Read War Bride Page 11

  Chapter Six

  Kryton powered down his shuttle with a frustrated hiss. Skyla crooked her finger and he came running like an obedient lap pet. He was such a fool. A lovesick fool, he corrected. He no longer tried to deny it. He was desperately in love with Skyla of Hautell, and there was nothing he could do about it. He intended to explain himself one last time and if she was still unwilling to trust him, he’d let her go.

  Sorrow squeezed his heart at the thought of losing her. How could he lose what he’d never had? If she felt nothing but lust for him, it was better this way. He knew all too well what it was like to have a morautu who despised him.

  He crossed from the landing pad to the mansion’s side entrance. It was late and he didn’t want anyone but Skyla to know he was here. If she refused him, again, the last thing he wanted was a bunch of pity-filled gazes following his every move. He scanned open the door then reactivated the perimeter alarms. He’d dismissed the guards shortly after he landed. Regardless of how things turned out with Skyla, extra security was no longer necessary.

  Taking the servants’ stairs to the third floor, he went directly to the master suite. He wanted this settled once and for all. Skyla had disrupted his well-ordered life long enough. He paused before the door and raised his hand to knock. To hells with that. This was his house and she was his morautu. He eased the door open and slipped inside the shadowy room.

  It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dimness, then he strode across the sitting area and into the adjoining bedroom. His heart lurched within his chest when he found the bed empty.

  “Skyla?” Panic tore her name from his mouth.

  The curtains billowed in the wind and she stepped into the open doorway leading out onto the balcony. “I’m here.”

  He took a deep breath to calm himself then joined her. Moonlight bathed her lovely face in silver and made her eyes particularly luminous. Her slim body swam within the folds of his bathrobe, making him envy the plush material.

  She watched him silently, tension clear on her delicate features.

  Her reluctance fueled his determination. “Tonn said you wanted to talk, but I’d rather start if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind.” She seemed relieved by the offer.

  He rested his forearm on the railing and turned his body toward her. “When I began my search, I wasn’t looking for a bride. I was looking for a weapon to use against Harbinger Guild.”

  “I know.” Her tone was emotionless and she said nothing more.

  “But we were genetically compatible and it twisted everything. Suddenly I had two needs, both incredibly important, but they pulled me in opposite directions.” He took another breath, trying to slow his pulse, but her scent filled his nose along with the cool night air. His senses came to life and his heart pounded even faster. “I’m Rodyte. I knew you would hate me and want nothing but to escape me. Still, I needed your help to rescue my son. So I decided to use your hostility to motivate you rather than attempt to overcome it.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she buried her hands in the pockets of the robe. “But I found out about your son in the dream meld. In fact, you were furious about it.”

  “I was furious because I’d lost control of the situation. Tonn was supposed to tell you about Arton, little by little, over a period of time. You weren’t ready to learn what I really wanted.”

  “What you really wanted?” Her laugh was harsh and humorless. “You made that perfectly clear every time you entered the cabin.”

  He sighed and folded his hands into fists. This wasn’t going well at all. “I won’t apologize for wanting you. Combating the pull every step of the way wasn’t part of the plan. I captured you to rescue my son, not to warm my bed.”

  She turned toward the sea, letting the night wind play through her hair. Her profile was so pure, so perfect that it took his breath away. “I know what did happen.” Her voice was soft and thoughtful. “Tell me what was supposed to have happened.”

  With a sigh he realized he wasn’t quite sure. The intensity of their attraction had reshaped all his well laid plans. “I knew the only way you’d help me was if I agreed to set you free, but your abilities led you to the truth much sooner than you were supposed to know. You didn’t trust me at all and I’d behaved badly too many times for you to believe anything I said. The pull was stronger than I’d ever imagined and—”

  “You can’t blame this on the pull,” she flared, turning toward him again. Her red phitons glowed, a not so subtle reminder that she was Bilarrian. “You’d been through it before. You knew how intense everything would be with a potential mate.”

