Read Waking Hearts Page 27

  Adrian’s words were more slurred. His tongue sounded like it was swelling.

  “Joe laughed at Ashford and said the hotel would take care of his kids. They tore up any hotel room they could find that Joe had stayed in, but there wasn’t any money. Then Ashford saw the report of the body and he sent Adrian and… some guy named Chepe to search Joe’s old house.” Alex growled low in his throat. “They’ve been watching. Waiting for a chance to grab Allie, but they couldn’t get her. Ollie, I think he’s losing it.”

  Ollie heard thumping in the back.

  “He’s having a seizure!”

  Ollie said, “This cannot be diamondback venom.”

  “What the fuck does that guy shift to?”

  “I don’t know!” Ollie slammed his foot to the floor and the old truck roared forward. “Get in back and make sure he doesn’t crack his head open.”

  Alex crawled into the back, but by the time he was kneeling next to the seizing human, the man had gone still.

  “He’s not breathing,” Alex yelled.

  “Try CPR.” Ollie kept driving.

  He pulled up in front of the big glass doors, put the truck in park, and jumped out, lifting the window and slamming the tailgate down to grab the barely breathing human.

  He ran Adrian into the emergency room and yelled, “Snake bite! He’s not breathing!”

  A guard, an orderly, and two nurses ran to him. The orderly pushed over a bed and strapped Adrian in just as he started seizing again. The guard pulled Ollie away while the nurses started shouting in medical jargon he couldn’t decipher.

  The guard was asking him questions, but he kept watching Adrian’s bed until it disappeared from view.

  “He asked me to call his mom,” Ollie muttered, turning to the guard. “I didn’t get her name.”

  “What happened?”

  “We… found him. Driving out toward the Salton Sea. I think there were four bites on his leg. My friend and I could tell it was bad, so we brought him here.”

  Alex was pacing in the waiting area, speaking low into his phone.

  “Your friend there know the kid?”

  Ollie shook his head. “Neither of us did. Alex is probably on the phone with his wife. She’s a doctor.”

  “Oh yeah?” The guard was suddenly friendlier.

  “Yeah. Ted Vasquez? I think she’s here sometimes.”

  “I know Doctor Ted!” The guard’s suspicious frown was suddenly gone. “That’s her husband, huh? Never met the guy before. Sorry about that.”

  “Right.” Ollie let out a small sigh of relief. “I, uh… better go move my truck.”

  “Sure thing.” The guard nodded toward the door. “I’ll see what I can find out about that guy. Maybe he had a wallet on him or something.”

  Ollie nodded and went to move the car. The police would want to question them; better to get it out of the way so he could get home. Ollie suspected Adrian wouldn’t be giving his side anytime soon.

  Or ever.

  Two hours later, a solemn nurse broke the news that the young man they’d tried to help had died from multiple bites from an unknown snake. None of the antivenin had had any effect.

  Ollie and Alex exchanged grim looks in the waiting room. Then he pulled out his phone and texted Allie.

  Keep the kids in the house. This just got a whole lot worse.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  ALLIE LAY ON THE BED, Ollie’s shirtless body draped over hers, his head resting in the crook of her neck and his arm wrapped around her waist. He’d stumbled home around one in the morning, obviously exhausted. Allie hadn’t protested when he crawled into bed with her and passed out. She couldn’t. He looked too tired and worried to send away.

  She knew most of the story from his texts the night before. The young man who’d broken into her house was dead. His partner had disappeared. And Ollie had discovered, as she had the day before, that they weren’t the only shifters in the desert anymore.

  A snake. A vicious one. Allie had trouble sleeping, imagining her babies alone in their beds. Snakes could get anywhere. They were silent and often very hard to detect, even for someone with senses as keen as hers. She’d smelled the wolves Alex had sent to patrol the property, along with the comforting scent of familiar bears.

  She wasn’t going to protest. Not with her children sleeping in the house.

