Read Want Me Page 2

  “I fought him off, but he caught me at the top of the stairs.” Her hand dropped back to her side. “I fell and tumbled right down those steps. I didn’t break anything, so I was lucky. I managed to get out of the brownstone, and I hailed down a car outside.”

  He uncrossed his hands. Lowered them to his sides. Instantly, his hands clenched into fists. Some sonofabitch had been in her house?

  “By the time the cops arrived, there was no sign of him. Hell…” She jerked a hand through her hair, sending the heavy, dark mane sliding over her shoulders. “Detective Chestang couldn’t find any indication that the guy had ever been there. At first, she even tried to hint that maybe I’d just imagined him, because of Daniel.”

  Just the mention of Daniel’s name had him seeing red. That guy had hurt too many people before the cops had thrown him behind bars.

  Hurt. Killed.

  Now it’s your turn to suffer, Daniel.

  “I didn’t imagine my attacker,” Sophie continued with grim pride. “He was there, spouting some bull about needing to make certain I was safe. And he said—he said he was going to kill Daniel for what he’d done to me.”

  Now his brows shot up. “The guy said that to you?”

  “He promised me.” She pushed back her shoulders. “I don’t want that. I don’t want anyone killing for me.” Her gaze burned as she stared up at him.

  “Tell me more about your attacker,” Lex ordered softly.

  “I never saw his face. I didn’t recognize his voice. He was whispering, rasping, so I don’t think that was his real voice.”

  Lex waited. If he disguised his voice, then that means he was afraid you would know him. Shit, it means you do know him.

  “He shouldn’t have been in my house.” Her breath whispered out. “He had a knife.”

  For an instant, he didn’t move at all. Or, at least, he didn’t think he had. But Sophie tensed and then she backed up a step, her gaze widening a bit as she stared at him. “Lex?”

  He should unclench his fists. He should give her some kind of reassuring smile. But he was too busy choking back his fury. “You didn’t mention his knife before.”

  Again, she took a small step back. “If he wanted to keep me safe, why break in during the middle of the night? Why come armed with a knife?” She wrapped her arms around her stomach. “I know evil, Lex. I know it intimately. And I know that man, last night…he is very, very dangerous.”

  Because the guy sounded like an insane asshole. One who was fixated on Sophie. Maybe it was one of her clients. Maybe it was an obsessed ex. No matter who the prick was, Lex would be stopping him.

  “VJS…” Sophie murmured. “You guys are the ones who cleared Ethan.”

  Ethan Barclay. The guy with enough dangerous connections of his own to make Lex’s gut knot. He didn’t like Ethan. Yeah, they’d proved the guy was innocent in the stalking of another client—a client who just so happened to now be engaged to Lex’s best friend, Chance Valentine—but they sure as hell hadn’t proved that Ethan was good. Just that he hadn’t been guilty in that particular case.

  Unfortunately, during the course of their investigation, Lex had learned another thing about old Ethan. The guy was Sophie’s fucking BFF. “Why aren’t you turning to him?” The question came out, and yeah, he was man enough to know it was fueled by jealousy. He didn’t like the connection that Sophie had with Ethan. Not one bit.

  She looked away. “I don’t want Ethan knowing about this situation.”

  A man broke into her house, with a knife, and that was a situation?

  “I’m hiring you for your discretion.”

  “And here I thought it was because you wanted me watching your ass.”

  For just an instant, her full lips twitched a bit. “That too.”

  He’d never seen her smile. Not really smile. The punch in his gut told him that if he did see that, hell, he’d be in serious trouble.

  But the faint twitch in her lips had already vanished. “Ethan doesn’t know about what happened last night. My colleagues don’t know. I want things to stay that way. We keep this confidential. You keep me safe and your associates…” She waved her hand toward the closed door to his office. “They work with you to track this guy. When we have evidence, we’ll turn it over to the cops, and I’ll get back to my normal life.”

  “And until that normal life returns?” Lex pushed. “You’re going to have me at your side, day and night, and you don’t think anyone will get suspicious about that when—”

  “My colleagues know we met weeks ago. When you were investigating Ethan.” Her head inclined toward him. “And when you saved my life.”