  He shook his head. “It was never like this with Jiatta. Genetic compatibility only amplifies attraction. It doesn’t create it. I was attracted to you before I caught your scent and the pull kicked in. I feel like I’ve always loved you.”

  “Loved me?” She shook her head, eyes filled with pain. “I’m not sure you know the meaning of the word. You don’t torment someone you love. You don’t frighten and intimidate them.”

  He couldn’t defend his actions. She was right. He’d behaved horribly, used the situation to indulge his savage side. “I’m sorry. I was wrong to manipulate your feelings and exploit the need created by our genetic compatibility. I should have been stronger, more protective of my potential mate.”

  Apparently that hadn’t been the response she’d expected. Her expression softened and tension melted out of her stance. “You knew we were compatible before you kidnapped me. If rescuing Arton was your only goal, why didn’t you choose someone else?”

  “I never said Arton was my only goal. I said he was my original goal. He was the reason for my search. But my search led to an extraordinary female who was searching for a compatible male. The mate finder told me you’d been searching for six years. I couldn’t help wondering if I could give you what you wanted in return for your help.”

  Emotions rolled across her features so fast he couldn’t untangle them. One thing was certain. She wasn’t ready to forgive him yet. “Why didn’t you just ask me?”

  He laughed and spread his arms in a helpless shrug. “I’m your enemy. You’ve been taught since birth to hate me. I couldn’t risk your refusal. Rescuing Arton is too important.”

  “So you continued with your original plan while trying to ‘court’ me?” She still sounded confused and he couldn’t blame her. The situation was confusing. He was attempting to accomplish two things that clashed and contradicted each other.


  She took a step toward him and then another. “Why were you so afraid that I’d reject you if you told me everything? We’d spent enough time together. You should have known I’d feel compassion for your son and want to see him reunited with his father.”

  He clenched his fists as dread twisted through his gut. If she needed complete honesty to trust him, he’d bare his soul. “I wasn’t afraid you’d reject Arton. I was afraid—” Emotion closed his throat and he couldn’t finish the thought.

  “I’d reject you?” He nodded. “But why? You know how much I want you.”

  “Jiatta wanted me too.” Needing to purge himself of the bitterness and sorrow, he rushed through the explanation. “Mating fever brought us together and allowed us to be happy until Arton was born. Then I was so consumed by my need to protect Arton that Jiatta felt neglected.”

  “Wasn’t she worried about the safety of her son?”

  Skyla’s vehemence pleased him, but he couldn’t allow the misconception to soften what really happened. “Don’t blame her. The fault was mine. I should have done a better job of balancing my interests. My relationship with Jiatta was just as important as keeping Arton safe, but I focused entirely on Arton.”

  Compassion warmed Skyla’s gaze as she shook her head. “It’s never that cut and dry.”

  “Perhaps.” He wanted his past laid to rest, so he hurried on with his story. “We fell into a sad routine. It was as if we were going through the motio
ns of life rather than actually living. She was cold and distant and I didn’t know how to reignite the fire we had once felt for each other.”

  “Did you want to reignite the fire?”

  “Of course. She was my morautu. I wanted what we’d been promised, a love to last a lifetime.”

  Her lashes swept down, shadowing her gaze. “Apparently it takes more than genetic compatibility to make that happen.”

  “I agree. It takes conscious effort and determination to make any relationship last. After mating fever burned itself out, neither of us were willing to do the work.”

  Silence fell hard and heavy. Tension still pulsed between them, yet neither knew what to say. The story wasn’t finished. He just couldn’t bring himself to reveal the rest, to confess the worst of his failings. They looked out at the ocean, then at each other again. If they couldn’t get beyond this barrier, there was no hope for them.

  After a long pause, she asked, “Was Jiatta still alive when the harbingers came for Arton?”

