Read Warriors: Enter the Clans Page 2

  And here we are! No, Squirrelpaw, this is my guest. They didn’t sneak up behind me. Yes, I know you’re standing guard. I’m sure the whole camp knows we’re here now.

  Over this way is the nursery. See the thick bramble walls? The nursery is the strongest part of the Clan camp. Can you hear the kits mewing and playing inside? Queens and warriors will fight like TigerClan to protect them.

  Notice the clump of ferns beside the tree stump? That’s where the apprentices sleep. It’s supposed to be lined with moss, but it looks like a certain apprentice has kicked up a bit of a mess. After guard duty, I promise you she will be cleaning it up. Poor Squirrelpaw! She has always been such a restless sleeper.

  Warriors sleep under that bush—you can see the entrance tunnel there. As a senior warrior, I sleep in the center of the group, where it’s warmest. I remember being a young warrior, though. It can get cold on the edge during leaf-bare!

  This fallen tree is the elders’ den. Go ahead, poke your nose inside. Oh, sorry, Dappletail! I’m giving a tour. No, they are not spying for ShadowClan! Don’t you have an apprentice to torment, Dappletail?

  Quickly, while she’s gone, put your paws on the den floor. Don’t the grass and moss feel soft? The apprentices keep it fresh. Nobody wants grumpy elders … well, no grumpier than usual.

  Let’s cross the clearing to that tall, smooth boulder over there. This is Highrock, and it’s where our leader stands to make announcements to the whole Clan and to lead ceremonies. Can you picture it? You’d listen, wouldn’t you?

  Around here is Firestar’s den. Hello? Firestar? He must be out on patrol. Peek through the lichen hanging over the entrance. This is where he sleeps. Before him it was Bluestar, and after him, who knows? Firepaw was a pudgy little kittypet when I first met him. Who could ever have dreamed he’d be our leader?

  Before you go, let me show you the medicine cat’s den. Come inside. I love the smell of the herbs. Leafpaw! That’s my other daughter—she’s in training to be a medicine cat, and she’s very clever. She sleeps at this end of the fern tunnel. Her mentor, Cinderpelt, sleeps in that hole in the rock over there. Leafpaw! There you are. Always sorting herbs! She’s so dedicated and hardworking. It makes me very proud.

  What’s that? You think your sister would rather be hunting than on guard duty? All right, I’ll have a word with Firestar and see if she can come to the Gathering tonight—that should cheer her up.

  And that’s our camp! I should really be off hunting now. Watch your fur on the way out. And don’t tell anyone you were here!


  (1) ThunderClan camp: This symmetrical stone hollow, enclosed by towering cliffs of sheer stone left behind by Twolegs, was the obvious choice for ThunderClan’s new camp.

  (2) Twoleg paths: Twolegs mark their paths with shiny blue markers!

  (3) Abandoned Twoleg nest: A good place for prey and an excellent source of herbs (see Medicine, Catmint, and Borage Leaves). It has an ominous, empty feeling and seems ready to fall down at any moment.

  (4) Ancient Oak: In an old rabbit burrow below the twisting roots, Brambleclaw, Mistyfoot, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Squirrelpaw sheltered on their first trip around the lake, scouting for new Clan territories and camps. Also known as Sky Oak.


  Hi! I’m Squirrelflight. I’m going to show you our new camp by the lake! It’s perfect, and you know what? I found it!

  I’ll show you how I did it. Let’s creep through these thornbushes here … okay, stop! Careful! You nearly did what I did, didn’t you? Only I was running really fast after a vole. And suddenly—WHOMP! I took off through the air! And then I landed in a pile of brambles! Here, lie on your belly and peek over the edge of the cliff. See that bush down there? That’s where I landed. Ouch!

  But actually, I was lucky. If I’d tripped over that side instead, I would have had much farther to fall. These walls around the camp are tall and stone and hard to climb. Here, slide along this wall. Completely smooth, right? Isn’t that weird? We think Twolegs were here a long time ago, slicing stone off the walls with their monsters. Don’t ask me why! Twolegs are so mouse-brained.

