Read Walk Between the Raindrops Page 5

  “It takes pain to—”

  “I get it.” She hugged June. “But I’m not like you, June. I don’t handle the pain like you do, able to shake it off like you do.” She sighed. “And you’re stalling. I’ll be fine. Go on. Go have fun with Mark or something tonight after you get done taking care of the fuzzball.”

  With their parents out of town for a trip for their father’s work that they were making use of as getaway time, the twins were taking care of their cat.

  But…this felt…wrong. Sooo damn wrong. Wrong at every level in June’s body. “What if I promise to stay in my room and pretend I’m not here?”

  July smirked. “Nice job, Jessica Fletcher. If your car’s parked out front, he’ll see it.”

  “Say I’m with Mark.”

  “He knows Mark’s got classes today until five. Matt’s supposed to be here at four, after he gets out of work at three thirty. Mark’s smart, but he doesn’t have time travel down pat yet. And neither do you. You won’t get here before Matt does, and don’t you dare skip class.” July hugged her. “You still want to do laundry tonight when you go to feed the fuzzball? I can do it tomorrow during my turn.”

  “I’ll do it. I don’t mind.”

  “Okay. Thank you. I’ll do it next week.”

  June closed her eyes, not quite ready to let July go. She knew how hard it was for July to finally break up with Matt—if she really did it this time. “Love you, sis.”

  “Love you, too. Go on and get moving before you’re late for class. Don’t forget to take the laundry with you.” She smirked. “No excuse for coming back early and ‘checking’ on me.”

  “But what about you tonight?”

  “I’ll be fine. Classes first, then I’ll come home to talk to Matt. I kind of want to be alone after we talk anyway. For a little bit, at least. I know he can be an ass, but he does have his good points. Unfortunately, I can’t overlook the negatives any longer. Besides, the rain’s supposed to be horrible tonight and tomorrow. In fact, if you want to stay over at Mom and Dad’s tonight after you do laundry, it’s okay. Maybe you shouldn’t be driving in that slop. Come home in the morning and grab me on the way to the gym and we’ll ride together.”

  “No, I’d rather come home tonight. Closer to the gym anyway. I can sleep later.”

  “Suit yourself.” She stepped away. “Thank you for not giving up on me, sis.”

  “Never. I’ve always got your back, July.”

  “And I’ve always got yours.” She smiled. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  June grabbed her backpack with her purse and books and notebooks she’d need for classes today, and then dumped her tote bag with spare clothes in it on top of the dirty laundry in the basket. At least she could swim at their parents’ house tonight while the laundry was going, get another short workout in that way.

  She headed out to her car, ducking her head and damp hair against the drizzling rain, and dumped the laundry basket and tote bag into the trunk before climbing in and setting her backpack on the passenger seat.

  July, whose first class today started an hour after June’s, waved from the doorway, sending her a smile. June waved back, not sure why the bad feeling only grew stronger, not better, when July stepped inside and closed the door.

  Trying to shake it off as just an effect of the dreary, grey day and nasty weather moving in, June started her car and headed off to class.

  Maybe I’ll come home after class anyway. Claim I forgot to get something for the wash.

  She thought about it, the smile setting in.

  Yeah. I need to wash my sheets. Perfect!

  Happy and relieved that she’d be able to drop in, even if it would irritate July, she tried to push it out of her mind so she’d be able to focus on classes when she arrived.

  Chapter Six

  Not quite as far back in the past

  Mark stared at the illustrations in the macramé instruction book and struggled not to have totally inappropriate thoughts while his daughters were sitting right there.

  Not inappropriate thoughts over them, obviously.

  Where his mind went was thinking about how he could use some of these skills while tying up June in bed, a pastime they both enjoyed a lot and didn’t get to do nearly enough of.

  “I still think it’s stupid,” Sonya groused. “I don’t get it. And it’s boring.” She’d chosen a flowerpot hanger for her project.

  “Then why did you pick this instead of one of the smaller projects?” he asked, growing increasingly irritated at her bad attitude.

  “Because I don’t want to wear the stupid thing, and the other projects were stupid-looking.”

  Maren, on the other hand, sat at the far end of the table and needed zero help from him. She was intently focused on her project. Instead of picking from one of the pre-packaged kits, she had, of course, decided to go her own way. She’d asked June to stop at the craft store on the way home to get her supplies, using her own allowance money to buy them.

  Now Maren was currently figuring out how to modify the knot patterns for a belt pattern and turning it into a custom harness and leash for one of her stuffed animals, a dog about the same size as their own small dog. As she worked, she was writing it down so she could create her own pattern and modify it for different sizes.

  Leave it to Maren to blow the bell curve.

  Another glaringly obvious way the girls were different. Maren was definitely her mother’s daughter, a bundle of drive and fire and intensity, while Sonya had inherited too much of Mark’s own laid-back attitude and not enough of the take-charge portion of his personality.

  Maren wasn’t satisfied simply meeting expectations. She usually exceeded them at stratospheric levels. She wasn’t a show-off, because she wasn’t doing it deliberately. It was just…her.

