Read Violet Sky Page 7

“We should go further in.” Dia announced after a while, hoping to take Kant’s mind off his hand, while she took in the familiar atmosphere of the tower. They were in a huge hall with long benches lining either side. It resembled an Earth church besides the aisle which was wider and seemed to be made from pure silver that flowed like a shining molten river from where they stood.

  Kant, still a little dazed, followed Dia up the aisle. It lead to an enormous silver spire, at least 30 metres high, which didn’t at first glance appear to have a purpose other than decoration. But Dia knew what it was and, more importantly, what it did.

  She reached out to it when they were close enough and touched the cold surface. A warm energy pulsed through her arm, up her neck and into her head. She allowed the warmth to take hold of her mind, her thoughts, her very existence and then, with a small smile, she felt the presence of Daniel. Not in the room with her and Kant, but in her mind as Dosus Yin had been. ‘Daniel?’ She asked with thought.

  ‘Dia?’ Came the deep yet soft reply almost immediately. There was a hint of something unfamiliar about his voice but Dia dismissed it as an effect of the Spire. ‘You... made it to Avalon?’ Said Daniel. Dia’s smile spread and she allowed joy to bubble up inside her. ‘I did. Where are you? Can you summon Kant and I?’

  ‘I don’t understand... You were on Earth. How did you... Oh yes. Ok I’ll bring you here now.’ Dia closed her eyes, knowing that the experience of travelling in this manner was not a pleasant one. ‘Ready?’ Daniel’s voice sounded distant in her mind now, as if muffled through a thin wall. ‘Yes.’ She replied, simply. Then she turned to Kant, “Touch the Spire and do not let go for anything. It will become incredibly uncomfortable but you must not let go. Ok?” Kant merely nodded, then reached out what would have been his hand a few minutes earlier. Dia visibly winced at his mistake, but Kant switched hands and touched the Spire without a word or change of expression.

  Dia closed her eyes again and waited. A minute passed with no changes. The anticipation was almost unbearable but she told herself to be patient. Another couple of minutes dragged by. Still nothing. ‘What’s happen-’ She began to ask, but then it happened. The Spire became less opaque then faded until it was gone. Then the far wall, the rest of the massive room and everything outside vanished from existence leaving Dia and Kant standing side by side in blackness.

  More time passed than Dia expected and she felt panic setting hold. Something was definitely wrong. ‘Daniel!’ She heard her thoughts cry out desperately. ‘We are stuck in ‘The Middle’...’

  No response came. She looked down at Kant without taking her hand from where she knew the silver Spire to be, though she could not see it. “This should not be happening.” she muttered, her voice quivering slightly, “We should have appeared wherever Daniel is much sooner.”

  “I didn’t think it should take this long.” Came Kant’s reply, but he seemed absent minded somehow.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Look.” And as he spoke he pointed with his wrist. Dia followed it but could see nothing but darkness. “Keep looking.” He said, noting her confusion. “It’s coming closer.” She continued to stare, until suddenly she saw a pin prick of white, set against the black. The pin prick grew and Dia could soon see the shape of a man, all in white, drifting quickly towards her. When he came close enough, she made out his face and knew it to be one she did not desire. This man was detestable. He was a twisted individual, Dia knew, yet in appearance he was classically handsome; a look which sent icy chills up Dia’s spine. “Lord Kae...” She murmured under her breath, loathing the name as well as everything associated with it. “It is I.” Boomed the reply of Lord Kae, his voice was sharp and precise. He had a pleased look about him which made Dia nauseous.

  Dia felt weaker as Kae came closer still but she drew her father’s sword swiftly with her spare hand and pointed it at the Lord’s chest. He continued his drifting advance until he stood with the tip of her sword touching him.

  They stood like this for several seconds before Lord Kae spoke. “I released you from Earth.” He said, smirking, his eyes staring straight into Dia’s which widened at his words. “I released you from Earth because I need you Dia Thorpe. I need you to help me which will in turn help all of us.” Dia stared at him, unblinking. Her mind was working overtime to comprehend what he was saying. Kae continued, “I can stop Ssus If we act now. He is currently unprotected. I may even be able to kill him, but you are the only one able to get me to where he is.”