  He never spoke about those horrible events, tried very hard not to think about them. But Skyla needed to know. She needed to understand the darkness still lingering inside his soul. “I wasn’t there when they came for Arton, but Jiatta was. We were living in a modest cottage on a secluded island in an effort to elude the harbingers. I still don’t know how they found us, but they killed the guards before Jiatta even realized there was a problem. They forced their way into the house and Jiatta tried to fight them, tried desperately to protect our son. They beat her bloody and left her there on the floor as they took off with Arton.”

  Suddenly Skyla was pressed against his chest and her arms wrapped around his body. “I’m so sorry this happened to your family. I can only imagine the pain you must have felt.”

  Stunned by her reaction, he just held her for a moment, savoring the unexpected warmth. But the story still wasn’t over. The most important part remained. “Jiatta blamed me for what happened.” He stroked Skyla’s hair as he spoke, comforting himself with the softness. “Her indifference turned to hate and her outbursts became more violent until I had no choice but to leave. That’s why she was alone with her bodyguard when one of my enemies came looking for me.”

  “Oh dear gods.” Skyla hugged him even tighter. “Tonn told me that’s how she died.”

  He nodded, hoping she’d feel it even though she didn’t raise her head off his chest. “I checked on her the following day because no one at her villa was answering my coms. That’s when I found her body. It wasn’t a clean kill. They’d tortured her before they let her die.” He felt Skyla shudder, so he didn’t elaborate. What more was there to say?

  “I know you tracked down the men who did it. Tonn told me that too.” She finally looked at him, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. “And I know you blame yourself for her death.”

  “I blame myself for all of it. How could I not? I failed my son and I failed my mate. What right do I have to claim another female when I couldn’t protect the one I had?” He pushed her away and grasped the railing, preventing her from hugging him again. “I didn’t tell you this to earn your pity. I wanted you to understand why I’ve been so conflicted. I hid behind your preconceptions so I didn’t have to face how desperately I want this to be real.”

  “Do you still want this to be real?”

  He snapped his head around and looked into her eyes, confused by the tenderness in her tone. “I’m not worthy of a mate, regardless of how much I want one.”

  “That’s not your decision to make.” A soft smile curved her lips and desire smoldered in her vivid blue eyes. “Unless I misunderstand Rodyte custom, the male stakes his claim and the female either accepts or rejects him.”

  “You understand Rodyte custom.” The implications of her statement nearly paralyzed his mind. She’d already rejected him repeatedly. Why was she bringing it up now?

  “So explain the rest to me. How would life work for a Rodyte general and his Bilarrian morautu? You’re respected and clearly affluent.” She motioned to the oceanfront mansion surrounding them. “Would claiming me put your career in jeopardy?”

  “No,” he insisted. “My personal life is my own. My supervisors have nothing to say about it.”

  “But it’s likely you would be passed over for promotions and many would criticize your irrational behavior. Unless things are significantly different here than they are on Bilarri.”

  He inclined his head, acknowledging her point as valid. “There are many who would disapprove, but I don’t care. I’m the head of my family and there are very few with the authority to dictate my actions.”

  “Tonn said you’re a crown favorite,” she persisted. “How will Pern Keire react to one of his generals joining with a Bilarrian? Your planet is at war with mine, yet I will have access to your mind and emotions. Surely the crown stirate will have something to say about that.”

  “He can rail and threaten me until hell’s rings turn to ice. He needs me too badly to do more than shout. My heart has made its choice.”

  “All right. What about me? Would we live here or on your spaceship? How often would I see you if I stayed here?”

  Her tone remained conversational, her expression calm, yet each question she asked peeled away another layer of his confidence. Was it possible she was still considering her options, or was she simply defining the situation so she could reject him one final time? “Here would be more practical, or at one of my other properties. And as for how often you’d see me, I’d be home most every night. I’m a multi-ship commander. I supervise and dispatch long-range missions, but I seldom participate in them.”

