Read War of the Realms Page 7

  “Are you all right?” she said to Archie as she rolled over and saw him lying beside her.

  “Ooof—I landed on something hard. . . .” He sat up and pulled a fist-sized rock from beneath him. “This is one time I wish I were still in ghost form.”

  Quinn touched down lightly beside them and reached for Freya’s arm to help her up. “I’m sorry we had to do that to you, but we needed to ensure we weren’t being followed and that you weren’t working with others.”

  Freya climbed painfully to her feet. “You did that to us? You nearly broke my wings!”

  Quinn looked alarmed. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, but we must be careful.”

  Freya tried to massage the ache away from her shoulder. “This isn’t the best way to get us to trust you.”

  “But it was the only way to ensure you weren’t being followed,” an elderly voice called.

  Behind them, two women emerged from the trees. One looked as old as time itself, with a tattered brown cloak that dragged along the jungle floor, collecting leaves, sticks, and dead insects. Her face was almost impossible to see under all the wrinkles in her skin. The other woman was much younger and carried an air of elegance. “I am sorry, Freya and Archie, but it was necessary.”

  “Do you know us?”

  The older woman nodded. “I have known both of you from before the time of your birth.” Her ancient eyes settled on Orus at Freya’s shoulder. “And you, young Orus, I watched you hatch.”

  “Who are you?” Freya asked.

  “I am Urd,” the old woman said, “and this is my sister Verdandi.”

  Freya’s eyes flew wide. “Urd and Verdandi? You can’t be serious!”

  The younger woman nodded. “We’re quite serious.”

  “But—but you don’t belong in Vanaheim,” Freya cried. “You are supposed to be at the base of Yggdrasil at the Urdar Fountain. You feed the Great Cosmic Tree.”

  “Who are they?” Archie whispered.

  The older woman took a step closer to Archie and stroked his cheek. “We are the Norns.” When confusion rose on his face, she continued. “You might know us as the Fates. We have many names.”

  “Fates?” Archie said. “I think I’ve heard of you . . . from the myths.”

  “We are no more myth than Freya.” She nodded to Freya. “Normally, we do reside at the base of Yggdrasil, keeping the tree fed and healthy. But something has happened to disturb our work.”

  Archie frowned. “Wait, aren’t there always three Fates—Past, Present, and Future?”

  Urd nodded. “Indeed there are. Our youngest sister has been taken from us, and we need your help to rescue her.”

  “Skuld is missing?” Freya cried.

  The two sisters nodded. “She was taken by a Dark Searcher. He tried to abduct all three of us, but succeeded only in capturing our youngest sister.”

  “Was it Dirian?” Freya said.

  Verdandi nodded. “He must have used some kind of enchantment to approach unnoticed. He attacked us before we could prepare a defense.”

  “What does he want with Skuld?” Archie asked.

  Urd sighed, and it carried the weight of ages. “I do not think you understand just who or what we are. We are the Norns. I, the eldest, know everything that has ever been. My dear sister Verdandi knows all that currently is. Skuld knows all that is yet to come. . . .”

  Freya understood that this was important, but she couldn’t grasp how. “And . . . ?” she said softly.

  “And,” Verdandi said, “now that Dirian has our sister, by controlling her, he controls the future.”

  “But if Skuld can see the future, why couldn’t she see this coming?” Archie asked.

  “We believe powerful Dark Elf magic is involved,” Urd explained.

  “I still don’t understand,” Freya said. “If Dirian took your sister, why are you here in Vanaheim? Surely you should be going after her?”

  Quinn came forward. “Vanaheim has enough magic to keep these two safe. If they were to be captured and united with their sister, Dirian would possess the past, the present, and the future. He could take ultimate control of all time across all the realms.”

  Archie’s mouth hung open. “That’s intense. . . .”

  It seemed inconceivable that one insane Dark Searcher could cause so much havoc and incite a war of epic proportions. Suddenly a terrible thought came to Freya. “Tell me, does Skuld have the power to alter or end someone’s future?”