  Sonya, on the other hand, seemed to operate with a work smart not hard philosophy. Definitely smart, but lacking the inner fire and determination her mother and younger sister possessed.

  That same attitude, while fine with Mark, tended to be a massive source of friction between Sonya and June at times.

  Although, occasions like this, it was a source of friction between him and his daughter, too.

  June was out in the garage doing laundry, and he knew if she was standing there she likely would have already laid into Sonya for her attitude.

  “Do you want to quit Girl Scouts?” he flat-out asked Sonya, interrupting her in mid-grumble as he was trying to figure out the knots for her project to show her how to do it.

  She scowled. “No. I just don’t want to do something stupid like this.”

  “Was anyone else complaining about doing this?”

  “No,” she finally mumbled.

  He arched an eyebrow at her at that second slip on her part.

  “No, sir,” she corrected herself, realizing her mistake.

  “I hear you call this project stupid or dumb or anything like that one more time, I’m pulling you out of Scouts, and you can spend that time every week studying right here at this table. Do you understand me? I’m not going to sit here and listen to you whine about doing a project everyone else wants to do. Besides, you said next month is the baking project, and you were looking forward to it. Sometimes in life you have to do things others want to do, even if you don’t. It’s not going to harm you, so suck it up, honey.

  “Your mother works and then spends hours every week doing Girl Scouts with you, on top of taking care of us and the house. She didn’t have to volunteer to take over. She did it because you two asked her to become your troop leader. Not once has she ever whined about having very little free time. And not once have I ever whined about her and I not having much alone time on the weekends now.”

  She blew out an aggravated breath, but didn’t comment, other than to say, “Yes, sir.”

  He glanced over at Maren to see if she was going to chime in and get herself in trouble by smarting off to Sonya, but she was too engrossed in what she was
doing to even pay attention.

  Finally, he realized what time it was. “Okay, you two. Bedtime. Brush your teeth and get your stuff ready for school in the morning.”

  They both gathered their things and headed down the hall to their rooms. Once he was alone at the table, he sat back and stared at the macramé booklet in his hand.

  I wonder how June would look in red rope…

  Once the girls were asleep and Mark and June had locked their bedroom door and put some music on, he pulled her to him, kissing her, bending her back until her soft, needy moans soaked into his soul.

  “Strip,” he whispered.

  She quickly did, falling to her knees in front of him.

  His cock was already hard, throbbing. Sure, he could appreciate a pretty woman, but June was the only one he desired. She took everything he gave her and met him more than halfway, always wanting more.

  He couldn’t have loved her any more if he tried.

  Sometimes, he’d come home at lunchtime when the girls were in school, pull June over his lap on the couch, and give her a nice bare-handed spanking that left her hot and horny while she gave him a blowjob and had to wait until that night for her own relief.

  Things like that they couldn’t do when the girls were home. They had to sneak time in or send the girls to May’s house to spend the weekend with their cousins while they got alone time.

  Which was only fair, because he and June took May and Jim’s two girls for weekends and overnights to give them free time.

  That’s what families did for each other—and family was everything to him.

  “Say it.”

  “I belong to Sir, mind, body, heart, soul, cunt, and ass,” she whispered. “I serve Sir at His wishes, at His whim, whenever and wherever He demands. Everything I have and am belongs to Sir, to give to Him when He demands.”

  He stroked her blonde, shoulder-length hair, gathering it in his right hand and using it to tip her head back so he could smile down at her. “Was my sweet little slut horny tonight?”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  She tucked them behind her without hesitation. He stepped in and pressed her face against the front of his shorts, her mouth working the outline of his stiff cock through the fabric. “Ass or pussy tonight, baby?”

  “Ass, Sir, please,” she answered without hesitation.

  “Such a good girl.” He released her, holding his hands out to help her stand. She climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees, shoulders down, ass up in the air. When he reached between her legs and fingered her pussy, he found her wet and ready.

  “Daddy likes it when his good girl chooses to get her ass fucked.” She wiggled her ass a little in reply, making him chuckle.

  After withdrawing his fingers from her pussy, he reached around to her mouth and she immediately sucked them clean.

  Then he stepped away from the bed and retrieved the box marked Old Tax Records from the top shelf in their closet.

  Hidden safely inside lay their growing sex toy collection.

  With the girls now older, they were less inclined to randomly pry.

  I’ll need to get some more rope.

  He had a few short pieces good for tying her to the bed, but he’d have to invest in more if he wanted to get really creative. He had a thought, then reached over and patted her on the ass.

  “Don’t move.”

  Carefully cracking their bedroom door open, he listened before heading down to the living room, scooping up two spools of macramé cord from the table, one blue and one red, that June had brought home for herself to use to make a project, and brought them and the instruction book back to their bedroom, where he locked the door behind him.

  Dropping them onto the bed, he felt his cock throbbing, aching as he peeled off a length of red cord approximately twenty-five feet long, and then cut it with his pocket knife.

  He’d owe June some macramé cord, but suspected she wouldn’t mind.

