Read Vulnerable Page 13

  Leo reached down with his free hand and cupped his sac, massaging it. “Get ready,” he hoarsely said.

  Jesse’s lips parted, head up and off the pillow to watch. Leo suspected if he had a clean bill of health that Jesse would have probably awakened him with a blowjob—

  And that was the thought that pushed him over the edge with a groan. His fingers clamped down on Jesse’s as he fucked the last of his orgasm out of his cock, his balls pumping ropes of cum over their hands and mostly Jesse’s abs.

  Jesse answered with his climax, moaning, as Leo reached down and tweaked Jesse’s right nipple with his free hand. He felt Jesse’s cock throbbing inside his ass before the man went limp below him.

  Leo leaned in, well aware he was only smearing his cum all over both of them. He kissed Jesse hard, deep, sucking on his bottom lip before sitting up again. Leo rose up and slid down Jesse’s body, licking the man’s nipples, down his abs, swirling his tongue around his navel.

  Jesse laughed and caught him by the arm. “Danger, Will Robinson. We should probably clean up and let me make you some coffee.” He grinned. “You can sit on the couch and watch TV and drink it while I see if I can get you back up again.”

  Leo’s cock twitched.


  He hadn’t been this horny in…


  Guilt washed through him. No, he’d never regret having Laurel. But how many good years of Eva’s life and his own had he wasted by trying to keep up the good fight, so to speak?

  Jesse sat up, frowning. “What’s wrong?”


  “I saw the look on your face. What’s wrong?”

  Leo carefully sat up and kissed him before climbing out of bed. “Just realizing that I have a lot of living left to do, and I should have been letting Eva do that a long time ago.”

  * * * *

  Jesse wasn’t sure what he meant by that. He followed Leo into the bathroom, starting the shower as he disposed of the condom.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Leo.

  “I’m…I’m fine.” He turned to Jesse and placed his hands on his shoulders. “About this, absolutely, I’m fine. You’re…” He seemed to be searching for the right word, his blue gaze drilling into Jesse’s core. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe how lucky I am that I met you at this time in my life.”

  Jesse felt relief wash through him. “Well, the Suncoast Society gang tends to have a pretty decent track record when it comes to matchmaking.”

  “So it would seem. Let me get those off of you.” He indicated the collar and cuffs. Jesse stood still while Leo did it.

  “Another rule, “Leo said. “Unless I tell you otherwise, you bring them to me to put them on you or take them off. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Jesse turned to him. Bullshit the man wasn’t a Dominant. He absolutely was a natural Dominant. So he didn’t have impact play techniques down pat yet. That could be taught.

  The true control, the trust…that wasn’t something that could be taught.

  Leo had captured him without even trying.

  They stood there, staring at each other as steam filled the bathroom.

  Jesse caught his hand. “Come on. Let me wash you up, Sir.”

  Grabbing a washcloth and soap, Jesse wouldn’t let him do a thing. He soaped Leo’s whole body, everywhere, exploring, teasing, even sliding soapy fingers up the crack of his ass and playing with him, down to his balls, over his cock, which appeared to be reviving already.

  “Thank you for trusting me last night,” Leo said.

  Jesse turned him around. “I still trust you.”

  “After what you’ve been through, I wouldn’t have blamed you if you’d wanted to take things slow.”

  “I fully intended to take things slow with you,” he said. “Somehow, you got right inside my defenses.”

  “Yeah. You, too.”

  “And I know I can trust you.”


  “Because some guys, they would have been saying hey, you can trust me, I’ve only been with a woman, suck my cock. You never once tried that bullshit with me. You accepted it as a given, and you went down on me, trusting me when you saw my results.”

  “I wouldn’t have come back here with you if I didn’t trust you. And Keith trusted you. I doubt he would have put us together if he didn’t trust both of us.”

  Jesse smiled. “Exactly. If you want me to start humming the matchmaker song from Fiddler on the Roof, I will, but even I’m not quite that gay.”

