Read We Were One_Looking Glass Page 14

  “My brothers, who were even younger, took it harder.” I sat on one of the bar stools, pulling her to me. “I was mostly in denial and kind of angry about the whole thing. I was pissed at God, that’s for sure.”

  “Is that why you stopped going to church?”

  I nodded but didn’t elaborate. Tonight wasn’t the night to get into something so heavy. I’d already screwed it up by passing out. “Thirty-one, wow,” she whispered, leaning against me. “And your dad’s never considered remarrying?”

  “Nope.” I glanced back up at my parents’ photo and chuckled. “Dad said he was so sure she was going to be fine. So was she. They’d even kidded about it in the ER. She made a comment about haunting him if she ever died and he even thought of remarrying.”

  Madeline smiled, but it felt cautious, as if she weren’t sure I was okay with being playful about this. “You think that’s why your dad never remarried?”

  That actually made me laugh. “No. He just had his hands full with four boys to raise on his own. Well, he and Ama, thank God. He’s always said relationships are a handful, and unless a girl came along who was completely worth it, he wasn’t willing to give into the drama. So I guess she never did.” I shrugged. “I’m sure he’s taken care of business on the down low, but we kept him too busy for anything else, that’s for sure.”

  “Taken care of business?” She raised a brow. “You don’t think your mom would’ve preferred he remarried and had a real relationship—someone who could’ve helped raise you guys—rather than him just taking care of business?”

  Shaking my head, I leaned my forehead against hers. “We had Ama. And she did an awesome job. We didn’t need anyone else.”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that, but still.”

  “Still what?” I asked, smiling because she couldn’t seriously be feeling defensive for my dead mother.

  “I’d haunt you.”

  “No, you wouldn’t,” I said, kissing her neck even as she squirmed. “You’d want me to be happy and taken care of.”

  She squirmed even harder, play-punching me in the stomach. “You’re nuts if you really believe that. I so would haunt your ass, Nicolas Cortez.”

  “No, you wouldn’t, babe.” I lifted her when she tried to pull away, and she yelped but giggled. “Wouldn’t it make you feel better to see me move on and get lots of loving from—”

  The playful punch wasn’t so playful the second time, and I feigned having the wind knocked out of me. “From who?” she asked, twisting my wrist.

  “It wouldn’t matter, right?” I started toward my bedroom even as she kicked and squealed for me to let her down. “If you’re gone, I mean.”

  We got to my bed where I dropped her, but I was immediately on her before she could squirm away. “So I guess it wouldn’t matter if I—”

  “Well.” I nipped her bottom lip before she could finish the thought. “Let’s not get ridiculous.”

  At first, she fought my kisses but gave in, and I devoured her mouth for a few minutes until we came up for air. Madeline lifted her finger in the air and wiggled it around. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh, it’s done.”

  “What’s done?” I asked, peering at her.

  “It’s written in the vault.” She pointed at her head. “Up here. If I go before you, I will haunt you until the day we’re back together.”

  I laughed because I couldn’t believe she was still on this. “I believe you.” Now she laughed but caressed my head softly. “Amor eterno,” I added with a whisper as I kissed her softly.

  “That’s perfect,” she whispered, kissing me back, but then her smile waned. “I can’t even imagine what your poor dad must’ve gone through. It must’ve been so hard for all of you.” She winced before adding. “I’m so sorry you lost your mom so young.”

  Smiling softly, I kissed her, not wanting this to get heavy again. “Nolan probably took it the hardest since he was the youngest.” I paused and shrugged. “It did suck at first, but we made it. Thanks to both my dad and Ama, I think we turned out okay.”

  “You turned out perfect.”

  “You think?” I smiled, pecking her softly.

  “I don’t see how you could be any more perfect?”

  “I do.” I started to undo my pants, and her eyes widened. “Now let me take care of business.”

  The play punch got me again, but she was laughing. “I don’t ever wanna hear you call it that again, Nico. I’m serious.”