  He waited.

  “Thank you for that, by the way,” she said, her cheeks tinging a bit with color.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Her gaze slid from him, then slowly returned. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say that we’ve continued seeing each other. That we’ve become lovers.”

  Her voice didn’t change. Neither did her expression. But Lex changed. The fire inside of him wasn’t about fury any longer. It was about pure, unadulterated need. Because he’d been fantasizing far too much about being Sophie’s lover in the last few weeks. Dreaming about her. Thinking too often of her.

  “Does that plan work for you?” Sophie asked.

  Seriously, did it work?

  She offered her hand to him. “If so, then we can have a deal.”

  It wasn’t a deal, but he knew that was the way Sophie thought, in terms of deals and contracts. But life wasn’t always like that. Still, he closed that last bit of distance between them and curled his fingers around hers. Her hand was so soft, so small in his. And when he touched her, a sensual thrill shot through him. Because he was watching her so closely, he saw the slight widening of her eyes. The faint flare of her nostrils.

  It was good to know that Sophie responded to him. It would make things so much easier.

  “Deal,” he whispered as his hold tightened on her.


  “Sophie Sarantos is our client?” Devlin Shade asked as soon as he entered the conference room. Lex was already inside, along with the third partner in their growing firm, Chance Valentine.

  VJS Protection. V for Valentine, J for Jensen, and S for Shade. They hadn’t bothered coming up with some clever name for their business. They didn’t need a clever name. They offered protection, plain and simple.

  They also hunted.

  “She is now,” Lex agreed quietly. “Some jerk broke into her place last night and scared her.”

  “Scared her?” Dev repeated as his brows rose. He glanced over his shoulder at the closed door. “I’ve heard stories about that woman. I think sharks are afraid of her.”

  Lex’s jaw locked. “He had a knife.” Now he turned his gaze on Chance. Chance had been silent for the last few moments, as was the guy’s usual style. Chance was the old strong and silent type, while Lex was the one who usually went running straight into danger. The unrestrained and wild type. Yeah, he knew his issues. “And, according to Sophie, the guy made a threat while he was there.” Threat or promise, Lex still hadn’t decided which yet. “He told her that he’d kill Daniel Duvato.”

  Chance’s emotionless mask cracked. Right. Because if anything could piss off the guy, it would be the mention of Daniel’s name. Daniel had hunted and nearly killed Gwen Hawthorne—the woman Chance loved. Daniel was a sick freak and the guy who just happened to be Ethan Barclay’s half-brother. Of course, Ethan hadn’t known that shit, and he hadn’t known that Daniel had spent years working to take out every one of value to Ethan. When Ethan loved…Daniel destroyed. Because he’d thought that Ethan was interested in Gwen, Daniel had stalked her.

  But Chance had stopped that SOB. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been stopped before Daniel had hurt Chance, Gwen, Sophie, Ethan…

  And Dev.

  Too many casualties.

  Lex’s attention shifted to Dev. Like Chance, the guy now looked seriously pissed.

  “Daniel Duvato is behind bars,” Chance said, his voice rumbling. “No one will be getting to him.”

  Lex wasn’t so sure about that. And there was something in Chance’s closed expression…something that told him Chance knew a bit more about Daniel than he was saying. What the hell was up with that? He, Chance, and Dev had been best friends since they were kids—when they’d been tossed into the same group home for a brief period. Their stay there hadn’t lasted, but their bond had.

  “Maybe Sophie is the one gunning for Daniel,” Dev murmured. “She certainly has cause, right? The guy left her to die.”

  Lex’s shoulders snapped back. “By that logic, you’ve got cause, too.” He pointed at Chance. “So does he.”

  Chance just stared back at him.

  “Cool down, man,” Dev said quickly to Lex. “I’m just saying...”

  “What the hell are you saying?” Lex didn’t like the way Dev was talking about Sophie. Not a bit.

