Read We Deliver Page 5


  Look, I realize you're just doing your jobs, but really, I don't want to press charges.

  Yes, I've been in contact with my attackers, but they haven't threatened me in any way. In fact, now that I've gotten to know them, they're really very sweet. Besides, any case you would try to make against them would be compromised by the fact that I've had consensual sex with both, several times.

  Aw, Jesus. Listen, I know it's not considered "PC" for a woman to fall in love with her rapist, but I've never listened to that bullshit anyways. I've always liked rough sex; the rougher the better, within reason. The thought of being raped and abused is actually something of a turn-on.

  You know what? Never mind. You want me to tell you about that night? Fine. Let's just get this over with, but I'm telling you, you're wasting your time. Besides, they may be outside your jurisdiction.

  Whatever. Just so you know, I first came to Colorado several years ago to start a new job as a software designer with a company in Cairnsford, but when it was bought out and I made a killing through my stock options, I decided to move to Enoch's Farm because I've always wanted to live in a small mountain town. I made a number of friends, mostly women--the population is nearly four-fifths female for some reason--and I joined a bridge club, because I love the game, and to keep from going stir-crazy. The town's as dead as its cemetery.

  By the way, that's got a bearing on my story. Enoch's Farm may be unique in that it has a good-sized graveyard right smack in its middle. I used it all the time as a short cut to wherever I needed to go, even at night; it saved a lot of time with having to go around it. I'd heard all the stories, but I'd always thought they were just old wives' tales. Would you like to hear some? They can be pretty lurid, especially when nubile young virgins are involved. For example, there was this one girl, Christine, who went in one night with her boyfriend looking for a private place for some premarital fun. He was found dead the next morning, mutilated, and she had disappeared. Before that there was Katherine, who was found just outside the west gate, naked and unconscious. She had been beaten and raped, and was so traumatized she had to be institutionalized. And then there are the rumors about dog-faced fiends seen cavorting at night--

  Oh. Well, another time, then.

  Anyways, that night I was coming home from a game hosted by one of the other members. It had gone long, so it was well past nightfall by the time I left. My partner offered to give me a lift, but I declined. It was such a pleasant evening I decided to walk, and since my house happens to lie directly across town from where we play cards, I had the perfect route. Except when there's a funeral, the cemetery's usually deserted. I guess even muggers and rapists can be afraid of ghosts and goblins. Ooooo!!

  Sorry; couldn't resist. Well, I had gotten about half way through when I came upon a recent grave. A figure squatted beside it, digging in the loose dirt. There was a full moon out, so I was able to get a good look at it. It was vaguely human-shaped, but with a canine face, backward-pointing knees, and cloven hooves. Its rubbery skin was covered in patches of mold--

  Don't look at me like that. You wanted to know what happened, so I'm telling you; exactly what happened. Whether you believe me is your own business.

  Well, I came upon the creature so unexpectedly that I couldn't help crying out from surprise, which attracted its attention. When it looked up at me, its eyes glowed red in the moonlight. I tried to back away, but it stood up and came towards me, so I turned and ran. It chased after me, and despite its slouched, loping gate, it was gaining on me. I knew it would catch me before I could make it out of the graveyard, but I couldn't find anywhere to hide. Then I saw a mausoleum. I ran up to it and found the door ajar. I managed to just barely squeeze through and I made for the back. I thought to crouch down in a dark corner, but another of those creatures suddenly appeared from behind the crypt.

  It was on me before I fully realized it was even there. It caught me by the throat and pushed me against one wall, then proceeded to tear my clothes off. Once I was naked, it threw me face-first against the crypt, forced me to bend over, and penetrated me from behind as it grabbed my breasts.

  Okay, yeah, I admit it: I was terrified; who wouldn't be? When I indulge, I'm always in control, which I wasn't then. But that's what makes it so interesting.