  Ollie rumbled and nuzzled closer until she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and held him tighter. She heard a tap at the door and glanced down. She couldn’t bring herself to feel any embarrassment at having him close.

  “Come in,” she said quietly.

  Kevin poked his head through the door. “Hey.”

  “Hey, baby. I’ll be up in a minute. Ollie got in really late.”

  He walked into her room, his perceptive eyes taking in Ollie’s sleeping form. She saw no judgment or embarrassment from him, either. Her oldest son had a hint of a smile.

  “You and Ollie, huh?”

  Allie smiled. “Yeah.”

  Kevin shuffled his feet. “He makes you happy.”

  “He always has.”

  Kevin nodded. “I know. It’s good.”

  Ollie let out a light snore but made no move to wake.

  “I think,” Allie whispered, “it’s always been him, Kev. And it’s always going to be him. Is that okay?”

  “Course it is.” A slight blush covered his cheeks. “He was always there for all of us. Even before.”

  Oh, her wise boy. Kevin had the whip-thin build of his father but the big heart of the man she held in her arms. She could see that now. See how Ollie had always been there. Always been the calm, steady rock they’d all depended on, even before she knew how deeply he cared.

  “He loves you guys.”

  “Yeah, well…” Kevin shrugged, and she could see the shine in his eyes. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  Changing the subject before she burst into tears, she asked, “Your brothers and sister up?”

  “Mostly. Mark’s dragging a little and Loralie’s playing instead of getting dressed.”

  “Give me five minutes, all right? I’ll be up in just a bit.”

  “Okay. You want me to start making breakfast?”

  She nodded. “You’re the best.”

  His smile turned into a cocky grin. “I know.”

  Allie laughed softly when he slipped out of the room. She brushed Ollie’s thick hair back from his forehead and rubbed the stubble at the edge of his beard. He murmured something she couldn’t understand, and his hand slid up to her breast.

  “Okay,” she said, moving it back down. “Time for me to get up, big guy. Save that thought for later.”

  “Later,” he muttered.

  Allie kissed his forehead and managed to untangle herself from his grip. Ollie rolled over, stuffed his face in her pillow, and let out another snore. His back rose in a deep breath as he fell back into sleep. She looked at him, traced a finger over the line of his shoulder, following a line of ink that led down his spine. Then she traced the words she’d been thinking on the small of his back.

  Property of Allison Smith.

  AN hour later, Allie was driving back from the bus stop when she saw Alex’s car turning onto the road behind her. He followed her back to Ollie’s place and parked near the barn.

  “Hey,” he said. “The bear still sleeping?”


  “He was tired.”

  “Worry will do that to you.” She nodded toward the house. “Coffee?”

  “I wouldn’t say no.”

  Alex parked himself at the kitchen table while she poured two cups. The house was still quiet, so she figured Ollie was still sleeping.

  “You saw the guards I sent over last night?” Alex asked.

  “Yep. You ask Ollie about that?”

  He nodded. “We agreed that with this many unknowns, backup around the house would be a good idea. I already talked to Ted’s mom. She’s on it. The cats will be guarding the schools when the ki
ds are there.”

  Ted’s mother was the principal of the elementary school. With so many cats as teachers, asking them to guard the children was a good idea.

  “You cannot go anywhere alone,” Alex said. “The man who broke into your house, the one who died, he specifically mentioned plans to grab you or the kids. We’re not going to take any chances.”

  “Do you think I’m gonna argue?”

  “I think that—despite your sweet-as-pie disposition—you’re as stubborn as my wife. Maybe more.”

  “I’ve also got four kids, Alex. I’m not gonna argue with you about protecting them. Kevin will be the hardest.”

  “I know. But he’s smart. If we explain it to him, he’ll do what’s best.”

  She nodded and drank her coffee, the sharp hit of caffeine doing nothing to dispel her exhaustion. She’d slept like shit the night before.