  “She wouldn’t do that,” Urd said. “She can see it and advise on it, but she mustn’t get involved.”

  “But could she, if she were forced?” Freya pressed.

  The two Norn sisters looked at each other. They nodded.

  Freya gasped. “This is too terrible. . . . That’s how he’s doing it!”

  “I don’t understand,” Quinn said.

  “Yeah, Gee—doing what?” Archie repeated. “What are you talking about?”

  “That’s how Dirian is keeping fallen immortals dead!”

  Orus cawed as the realization struck him. “It all makes sense now. It’s just like Loki said when he came back to the farm—Dirian killed those who wouldn’t join him, and when they died, he found a way to keep them dead. Skuld is doing it! She is ending their destiny.”

  Urd cried out, “Of course! Our sister has control of everyone’s fate. She could end their destiny. But she wouldn’t do it.”

  “Not unless she was being forced,” Quinn said. He turned to Freya. “This is much worse than even I feared—we must warn the Elders. With Dirian controlling Skuld, he could demand that all the realms surrender to him or he will force her to bring on Ragnarök!”


  LOCKED IN THE MILITARY FACILITY, Maya felt the tension from her family and the other Asgardians growing. Despite their best efforts, the humans still refused to believe the danger facing their world.

  Being so deep underground, there were no windows, but somehow everyone knew it was late in the night. Come the morning, Thor planned to break out and lead everyone to the tunnel heading up to Asgard. After that, Earth was to be left to fend for itself.

  Just before dawn, the doors at the end of the cell block burst open. Vonni charged in, followed by a large group of soldiers.

  Maya hadn’t seen him since their capture, and she was stunned when he arrived wearing an army uniform. She had been on the battlefields long enough to recognize his rank. Vonni Angelo, a Dark Searcher born of a Valkyrie and secretly raised on Earth, was a colonel in the United States Army.

  “Open them,” Vonni ordered. “All of them!”

  He moved down to Thor’s cell. “Thor, Balder, they’re here. The giants have started invading Earth. The first wave just arrived in Florida. Now they’re appearing all over the world. It’s just like Loki said; they’re using the roots of Yggdrasil. The military are ready to listen to us now. Please, will you stay and help Earth?”

  Thor looked at his brother and then nodded. “Get us out of here.”

  Maya stayed close to Mims as they were led away from the cell block. For the first time since their arrival, the soldiers around them kept their weapons down. She and the Asgardians were no longer perceived as the threat. She could feel that the soldiers were terrified and looking to them for hope.

  They passed through the research center of the vast facility and up the stairs into the full military level, entering a large, open hangar. Hundreds of chairs had been set up, and leaders from all the military forces filed in and took a seat.

  “This way,” Vonni said.

  All eyes rested on the Asgardians as Vonni led them up to the front. He took his place at the podium next to four higher-ranking officers. Occasionally they would turn to stare back at the Valkyries and Dark Searchers.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Vonni started. “My name is Colonel Giovanni Angelo. Before we get started, I must tell you that I, like those standing behind me, am immortal.” Murmurs of shock rippled through the audience.

  Vonni nodde
d. “I have served in the United States military since its beginnings in the Revolutionary War. In addition, I served in the American Civil War under General William Tecumseh Sherman, the Spanish-American War under Major General William Shafter, then on to World War One and Two.”

  Not a sound was heard in the hangar as the guests stared in open shock. Finally the crowd erupted in calls and questions. One of the higher-ranking officers beside Vonni raised his hands to calm the gathering and came forward and started to speak.

  “Good morning, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m General Wilcox. I appreciate how all of this must sound, but what Colonel Angelo says is true. We’ve checked our archives and found detailed records of him and his military service, covering hundreds of years. He and his people”—the general waved his arm back to include the Asgardians—“are here to help us with this giant situation.”

  The general stepped back and handed the microphone to Vonni. Vonni began, “Seeing what is happening around the world is difficult to believe or accept. But it is time the people of Earth knew the truth. . . .”

