Read Watch Me Page 12

  She wet her lips. “You’re pretty good at a lot of things.”

  He glanced down at the floor, then back up at her. “I’m not good…with you.”

  What was that supposed to mean?

  Chance rubbed his hand over his jaw, and his palm rasped against the dark stubble there. “I never say the right words with you. I never feel like I do the right things. You and your father—you live in a mansion and I—”

  “That’s my father’s house. I live in a two bedroom apartment.” She kept her hands by her side. Tricky hands. They were still itching to reach out to him. “And do you seriously think I care about how much money you have?”

  “I’m good now.” His shoulders straightened with what she knew was pride. “I worked hard. I saved. And I’ll always have enough for whatever I need now. For whatever you need.”

  “Uh, yeah, okay, I can take care of my own things—”

  “I’m saying the wrong shit again.” He huffed out a hard breath. “I meant…I don’t need your father’s money. I didn’t agree to act as your bodyguard because of what he was paying me or what he offered to do for me. I have plenty of my own money now. Plenty of contacts. I don’t need him.”

  “Then why did you take the case? Why lie to me? Why not just tell me the truth?”

  “I took the case…because I wanted to be close to you. I wanted to make sure you were safe.” He closed the last bit of distance between them. His hand lifted and skimmed lightly across her jaw. That one touch—so simple—sent heat coursing through her. “I lied…because I was scared. I was afraid that if I told you the truth, hell, I don’t know, that you’d send me away. That you wouldn’t want me near you because you didn’t feel the same way that I do.”

  Her heart was about to jump right out of her chest. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel like I was a fucking fool.” He bent toward her. “I let you go when you were right in front of me. You were offering me every dream I’d had, but I didn’t think I was good enough for you. Didn’t think I should even be touching you.”

  “You’re touching me now,” she told him, her voice husky.

  “I want to give you the world, Gwen. I want to give you—”

  “I don’t want the world.” She rose onto her toes and decided that it was time to take another risk. Maybe she’d get hurt again. Maybe she’d crash and burn, but she’d be brave enough to try. Brave enough to fight for what she wanted. “All I want…I want you.”

  Her fingers curled behind his neck. Chance pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss wasn’t wild and frantic. It was soft. Careful. As if he were afraid of scaring her off.

  He should know…she wasn’t going to be afraid. Not of him.

  So she slipped her tongue over the crease of his lips.


  “Don’t be careful with me. You’re the one I want. Show me that you want me, too.” He’d said that he had trouble telling her how he felt. Fine. Gwen wanted Chance to show her instead.

  When he kissed her again, his lips were parted. Better…Gwen’s teeth closed lightly over his bottom lip and she bit, tugging.

  He growled and his hold tightened on her.

  Much better.

  “No more lies,” she ordered softly. “Not from you. Not from me. Give me everything you have…” Her tongue licked across his lower lip. “And I’ll give you all that I have, too.” No holding back.

  “Everything,” he promised her.

  Then he kissed her. Deep. Hard. Wild.



  The bitch wasn’t going to walk away. Ethan was in jail, just what the asshole deserved. He should rot in there.

  But Gwen Hawthorne…she didn’t get to just slip away now. Because if she was still out there, Ethan would think he had a chance. He’d think he could be happy.

  He never would be. His life would be just as fucked…

  As mine.

  Chapter Ten

  Gwen was in his arms. She was kissing him. Doing that sexy little bite thing on his bottom lip and generally driving him mad with lust.

  Chance backed her up against the window. Caged her there with his body. His hands were sliding over her, stripping her as fast as he could. She hadn’t told him to go to hell. Hadn’t kicked his ass out of her hotel room. She was giving him a second chance, one he probably didn’t deserve, but he’d take it.

  He’d take everything that Gwen had to give to him.

  That had been their deal, their promise…everything.

  “Don’t be gentle,” Gwen said. “I like it rough. I like you…hard.”

  His cock was so full it was about to burst right out of his jeans. He caught hold of her shirt and his rough hands sent buttons flying. “Gwen—”

  She laughed. The sound of her laughter nearly drove him to his knees.

  She was wearing a black bra, one that pushed up her breasts and had him nearly drooling as he stared at her. He touched her breasts, cradling them, and she gasped at the contact.

  “More,” Gwen said.

  He’d give her plenty more.

  Chance lifted her into his arms. Gwen gave a little yelp and her arms locked around him. “Chance, wait, what are you doing?”

  He kissed her again. She gave that little moan in the back of her throat—the one that made his cock twitch. “Remember…before I told you….I’d have you in a big-ass bed.”

  And such a perfect bed was steps away. He wouldn’t screw her against the wall or a window. He’d make love with her, for the rest of the night. In that bed.

  He lowered Gwen to her feet. Stripped her. Stroked her as he slid those clothes away from her smooth skin. Then Chance pushed her back on the bed. His hands trailed up her legs. Up, up. She was bare and wet and warm. So perfect. His fingers dipped between her thighs.

  Gwen reached for him.


  She froze. Their gazes held.