  “Snakes,” she muttered. “Damn things can get anywhere.”

  “But they can’t travel far in their shifted form. They’re not going to slither all the way from the highway, and they can’t get here cross-country like a wolf or a cat might. So we’ll be watching cars.”

  “This Ashford guy. Who is he?”

  Alex paused. “My gut instinct says he’s Lobo’s second-in-command. He does the dirty work even though he looks like a bookkeeper. The guy was cold as ice.”

  “Did he kill Joe?”

  Alex nodded.

  “How sure are we of that?” A cold fist sat in her gut. This man had seen Ollie. Knew who she was and possibly even what she was. Knew she had children, and he’d made them a target.

  “I’m pretty sure. Adrian—the man who died—was pretty out of it. He told us everything.”

  Allie looked up. “The money?”

  He shook his head. “They didn’t know where it was. Said Joe mentioned a hotel, but they couldn’t find any trace of it at the places he stayed. You have any ideas?”

  “A hotel?” Allie racked her brain but came up with nothing.

  “There anyplace you guys went for a weekend away? A vacation or spa?”

  “Joe at a spa?” She snorted. “You’re joking, right? We didn’t take vacations, Alex.”

  “Well, if you think of anything, let me know.”

  “I will.”

  Alex tucked a piece of fuzzy hair behind her ear. “You working at your dad’s place today?”

  She shook her head. “I called in. He said he had someone who could fill in.”

  “Go back to sleep. You look like you barely slept a wink.”

  Allie shivered. “Snakes.”

  “I know.” Alex set down his empty mug. “But we’re watching. I put my dad in charge of organizing shifts to watch this place and yours. The sergeant likes that stuff. Get some sleep. Nothing’s slithering in on our watch.”

  And with that comforting thought, she locked the door behind him and returned to her room, slipping back into her nightgown and joining Ollie on the bed.

  She was out before her head hit the pillow.

  ALLIE woke to the feel of Ollie’s beard on the inside of her thighs. She arched back and slid her hand down, reaching for his as he kissed her in the most intimate way. He hadn’t been lying. It really was one of his favorite things to do, but she’d never woken up to it.

  “Morning.” His lips moved against her flesh, and she gasped. “Stay right there and relax.”

  She couldn’t relax. He’d managed to strip off her nightgown and panties along with any stitch he’d been wearing the night before. The sight of him bent between her legs, morning sun streaming over his smooth brown back, was enough to make her come. But he didn’t let her. He teased her until she was practically weeping, then he slid up her body and into her in one movement, pressing up, his arms black-inked columns surrounding her. She smoothed her hand up the corded muscle and pulled his head down to take his mouth, tasting his lips and tongue as he slowly made love to her in the morning light.

  Her release was so sweet and long, Allie could only smile and sigh. Then he flipped her over and entered her again, covering her with his body as he kissed the back of her neck. Softly bit the curve of her shoulder as he surrounded her. Allie had never felt safer. More adored.

  “Love you,” he whispered.

  She was breathless with pleasure. She sighed and turned her head to kiss him again, and when she bit his lip, he lost control and thrust into her harder. Faster. Until he came in a roaring climax that seemed to shake the bed itself. Ollie rolled to the side and pulled her back against his chest, his heart pounding against her shoulder.

  “Good morning,” she finally managed to say.

  He laughed and turned her over to face him. “Good morning.”

  “You already said that,” she said. “In the nicest way possible.”

  “There are benefits to waking up next to a hungry bear.”

  “I can see that.”

  His eyelids were drooping again, and Allie decided she could snooze a little longer with all the kids in school, so she snuggled back into him, put one of his big hands over her breast and patted it.

  “Sleep,” she said. “We’ve still got some time.”

  A low, satisfied rumble was the only sound he made before he smoothed his hand over the soft skin and let out a contented sigh. In a few minutes, they were both snoring.

  When Allie’s eyes finally opened, she could tell Ollie was already awake. He was holding her, but was propped up on the pillows, staring out the window and frowning.