  She pressed her teeth into her lower lip, looking slightly uncomfortable. “My brother would disown me, but my sisters might forgive me once the shock has worn off. But I would never be able to return to Bilarri. You’re asking me to give up my home and most of my friends. I know you think my job is frivolous, but I enjoy it.”

  “I’m offering more than just me,” he reminded, barely able to think past the rushing of blood through his ears. “Unlike the males your brother chose for you, I can give you children.”

  “Battle born children,” she muttered. “Will they be ridiculed and shunned. I don’t care what people think about me, but I’m not sure I could deal with anyone being cruel to our sons.”

  “Sons?” He took a step toward her, hands trembling. “We will have more than one?”

  She shook her head, but was suddenly avoiding his gaze. “I’m not sure why I said that. I’ve only seen one.”

  He narrowed his eyes on her lovely face, not sure he believed her. “And don’t forget that your abilities would make you invaluable here. On Bilarri magic is common; here it’s a rarity.”

  With a hesitant step, she brought their bodies closer. He could reach out and touch her now, but he kept his hands at his sides. He didn’t want to rush her, wanted her to be certain of her choice.

  “So answer the question,” she prompted. “Do you want this to be real?”

  Hope swept away the past and left him breathless and trembling. “More than anything.”

  “Then let me go.”

  Her smooth features revealed nothing and his heart lodged in his throat. He couldn’t tell if this was a test or the cruelest twist anyone could ever conceive. Everything within him prayed it was a test, but there was only one way to find out. He swallowed hard, then forced the words out despite the sawdust in his mouth. “You are no longer my prisoner. I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  She held out her hand and her eyes filled with mischief. “I want to go inside. I want you to take off your clothes and get on the bed. Each time we’ve touched you’ve controlled the situation. As penance, I want you to give that control to me.”

  He tensed. Control wasn’t a preference with him, it was his basic nature. He wasn’t sure he could—if he didn’t, she’d walk away. He could see it in her eyes. She needed to regain control of her life, which meant he would have to trust her for a ch

  “Anything you want is yours.” He wrapped his hand around hers, entwining their fingers. “Now and always.”

  Her smile broadened and she led him back inside. Giddy pleasure filled his brain, making it hard to think. Was this really happening? Had his feisty war bride transformed into his morautu? They’d come this far before, reached the point of joining only to have her turn him away. Was that her game? Would she leave him naked and desperate as she walked out of his life forever? He deserved no better, yet he didn’t see cruelty in her eyes, just warmth and sweet acceptance.

  She squeezed his hand. “You look terrified. I didn’t think you were capable of the emotion.”

  “If this is some sort of game…” He would not beg for mercy. He was a Rodyte general! Pride reinforced his shattered composure. If this was her revenge, he’d face the challenge head-on as he had always done.

  “You’re the one who likes games. I’m tired of pretending.” There was no rancor in her tone, no sarcasm that he could detect.

  They stood beside the bed, his bed, in his ancestral home. His pulse kicked up a notch at the importance of the setting. He started to speak, to ask again if this was real, but she pressed her fingertips against his lips and silenced him.

  “No more words. No promises or denials. Let’s let our bodies communicate, let our souls explore each other.”

  How could he argue with that? Their mind link would allow him to feel her strongest emotions and once he claimed her there would be no more secrets between them. He framed her face with his hands and bent his head to kiss her, but again she covered his mouth with her fingertips.

  “You haven’t atoned for your sins.”

  His hands folded into tight fists and dread surged through his system. He was starting to understand why trust had been so hard for her. She’d told him that this wasn’t a game, had assured him that he would finally have what he desired most in the universe. So why was it still so easy to imagine her walking away?

  She guided his hands back to his sides, then separated the front of his shirt with two firm tugs. He shrugged out of the garment, but didn’t try to touch her. He’d tied her up and held her down each time his passion flared. She deserved this small revenge and a whole lot more. Her small, warm hands moved over his chest and down his arms, pausing to explore each muscle and tendon. Her obvious interest thrilled him, each throaty murmur stoking his flames a little higher.