  Luckily they’ve gone away, and now there are lots of bushes and trees growing up over this hollow to protect us. The stone walls keep out the wind, although we have to watch our step near the edge. Brambleclaw keeps lecturing me about that. You’d think I was a newborn kit the way he talks to me!

  All right, duck your head and squeeze through this thorn barrier. Intimidating, isn’t it? If you were a ShadowClan cat, you’d probably turn tail rather than attack, wouldn’t you?

  Behold our beautiful camp! Isn’t it amazing? Isn’t it perfect? Did I mention that I found it? You’ve come at a good time—it’s sunhigh, so lots of cats are sleeping. Look at grumpy old Mousefur over there, snoring away. The cat next to her with his nose in the air is Longtail. He’s blind, but he can probably smell you; that’s why he looks anxious. Don’t be offended. Not every cat smells as great as ThunderClan.

  Jump up on these rocks here—watch your claws; the rocks can be slippery. Now we’re standing on the Highledge. You can see the whole camp! Firestar makes his announcements from up here. He puffs out his chest like this, and he struts forward like this, and then he opens his mouth and yowls: “Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey join—”

  Uh-oh. I think I did that a bit louder than I meant to. Here come Cloudtail, Dustpelt, and Brambleclaw. Quick, into Firestar’s den! Oh, come on, move your fur, it’s just a cave. In, in, in!

  Isn’t it cool in here? It’s so dim and shady. Firestar sleeps back here on this bed of ferns and moss. It looks soft and springy. I don’t know how he keeps it so neat all the time. Doesn’t it make you want to jump on it and roll around? Oops! I thought it would hold up better than that. Do you think he’ll notice? Maybe we should get out of here.

  See the caves where the apprentices and the elders sleep? The warriors—like me!—sleep under that big thornbush over there. Under the biggest bramble thicket is the nursery. Want to visit my friend Sorreltail? She has the cutest kits in the world. Come on, let’s go over and stick our noses in.

  Hello, Sorreltail. Hi, kittens! Oh, Sorreltail does look sleepy. Sorry, we’ll let you get back to napping.

  Across the camp is the medicine cat’s den. Hurry, Brambleclaw is coming with his extra-grumpy face on. What cute kits! I don’t want any of my own yet, though. I want to do a lot more warrior stuff first. Although it does look comfortable in the nursery.

  You can’t see the den here because it’s hidden by this curtain of hanging bramble tendrils. But slip through it and—see? Look at this great cave! Hey, Leafpool, how’s it going? My sister is our medicine cat. The smell in here always makes me sneeze. Achoo! Oops, sorry, Leafpool … were those supposed to be stacked like that? Look, this is my friend. I wanted to show how nice it is in here. It almost makes you want to get sick. The sand is really soft, and there’s a little pool in the back for water. Leafpool stores her herbs in these cracks in the wall, or, I guess, out here in a pile where any cat can step on them. What? I didn’t do it on purpose!

  Uh-oh—hear that yowling? That’s our bossy tabby friend looking for me. Perhaps you’d better go. Tell you what, I’ll jump on him, and you make a dash for the tunnel. Then you might want to keep running as far and as fast as you can. Brambleclaw can be very serious about scaring off trespassers. Okay, ready? All right, go! Run! Quick as you can!


  Only some leaders and medicine cats are remembered by the Clans. Their names cast long shadows over the history of the forest; their deeds—good or evil—are told and retold by each generation until they pass from history into legend. Of the others, the ones whose names and deeds have been forgotten or, in some cases, banished from living memory, only StarClan knows.


  Large orange tom the color of autumn leaves, with amber eyes and big white paws.

p; Strong, courageous, and determined.

  Founder of ThunderClan—worked with Wind, Shadow, and River to develop the warrior code. According to legend it was Thunderstar who insisted on its more compassionate elements.

