Read Waking Up Married in Vegas (What will her Fiance Say?) (Drive Thru Marriage 1) Page 1

Waking Up Married in Vegas

  What will her fiancé say?

  By Ken Rander

  Copyright 2013 Ken Rander

  All Rights Reserved.

  First Edition

  EPub ISBN: 9781301098620

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by any means, without permission. Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringement. The offender could be subject to criminal and civil liability.

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  Table of Contents

  Morning Surprise

  Meeting Daniel - Again


  And More Complications

  Some Resolutions

  Authors Notes

  Morning Surprise

  Donna Colby woke up with a horrible hangover and a full bladder. She removed an arm from around her and stood up, swaying. She made it two steps from the bed before she realized the bathroom was not where it was supposed to be. She was completely naked in unfamiliar surroundings. She was in a hotel room.

  She remembered the arm. Had she and Albert …?

  Turning, she saw a man in the bed. It was a man she had never seen before – NOT Albert, her fiancé and boyfriend of three years.

  “Oh, my God!” She gasped, one hand flying to her mouth. She had no idea who this man was. She did not remember anything! Had he drugged her? Was that why she had no memory of last night? They had obviously Done The Deed. Multiple times from the way her body felt. She was puffy and sore in all the right (very wrong) places.

  How could she have done this? She had a fiancé! Well, she HAD one. He would not want her anymore, after this!

  “Oh, My. God!” Donna became aware of the ring on the hand at her mouth. It was a golden band. On her wedding ring finger. A wedding ring! She was wearing a wedding ring on her wedding ring finger. She realized she was babbling mentally, but could not help it. She was in shock.

  Had she really…? Was she truly…? How could she be MARRIED and not even remember it? Panicking, she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

  Hyperventilating, with a massive hangover, she tried to think while she emptied her bladder. The last thing she remembered clearly was drinking Champagne with her BFF’s Terri Beth and Angie. They were playing 21 at the hotel in Las Vegas on Friday night. They were supposed to fly back home on Tuesday. She had no idea what day it was now.

  Had she really gotten that drunk? Obviously mixing a lightweight drinker like herself with a lot of free booze had NOT been the brightest idea.

  Nonetheless, getting married? Unprotected sex? What had she been thinking?

  Obviously she had not been thinking. At least not with her brain.

  What to do? What to do? She could not crawl out the window without clothes. Looking out the window, it was a long way down. Even WITH clothes, she could not escape out that way.

  Maybe she could just sneak out and disappear. Pretend this never happened.

  Oh my God! What if she was pregnant? It would be hard to hide a built-in beach ball for long.

  What was she going to tell her fiancé back home? “Hi honey, I got married in Vegas, I hope you don't mind!”

  What was she going to tell her MOTHER? “Hi Mom, I got drunk and married a stranger and I forgot to invite you to the wedding.” Her mother would forgive just about anything, except no invitation to the wedding.

  WAIT! Was she really married? Maybe it was a joke. Maybe Terri Beth and Angie had played a prank on her.

  However, she had Done The Deed… Umm… Repeatedly. That was taking a joke WAY TOO FAR.

  Just because she Did The Deed did not mean she was married.

  Where WERE Terri Beth and Angie? How had they let her do this?

  She stormed out of the bathroom and headed for her purse, determined to call and give her friends a piece of her mind. Right after she found out from them what had happened.


  She got three steps outside the door and almost ran into HIM.

  “Good morning, Honey.” The man, her new husband said, “I didn’t think you were coming out today.”

  He folded her in his arms and kissed her with unbridled passion. He caught her off guard and she was having trouble thinking how to react. In the instant before their lips met, she saw he was very cute. He was tall, having to lean down to kiss her. He was well built, and solid. She closed her eyes and felt herself melting. He was one heck of a kisser!

  He was a better kisser than Albert was, she thought guiltily. He was even better than Freddie Nolan back in college who had been her gold standard for comparison. Until now.

  The kiss continued and he pulled her tighter. It was very, very nice. A warmth was developing rapidly inside, spreading fast. She was becoming tingly and achy in all the right places.

  She became aware of something happening between them. He was rising fast. Her eyes flew wide as realization of some very dangerous facts. He was naked against her. He was erect. He was HUGE!

  “Back up, dude!” She warned, pushing him away. “And get some clothes on. You could knock a vase off waving yourself around like that!”

  “Sure, honey.” He said, smiling. “Do you think you should put something on too?”

  “Oh, God!” She gasped, blushing from head to toe. She had forgotten her state of dress… er… undress. She covered her breasts with one arm and her bottom with her other hand. “Turn around! Don’t look at me!”

  “What’s wrong, honey?” He asked concerned, reaching toward her. “You’re acting very strange this morning! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you don’t know me!”

  “Don’t touch me,” Donna shouted. “I don’t know you!”

  “This isn’t funny!” He said. “You know we’ve spent every waking moment together since we met.”

  “Well, As far as I’m concerned, we haven’t met.” Donna replied. “Could you please get some clothes on?”It was very distracting with him waving around like that.

