Read We Can Work It Out Page 4

  We continued to research venues and brainstorm ideas of what to do if this party actually took place. There was an excited buzz in the room … until all of a sudden it went silent.

  Meg stopped typing and looked up. “Ah, Penny …” She motioned for me to turn around.

  I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But the one thing I wasn’t prepared to see in the middle of a Lonely Hearts Club meeting was my boyfriend.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Ryan shifted uneasily as everybody in the room was staring at him. “I know I shouldn’t be here, but it’s just … I think I found a venue.”

  “What?” Tracy asked excitedly. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I was at park —”

  Tracy cut him off. “We can’t have it at a park — it’s February. We’ll freeze. Plus, it’s so creepy to be all ‘Hey, teenage girls, come to a park at night.’ ”

  Ryan continued, “No, I mean P-A-R-C, the Parkview Area Recreation Center. I was volunteering there today when I saw that they had a flyer up for an event that they’re hosting in March. So I asked if I could have the space for Valentine’s Day, and it’s available.”

  The room began chatting in approval. A lot of us had spent time there as kids, playing after-school sports, taking music lessons, or simply hanging out at their library. It had been so long since I’d been there, I’d nearly forgotten it existed.

  “It’s not fancy,” Ryan said. “But it has a big hall. We’d need to move some of the equipment aside and put down a deposit, which would get returned if there isn’t any damage. And we’d have to clean up.” He paused, took a piece of paper out of his pocket, and looked it over. “There need to be some adult chaperones, but I know you were already planning to have a few parents attend. Um, and one more thing.” He looked worried.

  “What is it?” I asked cautiously.

  “Well, since I would be the reserving member, I’d have to be there. I could work the door to make sure only people who RSVP’d got in. I wouldn’t be in the way at all. I swear.”

  “Ryan.” Tracy shook her head. “First of all, you have saved us. Second, you continue to prove that not all boys are the spawn of Satan, so good on you for that, and third, of course you can be there. Right, Pen?”

  “Definitely.” I went over to hug him. “I can’t believe you did this for us.”

  “I knew you were worried about it, and the answer was right in front of my face.” He smiled at me, and my heart leapt and soared, like in all those cheesy songs that I make fun of.

  “You’re the best. Seriously.” I brushed my arm lightly on his shoulder, not wanting to shove my relationship in everybody’s face.

  “So this is Ryan?” Lucy came up to us.

  “Yes!” I made the introductions.

  Ryan shook Lucy’s hand. “It’s great to meet you. I’m excited about the wedding — thanks for inviting me.”

  “Of course,” Lucy replied.

  “Well.” Ryan looked around the room. “I should probably go …”

  I walked Ryan upstairs and stole a quick kiss before he left. When I turned around to go back to the meeting, I ran into Lucy, who’d come up to the kitchen to get a drink.

  “Let me give you some advice, baby sis.” She had a mischievous grin on her face. “Your boyfriend is gorgeous, thoughtful; he volunteers, for God sakes. Don’t screw it up.”

  She didn’t need to remind me.

  RYAN HAD DONE SOMETHING GREAT FOR US. Now I knew it was time to do something for him. Even if I knew it would make for a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad evening.

  “Are you mad?” he asked on Wednesday night as we walked to what I considered to be a punishment. “Because we don’t have to do this.”

  “No, it’s fine. I understand where you’re coming from.” And I did. But that didn’t mean I had to like it.

  Ryan stopped short of the restaurant door. “Listen, please try to have fun tonight. I get why you wouldn’t want to do this, but it means a lot to me.”

  Which was the only reason I was there.

  “I could remind you that I’m not invited to your birthday party or get to spend any time with you on Valentine’s Day. I feel like I’ve been pretty understanding.”

  “You have,” I relented. “I know you’ve put up with a lot, I do. But we are going to be together on Valentine’s Day.”

  “Yeah, surrounded by girls who all want to ban guys. Just the kind of evening every guy dreams of!” He smirked.

