Read Voodoo Moon Page 42


  I stepped out of the library and stood there for a moment, trying to decide where to go. Ian was still, technically, my partner, so I should go to him with the information I had just learned, first. But I wasn’t sure I was ready to be alone with him and after our conversation earlier, he might not even allow me in his building. The better thing to do would be to go to Headquarters and call Sam in. Then Sam could call Ian, along with the rest of the team. I had no doubt we could assemble a full assault team within a couple of hours. Nor did I doubt that he would, even when the information, the entire operation, was based on a hunch. But, it was better than spinning our wheels.

  I laughed out loud. What a funny expression. I had heard it often and used it just as often, but I had no idea where it came from.

  I shook my head to clear it. Okay, on to the Blades building, I thought. I started jogging along the quiet road, touching my hand to my thigh pocket again. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten my scry-crystal. If I had it, I could call Sam now and he would get to the headquarters building shortly after me.

  A rickshaw for hire ambled up the street towards me, which seemed odd considering the part of town we were in. Despite the bustle of Broadway a couple of blocks over, this part of town was quiet and deserted at this time of night. The driver stopped a few feet away and called to me, “Can I offer you a ride?”

  I stopped jogging for a minute, considering. A cool breeze blew, so it was a good night for a run. Perhaps my mind would be a little clearer by the time I’d ran the few blocks between the library building and Headquarters. Besides, he was going the wrong way. By the time he went around the block, I would be almost to my destination, even at a slow, jogging pace. “No thanks,” I called back and resumed my run.

  I ran about another block, when I felt a sharp pain in the side of my neck. I stopped running, my hand flying to my neck. Something long was protruding out. I pulled on it, and it came out in my hand. Suddenly, the world was spinning. I stared at the object in my hand, blinking my eyes to try to clear my blurry vision. It was a feather. Why did I have a feather in my neck? Fog rolled in on my brain, but I fought for control. No, not a feather. It had a feather on it, but it was a dart. Someone had shot me with a dart. I tried to turn my head to see who could have done it, but I couldn’t. I realized everything felt numb; I couldn’t move my legs or even wiggle my fingers. Then, suddenly, the ground rushed up to meet me as my body crumpled. I landed on the concrete sidewalk cheek first, and my last blurry thought was, “Thank goodness I can’t feel anything.” Then, everything went dark.