  “Sure, honey.” He chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Donna demanded.

  “You wouldn’t let me put any cloths on for the past two days. You said you liked to look at me. And that it saved time when we made love.” He said. “NOW you want me dressed,”

  “Oh. My. Lord!” She ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door. She was hyperventilating again.

  “I’m a slut!” She thought. “A TOTAL slut! Only a slut would keep a total stranger naked for … TWO days!” They had been together for TWO days. She had kept him naked. To save time?

  “Oh, my god!” She thought, "I must have had a psychotic break!"

  Wait a minute. If they were married, did that still mean she was a slut? That made it ok to act slutty, right? She was still trying to wrap her mind around BEING MARRIED.

  He said she liked to look at him. Well there was certainly a LOT of him to look at! Would that THING actually fit? She felt a shiver of guilty curiosity. Sally Gibson used to brag about the size of her ex and rave about h
ow much she loved his attributes. Donna had ignored it disbelieving.

  “Oh, my Lord,” She thought, fanning herself, her lips still tingling from his kiss. Other places were tingling as well. “I AM a slut!”

  “Honey, I’m very concerned.” He shouted through the door. “You’re not acting like yourself. What is wrong? Is it that time of the month?”

  “Go away!” She shouted through the door. "No, it's NOT that time of the month!" Typical male, Men always accused women of acting weird due to hormones. Sometimes there were other reasons… waking up in a hotel married to a strange man for example.

  “I really need to go, sweetie. Let me in.” He said, sounding uncomfortable.

  “Put your clothes on. Go down the hall!” She shouted. If she could get him out of the room, she could grab some clothes and her purse and call her friends for backup.

  “Don’t you remember? We took our clothes off in there when we showered together.”

  They had showered together. Well at least they had done something clean! Get a grip, she told herself.

  She looked around and found their clothes in a pile next to the shower. She grabbed his clothes up and shoved them out the door.

  He took them with an astonished look and stood there, still swinging dangerously. Before he could speak, she slammed the door shut again.

  “Down the hall!” She shouted. She found her bra and panties and started to put them on. The panties were in need of a good soak, but they would do for now. No way was she going commando with that MAN out there. Putting her bra and outer clothes gave her a sense of accomplishment. She felt less like a slut and more like the old Donna.

  Garbed and empowered, she poked her head out of the bathroom door. He appeared to be gone. She looked out in the hallway to ensure he was gone.

  Grabbing her cell phone out of her purse, she checked her messages. She had received nineteen calls in the past three days, six messages. Seven of the calls had been from her fiancé Albert Canfield. Three were from her FORMER BFF’s Terri Beth and Angie. FIVE were from her mother. Oh, God! What was she going to tell everyone?

  First, she was going to talk to Terri Beth and Angie to find out what had happened. Then she was going to kill them if they did not have the grace to be dead already. She sneaked out of the room and into the elevator.

  “Hello,” said Terri Beth, opening the door to her hotel room. “How’s the blushing bride. That Daniel is sure a hottie. You two have sure been keeping each other occupied.” She giggled

  “Daniel? Daniel what?” Donna demanded. She had no memory of who the man in her bed had been. “What is his last name?”

  “Powell. Daniel Powell.” Terri Beth said, frowning. “You’re Mrs. Donna Powell.”

  “Powell.” Donna repeated. “I don’t remember anything about the last two days.

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “No. Not a thing.” Donna said. “Did I really get that drunk?”

  “You were swigging Champagne like it was water.” Terri Beth told her. “But you acted sober. Then things went so fast we didn’t have time after you proposed to Daniel.”

  “I proposed?” Donna was starting to hyperventilate again. “To Daniel.”

  “Yes.” Angie said. “And when he said yes, you insisted Elvis marry you.”

  “Elvis?” She felt faint. “Elvis married us?”

  “Well it wasn’t the REAL Elvis. Just an impersonator. You got married at one of those drive-through marriage booths.” Terri Beth clarified.

  "You insisted that we rent a limo to take us there because you wanted to be safe." Angie said. "You wouldn't let any of us drive because we'd all been drinking."

  “Elvis married us at the drive-through.” Donna sat down on the bed. Heavily. "We took a limo through the drive through marriage booth."

  "We thought it was very sweet." Terri Beth said. "You didn't want anyone to get hurt."

  "We have some pictures of the wedding." Angie said. "You and Daniel looked very attractive in your rented wedding cloths. He wore a tux and you had a long flowing wedding dress."

  "This just keeps getting better and better." Donna muttered.

  "You thought of everything." Angie giggled. "You even found an all night jewelry store to get your rings."

  “And you LET me do it? In spite of being ENGAGED? To a total Stranger! While in a DRUNKEN STUPOR. Without inviting my MOM?”

  “You said you didn’t really love Albert. You’d gotten engaged to shut up your mom.” Terri Beth told her. “You said that Daniel was your soul mate.”

  “Soul mate.” Donna said, feeling numb. “The man I met two days ago. The man whose name I can’t remember. What's his name is my soul mate!”

