Read Walker Pride Page 22

  Chapter Seventeen

  Eric watched her in the moonlight. Silently, Susan slept in his arms, just as he’d asked her to do.

  Sleep eluded him. There was too much to think about to sleep, but she’d eased his worry and for that he was grateful. She didn’t even know what she’d done for him by agreeing to just let him in the house last night. Actually making love to her hadn’t even been in his plans when he’d driven to her house, but he was grateful for it.

  He needed someone who could just make the pain go away for a while. Any woman could have done that—caused a distraction. Susan, on the other hand, seemed invested in him.

  They hadn’t said one word to each other from the moment she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. It had become pure emotion that had fueled them and guided them.

  The pain, which riddled his body, had faded with her kisses—her touches. Even thinking about it had his breath coming quicker. She’d guided him—not the other way around. Susan had initiated their lovemaking, which only made him want her even more. It went far past sexual—he was feeling things for her he’d never felt for any other woman.

  She stirred and nuzzled her head closer to his chest. He fought to not wake her and take her again. He needed to feel that connection that making love to her had brought him.

  It wasn’t fair to her. None of this was fair to her. The urge to tell her his deepest feelings was suppressed by the darkness that seemed to loom over him.

  He had nothing.

  His business was a loss. It was only a matter of time before he lost his home. There was family drama where he was concerned and why would any woman want to take that on? No, something told him this was a fleeting moment of passion—though that wasn’t what he wanted.

  Eric pressed a kiss to the top of her head, which woke her. With her eyes still closed she smiled. “Why are you awake?” she whispered.

  “Just can’t sleep.”

  “You should be exhausted,” she said on a small laugh.

  She was precious he thought, as he brushed a strand of hair from her forehead.

  “Go back to sleep,” he said softly.

  Susan slowly opened her eyes. They were still dark and filled with need, he thought. She pressed her hands to his chest and rolled him onto his back. A moment later she was straddling him. Her hair curtained her face, but as his eyes closed by the very pleasure of feeling her again, it didn’t matter. He had her face memorized.

  His hands came to her hips as she rocked atop of him. The words he was thinking teetered on the tip of his tongue as she worked him over the edge and he only allowed quiet whimpers to escape his throat. A few minutes later Susan collapsed against him, her breath ragged, her skin moist.

  “I’m enjoying having you right here,” she said breathlessly.

  “I didn’t come over tonight, for this reason,” he said to assure her.

  “Oh, but I’m so glad you did.”

  Eric had rested, briefly. As the sun barely crested the horizon, he found himself restless.

  He wiggled out of the bed without disturbing her, pulled on his pants, and quietly walked down to the kitchen.

  Coffee. He needed coffee before he could even think about making the long drive back to his place. He still had responsibilities, even if they didn’t include Whiskey River or any of the other horses.

  The very thought caught in his chest and he had to suck in a breath to fill his lungs. What would he do without his horse and his business? He’d never given up before, but he was sure thinking about doing that now.

  The kitchen light turned on and Eric spun to see his cousin leaned up against the doorjamb. Her long hair was pulled back and she was sporting running shoes and matching attire.

  “I thought I’d heard your voice last night,” she said grinning. But her face then went serious. “What the hell happened to your face?”


  “Bull!” She moved in toward him. “Did you get kicked too? Dane was a mess.”

  “It would have been better to have been kicked by a horse. This was kin caused.”

  “One of your brothers?” He shook his head and she inched in closer. “One of mine?”

  “A cousin I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday when I accused our grandfather of poisoning our horses and cattle.”

  Bethany reached for him. “Eric, I didn’t know.”

  He shook his head. “Your dad really did a job on this family,” he said before realizing how horrible it sounded. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t…”

  “It’s okay. I’m not him, Eric. I’ll never hurt you or your family.”

  “I know that.” He looked at her again. “Are you going running?”

  “Every morning.”

  “Can you find me coffee before you head out?”

  She crossed her arms in front of her and grinned. “Tell me why you’re here first.”

  “Do I really need to?”

  “I really like her. You’re not just using her for sex are you? I mean, I know it’s not my business, but…”

  “I’d never do that to anyone,” he said firmly. “After the day I had yesterday I couldn’t think of anywhere else I wanted to be. I needed her. Not just sexually.”

  “Are you in love with her?”