  She turned and lifted a hand to smooth a finger between his eyebrows. “You still look tired.”

  “I slept. I’m just… worried.”

  “About Simon Ashford?”


  “He turns into a snake.”

  Ollie nodded slowly. “He does. But something tells me you already suspected that. Why did you text me yesterday about Lobo?”

  “Because I saw a shifter. He was young. Maybe a few years older than Kevin. He shifted to a bobcat and tracked me and Jena into the canyon. I think it might have been the same one who was hanging around the Cave the other night.”

  “Shit.” Ollie’s mouth turned into a deeper frown. “What were you doing in the canyon?”

  “Looking for Joe’s money.”

  “No luck?”

  “Nope. We were looking in that old cave when I smelled him. The bobcat. He didn’t smell like us. I mean… he did. But it almost smelled sour. Unhealthy, if that makes any sense. He had trouble holding his form. Shifted out and in. Then he puked and ran away.”

  “And you’re sure it wasn’t one of the cat clan? Maybe someone you don’t know who moved back to town?”

  “Would one of the cat clan have a big tattoo of the word Lobo on his throat?”

  “No.” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose like he was trying to fend off a headache. “This is bad, darlin’.”

  “I know.”

  “You and the kids don’t go anywhere—”

  “Without guards. I got the lecture earlier today from Alex. He came by for coffee.”

  “So I don’t have to fight with you about it? I owe him one for that.”

  “I’m not gonna fight this. I’m not dumb. But I might fight you if you end up taking any stupid risks. I don’t think you should be going anywhere alone either.”

  “Allie, I’ll be fine.”

  “Snakes can bite anyone. Even bears.”

  “And I’ll be careful.”

  Cold claws wrapped around her heart. “Ollie, please.”

  He put a hand on her cheek and watched her. Allie made no effort to hide the terror she felt. The Quinns were the only snakes she knew. And yes, they could be mischievous. Even vindictive at times. But they were still part of the Springs. They were still safe. This snake…

  “We have no idea what he’s capable of,” she said. “Simon Ashford bit that man to keep him from talking. He killed Joe. He’d kill you too. And rattlesnake venom doesn’t act the way you describ
ed. He’s something else. Something horrible.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “Not good enough.”

  “Fine.” He sighed. “I won’t go anywhere alone. That better?”

  “Yes.” She scooted up and kissed him softly. “The kids depend on you. They’d be devastated if something happened.”

  He grabbed a handful of her hair. “What about you?”

  Those claws around her heart squeezed. “Please don’t make me think about it.”

  He crushed her mouth to his in a powerful kiss. “Same goes for you. Don’t get stubborn. Be careful. I finally have you. Don’t make me imagine life without you here.”

  “I won’t.”

  “We’re going to be fine. We’ll figure this out.”

  She laid her head down and rested it on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Ollie ran a hand up and down her back until her heartbeat evened out and her shoulders unknotted.

  “We should take a vacation after all this is over,” he finally said.

  She smiled. “Where do you want to go?”

  “I’ve always wanted to go on one of those Alaskan cruises. I’ve never been all the way up there. You think the kids would like that?”

  “I do. But I want to take a vacation with just you and me first.”

  He squeezed her backside. “I like the sound of that.”

  “We don’t have to do everything with them. We can take some time for just the two of us.”

  He shrugged. “I like having them around. They’re fun.”

  “I like them too. But I also like nice hotels and movies rated more than PG.”

  “You should stay at the resort once it opens.” Ollie grunted. “Get a massage. Facial. All that stuff. Relax a little.”

  “I’m pretty relaxed right now.”

  Ollie laughed. “Glad I could help.”

  “But it might be fun to stay at the spa. Maybe do a girls’ weekend…”

  Resort. Spa. Hotel.

  Joe mentioned a hotel, but they couldn’t find any trace of it at the places he stayed.