  Deputies: Lightningtail, Owleyes (later Owlstar)

  Apprentices: Unknown


  Dark gray cat with large, unblinking amber eyes.

  ThunderClan’s second leader was a legendary hunter, who learned the ways of the tawny owl to stalk prey by night in silence.

  Deputies: Unknown

  Apprentices: Unknown


  Tom with yellow tabby stripes, green eyes, and long fur.

  Fair minded, even tempered, wise.

  Held his Clan together through dangerous leaf-bare.

  Fought to keep Sunningrocks away from RiverClan.

  Deputies: Tawnyspots, Bluefur (later Bluestar)

  Apprentice: Lionpaw (Lionheart)


  Blue-gray she-cat with piercing blue eyes and silver hairs tipping muzzle and tail.

  Wise, kind, beloved, and strong.

  Brought a kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan. Rusty (renamed Firepaw, and later Fireheart) grew to become one of the most essential, valued, and respected cats in all the forest.

  Deputies: Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, Fireheart (later Firestar)

  Apprentices: Frostpaw (Frostfur), Runningpaw (Runningwind), Firepaw (Fireheart)


  Tom with bright green eyes and flame-colored pelt.

  Brave, intelligent, loyal—a natural leader.

  Has an unusually strong connection with StarClan, and is the subject of StarClan’s prophecy, “Fire alone can save our Clan” (see Prophecies and Omens).

  Brought WindClan back from exile after they were driven out by ShadowClan.

  Uncovered Tigerclaw’s treachery in time to stop him killing Bluestar.

  Saved Clan from terrible fire in camp.

  Discovered Tigerstar’s scheme to unleash a pack of dogs to the camp, and organized plan to save Clan.

  Led the Clans of the forest against BloodClan.

  Kept Clan together through the Twoleg destruction and brought them safely to new lake home.

  Deputies: Whitestorm, Graystripe, Brambleclaw

  Apprentices: Cinderpaw (Cinderpelt), Cloudpaw (Cloudtail), Bramblepaw (Brambleclaw)



  Long-furred black tom with white ears, white chest, and two white paws.

  Inquiring, curious, and thoughtful, though sometimes appeared shy and reserved.

  Very interested in the theory of medicine—not quite so keen on dealing with sickly kits.

  Discovered the difference between greencough and whitecough, and identified catnip as a possible cure. (See Beyond the Territories, How the Moonstone Was Discovered.)


  Pale, silvery gray tom with bright amber eyes, unusually long feathery whiskers, and a sweeping plume of a tail.

  Sunstar’s medicine cat and also his brother.

  Gentle, sweet-natured, and kind mentor—passed on his compassion and deep connection with StarClan to his apprentice, Spottedleaf.

  Worked tirelessly to save Clanmates during greencough epidemic, which ultimately killed him.


  Beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, white paws, black-tipped tail, and distinctive dappled coat.

  Skilled interpreter of StarClan’s mysterious messages.

  Received StarClan prophecy that led Bluestar to bring Firepaw into Clan.

  Walks dreams of ThunderClan cats, especially Firestar’s.


  Ornery gray she-cat with bright orange eyes and broad, flattened face.

  Gifted healer—could be bad-tempered and difficult.

  Helped rescue ThunderClan kits from ShadowClan.

  Became ThunderClan’s medicine cat after Spottedleaf was killed.

  Died as lived—fighting to save Clan.


  Fluffy gray she-cat with enormous blue eyes.

  Bright and energetic with boundless enthusiasm.

  Quick learner—could have been agile warrior, were it not for injury.

  Rescued two ShadowClan cats and nursed them back to health against orders.

  Nursed Bluestar back to health when she contracted greencough.

  Saved Brightpaw’s life after the apprentice was mauled by the pack of dogs.

  Died fighting to save Sorreltail.


  Small, light brown tabby with amber eyes, white paws, and white chest.

  Quiet and soft-spoken—the opposite of her sister Squirrelflight!

  Through their deep connection, she and her sister are able to share each other’s feelings and dreams.