  Maya stood back with Mims and her family and listened to Vonni explain about Asgard, Odin, the existence of Yggdrasil—and Earth’s place within the Nine Realms.

  “The people of Earth have lived in isolation for so long that the stories of the realms have become little more than myths and fodder for comic books and movies. But these aren’t myths. The giants invading our world aren’t comic book monsters. They are very real and very dangerous. It’s difficult to believe that we could be part of such an amazing collective as the realms. But we are. The Valkyries have been coming to Earth—or Midgard, as they call it—unseen, since the dawn of time. Our ancient Vikings knew of the realms and told the stories of Odin, Asgard, and Valhalla.” Vonni paused and stepped back to Thor. “Many of you have grown up hearing the tales of Thor and his mighty hammer, along with his brother, Balder, and their fights against the frost and fire giants. I am here to tell you now—those aren’t just stories. It is my honor to introduce you to the very real Thor and Balder, sons of Odin—here on Earth, from Asgard.”

  There was stunned silence in the room as all eyes fell on Thor and Balder.

  “And here,” Vonni continued as he walked along the line of Searchers, “these are the servants of Odin. His Dark Searchers and the Valkyries—my family.”

  The room exploded into noise. Comments and questions were once again fired in quick succession. “How do we know the giants haven’t sent them? Why are you here? Is this an alien invasion? Where is Odin? If it’s all true, where are your wings, Colonel?”

  The general came forward and again held up his hands. “Silence! Silence! We have a lot to get through today. I’m sure there will be time for questions later. But right now we are in crisis. I assure you, Colonel Angelo is what he claims to be. He’s here to explain what we’re up against.”

  Vonni looked at the soldier who’d asked the last question. “General, I will answer a question now, if I may.” He focused on the crowd and removed his military jacket, undid his tie, and started to unbutton his white shirt. “Just like you, I was born on Earth. It’s the only home I’ve ever known, and it is the world I love.” He pulled off his shirt. “But do not doubt what I say. I was born a Dark Searcher. To keep me safe and hidden, my wings were removed when I was a baby.” Vonni turned his back to the crowd to reveal the two large scars where his wings should have been. He faced the crowd and then reached for an empty chair. Vonni lifted it up and easily bent the thick metal legs like a pretzel to prove his non-human strength. “But I hide no more. Earth and all the realms are in danger and if we are to defeat the giants, we must all work together.”

  Maya cast out her senses over the crowd of military personnel and felt their fear and doubt. She couldn’t blame them—it was a lot to take in. But as the minutes turned to hours and the briefing finally drew to a close, she felt the emotions in the hangar change. The soldiers were moving on from shock, fear, and doubt to determination to fight for their world.

  She watched them with increasing sadness. These soldiers had no concept of what they were about to go up against. All their bravado and their bravery would vanish the moment they engaged the giants.

  * * *

  By late afternoon, the hangar had become the Central War Room of the US military services during “Operation Giant-Stop.” It was in here that Vonni and the generals coordinated battle strategy against the invaders.

  Maya stayed with her family, making their own plans for confronting the giants. Their weapons had been returned, and as large maps were laid out on tables, they were shown all the locations where the giants had been spotted emerging from the tunnels.

  “There are so many,” Eir said, strapping her golden sword to her waist. “There must be more tunnels than Loki knew about.”

  “I’m sure he couldn’t know all of them,” Brundi said.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Thor was stroking his beard. He pointed to the map and the Florida entrance. “This is where we’ll go first. This tunnel is the largest, and has the shortest route to the next tunnel going up to Asgard. It’s the most dangerous for all of us.”

  Long before the assignments were doled out, Vonni came rushing over with a private close behind him. His face was ashen.

  “There’s big trouble,” he said. “Reports are in that a large group of giants are heading this way. They’re moving fast—it’s only a matter of minutes before they get here. We’re evacuating the mountain.”