  Leo palmed Jesse’s cheek, his forehead touching Jesse’s. “Are we crazy?”

  “Maybe. But we’re the good kind of crazy.”

  “I don’t want to leave here tonight.”

  “Then don’t. Spend the night.”

  “You have to be up crazy early in the morning. Earlier than I do.”

  “Then I could come home with you. I can slip out in the morning.” He grabbed Leo’s hips and did a sexy bump and grind against him. “Ever have a naked houseboy cleaning for you?”

  Leo wrapped his arms around Jesse. “I know you said you want to eventually be Master and slave, but I’m not going to make you clean my house for me.”

  “There is no ‘make’ involved here. I want to. That’s part of my kink. Service, not just sexy time. There’s been times Tilly comes to the club and either I don’t feel like playing, or she doesn’t, and I spend the night getting her food and soda or coffee, rubbing her neck, things like that. I’m the whole package, Sir.”

  “Is she going to be upset she can’t play with you anymore?”

  “Nope. She’ll be happy for us. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “Not much.” Jesse grinned. “Probably laundry, at the rate we’re going through sheets and towels.”

  “Let me make you dinner tomorrow night. My place. Laurel will be with me next weekend, so if we’re going to spend time together this week, it needs to be during the week.”

  “Okay.” He grinned again. “Can I be naked while you cook?”

  “You have a naked thing going, don’t you?”

  “Dude, good luck keeping clothes on me when we’re alone.”

  “Hmm. So that could be a punishment, huh?”

  Jesse’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “If you misbehave, I can order you to wear clothes.”

  “Aw, come on. That’s just mean.”

  Leo’s evil grin inflated Jesse’s cock. “You could safeword.”

  “For clothes? Seriously?”


  “I…” Jesse finally started laughing, so hard that he had to rest his head against Leo and hold on until he got himself under control. “Dude, please don’t ever think you’re not a Dom. You absolutely are a Dom.”

  “Is that a yes, then? That I can punish you by ordering you to wear clothes?”

  “Yes, dammit.”

  Leo arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Yes, Sir, dammit,” Jesse corrected himself.

  “That’s better.”

  * * * *

  Leo was sitting on the couch, naked, on a towel, legs spread wide, TV on, coffee in one hand, his phone in the other, and Jesse on his knees on the floor, slowly worshipping Leo’s cock through a cherry-flavored condom.

  Leo smiled down at him as he went through his e-mail. “You are too damn good at that,” Leo teased.

  Jesse, whose wrists were once again cuffed behind him, smiled up at him around Leo’s cock. “Thanth yoo, Thir.” He went back to sucking Leo’s cock.

  Leo laughed and set his phone down so he could ruffle Jesse’s hair. His plan was, after coffee, to bend the man over the bed, much as he had the night before, only this time fucking his ass in the process.

  And then he’d flip Jesse over onto his back and suck his balls dry.

  He was contemplating that plan when his phone rang, startling him. It was barely nine o’clock on a Sunday morning.

p; Eva’s name showed on the display.

  Dammit. “Yeah? What’s up?”

  “Daddy, how come you’re not home?”

  He nearly spilled his coffee as he flinched, startled. “Laurel? Where are you?”

  “I wanted to go out for breakfast, and Mommy said we could take you, too, but you’re not home.”


  Of course Eva would want to stop by to see if he was home.

  Or home alone.

  On the heels of that, he felt guilty for thinking like that.

  He thought fast, remembering an ad he’d seen that week. “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m at a tractor show in Ft. Meade. I got up early and came with the friends I had dinner with last night.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Sweetheart, I made the plans late last night after dinner. You would have already been in bed. Why didn’t you call before coming by the apartment?”

  “Mommy said we could surprise you.”

  Of course she did.

  Well, he didn’t feel so badly about his earlier uncharitable thoughts, then. “Sorry, sweetie. We left really early and won’t be home until late this evening.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  Fuck. He hated that she sounded disappointed, and for that he would have a talk with Eva.