  Found Moonpool—the place in Clans’ new lake home where they can communicate with StarClan.

  Saved RiverClan from deadly Twoleg poison by helping Hawkfrost, and helped Mothwing cure the cats.

  Nursed Clan back to health after badger attack.

  According to StarClan, Leafpool faces a destiny unlike any medicine cat before her.



  Welcome. I am Tallstar, and this is WindClan—a Clan that has known great suffering, but always survives. We are the fleet-footed warriors of the moor, the fastest Clan in the forest. We have struggled through terrible hardship, but we never give up. I know the other Clans sometimes see us as weak … but the truth is, they could not last a moon in the broad, open spaces we live in, chasing rabbits for our prey. We are the closest Clan to StarClan, spiritually and physically, and we always know our warrior ancestors are watching over us. That is what makes us strong. No matter what trials we must endure, WindClan will last forever.

  * * *

  Clan character: Fiercely loyal, tough, fast-running, and easily offended cats. They are nervous and quick to flee, due to the lack of cover on the open moor. They take pride in being the closest Clan to the Moonstone. (See Beyond the Territories, How the Moonstone Was Discovered.) Of all the Clans, they have the deepest knowledge of Twolegs from seeing them on the nearby farms.

  Prey: Mainly rabbits.

  Hunting skills: Fast, lean, and swift. Their short, smooth pelts of browns and grays blend in with the rocks and grasses.

  * * *


  (1) WindClan camp: Tucked into a natural dip in the sandy moor, this camp is sheltered from the wind but has proved vulnerable to attack.

  (2) Abandoned badger set: WindClan apprentices used to come here to learn the scent of badger. Now a great spot for hunting rabbits!

  (3) The gorge: WindClan elders boast that they leaped all the way across in their youth, but apprentices are strictly forbidden to go too close.

  (4) Twoleg farm: Cows, sheep, dogs, Twolegs, and two loner cats named Barley and Ravenpaw (see Cats Outside the Clans, Rogues and Loners) live here. WindClan sheltered in the barn on their way home from exile.

  (5) Outlook Rock: This large, flat, gray stone slopes steeply above the level moors. From here, you can spot movement far across the grassland, especially a slow-moving or brightly colored cat from another Clan. WindClan apprentices are assigned to Outlook Rock to test their alertness and guard-duty skills.


  Welcome to our camp! I’m Onewhisker, a warrior in WindClan, the greatest Clan in the forest.

  You couldn’t see our camp as you came this way, could you? That’s because it’s hidden in the only sheltered spot on the moor. It’s a sandy hollow in the ground, surrounded by a tangle of gorse. The elders say that our first leader, Windstar, reached down from StarClan and scooped out a pawful of sand to make a hollow for us to live in.

  Press through the prickly branches here and you’ll be able to see the center of the camp. Breathe deeply. Don’t you love the fresh air? It’s so full
of life and energy. I don’t know how those other Clan cats live where they do. If I couldn’t see the sky all day and all night, I’d go mad!

  That’s why the warriors sleep out here, under the stars, where our warrior ancestors can see us. It gives us a special connection to StarClan. We’ve had to deal with a lot of trouble and danger, but when I see them up there before I close my eyes, I know they’re watching out for us.

  Elders and kits can’t sleep out in the open, though, so we’ve built dens for them along the edge of the gorse wall. And the leader has a den back behind the Tallrock, too, but he doesn’t usually sleep there. Tallstar likes to sleep out in the open with us. What’s the Tallrock? Oh, it’s that large boulder over there from where Tallstar makes announcements and conducts ceremonies.

  Hear that? It’s an apprentice calling from Outlook Rock. That means there are trespassers in our territory! I’d better go chase them out.

  Thanks for visiting!


  It was the darkest of nights. Heavy clouds flitted in front of a claw moon, blackening the sky. There were no StarClan ancestors watching over the WindClan camp that night.

  At the camp entrance were two young warriors, Thrushwing and Stoneclaw. They had received their warrior names that night and were proudly standing guard.