  Dia, her mind still on the information that Kae had released her from Earth, began to understand something: The phone call on Earth. Was that Lord Kae? Her mind raced faster, pieces of a puzzle rapidly finding their correct places. “You were the voice on the phone...? Dosus Yin?” Her voice was distant as she spoke. Kae laughed a cold, hollow laugh. Then Dia’s sword wavered slightly as she realised, “You were acting as Daniel...? Asking me to come here?”

  “Of course.” Kae snapped, “But not ‘acting’ as Daniel. No. It was Daniel’s voice you heard and it was his body you saw in the footage which was cleverly captured by your android friend here. He is my puppet, call it ‘insurance’ if you will. You will help me and I will release him to you.” Dia had gone white and was trembling, half with anger, half with fear. She did not, however, turn her gaze from Lord Kae’s eyes. There seemed to be no options.

  “You are betraying Ssus?”



  “Enough questions.” Kae’s voice had malice in it now, “Help or Daniel remains mine.” Dia steadied herself.

  “Prove you have him.” She demanded as boldly as possible. The Lord chuckled and a thin smile appeared on his face. Then he spoke in a voice mimicking Daniel’s, “We next meet in darkness.” Dia remembered instantly. Daniel had said those exact words in the footage Kant had shown her. She then thought of how he had seemed to be fighting against speaking in the video and how his voice just now had seemed strange. The realisation hit her. “You possessed him!” She spat, unable to contain the anger any longer, “You sick-”

  “Not past tense, Dia. I possess him. I own him. He is my puppet. Now, do we have a deal?” Dia clenched her teeth and tightened her grip on the hilt of Silvaera. She knew she was no match for the Lord in a sword fight but she had him at a disadvantage. Dia could only assume he allowed her this advantage because he needed to buy her trust. No matter the reason she had to try something. So she lunged forwards, sword point first, as quickly and powerfully as her body would allow. The sword pierced Kae’s chest right through to the hilt. But Kae chuckled and pushed her back. “You cannot harm me here.” He hissed in a whisper by Dia’s ear. Dia stared at him blankly. What manner of science was this? She could not fight against apparent impossibilities.

  She steadied herself again after a moment and, in the realisation she literally had no choice, she conceded to Kae.

  “What... Would you have me do?” She asked.

  “It is very simple. You have to die.”

  “That’s not-” Dia began but Kae interrupted,

  “When you die you will be resurrected in one of Ssus’ ubilis machines. Only he knows which one; I am sure he will have arranged for one machine to be programmed with your signature since he discovered you had escaped Earth. You will be reanimated in that machine and I can track which one.” Kae spread his arms, indicating the expanse of black about them. “As you see, I have mastered a certain control over the Spire. It will take me to the exact location where you are resurrected. Then I wait for Ssus.”

  Silence followed for several moments allowing Dia to collect her thoughts. Although her forthcoming death should have been her first priority, her mind was still reeling from Kae’s extravagant manipulation. He was the voice on the phone on Earth. He was the voice in her head masquerading as Dosus Yin. He had controlled Daniel, ensuring she arrived in Avalon as quickly as possible. Daniel really was Kae’s puppet, he was in danger and if Dia could help, she would. Even if Kae did not
keep his word as Dia suspected he would not, perhaps an opportunity to kill him would arise after she was resurrected.

  Eventually, ensuring she had thought through all possible scenarios, she spoke, “What about Kant? Can you return him to my palace?”

  “I can.” He said and immediately turned to the android, grabbing him on each shoulder. There was no sound. No drama. Kant simply vanished.

  Then the Lord looked back at Dia. “I have to destroy your entire body as you may have already realised. It will be excruciating.” Dia still stared at him. “Take your hand from the Spire.” Kae demanded. Dia obeyed. The instant her skin left the feeling of the Spire, she fell. She knew she was falling because she felt it in the pit of her stomach but there was no wind and Kae seemed to be stood as still as he had been right beside her. He leaned forwards and grabbed her throat. Dia tried to scream but the sound was trapped in her chest. She felt flames igniting, white hot, in every molecule within her. The pain was incredible and somehow worsened with every second. Eventually, blissfully the agony stopped and her thoughts ceased. Her body was gone.



  A God’s Mistake?