

  “No.” Violet came
back to this time abruptly. “I’m all right.” She didn’t want to tell him what she remembered. The pain hurt too much. She never told anyone. “It’s different, seeing a body for real, rather than all prepared at a funeral or in pictures on the internet.”

  “Of course,” he said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, I really do need this for my research. Please forgive me.”

  “Of course,” he said. She heard the concern still in his voice. When she smiled, he seemed to relax. “Let me show you some of my tools and equipment first.” He led her over to a side wall with drawers holding numerous tools in different shapes and sizes.

  In spite of her earlier reaction, Violet was fascinated by all of his various devices and methods for examining a body and discerning the cause of death. In many cases, it was obvious, but there were several tests that would help make sure they didn’t miss anything. Although some samples needed to be sent off to a nearby lab, most of Sam’s tests could be performed right there in the examination room. Finally, at her insistence, Sam showed her the body.

  Violet was surprised at her ability to handle it. This body looked nothing like the one before. In fact, he (the man on the table) appeared rather peaceful, like he enjoyed a short nap and might wake up at any moment. On the other hand, remembering one of the saws Sam showed her earlier, this man would not ‘wake up’ any time soon.

  “How did you decide to become a medical examiner?” asked Violet.

  Sam sighed. “There was a girl I thought I was in love with who died suddenly. It turned out she was a drug addict and hid it well. Of course the medical examiner found out. Blood tests are standard procedure. I talked to him later, and he told me he debated about telling the family. Then he said something that I heard before, but it took on so much more meaning then. He quoted the Bible, the passage that says, ‘the truth shall set you free’. I imagined this ideal in my mind of what she was like, but the truth was, she was lost and hurting and needed help, but it was too late.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Yes, in a way, it was. She wasn’t a Christian, and I was running from God at that time. If I took the time to tell her the truth, she might still be alive today. I possessed the hope that she needed so badly and I selfishly refused to share it with her.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I got on my face before God and repented like I’ve never repented before. I was afraid He wouldn’t forgive me.”

  “Of course God would forgive you.” Her sweet Sam suffered so much, she longed to comfort him somehow.

  “Don’t worry, I know that. I wasn’t sure what to do with my life at that point. I realized I wanted to be a doctor not for altruistic reasons, but for selfish ones.”

  “What happened?”

  “The Lord spoke to me. He called me to seek the truth for the sake of others. After a lot of prayer and counsel from my parents and our pastor, I decided to go ahead and get my M.D. specializing in pathology. Then, I went on to become a medical examiner. I knew what the Lord wanted for me, planned for me. I’ve never been disappointed with my choice. I also volunteer once a week counseling kids who are trying to stop using drugs.”

  “That’s incredible.” What incredible compassion! Rather than becoming resentful and hard at that girl’s lies, he forgave her, blaming himself. Once he got right with God, he used what happened to him to help others. Instead of getting bitter, he got better.

  “I figure I get paid to find the truth of what killed people, and I volunteer to help kids live a longer life.”

  “You are an amazing person, Sam Givens,” Violet said.

  “You’re pretty amazing too, Violet Carsten.” His intense gaze melted her down to her toes and did curious things to her stomach.

  Her face heated and her heart beat like she’d never experienced before. Engage and experience or run and hide? She spied a clock on the wall. Run and hide. “Oh, look at the time. I should probably get back to the Coffee House. I still have a lot to learn. Thank-you so much for showing me your examining room.” Violet managed to back out the door and leave before Sam responded.


  Suddenly alone, Violet’s abrupt departure confused Sam. What just happened? Perhaps she’s shy? He suspected she had never been in any kind of romantic relationship before. The snippets of romance in her books were sweet and innocent, but rather a bit like a fairy tale, not quite real. He smiled then. The more he spent time with her, the more he felt like she was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Oh, he would continue to pray and he certainly wouldn’t rush the Lord or Violet, but he felt good about this. He remained open to any ‘red lights’ the Lord put in his way, but so far, it looked all ‘green.’


  That night at the Coffee House, Violet struggled to focus on her job. At least she hadn’t messed up any orders yet. Mrs. Givens had to go somewhere and hadn’t had time to teach her how to prepare the various coffee drinks. For the time being, the acting manager put her to wiping tables and refilling cups.

  Unfortunately, poor Violet barely kept her mind on that little. At least she hadn’t spilled hot coffee on anyone else. Around Jesse she picked up his cup and poured coffee into it as far away from him as she could get without actually walking away. At one point she thought she caught him glaring at her, but of course he must simply be concentrating on his work.