  "You swore you were made for each other." Angie said. "You did a good job of convincing us."

  “Every argument we came up with, you shot down or ignored.” Terri Beth told her. "Believe me we tried to talk you into waiting."

  “And honestly, we couldn’t tell you were in a drunken stupor. You seemed just as articulate as you are normally. Maybe more articulate than normal.” Angie said.

  “Hello Mom,” Donna imagined telling her Mom. “I jilted Albert for the soul mate I was too drunk to remember. Oh, and I didn’t invite you to the wedding because we were in a hurry to have Elvis marry us in a limo at the drive through.” She was a dead woman walking. Her mom was going to kill her.

  “What do you plan to do?” Terri Beth asked. “I assume you guys Did The Deed.”

  “Oh, yes.” Donna replied, blushing at the thought. “No doubt of that.” At least her body said they had. Her memory was something else.

  “Well,” said Angie. “Any ideas?”

  Ideas? Suicide came to mind … Walking through a minefield to help clear it… Performing Missionary work with cannibalistic headhunters … Testing plague vaccines … Looking for gas leaks with a lit match … Any one of those would be preferable to facing her Mom.

  “I guess I need to go back up and talk to George…” Donna said.

  “Daniel.” Terri Beth corrected.

  “Right. Daniel.” Donna said. “I have no idea what to say, but we need to talk.”

  “Good luck.” Angie said.

  “Donna?” Terri Beth said, “You guys are great together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as happy as you have been these past few days.”

  “That’s true.” Angie agreed.

  “I just wish I could remember it.” Donna muttered.


  Meeting Daniel - Again

  Daniel was sitting on the bed, channel surfing when Donna walked in. He jumped up smiling and walked toward her. Clothed, there were fewer distractions. That made it MUCH easier to think.

  “Stop!” She said, putting a hand up. He had an amorous glint in his eye. At least she imagined it was an amorous glint. “We have to talk.”

  “Ok, honey.” He said. He sat back down. “What do you need to say?”

  “I don’t know how to say this.” She told him. “I woke up this morning and I couldn’t remember who you are.”

  “You’re still joking about that.” He said, getting up again. “For a moment, I thought it was something serious.”

  “Stop!” Donna shouted, holding up a hand. “I am serious. I don’t know who you are. I don’t remember meeting you. I don’t remember falling in love with you. I don’t remember getting married. I don’t remember Doing The Deed with you. Not Once. You’re a total stranger to me.”

  “But how is that possible?” He said. “You told me you loved me. You proposed to me. We got married because you didn’t want to wait.”

  “My friends told me the same thing.” Donna said. “I still don’t remember.”

  “How can you forget?” He asked, beginning to believe. “You proposed to me right here in this bed. You swore you loved me forever and without reservations. You insisted we get married right away. We’ve spent the last two days making incredible love almost every waking moment. You told me it was the best e
ver and you didn’t want it to end.”

  It was the BEST EVER? She would have to forget the BEST EVER! Of course, she still remembered the WORST EVER with Benny Herrington in the back of his Buick at Reynolds’s Point! She would never be able to forget that.

  “I think I was really, really drunk. It affected my memory.” She replied. “My friends told me I was drinking a lot of the bubbly. I have a low tolerance for alcohol. Honestly, I just don’t remember.”

  “You kept ordering Champagne to the room to celebrate until I got concerned and made you stop.” He said. “I’ve heard of people who forget after drinking but I’ve never met one before.”

  “You have now,” She said.

  “You really do not remember?” He shook his head, frowning in disbelief. “What now? Do you want a divorce?” He asked.

  “No. Not yet.” She said. The ink was not yet dry on their marriage license. Her Mom would definitely kill her if she was married and divorced the same weekend. Did Vegas have drive through divorce booths to go with the drive through marriage booths? Donna wondered.

  “Ok.” He said. “Then what do you want to do?”

  “I think the best thing to do is spend some time together and see if: A) I remember, or B) I fall in love again.” She told him. He definitely was attractive. Moreover, he was a great kisser.

  “Ok.” He said. “I’m game. I’m madly in love with you and I don’t want to lose you now that I’ve found you.”

  “I may be pregnant.” She said. “I’m not sure if I’ve been taking my pills the past few days.”

  “If you are pregnant, that’s ok with me.”

  He seemed very sincere. He was also a hottie. Even in clothes.

  “That’s a relief. I wasn’t sure how you’d handle that news.” Donna said.

  “You told me you loved me with all your heart.” He sat down on the bed. “I never would have agreed to marry you otherwise.”

  “How did we meet?” She asked.

  “We were at the Blackjack Table and you won $3000.” He told her. “You were so happy you turned around and kissed me.”

  “I kissed a total stranger.” She said, sitting down on the bed beside him.

  He shrugged. “$3000 is a lot of money. We kissed again and kept kissing. Then we came up to my room and kissed some more. Then you proposed. Now here we are.”

  “I don’t remember any of that.” She said. “The last I remember is playing 21 and losing $20. My friends and I were drinking and laughing.”