Read Watched Page 29

Our driver dropped us off curbside at the airport and Summer, Rick, our agents and I headed inside. The masses of people waiting in line at each airline staggered me. People were everywhere.

  We snaked through the line to check our baggage. Once we reached the representative, she entered our information and then another airline rep came and led her away. They disappeared behind a door. Only after several minutes did a completely different rep. come to the counter to help us. Chris, my new FBI Special Agent, complained about the wait and the rep. gave us complimentary hygiene kits for our trouble.

  It had only been one hour since they made me put the wig on, and it itched already. Waiting in the long line to check my luggage, I tried to ignore it, but by the time we headed for the security line, I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled hard on Chris’ arm and pointed toward the restroom sign.

  He rolled his eyes and said, “Hurry up. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  I nodded and hurried in, scratching my head through the wig once I got in a stall. I knew I should be careful not to mess it up and make it obvious that I was wearing a wig, but it itched so bad and I had to scratch so hard to satisfy the itch, I was sure it had moved and didn’t look right. I’d fix it on my way out. With the itch gone, I headed for a mirror. The wig had moved, the part sat way left and the long black hair ratted at the top. I flipped the long strands to the back and adjusted the part to the center while tucking in any errant strands of my natural blond hair. It didn’t look as good as the makeup artist had left it, but I thought it looked pretty natural. They still hadn’t explained, to my satisfaction anyway, why I even had to wear a wig if they’d gotten all the terrorists.

  “It’s just a precautionary measure,” Chris had told me in the van driving to the airport.

  I had to spend a minute on my face. It looked terrible. The ointment the doc had me put on my scrapes was shiny and oozy now. The makeup artist had been smart putting a long wig on me so that I could look down and hide my face because the ooziness of the ointment made me look like some monster from a sci-fi flick. I turned to get some toilet paper to wipe it away, when I noticed a nun washing her hands at the sink next to me. I smiled at her. She smiled back, turning to grab a paper towel, but finding the dispenser empty, she turned back to the sink.

  “Here, use these,” I said, handing her the toilet paper I’d just gotten.

  “Thank you, dear,” she said.

  I got more for myself, wiped my face and headed for the exit.

  “Young lady,” the nun called after me, “here, take this.” She held out a necklace.

  “No, really, that’s okay,” I said.

  “It’s a Patron Saint Christopher charm. He’ll watch out for you as you travel.” She moved toward me, holding it out to me to take. “Please, you were kind to me and I’d like to return the favor.”

  Not wanting to hurt her feelings, and knowing that Chris told me to hurry, I took the charm, lifting it up to see a man with a walking staff imprinted on the little gold charm. I said thanks as I hurried out the door.

  Chris stood only a few feet from the entrance, looking like he hadn’t taken his eyes off the door the whole time I was in there. Before I could tell Chris about the nun, he jumped all over me for taking too much time, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the security line. I slid the charm necklace into my backpack, amused at the idea a patron saint would watch over me and his name was Christopher.

  I saw Summer already walking down the aisle for first class ticket holders, and Rick stood at the end of it. He waved his hand at me to go with him. First class would have been nice, but something I could never afford. I pointed at the other line, pulling Chris in that direction, but Chris pulled me toward the first class line.

  “This way,” he said.

  “I don’t have a first class ticket,” I said.

  “You do today,” he said, meeting up with Rick and his agent.

  Rick smiled and said, “Finally.”

  I couldn’t believe he was being so nice to me after what happened at the safehouse. I thought it was over between us. In fact, he’d been nice to me ever since he took my hand on the roof.

  He looked me straight in the eye. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Had he forgiven me? He grabbed my backpack, threw it over his shoulder and then took my hand, leading me into the almost empty first class line to airport security while I tried to open my ticket and see what it said. Was I really in first class?

  Both of our FBI agents followed closely behind us, acting like they were traveling, too. It was interesting to see them appear relaxed. I looked around, wondering if there were more agents stashed around the airport that I couldn’t see. There were only three people in front of us in line, and Rick turned to me. “Hey, what’s the first thing you’re doing when you get home?”

  I pulled my hand away from his and opened my ticket, ignoring his question. First class. Rick bumped into my arm, smiled and said, “A gift from the taxpayers of America.” He chuckled.