  “I get to make you scream first.” He had plenty of dreams to live out. “Put your hands over your head, baby. Lock your fingers around the pillow. Tighten your muscles and try to hold still for me.” Because that stillness…that tightness of her muscles…it would lead to such pleasure.

  Gwen’s hands lifted.

  “Remember,” he whispered. “Stay still…” He slid between her legs. Pushed them farther apart. He was still dressed because the clothes helped to give him a little more control. If he were naked, he’d be in her.

  Not yet. Make her scream first. Make her come. Make her forget any other lover.

  Because he’d forgotten all of his past lovers. Only Gwen mattered.

  He put his mouth on her. Gwen immediately jerked and her hands flew down. Her fingers wrapped around his shoulders.

  He stilled. So hard to do, especially when he just wanted to taste her. “No, baby, not yet…put your hands back up…”

  Her nails sank into his skin.

  He blew lightly over her exposed sex.


  “Back up,” he ordered.

  Her hands rose.

  “Good. Now arch up to me…open to me…”

  He put his mouth back on her. He licked her, he stroked, and he pretty much went out of his mind and when he felt her body shaking, when she was quivering and when—


  Yes! He surged up. Yanked for the condom he’d put in his wallet and he was in her within seconds. Driving deep.

  Her hands were on him, her arms holding him tightly. She was still climaxing when he plunged balls-deep into her. Still coming around him as he thrust, again and again, and her release kept going—he could feel her pleasure and it propelled him right into his own climax.

  A climax that seemed to completely consume him. That had him choking out her name and holding her tight.

  That had him realizing…I never want to let her go.


  Gwen’s eyes opened. The hotel room was dark…the only light came from outside, spilling in through the curtains that sh
e’d left open. She was naked in that big bed, and the sheets were soft against her body.

  Naked, but not alone.

  Gwen turned her head. Chance was there, asleep next to her. His arm was wrapped around her stomach, and she found that oddly sweet. He was still holding her, even while he slept.

  He was naked, too. They’d made love again—at least twice more during the night. The pleasure had washed over her, so hard and strong. Taking away fear and anger, leaving her with hope. Hope for her future—a future with Chance.

  Gwen eased toward him. A month ago, she wouldn’t have thought that a future with Chance would be possible. A week ago…same thing.

  But right then…

  Gwen leaned close. She pressed a kiss to Chance’s throat. Softly, because she didn’t want to wake—

  His eyes opened. His arms locked around her and he rolled Gwen beneath him. “Missed you…” His voice was gruff, little more than a growl. “Shouldn’t have let you go…now only have dreams…” He was holding her so tightly. “Have to find you again…can’t let go…”

  “Chance, I’m here.” He thinks this is a dream. “It’s me.”


  She felt his awareness then, in the stiffness of his muscles and saw it in the way his head whipped up. In the darkness, his eyes gleamed down at her.

  “Had so many dreams…” Chance said. “All about you. Then I’d wake up, and you’d be gone.”

  His words tore at her heart. And to think…Chance had said that he couldn’t say the right things to her. “I’m not gone.” I’m not going anyplace.

  She was exactly where she wanted to be…well, actually…

  Gwen pushed against his shoulders. Chance immediately rolled back. “Gwen, baby, I—”

  She climbed on top of him. “You weren’t the only one with dreams. I think I told you that before.” She straddled him. Her sex brushed over his cock. His already swelling cock. The guy certainly had stamina. Her fingers slid over his chest. “I want to live out one of my dreams right now, too.”

  His fingers closed around her hips. “Gwen?”

  She rubbed her sex over his cock. Skin on skin. Nothing between them. She kept up that friction, rubbing lightly, and Gwen could feel herself getting wet for him. “I’m on the pill.”

  His hold tightened, nearly bruising. “I’m clean.”

  She wanted to be with him like this, with nothing between them. “So am I.” She wrapped her fingers around his wrists and pushed them back near his head, chaining them against the pillow. “So now it’s your turn, Chance. Let’s see just how long you can stay still.”

  Her left hand slid down and she pushed the head of his cock against the opening of her sex. She arched and took him in, not too deep, not yet. His free hand immediately tried to grab for her hip.

  Her left hand caught his wrist again, and she forced his hand back up to the pillow. “That didn’t last long.” Her voice was husky, her body aching. “Let’s try again.” And she took all of him inside in one long, hot drive.

  She moaned. He growled. It was perfect.

  She slid up, then down again, keeping her pace slow. Gwen’s nipples were tight, sensitive peaks, and the long length of his erection slid over her, into her, at just the right angle.

  Gwen stared into Chance’s eyes. She saw them go darker, saw the desire flaring. But he wasn’t moving his hands from that pillow, wasn’t touching her.

  Good. To reward him, Gwen’s motions became faster. Harder. Her breath panted out and she used her hold on his wrists to better brace her body. Her heart thundered in her chest, her knees dug into that mattress, and his cock was so big as it pushed deeper into her. Again and again and again…

  “Can’t stay still…” His voice rasped at her. “Can’t…control is…”

  She stared into his eyes. Saw it happen.

  Control is gone.

  He lunged up, wrapped his arms around her and Gwen laughed with the surge of power that she felt. She wanted him this way. So wild for her that nothing else mattered. She wanted to know that she could make him this way. It was only fair really…

  Because he drove her way over the edge of her own control.