  They’d made some friends locally who had the same kinky interests as them after finding out about a regular dinner munch on an Internet bulletin board.

  They didn’t get to attend as many kinky private parties as they’d like due to their schedules and the girls, but they had fun at the ones they did.

  There was talk about two of their friends, Marcia and Derrick, possibly opening a BDSM club.

  Which would make his and June’s lives a lot easier in terms of playing. They could always sneak in sex at home, but some of their louder play—like spanking—not only had to be carefully done when the girls were not home, but he had to be careful not to leave any marks where they might be visible while June was teaching her kids’ gymnastics classes. An occasional bruise here and there was nothing in the gym.

  Cane marks, however, stood out.

  But as he studied the instruction book, he patted her on the ass. “Sit up, baby.”

  She did.

  “Hold your arms out. Wrists and elbows together.”

  She did. Working slowly, he started at her wrists and tied an intricate series of knots and wraps up her arms, linking them together, until he ran out of rope. Pleased with himself, he stripped off a length of blue cord from the other spool and wove it in and out of the red, using the rope framework to tie even more knots.

  He glanced at June, her brown eyes, her pleased smile as she watched him.

  “That’s pretty, Daddy,” she said.

  “You like that?”

  “Yeah. I never knew it could be so pretty.”

  They had some friends who tied, but they used white rope and basic knots to form harnesses and restraints. They’d heard about artistic and functional shibari ties, but considering they had small daughters at home, it wasn’t like they could go ordering those kinds of books and magazines and keep them lying around the house.

  The toys, at least, if they were found, they could explain away without their kids being exposed to graphic pictures.

  Ironically, it was Mark who was more squeamish about that than June was. All her years in gym locker rooms had made her more comfortable with nudity like that.

  Mark, on the other hand, wanted to avoid as many problems as possible, cautious in the extreme.

  He knew June wanted him to play with her more often, and harder when he did, but he wasn’t comfortable with that. Maybe if she wasn’t teaching kids he could, but that wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

  “Assume the position, baby.”

  She turned around, moving a little more slowly and carefully with her lower arms bound together, and wiggled her ass at him.

  “Mmm. Yeah.” He stroked her back, his fingers trailing down her ass, where he squeezed her cheeks until she softly moaned. He wanted to smack her ass, leave his handprints there, but didn’t dare risk it with the girls home.

  Instead, he leaned in and bit her right cheek, then the left, able to smell how wet she was. Her back arched and she stuck her ass out at him, needy, hungry for him.

  After stripping, he got the lube, a glove, a condom, and a towel from the bathroom. It didn’t take him long to get her sweet, tight ass lubed and loosened and ready for his cock.

  He took the vibrator from the box and checked it to make sure the batteries were working, then rolled the condom onto his stiff cock. After sliding the vibrator inside her pussy and aligning the clit stimulator, he smiled.

  “Oh, baby, I’ve been thinking about this all evening.” He pressed the head of his cock against her rim and reached under her to turn the vibrator on. “You can come for me.”

  She clamped her lips shut on the moan trying to rip its way free from her throat as he thrust his cock into her ass all the way to the balls. She was already coming, and hard, the way she always did like this.

  He chuckled. “I know why you picked your ass, because you like being double-filled, you sneaky thing.”

  June, too busy climaxing to answer, softly moaned. He felt her orgasms, her body squeezing his cock even as he started moving, thrusting.<
br />
  His hands looked enormous holding on to her hips as he fucked her hard, trying to hold back his own release against the feel of the vibrator in her pussy. Like this, her ass felt achingly tight around his cock.

  Digging his fingernails into her flesh, he tried to time his strokes to her body, the way she moved and softly cried out as waves of pleasure shoved her out of her mind for a few minutes.

  Anything he could do to keep her mind somewhere else was always a good thing. He’d spent countless hours of their time together over the years trying to do just that.

  Keeping her mind off that night.

  She wasn’t just letting him fuck her—she was trying to actively fuck herself back against him in time to his thrusts.

  “You want it harder, baby, hmm? That what you need?”

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  He slammed his hips into her, his own release quickly roaring through him as his balls emptied into the condom and one last round of orgasms rippled through her. Breathing heavily, he fumbled his hand under her to find and switch off the vibrator. Then he leaned in and kissed her back.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you, Daddy. Thank you.” Even her voice sounded different in times like this.

  Contented. Sated.

  Untroubled and at ease.

  He carefully pulled out and quickly cleaned up in their bathroom. Then he returned and helped her up and off the bed, catching the vibrator before it slid out of her pussy.

  “Whoops,” he said. “Sorry.”

  She wore an adorable smirk.

  He quickly untied her in the bathroom before they stepped into the shower, holding each other as the warm spray sluiced down their bodies.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She pressed her body even more tightly against his. “Yes, Sir. You always make it better.”

  “I think we’ll need more macramé cord.”

  She smiled up at him. “I like the colors.”

  He slowly kissed her. “Then I think my baby better buy several spools in colors she’d like to be tied in. And I guess we’ll need a bigger box for our ‘tax returns.’”