  “Alright.” I lifted her blouse and took her nipple into my mouth. “I’ve already made love to you. Now I wanna fuck you.”

  Thankfully, she moaned at my wording instead of balking at it. Given the go-ahead, I pulled down her shorts and proceed to fuck my girl until she was screaming my name out again.

  Chapter 11: D-Day

  I should’ve been prepared. Madeline was as impetuous about our lovemaking as she was everything else. Every chance we got, no matter where we were, if it was possible to get away with it, she was all for it. In fact, she was usually the one initiating it. As much as I enjoyed it and would never pass up the chance, a part of me was still trying to think ahead. I’d have my hands full trying to win over her mother—who for as much as Madeline said it wouldn’t matter once she was eighteen—and I had no intention of being the cause of any riff between them.

  Madeline could say it all she wanted, but it was clear how close she was to her mother. Almost as close as she was to Maggie. I’d have liked the transition from doing things on the down low to being an official couple out in the open to be as painless as possible. I knew Loretta would not appreciate the fact that, not only had I taken her baby’s innocence, I’d been doing it all over town. Despite this being legal, I’d still had dreams of opening up my front door and Loretta standing there with her shotgun, cocked and aimed at my face.

  But for as much protesting as I did, I’d accepted that as long as it was within reason, and didn’t pose a real threat, I’d likely never say no to my peanut. It was why I agreed every time she wanted to go explore up and down the river.

  Several weeks after the incident at the bowling alley with America and Loretta, I was sure I was in the clear about her mother remembering seeing me in that alley with America way back. I knew Madeline would’ve mentioned it because America did come up a couple of unnerving times since. The first was when Loretta’s van was getting serviced one day this past week and Maddie and Maggie picked her up at the end of her shift. They’d gone into the feed store to look around since they got there early, and Madeline said she’d met the new girl in town.

  “She’s pretty,” she’d said a bit strangely to which I didn’t even respond.

  I’d been in the middle of checking Madeline’s bug’s engine for a weird noise she said it was making, so it’d served as a perfect excuse to seem distracted. Oddly enough, Madeline left it at that and didn’t mention it again. So I figured if her mom had said anything more about America, Madeline certainly would’ve had something to say about it.

  The next time was a few days ago when we agreed to meet by the lake Friday night and I got there before her. I’d been standing with Xavier, Nolan, and a couple of other guys when Tracey walked over to talk to Xavier with America and Rebecca in tow. I was as indifferent with America as I always was now with any other girls. But she still walked over to me to ask how I was doing. Of course with my luck it was when Maddie’s bug drove up.

  America may have been new to town, but even she knew the drill now. Even before Madeline and I had become sexually active, we’d made it pretty obvious to anyone who might think otherwise that we were both off limits. So before Madeline had even gotten out of her car, America walked away to the other side of the group I was standing with.

  I’d had a feeling something was up when Madeline didn’t immediately approach me. So I’d walked over to where she, Maggie, and Shelby stood by her car. To my surprise, she smiled as brightly as ever and kissed me openly in front of everyone. It was something she’d
only begun doing after we’d first made love. Before that, we’d still been trying to at least make it seem like the rumors about us were just that, rumors.

  They say time flies when you’re having fun, and this past year sure as fuck had proved the saying. I couldn’t even believe it when she first mentioned it, but Madeline’s eighteenth birthday was fast approaching, and she’d already told me she was telling her mom first thing. I was dreading it as much as I was anxious to get it over with. But trying to talk Madeline into keeping it on the down low just a little longer wasn’t going to happen and I knew it. So her kissing me openly didn’t even surprise me. What did unnerve me that night was her odd behavior and her glancing back in the direction of America.

  Then Shelby and Maggie walked away for a moment to chat with a few other girls, and it was when Madeline explained. “Those girls,” she said, glancing back at them again. “You mentioned the night you went bowling that your brothers hung out with them after.” She’d paused to look at me. “It’s why we had the house to ourselves, right?”