  “It’s us,” Balder said grimly. “The giants can feel us here. Capturing me and Thor would be a great prize in this war. In this mountain, there will be no escape. We must go.”

  “Transports are waiting to take you away, sir,” the private offered.

  “No,” Kris growled. “We will use our own wings, not Midgard machines, to move Thor and Balder.”

  “Mom!” Mims cried. She dashed away from Maya’s side and ran up to her mother, who had just entered the hangar. Sarah was clutching her baby.

  “Von,” Sarah called, joining them. “We’ve just heard. Giants are coming. We’re being evacuated.”

  Vonni nodded and turned to the private. “I want you to get my family out of here.” He stopped and looked at Maya. “You too. Those wings of yours aren’t healed yet. You can’t fly. Go with Sarah and the baby, Mims, and your gran.”

  Maya shook her head. “I can’t fly yet, but I can fight.”

  “Yes, you can. And I need you and Kai to fight to protect your Earth family.”

  “Me?” Kai said. “I am no child minder. I will stay with my brothers, the Dark Searchers.”

  Kris turned to Kai. “You will do as Vonni commands. Once the infant Searcher is secure, you will join us in the fight. Until then you are ordered to escort the others away from here.”

  Disappointment showed on Kai’s face, but as a fully trained Dark Searcher, he obeyed his orders. “As you command.”

  The good-byes were brief as Maya and her family were led away from the other Asgardians. Walking beside her brother, she could feel his disappointment.

  “Don’t worry, Kai. There will be plenty of giants to fight soon enough. Let’s just get the others to safety and we can come back.”

  Kai stopped and looked at her. “I don’t care about fighting. Freya is missing—I was hoping to slip away to look for her. I haven’t felt her in too long and I’m starting to worry.”

  “You’re worried about her too?” Maya asked. “I’ve been frantic. But you haven’t said anything.”

  “Of course I’m worried,” Kai said harshly. “She is my sister, my twin. We have a bond that I can neither explain nor deny. I must find her.” He paused, and his eyes bored into Maya’s. “And I will, with or without permission.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Maya said sharply. She looked at her brother with a new understanding. They hadn’t known each other very long and hadn’t had a chance to speak. All she knew about him was what she knew of the Dar
k Searchers. They were cold and distant. She was shocked to find out he cared. Then she caught on to what he said. “Wait, what do you mean you haven’t felt her? When we’re in Midgard, I can’t ever feel her—do you mean that you can?”

  Kai nodded. “I’ve always felt something, but I didn’t understand what it was. It became clearer at the Ten Realms Challenge, when we first touched, and this bond has grown ever since. I can feel her when we’re in the same realm. But now that’s gone. I fear she and Archie may have left Midgard.”

  Maya’s eyes went wide. “How? Where?”

  Kai leaned closer. “Don’t forget, Loki is missing too. Last time they were together, they came to Utgard to find me. I am convinced they are doing something together again.”

  Maya looked back at the Valkyries as they were being led away. “We should tell the others.”

  Kai shook his head. “No. They will try to stop us—but I won’t be stopped by anyone.”

  Maya was struck by his strong will and determination. He was just like Freya. “All right. We’ll get Sarah and the baby to safety, and then you and I can set out. Do you know where she is?”

  Kai shook his head. “All I know is that she’s not in Midgard.”


  DEEP IN THE VANAHEIM JUNGLE, Verdandi was convincing Quinn not to take Freya and Archie to the Elders. “No, child. By the time you do, it will be too late. You must rescue our sister first. Only when Skuld is free do we stand a chance of ending the war before it goes too far.”

  Freya shook her head. “I’m sorry, Verdandi, but we must speak with the Elders first. We know how to stop this war and we need their help!”

  Verdandi addressed her. “Getting the giant kings to turn on each other is a viable solution. But it will only succeed if Skuld is free and there is no chance of Dirian replacing the giant kings with those who will do his bidding.”

  “How do you know our plan?” Archie demanded.

  “We are the Norns,” Urd said. “We know all. I have seen everything you have been through. . . .”