  They wrecked the bed. Rolling, twisting, nearly fighting for the pleasure. The release hit Gwen first, a pounding, body-shaking orgasm that had her crying out for him, and then Chance was with her. The hot surge of his release filled her as he held her so tightly. The pleasure didn’t crest—it kept going and going and she almost couldn’t catch her breath.

  He kissed her. Savored her. And her sex greedily clamped around him.

  “I always knew…” Gwen whispered. “It would be like this…with us.”

  Chance kissed her again. “So did I.” He pulled her against him. Curled his body around hers and made sure the covers were tucked around Gwen.

  She smiled as her eyes began to close. She was safe. She was happy. She was—

  “It’s what I was afraid of…”

  Gwen almost didn’t hear his whisper.


  “That I’d have you,” he said softly. “And never be able to let you go.”


  The ringing of his phone woke Chance hours later. His eyes opened. He squinted as he tried to adjust. Bright light poured in from the window, momentarily blinding him.

  The phone kept ringing.

  “Want me to get it?” Gwen’s sleep voice murmured.

  And Gwen was there. Cuddled against him. So fucking perfect and very much not a dream. Her tousled hair slid over his pillow and her eyes were still closed. She was naked and her arm was around him.

  She’s real.

  He swallowed. “I…got it.” He reached over her. Grabbed the phone. Saw Lex’s number on the screen and tensed as he put the phone to his ear. “Lex, what is it?” he demanded as the last bit of sleepiness vanished.

  “Ethan’s out,” Lex said flatly. “The judge granted bail first thing this morning.”

  Chance sat up. The news wasn’t completely unexpected. It wasn’t welcome, but it wasn’t unexpected.

  “He’s with his lawyer now. And…there’s something else you need to know about Sophie Sarantos. I’ve been doing some checking on her.”

  “Sophie? Why?” He knew Sophie Sarantos. In D.C., most people wound up at the same parties, at some point. Sophie was smart, driven, and he’d heard that she was on track to becoming one of the highest paid defense lawyers in the area.

  “Because from what I can tell, Sophie is the one constant in the guy’s life. They might not be lovers, but they’re close. If some psycho out there really is attacking all the women Ethan cares about, then why didn’t he go after her? She’s the one in the limelight with him most times. The one photographed at his side. She seems like the obvious choice of a target.”

  Gwen had sat up, too. She pulled the covers with her. She was leaning in close and Chance knew she was listening to Lex’s words.

  “I found out that Sophie’s parents died when she was seventeen. A gunman broke into their house and killed them both. That shooter was never identified, the murder never solved. But…medical records Dev managed to access indicated that there was a…history there.”

  Managed to access? Right. He knew Dev had probably hacked into the system.

  “Sophie had over a dozen broken bones during her teenage years. She was admitted to the hospital again and again, and though the docs suspected abuse, no charges were ever filed against her parents. The police cleared them every time.”

  Chance met Gwen’s worried gaze.

  “There was absolutely no evidence left at the scene of her parents’ murder. Nothing at all. But…but my gut is telling me there is a lot more going on here. Sophie’s past is bloody and dark and with her tied so closely to Ethan—she should have been the stalker’s victim.”

  “But she isn’t,” Chance said softly, “Gwen is.”

  Gwen’s gaze never faltered.

  Chance understood exactly what Lex was saying. “You
think she could be our perp.”

  “I think the stalker should have gone after her,” Lex responded carefully, “but he didn’t…and I want to know why.”

  “So do I.” Maybe he and Gwen needed to have a little sit down with the lawyer. “Keep me posted.”

  “And you keep your lady safe,” Lex said.

  “Count on it.”


  “You’re welcome,” Sophie told Ethan as the driver shut the back door of Ethan’s car, sealing them inside. “Because, yes, I did manage to work a minor miracle in there…”

  “I’m out on a million dollar bond,” Ethan said as he leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. “That’s not so much a miracle as it is huge chunk of change.” He heard the driver’s door shut and the vehicle began to accelerate.

  Sophie didn’t speak.

  Hell. His eyes opened. “Thank you, Soph,” he told her. “You know I can’t repay the shit you do for me. I’d be lost without you.”

  “So you say.” Her smile was bittersweet. “But I’m the one who’d be alone. After my parents…you were all I had.”

  Her parents. His gut clenched when he remembered that particular nightmare. He’d wanted to kill Sophie’s father for years, and…in a blink, Sophie’s hell had been over. He knew her secrets, just as she knew his. Secrets that he would take to the grave.

  His fingers reached for hers. Twined. They’d never been lovers. They never would be. They were family. Closer than blood.

  He glanced toward the front of the car. His driver and sometimes bodyguard, Daniel, had just braked at the light. “Take Sophie home first. I want to make sure she’s safe.”

  Sophie laughed. “Right. Because I don’t know how to take care of myself. Have you forgotten that most of the criminals in this city know me on a first name basis?”

  His hold on her tightened. “You matter to me. I want you safe.”

  Her eyelids lowered. She stared down at their hands. “He’s targeted women close to you.”