  Later. Not now.

  Another topic of conversation with the counselor, apparently.

  “I need to get off here, sweetheart. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Daddy.”

  He ended the call and dropped the phone next to him onto the couch. “Well, settles that issue.”

  Jesse sat up. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, but my ex apparently thought she was being slick, and it backfired on her.”

  “It did?”

  Leo stroked Jesse’s hair, grabbing a handful and pulling him back down onto his cock. “Who said you could stop doing that?”

  Jesse grinned and opened wide. Leo had softened a little, but under Jesse’s hot mouth, he soon stiffened again.

  “I can’t go home this afternoon,” Leo said. “I wouldn’t put it past Eva to cruise by again sometime today, trying to catch me there with someone.”

  Jesse lifted his head. “Why?”

  “Because…” He sighed. “She doesn’t want the divorce and she’s making things as difficult as she can. Including stalling, trying to go for full custody, then letting up, trying again, letting up—it’s exhausting. I’m trying to be patient, but it’s difficult. I’m just about out of patience.”

  “Who’s your attorney?”

  “Guy named Ed Payne. Keith recommended him.”

  Jesse laughed.

  “What?” Leo asked.

  “He’s one of us.”

  “One of us? You mean he’s gay?”

  Jesse snorted. “No. Kinky. He handles stuff for Venture.”

  “Ah. Good to know.” It would change his conversations somewhat with the attorney. “You know, I think we need to get some food in us before we get too eager.” He tapped Jesse on top of his head and made him sit up. “Let’s get dressed and go for a grocery run now, so we don’t have to leave again later.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He reached down and unclipped Jesse’s wrists. The man sat back on his heels. “Don’t worry, boy. I’ll have you back down there soon enough.”

  Jesse grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that, Sir.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  There was, fortunately, a grocery store just down the road from Jesse’s apartment. And it was nowhere near where Eva, a creature of total habit, would usually shop. It wasn’t even the same chain.

  They took Jesse’s car, just in case. Leo was getting hungry, so he got fixings for omelets, bacon, veggies, stuff to make BLTs for lunch, and then a quick and easy “cheater” beef stroganoff for dinner.

  Jesse laughed as he surveyed the grocery cart. “We need something else.”


  Jesse leaned in. “Condoms, Sir.”

  Leo felt his cock thicken in his jeans. “Then by all means.”

  On his way there, he detoured through another aisle and grabbed himself a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and deodorant. After thinking about it, he added a can of shaving cream and a razor.

  Jesse stared at it before looking up at him.

  Leo shrugged. “When you come over to my place, we’ll get you stuff to keep there, too. Right?”

  Jesse’s smile twisted Leo’s insides in all the good ways. “Right, Sir.”

  “It only makes sense.” Leo glanced around, not wanting to make a huge PDA in the middle of Winn Dixie. Dropping his voice, he said, “And I guess I need to shop around for a collar for you.”

  “A collar?”

  “I saw at dinner people wearing necklaces and bracelets and stuff. What’d Keith call it? Day collars.” He hesitated. “Unless you don’t want one?”

  Jesse eagerly nodded. “I do. I can wear necklaces at work. A bracelet might be tricky.”

  “I’ll work on that.” He reached out and stroked Jesse’s cheek. “We don’t need to do that right now. I want us to both be sure and get settled first. But I wanted to let you know that’s a future goal of mine. Okay?”

  Another eager nod. “Okay. Yes, Sir.”

  Leo sighed, reaching over and cupping the back of Jesse’s neck, then pulling him in for a quick brush of a kiss. “Yes, that. Definitely keep saying that. I love that.”

  * * * *

  Despite the hottest night and morning of sex in his life, Jesse couldn’t believe he was already discussing collars with Leo.

  Then again, no one he’d ever been with had made him feel like Leo did.

  Bonus, Leo was a great cook. As they prepared breakfast together, both of them naked—Jesse in his cuffs and collar—and Jesse taking every opportunity he could get to caress or kiss Leo, Jesse realized how terrifyingly easy it was to imagine them doing this, together, for the rest of their lives.