  “So, what are you going to do when you get home?” he asked again.

  Home. Unfortunately, we were going home. This really was my last day in D.C. My stomach tightened thinking of going back to my ordinary, totally uninteresting, boring life back home. I hoped my parents would let me stay home from school until I didn’t have to use the ointment any longer. Fat chance. Would people be able to see that I had changed—that I could be pretty—even with my face a total mess?

  I hadn’t really thought about what I would do when I got there. All I could think about was what I would miss here in D.C. Friends. People who liked me and wanted to be with me. Guys. Guys who actually liked me. My heart sank as I thought about the loneliness of home.

  I felt a tug at my hand.

  “Well?” Rick stared at me.

  The playfulness in his eyes made my heart sink even deeper. He was going to go home to his friends and would forget all about me.

  “You in there, Christy?”

  I forced a smile. “Sorry. I was just trying to figure out what I’m gonna do.”

  “I know what I’m going to do. After giving my family the biggest hugs ever, I’m gonna make ‘em go swimming with me. I’m dying to swim.”

  This time it was easy to smile as we continued moving toward the security guy. “Swimming’s good.”

  “Yeah. The only thing that would make it better is if you were there with me.” He squeezed my hand lightly a couple of times and rocked gently into the side of my arm.

  “If only,” I said, feeling my skin heat up as he touched it. Truly. If only. Now that I had felt what it was like to have people care about me—how could I live without it? I simply had to make some friends. The thought of going back to everyone treating me the same horrible way for the next two years until I could leave for college crushed me.

  When we reached the security check point, I couldn’t help but notice how close Rick had gotten to me. I tried to suppress the magical feeling it gave me, but couldn’t. If this was the last time I would be with him, I should enjoy it. Why was I being so pessimistic anyway? He could call me. He could visit. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibilities. After all, who would have believed I would have made friends on this trip? Who would’ve believed I could look pretty? Who would have believed I would kiss someone? Two someones? Even if Rick or Alex didn’t call me, maybe guys would notice me and even ask me on a date next month when I turn sixteen. Thanks to Eugene, I could see how annoying I’d been before I came to D.C., and I would never act that way again. My heart raced at the thought.

  I handed the security guy my ID and boarding pass. Rick did the same. Our FBI agents followed close behind.

  While getting my shoes back on after security, Rick took my backpack again. “We’re only a few gates away from each other—but my plane leaves in about ten minutes. You still have a half-hour or so.”

  I was glad he didn’t ask me again about home. He stopped at a gate that had no people waiting in
it and led me away from the main walkway, setting our backpacks against a wall.


  “Wait,” I said. “Rick, I’m sorry about the gala, that night in the safehouse and—”

  “Christy. You don’t need to apologize again. I do. I’m sorry for ignoring you at the house. Especially after you explained everything to me. I was rude and mean.”

  “Stop it. You don’t have anything to apolo—”

  He pulled me close. I felt his warm breath on my face as he looked straight into my eyes and my heart lit on fire. He moved in even closer. The touch of his body against mine sent tingles to the tips of my toes. He whispered, “Can I kiss you?”

  I nodded, wanting nothing more.

  He kissed me softly. The kiss by the fountain had been beautiful, but nothing like this. His hand was warm on the back of my neck and his lips were soft and giving. My fingers drifted along his back.

  I thought briefly about Alex. My last words to him had been said in anger. In fact, I had punched him. I would never see him again, would I? Not likely. I shouldn’t feel guilty for kissing Rick. This kiss was special, like he was gifting me a part of himself. Alex’s kisses set my body on fire, but that couldn’t last forever. Alex was gone. He hadn’t meant what he’d said about me “being taken”. But why did it hurt so bad to think I’d never see him again? I pushed on the hurt, taking it to the far reaches of my mind, because Rick was here. He was real, and I believed in him. I would kiss him one final time. It couldn’t hurt. I was going to enjoy every second. He made me feel safe and secure with who I was, unlike Alex, who always asked me to change in some way. Rick was definitely the right choice. I didn’t even hear that voice in my head contradict my thoughts—it was wonderful.

