Read War, Three against One Page 5

Chapter 4 Rendezvous

  Aderes orbit was modified to help rendezvous with the ship the Colonel Michael launched. The unfortunate side effect was that the third ship following could intersect their orbit first.

  The third spacecraft maneuvered to a course parallel with Aderes. With the modifications to the solar drive, Aderes turned so the rockets and engineering compartment toward it. Only one of the solar drives had its modifications completed.

  Using the still operational short range radio Bill tried to open communications with them. Their reply was to fire a missile. Wilbur's modification was activated. However, traveling almost parallel with the solar wind decreased the output power. The missile was only several hundred meters from the ship when it turned to slag.

  Using maneuvering rockets, the Aderes maneuvered in an arc to where the unknown spacecraft was between it and the sun. Back to full power the solar engine fired a concentrated beam of ions at the enemy spacecraft as they fired two more missiles. A third exploded in its launch tube blowing the front off the ship.

  As a team led by Bill boarded the converted freighter, they found that everyone was dead.

  Melissa had a salvage priority list which consisted of transferring fuel, communications equipment, compatible missiles, spare parts, usable food and air supplies, plus anything else usable.

  After a quick look at the missiles they found only one that wasn't damaged, so they jettisoned them. Then to Melissa's surprise, Bill ordered Aderes to close with the enemy spacecraft so they could connect them.

  After the first meal, Bill explained his reasoning. “OK guys, we were lucky during our first encounter. They did manage to get some encrypted communications off. Our next encounter, I expect we'll have a smarter enemy. Our maneuvers have changed our orbit again. We're headed out again toward Saturn's orbit.

  “That crew was on a suicide mission. The reason I know this is that they used most of their fuel to get to us. We now have a ship attached, and will continue to maneuver using only two of the solar engines. I want everyone to make a list of items we need and want off that ship. We will strip it, and then cut it free. Melissa will take your list and combine them by priority.

  “After breakfast in the morning, we'll start.”

  Thirty-nine days later they cut remainder of the stripped hull free. The Aderes looked worse than before. The other ships reactor and most of its shielding was mounted to the original engineering section. Structural framing was welded out in several directions. One of the solar engines had been moved to balance thrust. The inner hull now had three new airlocks with compartments mounted to them.

  The enemy ships cargo hold had been cut in half and was welded on opposite sides of Aderes hull. All the coils from its missile tubes were stored along with every piece of electronics and wiring located.

  After inventorying every salvaged part, Aderes announced that they had sufficient food, water, and air for three years. After full diagnostics, Aderes plotted an intercept course toward the ship launched by Colonel Michael. Travel time was computed to be three months.

  Over two months later they witnessed the battle between Colonel Michael's ship and the one following it. Approaching ten days later, Bill opened communications with the two damaged spacecraft. There was one survivor on one spacecraft and three on the other. The only communications was on spacesuit radio frequencies. All four survivors were directed to leave their ships and come over to the Aderes. Tom and James watched all four stop their forward motion when they came around their ships and got a look at Aderes. Tom simply announced over his suit radio, “We're human, approach our ship one at a time. You'll be taken into the airlock and searched. Any resistance and you might as well just jet off into deep space.”

  They then heard, “I'm Captain Wilson from the corporation security section. Who are you?”

  Everyone heard, bring Snookums aboard first, so I can bust her chops.

  Captain Wilson then announced, “My crew will go in first, then the survivor from the ship that attacked us. Only then will I enter unarmed. Dale, you first, then Linda, and I'll escort the prisoner.”

  As Dale entered the airlock, the first thing he saw was Bill with a pistol pointed at his face.

  “Take off you spacesuit and keep your hands clear of any weapons.”

  As he took off his spacesuit he wondered about the guy that introduced himself as Bill. His relaxed attitude, plus the fact that he was calmly leaning against the inner hatch was unsettling.

  “Step through the hatch, turn left and lean against the wall with your hands and feet spread apart. You'll be searched and then escorted to a holding room. Any resistance and my partner will shoot you. In case you're wondering, we've already been attacked once and used our enemies ship to repair ours. Any questions?”

  Dale replied, “Yes, my team members are female. I'm sure they won't like being pawed over by a guy.”

  “Don't worry Dale, we have several female crew, although some of them are less forgiving than me.” .

  As Dale stepped through the hatch he stopped in mid-step, “Wilbur, is that you?”

  “Yea, it's me Dale, get up to the wall. Bill insist procedure be followed.” as he pressed his pistol into Dale's side.

  The next through the airlock was Linda. The voice that she heard was female. “Linda, remove your suit and hang it up on the wall. Place any weapons on the shelf, you'll be searched. Then I'll open the inner lock and you will enter and follow all instructions.”

  As Linda stepped through the inner hatch she saw a man and a woman. “Lean against the wall with your hands and feet apart. I'll search you for any hidden weapons. My partner would really hate to shoot a member of section J.”

  The third spacesuited individual through the outer hatch was instructed to remove their spacesuit and place any weapons on the shelf. Bill realized that he was a she as she stripped. Her torn uniform exposed enough that he and James both looked away. “Aderes, I need another woman down here to search this individual, and have her bring clothing.”