  He hadn’t even been able to see himself with Mario a year in the future, much less decades.

  After breakfast, Leo helped him clean up the kitchen and they returned to the bedroom. Leo pushed him facedown onto the bed, over the edge and this time lying on a towel, and pulled Jesse’s wrists together behind his back where he clipped them together.

  When Leo nudged Jesse’s feet wider apart, Jesse’s cock twitched, already hard and throbbing and leaking pre-cum.

  Leo dropped all his weight onto Jesse, his feet holding Jesse’s legs wide open. “Going to fuck my sweet boy again,” Leo said, his voice deep and throaty with passion. “Just like I said I would.”

  “Yes, Sir. Please!”

  Leo sat up and reached for something. Jesse moaned when he felt Leo drizzle lube down the seam of his ass and start working it into his hole. “How much prep do you need, boy?” Leo asked.

  “You can try fucking me, Sir. I’ll tell you if I need it.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know, Sir.”

  He wanted Leo’s cock inside him. Immediately.

  He heard Leo rip open a condom pouch and then the sound of more lube being squirted.

  Followed by the feel of the thick head of Leo’s cock pressing against his ass. Jesse arched his back, better positioning himself, and then moaned as he felt Leo’s cockhead begin to stretch his rim.

  Leo’s hands settled on Jesse’s hips. “Are you okay?”

  Jesse shoved himself back, impaling himself on Leo’s cock. “Much better now, Sir.”

  Leo laughed and delivered several bare-handed swats to Jesse’s ass. “Oh, look at you, all eager to get fucked.” Jesse wasn’t so deep in subspace he couldn’t hear the thick passion curling through Leo’s tone.

  Leo grabbed Jesse’s wrists and held on, fucking him, long, slow thrusts followed by short, hard jabs. “I could fuck you all day like this,” Leo said.

  “Yes, Sir,” Jesse said. “I could lay here and get fucked like this all day by you.??

  Leo slowed, then pressed himself against Jesse, his thighs touching Jesse’s. He leaned back a little, pulling Jesse away from the edge of the bed just enough he could reach under him with one hand and find his cock.

  “Oh, look who’s making a mess of their own.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Leo’s hand slicked pre-cum down Jesse’s shaft. He pulled Jesse up so he was standing, releasing Jesse’s wrists and wrapping that arm around him so he could still stroke Jesse’s cock with the other one.

  “What was that other thing you said you like? To be cuffed and collared on all fours while you get your ass stuffed?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jesse moaned.

  Leo’s hand glided down to the base of Jesse’s cock and paused there, squeezing. “To keep your cock hard and dripping. Just like this?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Leo pulled out and unclipped Jesse’s wrists. “Up on the bed. All fours.”

  Jesse was too deep in subspace to whine about his wonderful fucking being interrupted. He climbed up on the bed as ordered, and found himself ass up and shoulders down against the mattress as Leo used snap clips to hook his wrist cuffs to his ankle cuffs.

  And it wasn’t more than a few seconds after that Leo’s cock was back, thrusting deep into Jesse’s ass and making him moan.

  “Fuck yeah!” Jesse gasped.

  “That better, boy?”

  “Yes, Sir! Much better!”

  Leo fucked him hard and slow, fast and gentle, and basically reamed him out while reaching under him and playing with his cock and balls to keep him hard and dripping.

  He slapped Jesse’s ass. “This the kind of fucking my boy needed?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Leo smacked his ass again, the other side. “What’s my rule for my boy about coming?”

  “I don’t get to come alone without permission, Sir.”

  “When I go home tonight, I’ll call you and let you come one last time today. Before I leave tonight, I’m going to stuff your ass with the biggest butt plug you’ve got and get you nice and hard. You’ll keep that in until I let you come and tell you goodnight. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir!” Hell, his toes were curling, it felt so good, and the thought of being owned like that again was so fucking wonderful.