  I’d nodded, afraid to say more because it felt like a trick question, and my heart was already pounding nervously. After all was said and done, she’d made me promise not to say anything, but apparently Maggie and Nolan kept in touch the whole time he’d been away. Only Maggie being the opposite of her sister preferred they keep things way on the down low. Since he’d gotten back, they’d hung out a few times, and Maggie had begun to think there was more between them. Now she’d heard a few rumors about him and Rebecca.

  It explained the strange behavior and why the girls had all stayed away rather than approach us as they normally would’ve. I was even more relieved now that Madeline didn’t know more about America and me because her reaction to the rumors of Nolan and Rebecca was a clear indication of how she might react to hearing something similar about America and me.

  “She’s not gonna admit it, Nico, because I think she’s embarrassed, but I’m sure she’s a little hurt. He knew she’d be here tonight. Why the fuck is he standing there so blatantly flirting with that girl?’

  I explained the girls had just walked over and that I doubted he knew those girls would be here tonight. Thankfully, before she could finish telling me not to make excuses for him, Nolan had the sense to walk over to where Maggie was and hung out with her instead.

  But I’d since concluded that if Loretta was going to rat me out, she would’ve done so already. It was silly to think Loretta might still be buying that the ongoing stories about Madeline and me were still just rumors. Her telling Madeline about the night in Kings Falls would be something she’d gladly share, if she remembered it or had made the connection about America.

  Already seeing Jenna anywhere in or around town when I was with Madeline was awkward as fuck, and it always took a while to snap Maddie out of the weird mood it would get her in. The last thing I needed was another chick making things uncomfortable for us.

  Then the river cave happened.

  During our many river explorations for the perfect secluded spots, we found a cave way out, and, of course, Madeline convinced me to help clean it out so that it’d be our place. We’d been out several times and even bought and placed snake repellent in and around it since we’d seen a few the times we’d gone out. Not even her sister had gone out with us because Madeline was adamant the cave be our special place.

  Because of the incident by the lake and America obviously being around more, I was all for doing things away from the town’s crowds. It was just safer and less unnerving.

  We both had the day off, and we were out at our cave again. I was in the middle of carving a huge M&N with a heart around it in the cave, one I started the first time we were here, when Madeline stepped out of the cave to take a call.

  “It’s Mama and the reception sucks in here.”

  She kissed my cheek as she walked away, and I hardly gave it any thought since I was so engrossed in what I was doing.

  Several minutes later she stormed back in. “You and America?”

  My heart nearly stopped as my head jerked away from my carving to look at her. She looked ready to spit. But before I could even respond, she went on. “You fucked her in an alley? When were you planning on telling me about this?”

  I dropped the rock and took a step toward her, but she flinched and stepped back. I held out my hand cautiously. “That was a long time ago.”

  “So you really did?” Her voice went up a few notches. “Mama said it looked like maybe you two were making out in that dark alley, but you really did fuck her?”

  I shook my head, feeling like a fucking idiot, and took another step toward her, even as she backed away again. “We’d only been out there a few minutes; we were interrupted by the car your mom was in.”

  “Why hadn’t you told me?”

  “It was a long time ago. Way before you and me.”

  “So you’ve slept with her? This bitch that twice, that I know of,” she said even louder, “has approached you since she moved here. Is she trying to hook up with you again?”

  “No.” I shook my head as she backed up into the cave’s wall behind her. “We’ve barely exchanged a few words.” I reached out to touch her, but she slapped my hand away. “Calm down.” I held my hand up in front of me cautiously.

  “But you slept with her?” I shook my head. “Don’t lie to me, Nico. I know you too well now.”

  Gulping, I reached for her hand again, deciding just to be honest. “I did.”

  She slapped my hand again. “Don’t touch me!”

  “Baby. . .” I reached out and caught her flailing hands in mine. “It was a long time ago,” I said calmly even as she tried to pull her hands away from mine, but it only made me hold her tighter. “I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d be upset for no reason.”