  “I’ll make it up to you,” I promised. I looked around before giving him a quick kiss.

  “You don’t have to make up for anything … after this, I promise.” He opened the door. “Please remember that he’s my best friend.”

  I took a deep breath before stepping inside to face my sentence for the evening.

  A double date with Todd.

  He was already at a table with a petite blonde wearing a very short shirt.

  “Twenty bucks she’s a cheerleader,” I whispered to Ryan. I wasn’t the type of person who hates on cheerleaders — there are plenty of smart cheerleaders. It was simply that Todd had a specific type. My expectations were also low because I couldn’t fathom that a girl with an ounce of intelligence would agree to go on a date with him.

  Ryan chuckled in response. But I could tell he was nervous. He knew that Todd and I didn’t see eye to eye — and not solely because Todd preferred to stare at my chest than make eye contact.

  I tried to shake those thoughts from my head, knowing I needed to make this as easy as possible on Ryan. I would play nice — if only for tonight.

  “Hey, Todd,” I cheerfully welcomed him. Todd returned my greeting with a suspicious look. Even though he was on a date, he hadn’t strayed from his usual attire of athletic team logos, even down to his Chicago Bears sweatpants.

  How romantic.

  The girl looked up as we approached and gave us a warm smile. “Hi,” she said.

  Todd motioned his head in our direction. “This is Ryan.”

  “Hi, Ryan.” She gave him a little wave. “I’m Nicole.”

  I waited for Todd to introduce me, or acknowledge my existence.

  “This is Penny,” Ryan said, because he was a gentleman. Nicole and I exchanged polite greetings.

  I sat across from Nicole, with Ryan to my right and Todd to my left. The table was painfully silent, the awkwardness apparent even to the waiter, who saw us all studying the menu as if it contained a secret code for world peace (I’d be willing to take a stand down at our table) and walked in the opposite direction. I’d never been so jealous of a waiter in my life.

  I knew this evening was too important to Ryan for me to give up. “So, Nicole, where did you meet Todd?”

  She set down her menu and leaned in. “At a basketball game. I’m a cheerleader for the Winnetka junior varsity team.”

  “A cheerleader?” I nudged Ryan’s knee. “That’s so great!”

  Ryan pinched his lips together, trying to contain a laugh. Meanwhile, Todd decided to eat the entire basket of bread sticks. I wondered what Ryan had done to get him to agree to this.

  “How did you two … ?” Nicole gestured between Ryan and me.

  Ryan reclined back in his chair and motioned for me to tell the story. Like I was going to give the full drama-filled version. “Well, we’ve gone to school since forever and our lockers are near each other. Ryan Bauer and Penny Lane Bloom. It really was inevitable. We probably should write the school board a thank-you note.”

  Something in Nicole’s demeanor changed. She quickly looked at Todd. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

  He answered with his mouth full. “Tell you what?”

  “Are you … you’re not the Penny Lane from The Lonely Hearts Club?”

  Holy crap.

  “Yes!” I nearly shrieked, unable to contain my excitement. I knew Winnetka was only twenty minutes away, but I was still blown away that she knew about the Club.

  She leaned in. “I can’t believe
I’m meeting you. My friends are going to flip. We’re thinking about coming to your Valentine’s Day party.”

  Ryan looked so proud. “You should. Penny and her club know how to have a good time.”

  “And you’re the boyfriend?” Nicole pointed at Ryan in a semi-accusatory manner. “I can’t believe it. You’re really okay with all of this?”

  Ryan reached out and took my hand. “Of course I am. It’s important to Penny, so it’s important to me.”

  I felt a sting behind my eyes and squeezed Ryan’s hand back. “Thanks, Ryan. You know, I …”

  “Jesus Christ, Ryan.” Todd groaned like he was in pain. “You’re seriously going to side with Commander Blueballs?”

  Ryan gave Todd a warning look. “Of course, I’m really proud of Penny.”