  Yes! Interesting. In the midst of my fear I felt an excitement I had never experienced before. I was practically coming even before the creature really got started. I didn't fully appreciate it then, but later I realized that my desire for roughness was a reflection of a deeper, subconscious need to be dominated, and fear is a part of that.

  The creature was just getting started when a monstrous grating sound interrupted it. The monster that had been chasing me pulled the door open and charged in, but it stopped dead as soon as it saw what the other was doing.

  It said, "The she is mine!" It spoke in a bizarre gibbering voice.

  The other pulled out of me and stepped back. It replied, "I have her, and I will keep her!" It sort of "meeped" its vowels. They both sounded so comical considering what they looked like.

  "I saw her first, lickspittle."

  "Come and take her, then, rat-chewer!"

  They flew at each other, collided and grappled, and began wrestling, clawing, and biting as they shouted insults at each other.

  I grabbed my purse and rushed to the back of the mausoleum to put as much distance between me and them as I could.

  What? You've got to be kidding! My clothes were in shreds and my house key was in my bag; what should I have taken?!

  Anyways, I watched them for a few minutes, too terrified to move, but finally I realized they had forgotten about me. I made my way slowly along the far wall towards the door, all the time keeping on eye on them as they battled furiously. When I reached the exit, I bolted through and ran for my life. More creatures had assembled outside the mausoleum, listening to the fight inside, but they ignored me as I ran around them. I managed to make it to the gate closest to home with no interference, and ran for my house.

  When I arrived I called the sheriff first thing, even before getting dressed. The deputies took my statement, but I didn't say I was assaulted by monsters. Instead, I told them a couple of muggers tried to rape me, but by the time they checked the cemetery the creatures were gone.

  So I'm not surprised they never found any suspects.

  I'm pretty sure I know why you're here. After three months with no leads, the sheriff probably thinks you can get me to remember more details that might lead to an arrest. Well, since you went to all this trouble, there is something new I can reveal, something I never told the locals.

  I was seriously considering moving to Vail or Georgetown, because I was afraid those creatures would come looking for me, to finish what they started, but after a week I began to think they really had forgotten about me. I had stopped using the cemetery as a shortcut, and they had never been seen in town, so I thought I was safe. Then exactly seven days after the incident, I awoke to tapping at my bedroom window, and saw two canine faces leering at me from outside. At first I was terrified, and hopeful, that they would break in, carry me off, and ravish me, but then I saw one had a bouquet of flowers and the other a box of candy. The flowers were dead, and the candy had obviously been retrieved from a dumpster, but I felt touched by the gesture.

  So I went outside to visit with them.

  No, I'm serious, and we've been dating ever since.

  Why?! Because they're wooing me, that's why! Each wants me to be his girl, and they've been trying to outdo each other in impressing me so I'd pick him instead of the other. It's been quite flattering, not to mention exhilarating. I've always wanted to be a romance heroine from a bodice-ripper, and now I have two suitors pursuing me!

  No, we only started having sex only a couple of weeks ago; sort of the final test before I make my decision.

  What? Oh, nothing. It's just that...I can't seem to recapture the thrill I felt from the first time. I mean, no matter how
rough they get, I just don't get as stimulated. I think it's because, that first time I didn't know if I'd be alive when it was over, whereas all the other times since I knew they wouldn't kill me, or even really hurt me. As much as I've enjoyed the courtship, the result's been pretty disappointing.

  You've never read a bodice-ripper, have you? Part of the plot is the taming of the heroine by a strong, virile, dominating alpha male, and I want that. Besides, I think I need to be in real danger to get off--

  Oh, for the love of--I don't care what you believe, but I'm not shielding anyone. And threatening me with obstruction won't intimidate me. I've told you the truth; I can't help it if you don't believe it.

  Fine, have it your way. Meanwhile, unless I'm under arrest, I'm leaving. I have to get ready for my double date anyways. They've got something special planned for tonight. They want to show me where they live. They say they can offer me new experiences, ones that will stimulate me in ways I could never dream of. I can't wait to see what they are....