  At one point, his arms tightened on the small of my back, and I cringed in pain. He pulled away, ever so slightly, and whispered, “Sorry.” I gladly wrapped my arms around him, but he was careful to stay a tiny sliver away so that he wouldn’t hurt my bruised body, his hands stopping just before the small of my back. He kissed me until I could barely hold a thought.

  “Hey. Hey,” a voice called. “You’re going to miss your flight, bud. Time to go.”

  We pulled apart. It hurt to think I would never see him again.

  “I’ll call you,” he said, smiling, pressing his finger against my waiting lips.

  I forced a smile, hoping he would.

  “We’ll get together this summer. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, as he let my hand go, hoping it was true. In one month I’d be legal, too.

  “We’d better run,” the agent said to Rick. My heart thudded hard as I watched them take off. Rick’s gate was only three down, and he handed the boarding agent his pass. Before getting on the plane, he looked my way and waved. I smiled despite myself and waved back, hoping and praying he would call me.

  I leaned against the wall, enjoying the sensation of my pounding heart—recording every last detail of my final moments with Rick. I never wanted to forget how I felt at that moment.

  My flight to Colorado was leaving in about twenty minutes and I felt my body tighten; I felt on edge. I was glad to be leaving D.C. and the horror of its memories, but still had reservations about going home. I wished I could stay in Colorado and not continue on to Montana. I looked at Chris, who sat a row away from me.

  I stood up and went over to him, sitting in the seat beside him.

  “So, you’re going with me?” I asked, resigning myself to the idea.

  “No,” Chris said.

  “Will I have to go back to D.C. to testify?”

  “Most likely not.”

  “Why not?”

  “They said they got everyone.”

  “What about justice?” A deep ache spread through me.

  “Justice will be served but usually with cases like this, deals are made. This kind of stuff is often kept real quiet. If they can keep it that way, that is.” My mind went crazy thinking about them getting a sweet deal. I’d have to write Jeremy to find out the details.

  “Why are you here if they got everyone?”

  “They think they got everyone.”

  My heart pounded with dread. They hadn’t gotten everyone after all. Had Jeremy lied to me again? What were his exact words?

  “They think? They think?” My voice was shrill.

  “Look, we got everyone we knew about. It’s only been two days since we started rounding ‘em up. It can take months to be sure. Give us a chance to tie off all the loose ends.”

  I stared at him wide-eyed, panic choking me, while I tried to remember exactly what Jeremy had said. “They’re all dead or in custody.” Did he just not know because he was in the hospital?

  “Don’t get all crazy on me now. You’re safe, be assured of that.” With that, he stood and offered me his hand to help me up.

  How could I be assured? I reluctantly took his hand, and got up. Then we walked to my gate where people were already boarding the plane. But I wasn’t ready to board. I needed time to digest what Chris had told me.

  “Really,” he said, backpedaling, “Don’t worry your little head about it. I’m sure we already have everyone involved. I didn’t explain it right. You are safe.”

  I listened with no comment. I didn’t know him. Could I believe him? I turned and walked over to get a drink at the drinking fountain. He walked back over to the chairs and took a seat. Jeremy had said more after he said that the terrorists were all dead or in custody. Something about the terrorists being on the run. Why hadn’t I really heard that while I was with him? I could have questioned him. I should have known when they made me wear this disguise. I walked into the bathroom for no particular reason. I was putting off the inevitable.

  I stared at myself in the mirror, washing my hands over and over again. This was it, an end to my ability to change. In a few hours, I would be home. When it came right down to it, I was afraid to go home. Would people see me as a new, different person and accept me? I gently touched a few of the white-strips that dotted my face. I hoped I could make myself pretty like Marybeth had done for me almost every day of the trip.

  Would they see that I had more to give than right answers, eloquent speeches, and pristine writing? Would they care about me if they found out what I had witnessed—that I had experienced something horrible? But I couldn’t tell. We had just been in a bus accident—that was all. My heart hurt thinking about how it would feel if no one saw the new me and liked it. I wanted to be noticed. I wanted to be valued. I wanted to feel included. I looked away from the mirror and that voice in my head came back.

  Remember hope—believe.

  The hurt suddenly turned to burning and my despair turned to hope.