  Todd snorted. “Please. Can we all stop pretending that she’s cured cancer? She formed a stupid club and now has a group of chicks to do her bidding. Whoop-dee-do! Let’s all give her self-serving ass a medal.”

  “I don’t —”

  Todd cut me off. “Just shut up already. Why does everything always have to be about you?” His short, dirty-blond buzz cut revealed that his entire head was becoming red from anger.

  I glared at him. “I’m not the one making this about me. Seriously, Todd, what’s so stupid about the Club? Just because you aren’t part of something doesn’t make it stupid. The Club is many things, but stupid is not one. Amazing is more like it.”

  Todd threw his napkin down. “I’m so out of here.” He abruptly stood up, his chair making a loud noise that echoed inside the restaurant.

  “Todd —” Ryan said.

  “Forget it, man.” Todd started walking away from our table.

  “Um, hello?” Nicole called after him. “You’re forgetting your date, although it’s beyond clear that this is over. Do I at least get a ride home?”

  Todd turned around. “Since you seem so interested in The Lonely Losers Club, your little savior can get you home, since she’s so wonderful.” He stormed out of the restaurant, not once looking back.

  Well, that went well.

  I was stunned. Although I always thought Todd was more than capable of being a scumbag to his dates, I didn’t think he’d make it so obvious. At least not in front of Ryan.

  “I’m so sorry, Nicole,” I said. While I knew in the long run it was best for her to get out of a relationship with Todd now, his open and harsh rejection must’ve stung.

  Nicole was still looking at the front door, where Todd had vanished. She began to shake her head. “You didn’t happen to start the Club because of him, did you? Because that would totally make sense.”

  “Not him specifically,” I said. “But guys who’d done something like what he just did.” I turned to Ryan, whose attention was also focused on the door. He probably thought Todd would realize his mistake and come back. His faith that his best friend would do the right thing was touching. Completely wrong and naïve, but still touching.

  “Well,” Nicole said, “now I do want to form my own club. Do you have room for me and a few friends at your party?”

  Ryan answered before I could. “Of course you can. I’m really sorry about Todd — you didn’t deserve that. Nobody does.”

  Who would’ve known that Todd Chesney would become one of the Club’s finest recruiters?

  I USUALLY COULDN’T WAIT FOR BIOLOGY to end, but on Thursday I was counting down the seconds.

  Last night’s disastrous double date only affirmed how lucky I was to have Ryan in my life. I wanted to do something special for him but wasn’t really sure what. There was only one guy’s opinion that I truly trusted.

  “Tyson!” I called once the bell rang.

  “What’s up?”

  “Can I ask you something?” I looked around the hallway. “In confidence.”

  His face looked serious. “Of course. Is everything okay with Morgan?”

  “Yes.” I was touched that his first instinct was to worry about her. “I wanted to ask your advice about Ryan.”

  “Oh.” He seemed surprised. “I thought things were good between you guys.”

  “They are, but I want to do something special for him. I don’t know if you heard about what he’s done for Valentine’s Day …” Tyson nodded. “I know I sometimes put him second to the Club and I want him to know that I appreciate him.”

  Tyson continued walking down the hallway. “Can I be blunt?”

  “Of course.”

  “I honestly think the only thing you need to do is tell him that you care. And act like it.”

  “Okay.” While what he said sounded easy, the expression on his face made it seem that he wasn’t sure I could do it.

  He shook his head. “I don’t think you get what I’m talking about.”

  Maybe I didn’t.

  “When we hang out with you guys, it’s clear that Ryan’s crazy about you. I don’t think you really see how he looks at you because you’re so busy looking around like you’re going to get caught. I notice it, and I’m pretty sure Ryan does, too. What I don’t get is that the Club seems to support your relationship, and so do your closest friends. So what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied. Which was the truth. I didn’t understand why I was always so self-conscious when we were in public. I wasn’t so egotistical that I thought people cared about who I was hanging out with. But there was this small part of me that worried that it was all too … perfect. My house of cards was perfectly stacked with the Club and Ryan, and one small gust of wind could make it all come tumbling down.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you, Penny.” Tyson tucked his long hair behind his ear. “I don’t know Ryan that well, but I think you have the capacity to break his heart. So be careful.”

