Read Vultar's Heart, Body and Soul Mate Part 1 Page 1


  Vultar’s, Heart, Body and Soul Mate

  Part 1

  Copyright 2011 Beth Wright


  My life has always been normal. Well you know what I mean by normal; shopping, chatting on my cell, hanging out with family and friends, reading great books, stuff like that. I am now an eighteen year old girl with a never ending supply of boredom. Nothing exciting or unusual has ever happened to me. That is until now. I lived in a small town where everyone knows you by name and where and who your family members are at all times of the day. Who knew that going into my basement by myself would turn my life upside down? A strange noise was coming from the basement so someone had to go look. Of course it had to be me. No one else was at home at the time. I mean come on now, who would have ever guessed three men in weird costumes where going to be down there waiting for me? The only way in or out is from our kitchen, and I know for a fact they did not walk past me. I was reading a very good romance novel, while sitting at the table directly across from the basement door. So there is no way they could have walked through without me noticing.

  Now I am trapped in some kind of dungeon. At least, I think it's a dungeon. It could be jail and they just happen to have no power at the moment. If so, they really need to pass out blankets and buy some air fresheners at least. Plus these strange handcuffs are very annoying. I really wish I could remember how I got in here. The only thing I do remember is punching one of them in the face; serves him right for telling me to obey his every command. He did not have to knock me out cold; it's not like he really felt it.

  How am I ever going to get out of here? Wait! Did I just hear someone whispering? This total darkness is driving me mad. From somewhere amongst the darkness chains are now moving slowly across the ground. Right after hearing this, shivers descend down my spine. They stop with a loud clank as metal meets metal. Whispers start once again, this time they seem to be coming from my right side. His voice is deep yet very calming to my soul. Maybe if I keep my back towards the bars I will be safer. A small tingling sensation shoots up my leg as something soft and smooth brushes against my bare ankle. It has to be someone in the cell with me. Hearing his voice speak again sends sudden warmth over my body. This time he is speaking a little louder. Is he talking to me? Well duh, why else would he be coming closer and speaking louder? Man I can be such an air head at times. The sound of his chains moving against the ground snaps my attention back to what’s going on and where I am.

  "Please don't hurt me." The words stumble out in a soft whisper.

  The chains stop within a few feet from where I am standing. I have not realized how many were actually down here with me until now. More voices erupt from all around the dungeon. Then just as fast as it started it has stopped. All the voices I heard were male voices. I did not hear one single female voice at all. Fear soon takes over my thoughts. Oh god, please tell me there are other females down here. This must be their sick way of punishing me for hitting them. Telling them to go to hell might not have been the best idea either.

  Then out of the darkness his voice comes to me again. This time it is much softer and more of a silent whisper. "We will not harm you, Setiana."

  I don't know what to say. After a while of pondering on his words more I come to realize what he called me. "My name is Elizabeth," I soon whisper back.

  "I know what your human name is, Setiana." I soon hear him moving closer to me once again.

  Cold metal brushes up against my feet, which in turn makes me jump a little. I now know he is in the cell with me. "Who's Setiana?" I ask as fear grips my words.

  This time his voice is coming from directly in front of me. "Setiana, in our language means Angel Eyes."

  A soft voice from behind me is now talking to him. He soon answers the other then speaks to me once again.

  "We will not hurt you, Setiana." I cannot see him, but I feel his gaze upon me. It is a very strong and warm sensation.

  "Why do you keep calling me that?" Without warning I feel a warm touch on my shoulder. I jump and scream. Fear has a strong hold me.

  The one behind me then speaks. "We named you, Setiana. Your eyes are angelic in every way." He then places his hand back on my shoulder. "What he has told is true, Setiana, we will not hurt you." He then pauses for a split second then proceeds to speak. "We will never harm you." His hand on my shoulder is very strong. I can feel his strength flowing through him, but his touch is gentle not rough or hard in any way. "Relax, Beautiful, you are safe." His hand then leaves my shoulder. I move to see if I can get a small glimpse of either of them, but still fail to see anything other than complete darkness. The sounds of the dungeon doors being opened brings me back to the here and now, and a small noise of something buzzing. The torches then light up one after another down the walkway to all the cells. Finally I can see some of my surroundings. The floors and walls look just like any old, damp dungeon from the movies. Also, I can finally see all the others in the dungeon. The one in my cell soon steps forward. After a few seconds I am finally able to see him. I jump and end up almost knocking the wind out of myself from backing into the cell bars.

  "Do I scare you, Setiana?" His eyes are pinned to mine with the slightest hint of hurt and worry lingering in them.

  "No, no. I just was startled, that's all," which I come to realize is the truth. I sense no fear as I take in every detail of his body and ever so beautiful golden eyes, just amazed with what I am seeing. He is very tall. I would have to guess close to seven feet tall. His skin is a light black color, and he is only wearing a shiny black bikini? Okay, why oh why did I have to look that way. As I examine his features more I come to realize he has a long reptilian tail. My eyes flow over his gorgeous, built body. Wow, he even has long beautiful nails. Well, more like claws not nails. I slowly look upwards to his wonderful smile, beautiful copper and gold colored eyes with no pupils at all, and amazing long black hair. His hair is so smooth looking. I bet it feels wonderfully soft. "I have never seen anyone like you before." He turns and talks in his language to someone in the cell directly across from ours. He finally fixes his eyes back onto mine. "What are you? Sorry. Is it rude of me to ask?" I hope I said that low enough that no one else could hear.

  He smiles, which in a way lifts my heart and spirit. His smile then turns into a small chuckle. "It is not rude to ask when you do not know. I am a Mongoelilien." His smile suddenly shifts into a seductive grin. "It makes me very joyous to see you smile as well, Beautiful."

  What, how did he know what I was feeling? All the others start to laugh and talk amongst themselves. "How did you know what I was feeling?" I ask as I sense a blush arises.

  "All men in this world who are over one million years of age can hear others thoughts." His smile soon comes back, this time with a different appearance of emotion in it. Almost a look heated with passion. I soon have the feeling warmth flow throw my body. His eyes proceed to look me up and down. He then stops to stare at my shackles on my wrist. Which until now, I have forgotten how sore they really are. I try to turn them more towards the light. Blood is now trickling down my hands from where the shackles have started cutting into my skin. Movement catches my eyes. He is now reaching for my hands. I flinch back from his touch. His touch made my fingers tingle and a jolt went through my whole body. "It is alright, Setiana. Don't fight the feeling, please do not fear it. I need to touch you to heal you, Love."

  Looking up into his beautiful golden eyes I see hurt, pain, and anger all balled into one. "You can heal?" This is all I could get to come out of my mouth at the moment.

  "Yes, this is an ability we get once we have turned ten million years of age." His
hands then touch mine in a jolting, tingling, gentle hold. I cannot help but stare deep into his golden eyes. My heart soon starts to race and feels lifted. I have never ever felt this way before. What's wrong with me? I feel the fear building inside my thoughts now. "Do not fear your feelings Setiana. Eventually you will know what they are telling you. Until then, let it flow and enjoy it to the fullest." His smile deepens and then a loud sound echoes throughout the dungeon walkway. Turning my eyes I soon see one of our captors standing at our cell door.

  His face turns to my cellmate. He smiles and says in a joking, mocking, evil way, "So I see you are enjoying your new cellmate, Vultar." He then turns his head to look my way. It looks and