  “I’m saying Sophie Sarantos is smart. Crazy, scary smart.” There was admiration and wariness in Dev’s tone. “She defends the worst criminals in the city every day, and she gets them off. Daniel Duvato hurt her. Worse—at least I think she’d view it as worse—the guy went after Ethan Barclay. From all my research on Sophie…”

  And Lex knew Dev had done plenty of digging during that last big case.

  “He’s the only person she cares about. Daniel hurt him, and knowing what I do about her, well, she just might be the type to want some revenge.”

  Lex swiped his hand over his face. “You’ve got this all wrong. She wants protection—”

  “Or maybe,” Dev said, “she wants an alibi.”

  What? That was the last thing Lex had expected Dev to say. He rounded on the guy.

  Dev lifted his hands. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, okay? You know this shit. Most folks think she got away with murder once, and if Sophie wanted to kill someone, I’m sure she’d set the stage nicely. I can’t think of anyone she’d want to kill more than Daniel Duvato.”

  This was bullshit. “She’s our client,” Lex snapped. He had to force his back teeth to unclench. “Not some guilty perp.”

  “Is there any evidence that someone actually broke into her house?” Dev wasn’t backing down. “Or is it just a story she’s spinning you?”

  He lunged toward Dev.

  “Stop.” Chance’s voice was low but sharp.

  Lex didn’t stop, though. He grabbed Dev’s shirt front and shoved the guy back against the nearest wall. “What the hell is your problem? The woman is a client. She’s scared. She wants help. She’s not some cold-blooded killer!”

  “You didn’t read through all the data I found on her,” Dev’s voice was low. “And don’t you wonder, just a bit, why she came to you and not to Chance? Or to me?”

  “She knows me better—”

  “She can read people. That’s one of her things. Size up her enemy in an instant.”

  “I’m not her enemy.” He really, really wanted to drive his fist into his friend’s face.

  Chance was closing in on them. Growling.

  “No, but one look into your eyes, and she would have known you wanted her.”

  He did.

  Chance grabbed Lex’s shoulders and pulled him away from Dev.

  Dev made no move to straighten his shirt. Or to take a swing at Lex. “I just don’t want you hurt, man.”

  “She’s not going to hurt me.” The very idea was laughable.

  “Isn’t she? I saw you at the hospital. I saw the way you paced near her room. You’re already in too deep. You don’t know it.” He jerked his thumb toward the door. “She does. She’s a user, bro. She doesn’t get close to anyone but Barclay, and I’ll be damned if I let her get her hooks into you.”

  He could only shake his head. Dev was wrong. Flat out wrong. “She’s the victim. Are we going to help her or throw her to the wolves?” Lex already knew exactly what his plans were.

  Chance’s grip tightened on Lex’s shoulder. “We’re helping her, you know it.”

  Damn straight. “Good. Because I already took her retainer.” A check that he’d put in his desk. He shrugged away Chance’s hand. “I’m heading back to Sophie’s place with her now. You guys can get started on recon to find out just who the hell would want to terrorize her this way.”

  He turned away.

  “Something tells me her list of enemies is going to be long,” Dev muttered.

  Lex stiffened. He looked over his shoulder. “Are we going to have a problem?” They could straighten that shit out right then.

  “It depends.” Dev cocked his head. “Are you going to fall for Sophie Sarantos? Because if you do, man, there’s going to be hell to pay. I’ve already seen the wreckage that woman leaves behind.” His blue eyes glinted. “I just don’t want you hurt like that.”

  Lex laughed, the sound bitter and rough. “I’m not falling for anyone. I’m doing my job. That’s all.” He might as well put all of his cards on the table. “I want her.” Blunt. Basic. “She knows it. Big deal. Maybe we’ll fuck.” He sure as hell hoped so. “But it doesn’t go past that. You don’t have to worry about me being blindsided. That shit just won’t happen. I don’t get emotionally involved with the clients. Never have. Never will.”

  Sophie was a case. That was all. He’d do what was necessary to get the job done. Period.

  Dev searched his gaze for a moment then gave a grim nod. “Sorry. Just because Chance here fell, doesn’t mean you will, too.”

  Chance’s sharp growl got worse. “I’m in the damn room.”