  Crimson fire lit her phitons by the time she unfastened the front of his pants. She’d yet to remove his boots, but she seemed much more interested in his arousal than ridding him of his clothing. Her bold touch swept over his erection once and a shudder of need shook through him. Not wanting the potential tangle to restrict his movements later, he stepped back and quickly pulled off his boots. Then he returned to his original position and waited for her next move.

  Lightly grasping his shoulders, she turned his back toward the bed then tugged his pants to his knees before pushing him down on the edge of the mattress. Being maneuvered by a female was such a novelty that he chuckled. Then she bent over and grabbed the hem of his pants, ridding him of the garment with one firm tug.

  Her gaze narrowed as she looked over his naked body. Enjoying her attention, he leaned slightly back on his hands and boldly spread his thighs. The pose was blatantly sexual and undeniably male. He started to ask if she liked what she saw, but bit back the words. She’d asked him not to speak and he wanted to give her what she’d requested without hesitation or reserve. She was his morautu and it was his fervent wish to satisfy her every desire.

  “You are a feast for the eyes,” she whispered, disregarding her own rule. “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I first dreamed about you.”

  Dreams had brought them together and joining with her in a dream had made it impossible for him to let her go. “I’m yours,” he whispered. “Do whatever you like with me.”

  She stepped between his legs and took his face between her hands. “I’m not sure how this will work. Our love is forbidden on either of our worlds, but I’m willing to figure it out together.”

  Their love? The phrase slammed into him like a fist. Did he dare believe that she loved him?

  Her lips pressed against his before he composed himself enough to speak. She tilted her head, fitting her mouth more securely over his. Her tongue teased his lips, obviously asking for entrance. He opened for her, ready to risk his heart for the tiniest chance at true happiness.

  It felt oddly invigorating to let her control the kiss. He kept his hands behind him and let her have her way. Her lips slid and her tongue wandered, encouraging him to respond. He curled his tongue around hers and followed her retreat until his tongue was in her mouth.

  Dominance surged and he fisted the bedding, fighting to remain passive. She needed this, which meant he needed to give it to her, regardless of how alien it felt.

  She broke away from his mouth with a little gasp, then kissed her way down his neck. Her hands paved the way for her lips. She wandered across his shoulder then onto his chest as she slipped to her knees beside the bed. Her hands settled on his hips while her mouth teased his abdomen, or actually teased his cock by lingering over his abdomen.

  He’d imagined her doing this for him more times than he could count. His shaft bucked, lifting off his abdomen as if to draw her attention. Though the movement had been spontaneous, mostly, her fingers curved around his aching flesh. Her mouth, however, continued its leisurely trek across his belly.

  Please. The word echoed through his mind, though pride alone kept him from speaking.

  She looked up at him and smiled, feminine power gleaming in her eyes. “Is something wrong? You sound like you’re in pain.”

  He narrowed his gaze and pushed one hand into her unbound hair. “You know what happens when you challenge me.”

  Her smile faltered and her hand began to stroke. “Not yet. I want to feel you lose control before you take it back.”

  “Then get on with it,” he growled out the directive. “I need you too badly to wait.”

  She bent her head and licked his tip, her gaze still locked with his. “Better?”

  He arched his hips, pushing between her silken lips. “Now it’s better.”

  Clearly understanding that her time at the helm was limited, she stopped toying with him. Instead her lips formed a firm circle and slid down his shaft until he was deeply imbedded in her mouth. He threw his head back and groaned. It felt so damn good. It was all he could do not to end it right there and then.

  Her lips slid back up while her hand returned to stroke him. The two together were sheer ecstasy. Her head bobbed and her tongue swirled, building his already blazing desire. She knelt before him, selflessly pleasuring him with her mouth. He’d begun to wonder if this day would ever come, if he’d ever experience her freely offered passion.