  I could hope. I could believe. I had to believe that things would be different—better even. I took a deep breath and smiled as I dried my hands. I didn’t understand why I felt so uncertain. It didn’t make any sense. Like Marybeth had said, I did have two amazing guys vying for my attention in D.C. Why not again? I had made friends, and I could again. The brightness of the hope I felt filled my whole soul.

  When I came out, I saw Chris tipping his head to my gate, urging me to board. I looked around one last time and headed for Chris to get my backpack, my mind quieter and yet alert. I bent over to pick up the backpack and something started to buzz in Chris’ pocket. He stood up and grabbed my arm, hard, leading me into the family bathroom.

  “What’s…” I started to say

  He held his free hand up to lips, gesturing for me to be silent. Two large men fell in behind us and stopped at the door to the bathroom while Chris and I went in. He pulled out what looked like a pen and starting at my toes, he moved it over my body. Was it a bug detector? It screamed when he ran it over my backpack. Without talking, he opened my backpack and dumped the contents onto the floor. He ran the detector over it until he singled out the hygiene kit the rep at the check-in desk had given me. He went to the door and handed it to one of the two men outside the door
and then came back to me, moving the bug detector slowly over my whole body and backpack one more time. No buzzing.

  “Did anyone else give you anything while here at the airport?”

  “No,” I said, before remembering the traveler’s necklace. “Oh yeah,” I laughed. “A nun in the bathroom gave me that charm,” I said, pointing at the charm on the floor.

  He shook his head, running the device over it. It didn’t chirp, but he picked it up anyway and gave it to the guards outside the door. My insides turned to jelly. I felt so stupid. He’d told me not to accept anything from strangers.

  He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to explain.

  I told him about the nun and everything that had happened and what we talked about. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

  “We told you not to talk to anybody. I told you not to take anything from strangers. What were you thinking?”

  I not only felt two inches tall, I wanted to disappear completely.

  “I know it was stupid, but she was a nun. I just didn’t know.”

  “That’s the point. You don’t know.” My face burned and my insides shook.

  He put his hand to his ear and gave a description of the nun and rep. to whomever was on the other end.

  “What’s going to happen now?” My heart battered my ribs. The terrorists were obviously alive and kicking.

  “We’ll put a decoy with that necklace and kit on the plane to Colorado. You’re heading for Portland now and then home. Justin, a makeup artist, is on his way to change your look and get you on the plane to Portland.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, “I really am. But you accepted a kit from that rep., too.”

  “Just do what we tell you from now on.” The harshness in his voice made me feel worse.

  “I will. I promise.” It wasn’t fair, though.

  He rolled his eyes again and breathed out hard through his nose. He didn’t try to make me feel better. He wanted me to feel bad so that I would be more careful.

  There would be no question about me being careful. Fear crawled through each and every bone in my body, one by one, slowly chilling me. I wrapped my arms around my middle, hoping I wouldn’t start to shiver.

  A few minutes later, Justin came in with a bag and had me change into different clothes. Jeans and a T-shirt, along with a hoodie. I wouldn’t stand out for sure. Justin was a breath of fresh air. He fitted a short brown wig on me and he sprayed makeup all over my face. He called it airbrushing. If you looked closely, you could see my steri-strips and scrapes, but you really had to look.

  “This is the end of the road for us, Christy,” Chris said. “Good Luck.”

  “Thanks,” I said, guilt dripping from my voice.

  He left me with Justin.

  “What’s your cover, Anna?” Justin asked.

  I was Anna, now? He gave me a quick cover-story about being in a car accident while visiting relatives in Maine. Of course, it became a bus accident for my parents. He had me practice talking with him, just in case someone was insistent on talking to me. He also reminded me to clean up once at the airport in Helena so that my parents wouldn’t freak out seeing me in disguise.

  I liked Justin and his easy, light-hearted personality. We even joked and laughed while waiting at the gate for my flight. By the time I boarded the plane, I’d almost forgotten that I was a target and that the terrorists were still actively trying to get to me.

  I had to believe what Justin had told me. That we had fooled them and I wouldn’t be found. What else could I do? I pushed the horror into a corner of my mind and sat back in my nice roomy seat, drink in hand, to watch a movie and escape D.C.

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