  “You went fucking to pieces when Gwen was in danger,” Dev pointed out. Like they all needed that reminder. “I just don’t want to see Lex do the same thing.”

  Lex rolled back his shoulders. “Big difference. Chance loved Gwen. Sophie…she’s just the client.” He strode toward the door.

  “A client and the woman you want to fuck,” Dev said.

  He ignored the guy and yanked open the door. Sophie turned, glancing at him sharply. She’d been waiting outside—jeez, since when? He’d left her in his office, and he had a fast moment of panic. Had she overheard what they’d said? Dev’s bullshit accusations against her?

  But, even though she seemed a bit pale, her gaze was steady. “Is the team on board?”

  Even if they hadn’t been, he would have still taken her case. He nodded and found himself heading toward her. A lock of her heavy, dark hair had fallen over her eye. He brushed it back. “You’re safe, Sophie. You don’t have to worry.”

  Her lips lifted then. That faint smile of hers curled her lips, and all of the breath left his lungs in a sharp rush.

  You don’t have to worry, but maybe I do.


  Devlin Shade watched as Lex led Sophie from the office. The guy was already in her web, and he didn’t even realize it. When would Lex learn? Black widows killed their mates.

  And if there was ever a black widow, it was Sophie.

  Chance shut the conference room door. “You’ve got a problem with her.”

  More than one.

  “What do you know that I don’t?” Chance demanded.

  He clamped his mouth closed. So far, he just had suspicions—and his gut instinct. Every bit of intel he’d discovered on Sophie had told him that she was one dangerous woman. But he knew that he had to tread carefully now. Especially after the way Lex had just looked at her.


  He rubbed his side. The wound had healed, but he’d never forget lying in that stinking alley, bleeding out, and wondering if his friends were alive. Trust didn’t come easily for him. Actually, there were only two people in the world that he did trust.

  Chance and Lex. He valued their friendship, and he’d do anything to protect them. “Read my files. See what you think.” And he’d get to work investigating Sophie’s life even more now—finding her enemies and uncovering all of the skeletons that she still had shoved into the depths of her closet.

>   He just hoped that Lex could handle what he discovered.

  Chapter Two

  The brownstone didn’t look particularly intimidating. Sophie slammed the car door—the door to Lex’s very sleek ride—and stared up at her home. Too bad the place didn’t feel like home anymore. Last night’s attack had spooked her so much that the thought of going back into that place had her stomach in knots.


  She glanced over at Lex, and, as always, she wasn’t quite prepared for her reaction to him.

  Sure, she’d encountered plenty of handsome men in her life. Suave, sophisticated guys. Guys who wanted to wine her and dine her and get into her pants. She knew exactly how to handle those guys. But Lex, he was different.

  He wants in my pants, too, though. She wasn’t naive enough to have missed that. Only fair, though, considering she’d thought about pouncing the guy herself.

  She cleared her throat and tried to study him objectively. His face was hard, strong. He had a perfect square jaw. Cut and defined. Actually, that was how she’d characterize him…cut and defined. A powerful build. Wide shoulders. Obvious strength in his body.

  His blond hair glinted in the sunlight. Normally, she wasn’t attracted to blondes. She liked men who were tall, dark, and a bit dangerous. Lex was golden—hair and tan skin. His blond hair was thick, but short. His green eyes were dark. Deep. And his face really was almost too handsome.

  Until he smiled.

  And he was smiling right then. “See something you like?”

  She did. Because when Lex smiled, something rather unusual happened. The smile didn’t soften him. It made him look harder. More dangerous.

  My type.

  Of course, she already knew that Lex was plenty dangerous. She’d done some digging on him. After a man saved a woman’s life, it was only natural to be curious about him. She’d learned that Lex Jensen was ex-military. That he’d been black ops. The guy knew his way around some deadly situations.

  Good—for him, and for her.

  He stepped closer to her. They were alone on that street corner. She was wearing a thick coat because DC wasn’t showing signs of warming yet—the city wouldn’t, not for a while. But as she stood there, Sophie could have sworn that she felt heat sliding from Lex’s body. Wrapping around her.