  Yes, Uncle Bill. Abigail is on her way.

  Abigail arrived and James simply motioned for her to look through the hatch. She reached up to the intercom and said, “Girl, when I open the hatch, you will come in here and I'll search you for any hidden weapons. If I find any, I'll throw you out the airlock. I also have a set of overalls for you to put on. James, open the hatch and aim your pistol at her head.”

  The young woman entered and did as instructed. Everyone could tell that she was terrified. As soon as she was searched and dressed, Abigail stated, “I'm taking her to medical for a complete exam. Doc and I can handle her.”

  The last individual in quickly looked around and started stripping off her spacesuit. Bill was watching through the inner hatch window. Then she started stripping off her suit liner.

  “Stop, you can keep your suit liner on. We can search you through it.”

  Standing tall she replied, “I have hidden weapons in my suit liner. I'd rather be naked than have you shoot me when you find them. Also, I am a trained weapon, so you better make damn sure your first shot kills me dead. You see this tattoo,” pointing at her chest, “it didn't hurt as much as my first combat mission.”

  “Aderes, tell Melissa to get down here and bring a set of coveralls.” as he looked at the scar across the woman's left breast and stomach. The tattoo was DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!!, with two exclamation marks. Then Bill noticed the two puckers scars on her arm and several more on her upper thighs. “Well, you look like you've been shot and cut. To whom do you owe your allegiance?”

  “David had me swear allegiance to Bill Johnson when he hired me. I've only seen his picture.” Bill felt a punch in his side.

  “Let the woman in Bill, I recognize her. Anna get your ugly ass in here and quit teasing my husband!”

  “Melissa, you're alive!”

  “Damn, quit squeezing so hard.”

  “But we intercepted a coded message from the rebels that your
ship was trashed and they were going to put a few more missiles into it to make sure.”

  “Aderes does look trashed, don't it.”

  “This is Aderes, I'd never have recognized it as the yacht you sailed off on.”

  “Anna, we used their ship for spare parts after we kicked their ass. Let me introduce you to my husband, Bill Johnson.”

  Looking at Bill she commented, “You look a lot older that the picture. You know you married up, don't ya?”

  Bill waved his pistol and said, “SOP is all survivors are searched, up against the wall. Who do you want to search you, Melissa or me or someone else like our commo guy. David told me once that you always kept an extra knife somewhere.”

  Melissa looked puzzled, then said, “She's naked.”

  With a smile Bill said, “Anna, squat and drop it.”

  Anna laughed and squatted, “Melissa, Bill knows me almost as well as David.” She removed a plastic tube and pulled a folding knife and miniature tool kit from it. “It's getting drafty in here. May I have those coveralls.”

  “Anna, what do you know about the girl from the other ship?”

  “Nothing, we only had radio contact. Tell you what, throw me in with her and I'll find out if you should keep her confined or if she can be trusted.”

  Bill had Anna by the arm as he dragged her into medical and yelled, “Doc, I got another one to check. If that one is finished I'll take her down to the holding cell.” As he shoved Anna at a table. The other girl cowering against the wall.

  Stepping across the room he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet.

  Abigail looked at Anna and said, “Strip, then lay down on the x-ray table. This will only take a minute or two Bill. Wait and I'll help you take them down.”

  An x-ray and blood test later she said, “Get dressed, you have a lot of scars, but you're healthy. A good nights rest and food will make both of you feel better. Then we'll find out your skills and put you to work.”

  Anna slowly started getting dressed.

  Abigail kicked her and said, “Move faster than that. Otherwise I'll put scars where the boys look and then they won't want to kiss you.”

  Anna looked at Bill and quickly realized, the other girl was absolutely terrified as she cowered beside him.

  “Woman, you'll either get dressed quick, or run through the corridors naked. I ain't got time to mess with you.” A moment later he grabbed Anna's arm and pulled both of them out the door and down the hall to an empty bunk room. After shoving them both in, he latched the door. Arriving back in medical he asked what is the girl's condition?

  Abigail jumped up and stated, “You know of course that Anna works for section J, don't you.”

  “Abigail, she's my spy to find out the girls story. Even I could see that she's terrified. What did you find out about her and what's her health status.”

  “She's anemic Bill, and from her body language I sure she's been abused, maybe even raped multiple times.”

  “Did you get her name?”

  “Yes, it's Mary Adams. She is a cousin of Melissa, so tell Melissa to keep out of sight until we find out her loyalties.”

  “Hell, more complications. Who else might she recognize?”

  “I don't know, ask your wife. I'm going to get some food and take it down to them. Which room did you put them in?”

  “Number four. Anna's crew is in three and five. Let me know when I can visit them, I'll take Wilbur with me, if he isn't down there playing cards with them now.”

  Doc commented, “He's down there. The guy and gal are both in three. Tanya took down fresh biscuits so you know we won't have any for dinner.”

  “Do I ever get a break?” commented Bill as he walked out. “Aderes, monitor the surrounding space for any personnel or ships.”

  Will do, Uncle Bill.

  ~ ~ ~