  Sam, sweet Sam, so nice and so handsome, but Violet didn’t want a relationship. How in only three months? Sam showed kindness and certainly made a good friend, but she did NOT want anything more. Mentally shaking herself, she decided her imagination simply ran away with itself. That ‘look’ they shared in the morgue… Her imagination carried itself away into the clouds of romance where none existed. She and Sam were friends, and that was all. End of story. Now, stop dwelling on him. I mean it!

  She realized then she nearly wiped the varnish off of a table. Time to take out the trash. Certainly, no disasters in that simple task, right? It neared closing time, and she should help get everything ready to shut up shop for the night. The bag came out of the can easily, and she retreated out the back door.

  A night wind blew raising goosebumps on her arms, but that seemed a good reality check. It definitely helped to clear her mind—a little. Violet fancied a shadow moving around but decided it must be some kind of animal scavenging. She smiled to herself as she remembered the first time she stood here on tiptoe to see inside the large garbage bin. She reached up and threw open the lid, letting it fall back with a loud bang. She didn’t have to be quiet. This time, she belonged here. Several bags poked out of the top, and she hoped the trash collectors would come tomorrow. Then, as she raised her arm to throw the bag into the dumpster, she froze. The lid must’ve caught on one of the bags and moved it… and whatever was underneath it.

  Violet reared back and swallowed, taking several deep breaths and closing her eyes. She could NOT have seen what she thought she did. She opened her eyes again and barely stifled a scream. There, lying amongst the trash, in front of her, right out of her latest mystery/adventure story, a human hand lay on the lip of the dumpster, dirty and unmoving.

  She closed her eyes again. This couldn’t be real. It had to be someone’s idea of a sick joke. She opened her eyes and forced herself to move forward. She considered touching him but remembered something about not messing up evidence. Still blinking, she turned around and ran inside nearly running over Sam in her haste.

  He grabbed her shoulders, steadying her and said, “Violet, are you all right?”

  “Th-th-there, out back, in the dumpster. There’s a man. I think he’s dead.”

  Stunned, Sam didn’t respond at first. Then, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I hoped somebody did it as a sick joke, but it’s real.”

  “What’s going on?” Jesse asked as he joined them.

  “Call Will and 9-1-1. Violet says someone is in the dumpster out back.” Sam turned back to Viole
t gentle, yet very professional. He looked her straight in the eyes. “As a doctor, I have to go check on him. He may not be dead.” Back to Jesse, he said, “Keep an eye on her. Her color isn’t good. Make sure she doesn’t pass out.”

  Jesse nodded and grabbed his cell. Violet stood there shaking.

  As Jesse put his cell back into his pocket, he barely managed to catch her as she blacked out.

  A few moments later, Violet came to, surrounded by Ivy, Jesse, and Mrs. Givens. Ivy spoke first, “Are you all right, Sweetie?”

  “Please, tell me this isn’t real.”

  “Sorry,” said Jesse. “I’m afraid it’s very real. Someone really did put a dead body in the dumpster. Will and the police are out there now.”

  “I can’t imagine something like this happening,” said Mrs. Givens. “It’s terrible.”

  “Is Sam still out there?” Violet asked, sitting up.

  “Yes. He’s examining the body and trying to figure out what killed him,” Ivy answered. “Did you see anyone when you went out?”

  “I might have seen a shadow, but I thought it was just an animal looking for some food.” She stood. “Is it all right if I go out there? I promise to stay back out of the way.”

  Jesse looked doubtful, but Ivy replied, “I’ll go with you.”

  At a frown from Mrs. Givens, Jesse reluctantly followed the two women.

  Out back it looked like a kind of ordered chaos. The body had been moved out of the dumpster, and Sam examined it further while other police officers cordoned off the crime scene, took pictures, and gathered evidence.

  Will caught sight of them and came over. “Violet, did you see anyone or anything unusual tonight?”

  “No. I saw a shadow when I came out, but I thought it was just some animal scavenging for food. I’m sorry I’m so useless.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”


  Finished for the moment, Sam stood. His initial examination of the body concluded, now he needed to transport it to the medical examiner’s rooms so it could be further studied.

  His protective instincts kicked into high gear when he spied Will talking to Violet. He rushed over. “Will isn’t bothering you, is he?”

  Will turned to Sam and raised an eyebrow.