  Eric cleared his throat. “Let’s talk about where the coffee is.”

  She nodded, but the grin said she understood him better than he probably understood himself.

  As Bethany gathered the items for his coffee, he inventoried what he was feeling. Yes, he was very sure he did indeed love Susan. But until he knew what he could offer her he’d keep that to himself. He still wasn’t sure she’d want to stick around when she learned of all the troubles he’d bring to the relationship.

  Susan woke with a start and sat up in bed. She pulled the sheet up over her naked body and looked around the empty bedroom. She was alone.

  Quickly she picked up her cell phone and looked at the time. It was only six-fifteen. Had he run out that quickly?

  She took a deep breath. He had obligations on his land. She’d surely be disappointed if she thought he’d stick around all day. Just because they’d made love she couldn’t expect…

  She heard heavy footsteps in the hallway and a moment later he pushed open the bedroom door with his elbow and carried in two cups of coffee.

  He only wore his jeans and she thought perhaps she’d never seen a sexier specimen in her life.

  “I thought maybe you had second thoughts and left,” she admitted as he handed her a cup. “Thank you.”

  “I’m usually up much earlier. I couldn’t sleep. Bethany helped me get the coffee started.” He sat down next to her and studied her.

  “Bethany,” she said on a sigh. “What did she have to say?”

  “Nothing much. She wanted to make sure I wasn’t just using you for sex.”

  The very thought caught her off guard. “She said that?”

  He nodded before taking a careful sip of his coffee. “She really likes you and doesn’t want me hurting you.”

  “That’s nice.”

  Eric lifted his hand to her cheek. “I really like you too. I have no plans on hurting you. Last night was really nice. I didn’t come here to sleep with you.”

  “You said that.”

  “I feel as though I need to make it very clear.”

  She was fine with that. She seemed to need to hear it now that she was the only one naked on the bed. “I don’t expect you to drive into town all the time. You need to know that. I won’t be calling and texting you all the time wondering where you are.”

  “That’s disappointing.”

  Susan’s mouth dropped open. “Eric, I’m not some bothersome little girl. I really like what we have going. But we’re adults trying to build lives. I just don’t want you to think I’m going to be…”

  He pressed his finger to her lips. “I don’t have any expectations except that I want to get to know you much better. And damn, I really want to ha
ve some more nights like we had last night. Perhaps on better terms,” he added. “Don’t discredit me yet. I’m very interested in creating something here.”

  Susan sucked in a breath and forced herself to sip the coffee in her hand to keep from tearing up.

  “I assume you have to head home.”

  Eric nodded. “I do. I want to see you later. Are you free tonight?”

  “I actually am.”

  “Good. Will you come out and stay with me?”

  The smile tugged at her lips and came straight from her heart. “I would love to.”

  Eric let out a loud breath. “Good. I’ll try not to get beat up before you get there.” He laughed as he stood and picked up his shirt from the floor, but Susan felt that uncertainty weigh heavy in her gut.

  “Eric, you don’t think someone will hurt you again, do you?”

  “We have a lot going on right now. I don’t know what to expect,” he said as he pulled on his shirt. “But trust me, I’ll protect what’s mine. My family. My house.” He leveled his eyes on her. “You. I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  “Are you in some kind of danger?” The words shook as she said them. What had she gotten involved with—who had she gotten involved with?

  Eric sat down on the bed. “No. I don’t think so. I promise to fill you in on everything tonight. I don’t want you to worry. None of my family’s problems have anything to do with us.”

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before he stood.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Whenever you get the chance, come on out.”

  Susan nodded and watched as he walked out of her bedroom. A few moments later she heard the front door open and close and then the unmistakable grumble of his truck.

  She set her cup next to his on the nightstand and fell back onto the bed.

  There was something going on that was deeper than a family’s grief over a lost grandfather. She squeezed her eyes shut. The last man she’d fallen in love with belittled her every move and that stemmed from the family he was born into. Was it worth getting involved with another man who had family issues?

  It was then she remembered the dinner she was invited to on Sunday. Perhaps that would give her a clear picture of Eric’s family. Maybe then she’d understand what she’d fallen into.

  Susan pressed her hands to her bare stomach to calm the butterflies that had her so jumpy. She couldn’t help but hope she was just being paranoid because very deep inside of her she wanted Eric to be that perfect match she’d always known was out there for her.