Read Waning Moon Page 36

Chapter 35

  “No ‘thanks for saving my life’, no ‘I’m sorry your little brother has been taken away by ruthless thugs?’” Will tried to console me as we made our way up the timber trail toward the house, the Crawler wheels spinning on the rocky road. I had stopped the bleeding. The bullet wound was now only an ugly red hole, but I hadn’t had enough strength to heal Will’s wound completely. He was still clutching his side as we pulled into the driveway. The wolves ran alongside us until we reached the barn and then they set off toward the woods.

  I had left behind an angry crowd. I’d quickly gone from miraculous healer to the sister of a “monster” once they realized I could do nothing to help their loved ones. Will added for the third time, “This is not your fault, Lily. You can’t blame yourself.”

  Numbness had taken over my limbs, but I managed to make it onto the porch before breaking down. “Stop saying that! How can this NOT be my fault? What am I going to tell Sam?” I felt like crying, but instead I clenched my jaw, firmed my fists, and yelled. “What the hell was Zeph thinking?” Yet I already knew the answer. He thought that if he cooperated, the Industry would leave me and Sam and the town of Stanton alone. So he sacrificed Tyler Johnson and himself instead. “And how did the Industry know how to find him? That’s what I’d like to know!”

  Will stared at his feet. “That could be my fault.”

  “What? What did you do, Will?”

  He chewed his lip. “When Agent Graves was beating the life out of me, he kept asking about Marx. He said that Marx reported finding you and Zeph living in Stanton. When they lost contact, Graves thought you knew that Marx was the man who killed your father and that you or your brother had…done something to him. I assured him that it wasn’t true and thought if I told him where the body was, he would stop asking. I said that Marx was wrong about finding you—that he had gone off the road and that he was killed in the ravine on his way out of Stanton.” Regret laced his every word. “I’m so sorry, Lily. It was only a matter of time before they sent someone else to find you and I thought I was steering them away from you.”

  I shook my head at my own stupidity. How could I have thought we could hide forever? I knew this day would come. Too tired to blame anyone but myself, I dragged my feet up the front steps, dreading having to face Sam.

  “Should I come in with you?” Will asked, his hand set supportively on my arm.

  “No. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you and Sam to be in the same room when he finds out the news about Zeph and your connection to the Industry. I’m sure he’ll have questions.”

  “I know.” Will scuffed his feet in the dust. “I’d like to apologize in person before I move on, but I’ll stay as long as you need me. That is…if Sam lets me.”

  I flashed a weary smile. “I think you’re going to be the least of his worries.”

  He grabbed my hand as I turned to go. “Lily, I’ll do whatever I can to make this right…I promise.”

  I looked down at our joined hands and gave him another quick nod. “I know. Thanks.”

  When I entered the kitchen, Nora wore a grim expression. “I’ve given him the Syntoxin. Now we just have to wait and see.” I started to move past her to go sit with Sam, but she stopped me. “A man stopped by here a few minutes ago. He left this note for you and your uncle. It’s from Zephron.” She handed me the note and my stomach twisted into a tight knot.

  “What did this man look like?”

  “Tall, muscular, dark eyes, head shaved…he was from the Industry.” Nora’s face was pale. “I didn’t hear him come up the steps. He could have…” She shook off the thought. “I haven’t told Sam, yet. I didn’t want to upset him.”

  I sank into a chair at the table and unfolded the note, reading it once and then again, staring at the words as if waiting to hear Zeph’s laughter telling me that the horrific events of the day were all some sick practical joke.

  Dear Sam and Lily,

  I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye in person. I thought it would be safer and easier this way. I’m going with the Industry agents to the Western Desert. Please don’t come after me. It’s better this way. You both know I can’t hold back this urge inside of me any longer.

  If I go with them, the Industry won’t bother you anymore. They will leave the people of Stanton alone, and you both can live safe and free. I’m sorry about Tyler. I’ll try to look after him and keep him safe.

  Please don’t worry about me. The agents haven’t hurt me and have told me that they have a special place for me where I can learn to use and control my ability. You have always protected me, Lily. Now it’s my turn to protect you.

  Sam, don’t feel sorry for me. I don’t deserve your pity—or your forgiveness. We all know it’s my fault that Auntie Beth and Jackson got sick and died. I was just a little kid, and I didn’t know what I was doing, but still—it was my fault. I had no idea how to control the power inside of me. With every hug Aunt Beth gave me, and every time Jackson and I played or wrestled, I siphoned off a little more of their lives. I didn’t understand until it was too late. If you never knew, I’m sorry to tell you in a letter, but maybe my leaving will make it a little easier to bear. I could never tell you the truth before, and I have lived with this terrible secret for too long. I don’t expect your forgiveness, but I hope someday to make you both proud.

  I know if anyone can cure you, Sam, Lily can.

  Take care of yourselves,


  Tears rolled down my face. I read the letter a third time and set it down, meeting Nora’s worried look. “How can I tell Sam?”

  Nora sighed. “He already knows. He’s known for a long time.”