  I could only nod in response. He paused before heading in the direction of his locker.

  “Wait!” I finally found my voice. Tyson turned around cautiously. “What do you think of the Club? Honestly? As the boyfriend of a member.”

  Tyson didn’t hesitate. “I think it’s great. Honestly. Try to not mess that up, either.” He laughed, but I didn’t think it was funny.

  Could I do both really well without messing one of them up?

  My head was still cloudy by the time I reached my locker at lunchtime. I was so lost in my mind that I was ignoring the one person I was trying to be more thoughtful of.

  “Earth to Penny!” Ryan was waving his hand in front of my face.

  “Hey!” I exclaimed, then got on my tiptoes to kiss him. “How was your morning?”

  He was caught off guard by my open affection in school. “Um, much better after that. What’s gotten into you?”

  “Can’t a girl show her boyfriend how much she appreciates him?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “But why are you doing it?”

  I pretended to be offended, but we both knew that he had me.

  “Don’t worry.” He had a smirk on his face. “I will never subject you to another double date with Todd. I learned my lesson on that one.”

  “Thank God. But that wasn’t it. I was thinking that since we’ll both be busy on Valentine’s Day, I’d like to do something special for you that Friday.” I figured I had two weeks to figure out what that special thing would be.

  Ryan looked disappointed. “I have a game that night. What about Sunday?”

  Part of me was grateful that he was the one with conflicting plans for once. “Sunday works.”

  His face lit up. “Great. Can’t wait. You know, I might have something special for you as well.”

  I shook my head with a bit too much force. “You’ve already done so much, getting that venue for us.”

  “But I wanted to do something for you.”

  I remembered what Tyson said. “Okay, and uh, Ryan?”

  He closed his locker door. “Yeah?”

  “I, um, really appreciate you.”

  He put his arm around me as we made our way to the cafeteria. “I know, Penny. You don’t
have to keep thanking me for PARC. I’m happy to help.”

  “No, that’s not — I mean, I, uh, of course I appreciate that, but what I mean to say is that I appreciate things beyond what you do for the Club.”

  Ryan paused, then turned so he was facing me. “I really like it when you get flustered, so I want to have all my attention on this.”

  I hit his arm. “I’m trying to tell you that I really care about you, okay?”

  We stared at each other. I couldn’t believe I’d blurted it out like that.

  I felt so foolish. I nearly looked around the hallway to see if anybody was paying attention to us, but I stopped myself. Instead, I took his hand in mine and took a step forward so there were only a couple inches between us.

  “Rec center or no rec center, you really mean a lot to me. I, ah, just … thought, you know, you should know that.” God, I was such a hopeless moron when it came to declarations of affection.

  “And you mean the world to me, Penny.”

  There was a feeling of static electricity in the air as we both inched forward. I silenced the part of me screaming to not make a scene, to not be seen by the people making their way to lunch. Instead, I let Ryan take me into his arms, and relished having his lips on mine.

  “That’s enough!” a teacher boomed. “No public displays in the hallway.”

  Maybe I should’ve checked to see if there were any teachers around first. But being caught was completely worth it.

  I was still floating from my lunchtime kiss by the time classes were over. It took me a second to realize that Bruce was waiting for me at my locker.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” I asked while I gathered my homework together.

  “Good, good …” He kept shifting on his feet. “I was wondering if I could ask you a question.”

  “Of course.” I stopped fighting with my history book and looked up at him.

  “I don’t mean to pry, but I overheard Tracy talking about this Valentine’s Day party you guys are hosting, and I was wondering if people were allowed to bring dates?”