  “What do you mean no reason?” she screeched as I pressed my body against hers to keep her from struggling with me. “You don’t want me even talking to guys who only kissed me, but it’s okay for you to stay in touch with this alley whore you fucked?”

  “Stop saying that.” I pressed my cock against her because even seeing her get this worked up was strangely arousing, and I was already having visuals of fucking her in this cave.

  “Why?” she snapped, but her fight seemed to wane when I rubbed myself against her again. “It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

  I ignored the second question but answered the first. “Because it sounds ugly and this mouth”—I nipped her bottom lip— “is too beautiful to be saying ugly shit like that.”

  Her eyes dropped down to my lips for an instant but were right back up glaring at my eyes in the next second. “I don’t want you around her.”

  I let go of one of her hands so I could slip my hand into the back of her jeans. “Whatever you want.”

  She brought her hand to my chest and tapped it. “I don’t wanna hear that you’ve even been talking to her.”

  “Done.” I undid the buttons of her pants with my other hand.

  “I mean it, Nico,” she said even as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and her body trembled when I yanked her pants and panties down. “If I even hear that—”

  My lips were on hers as I kissed her roughly because I was done talking about this. She had to know I’d never do anything to risk losing her. Working fast because I needed to be inside her now, I pulled her top over her head. “Take off your bra.”

  Her blue eyes twinkled as she did what she was told. She even slipped her feet out of her pants and panties as I undid my pants and pulled out my aching cock. I had her just the way I loved her, perfectly naked. I started to suck each of her tits like a crazed man but then spun her around because I knew it was how she loved this. “Bend over, hands on the wall.”

  Just like before, she did as she was told, and I groaned at the sight of her beautiful ass up and ready for me. I plunged into her with another groan. It was a good thing this cave was so far out and secluded because, within minutes, she was moaning loudly as
I fucked her hard.

  I had no doubt now that her mother was onto us. Why the fuck else would she call her just to tell her about America and me after all this time? I fucked her even harder as the angry thoughts invaded my mind. But the anger was fleeting since hearing Madeline cry out in pleasure inevitably had me smiling. This was my girl now, no matter what Loretta might have to say about it.

  Still, I thrust even harder, with a purpose each time, until she was crying out my name in ecstasy. With one last thrust, I buried myself in her as my cock drained every bit of the tension that built up over this whole America bullshit.

  Leaning against her, I wrapped my arms around her warm naked body and kissed her nape. It took a minute before I caught my breath enough to be able to speak. “I love you, Madeline, and I’d never do anything to hurt you,” I said into her ear. “You believe that, right?”

  She didn’t immediately respond until I squeezed her a little tighter and she nodded. “Good,” I said, kissing the side of her face. “Because I never wanna see you this upset over another girl. There may’ve been plenty of girls in my past, but there’s only one in my present and future. I’ve known it since the day I first kissed you.” I slapped her naked ass lightly. “Never forget that. I live for you, baby.”

  Turned out Loretta hadn’t even been sure America was the same girl in the alley she’d seen with me. I fessed up for nothing, damn it. I didn’t really want to talk about it anymore, but I had to know. Was Loretta really trying to cause problems between us over something that happened so long ago?

  Madeline explained that, for weeks, Loretta had been saying she was certain she knew the new girl at her work from somewhere else. Because of the not-so-common name it’d finally come to her that she was the same waitress that waited on her way back in that restaurant in Kings Falls—something I was not aware of.

  Even then, she hadn’t put America and I together in that alley. I’d been right about her not having gotten a good look at America in the alley. It wasn’t until my dad went into the feed store the day of the confrontation in the cave. America and one of the other girls who worked there began gossiping about the Cortez brothers loud enough for Loretta to hear. America mentioned how I drove out to see her a few times when she lived in Kings Falls. Loretta realized she just might’ve been the girl out in the alley with me that night. But she couldn’t be a hundred percent sure about America being the same girl in the alley. She was only sure she was the same America who’d waited on them.