  Exhilarated by her gift, he concentrated on the steady slide of her lips and the arousing patterns her tongue created over and around his most sensitive areas. They had waited so long, and he wanted her so badly, he knew it wouldn’t last long. Still, he wanted to savor every moment, every sensation.

  Suddenly warmth and affection flowed into his mind, faint at first like the echo of emotion rather than the actual feeling. He shivered. This wasn’t him. His emotions—when he allowed himself to acknowledge them—were more intense, more consuming. Already their mental link was expanding, evolving into something stronger and more interactive.

  He held perfectly still and let the connection grow. Physical sensations melded with metaphysical awareness, propelling the pleasure beyond anything he’d ever experienced before. He cried out, both hands moving to her hair. He didn’t pull, didn’t close his fingers, just cradled the back of her head. She didn’t do this begrudgingly. She felt exhilarated and powerful as she drove him toward completion.

  It was all too much, too stimulating, too exciting. He cried out and lunged to the back of her mouth, coming in pulsing jets. Pleasure exploded inside
his mind. His? Hers? He couldn’t tell any longer, and didn’t really care as long as they were both satisfied. She continued to suck, drawing every last shudder from him before releasing him from her mouth.

  He closed one hand into a careful fist and tilted her head back. “Is that adequate penance, my love?” She just grinned, so he kissed her, undeterred by his taste in her mouth. He wanted his scent all over her body and the rhythm of his energy imprinted on her soul. “I hope it was, because now it’s my turn.”

  Skyla gasped then laughed as he picked her up and tossed her to the middle of the bed. She playfully kicked at him, which just made it easier for him to position himself between her legs. He knelt now, beside the bed, his chest framed by her thighs. His hands grabbed her butt and he pulled her hips to the edge of the bed, dragging another nervous laugh from her mouth. Her knees were already bent, so she placed her heels on his broad back, anxiously waiting for him to begin.

  He was clearly in no hurry thanks to his recent orgasm. His taste was still strong in her mouth, a taste she’d never found appealing before. Now it seemed right, natural. Kryton was her mate. She wanted to know everything about him, every expression, every reaction, every millimeter of his amazing body.

  Apparently, his thoughts ran along similar lines. Instead of going right to work between her thighs, he caressed her legs and hips, his touch sure, yet gentle. His hands ascended along her sides, one keeping pace with the other. He cupped both breasts at exactly the same time, his gaze locking with hers.

  “You’re amazing,” he whispered, his voice hushed and reverent. “I’m not sure why you’re still here, but I’m thrilled that you are.”

  She tried to sit up, but he shook his head and squeezed both her nipples. “I let you play. Now raise your arms overhead and accept whatever I give you.”

  Excitement shivered through her body. There was no denying that his aggression aroused her. When his voice turned all stern and commanding, her body responded as never before.

  He continued to tease her nipples as he lowered his head toward her sex. His tongue gently traced her slit, caressing without parting her folds. She crossed her ankles behind his neck and rotated her legs outward, giving him more room to move. He tilted his head one way and then the other, approaching her crease from different angles and creating different sensation.

  She closed her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure, stubbornly tuning out the rest of the world. His tongue eased between her folds, circling the entrance to her core. Her mind instinctually opened as he reached the very center of her body. Searing passion blazed into her mind, vibrating their fragile link. She gasped, saturating the connection with energy to keep the conduit from burning out. Were all of his emotions so intense? The answer was so sad she didn’t want to think about it. He suppressed his emotions so often they exploded each time he turned them loose.

  His tongue swept over her clit, launching tingles of heat up through her body. He slid down and circled her opening, then returned to her clit. The pattern accented the emptiness inside her while fueling the flames licking at her abdomen.

  She arched, giving him better access to her core. He pushed right into her slick passage, giving her a hint of penetration. “Yes,” she rasped, unable to stop the verbalization.

  “You like that.” It wasn’t a question. “How about this?” He slowly pushed two of his fingers even farther into her.

  She tightened her inner muscles but knew it would never be enough. He pulled his hand back then drove his fingers deep over and over, giving her a teasing preview of what they both wanted.

  “No more. Please, claim me.”

  His breath hissed out, but instead of obliging her. He lowered his mouth to her clit again and moved his hand faster, sliding his fingers in and out.

  Now raise your arms overhead and accept whatever I give you. His silken command echoed through her mind as his fingers drove into her core. She squeezed him with her inner muscles and shivered each time his tongue caressed her clit.

  Knowing this wouldn’t end until they were well and truly bonded made everything they did even more exciting. She arched her back, feeling her breasts sway with the motion of his hand. His tongue circled and flicked, over and against her sensitive nub until pulses rippled along her inner walls and tension gathered beneath his mouth.

  She was close, so very close. All it would take was—his tongue stroked upward, pressing rather than flicking. The unexpected change detonated the sensations and sent fissures of pleasure streaking all through her. She cried out sharply as he jerked his hand out and lunged up along her body. His cock filled her core in one smooth stroke, drawing another cry from her throat.

  Her legs ended up hooked over the bend of his elbows and his mouth was suddenly on hers. He soothed her with tender kisses as her body stretched around him, unused to the rock-hard fullness lodged inside.

  “Relax,” he whispered the word against her lips then went back to kissing her.

  She wasn’t a virgin, but it had been a very long time since her last lover. Even the fleeting thought felt intrusive. Kryton wasn’t her lover. He was her mate, the other half of her soul.

  Despite his order, she raised her hands to his face, needing to touch him. They kissed and kissed, their tongues melding while her body adjusted to his. Gradually her muscles relaxed and he was able to move a little. But the fit was still overly tight, so he slipped his hand between their bodies and encouraged her response with gentle circles from his fingertip.

  “Come for me, love. I can’t move until you do.”

  She felt invaded and surrounded, overwhelmed, yet at peace. Her emotions were so conflicted they made her head swim. This Rodyte warrior, her captor, her “master” would spend the rest of his life at her side. Her long, frustrating search had led her to this man on this planet. She tensed as a lifetime of prejudice and pride melted beneath the heat of their love. She didn’t care if everyone she knew disapproved of their joining. She and Kryton were meant to make each other whole.

  One final flick of his fingertip sent her over the edge. She cried out as pleasure erupted inside her. His energy expanded the link yet again and his emotions rushed into her mind, clear and staggering now that their connection was wide open.

  He slowly pulled his hips back and his shaft slid easily in her new slickness.

  “Yes,” they whispered in unison.

  He rocked back onto his knees and pulled her hips up toward him as he drove fast and deep into her depths. “Oh gods yes!” He threw his head back, ecstasy clearly written on his face.

  His pleasure rushed into her mind with each stroke of his lean hips. She was filled with his flesh and flooded with his consuming hunger. She offered herself without reserve, surrendered to the intensity of their joining. Each thrust of his hips also drove the bond deeper into her mind. They created a whirlpool of sensations and emotions. His cock drove into her core, forcing the pleasure higher. Her mind accepted the sensations and poured them back across their link to fuel his next thrust.

  Soon his hips hammered and their mouths fused as their bodies flowed together. She wrapped her legs around his lean hips and clutched his back with both arms. He braced himself with one hand and stroked her face with the other.

  The end came suddenly, detonating like a sensory explosion. He arched violently, driving his entire length deep inside her. They cried out together and she came half a second behind him. Waves of pleasure crashed over their bodies and saturated their minds, making thought impossible. They clung to each other, kissing slowly until reality returned.

  “I can’t believe you’re still here,” he whispered against her damp lips.

  She chuckled and nipped his lower lip. “Where else would I be?” Then she looked deep into his eyes, determined to wipe away his doubts permanently. “I’m your morautu. Regardless of the challenges life has instore for us, we will face them together.”

  He paused for a deep yet tender kiss. “I don’t deserve you.”

?If we got what we deserved, love, we’d both be in serious trouble.”