Read Weekends Required Page 16

Page 16


  Finished, she waited for the approval from Suzy that she knew would be coming and was surprised when Suzy instead gave her an almost pitying look. “Oh babe, I’m all for sticking it to someone when they deserve it but if you were going to throw something back in Mr. D’s face, you should have picked something better than money. The man seems to give it out hand over fist and trust me, it’s got nothing to do with sex.

  “You know Cindy, who works in my department?” asked Suzy. Claire nodded her head as she pictured the little dynamo with a personality much like Suzy’s. “Remember last year when she was knocked up? Well, her husband lost his job when she was getting close to popping and somehow Jason found out about it. He actually went to her house one evening and talked to her so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed at the office.

  "He paid their bills for two months until she had her baby and her husband was employed again. He said he didn’t want the stress to cause problems with her pregnancy. She said he was so sweet, and she cried all over him. Oh and George, when his girlfriend had the surgery thingy a few months back, said Jason stopped by the hospital to visit and offered to pay the difference left after her insurance. I’m sure they’re both good-looking chicks, but I don’t think he wants to get them in the sack, you know what I’m saying?”

  Claire was stunned. How could she work so closely with Jason and never know about any of this? Wouldn’t someone in his position want the credit for so many good deeds? She felt horrible remembering all the nasty things she’d said to him. He hadn’t wanted to help her for sex, actually that was embarrassing assuming that a man like him would need to buy sex from someone like her. After he got over his anger, he probably had a big laugh over that.

  God was there ever a time that she’d been this embarrassed? With a groan, Claire put her hands over her face and felt Suzy reach over and pat her on the back. “It’s ok babe; we all make an ass out of ourselves from time to time. You have just done it a little more than usual lately. ”

  “Um… Thanks for that Suz,” said Claire weakly, “I have to apologize to him but how exactly do I do that?”

  “Well let’s see,” began Suzy helpfully, “hey hot buns, sorry I threw your offer back in your face; I just wanted you to know that I would be glad to give it up for free, you don’t have to offend me by trying to pay for it. ”

  “Oh thanks! I’m sure that would sound so much better; and I don’t want to give it up for free,” laughed Claire.

  “So you do want to be paid after all?” replied Suzy wiggling her brows.

  “No, you pervert; I don’t want to give it up at all as you so nicely put it. Speaking of giving it up though, Jason wanted me to ask if you’d like to come to his house this weekend. We’re working there with Grayson on the merger and apparently Grayson asked if you’d come as well. ”

  “Ugh… Really? That stuffed shirt thinks he’s going to get his groove on with me? I mean he’s good- looking and all, but it’s a damn shame he’s such a tight ass. He probably thinks I’m some call girl he can buy for the weekend to rock his little uptight world. Nope, I don’t see it happening for him; tell Jason I’d rather pick lint out of my belly button. ” Suzy seemed to protest a little too much every time the subject of Grayson was brought up.

  Although maybe someone like Grayson was exactly what Suzy needed for her ego after the heartache that Jeff had caused, Claire put on a really brave face, but knew Suzy was still hurting inside and the front that she presented was really to protect her heart. “I might not be interested in going, but I’m really interested in what you plan to do there,” said Suzy.

  “I’m going there to work, nothing more,” defended Claire.

  “Umm Hmmm, is that what they call it these days?”

  “It’s not like that, and we won’t be alone; Grayson will be there and probably others as well. It’s strictly professional so get your mind out of the gutter,” said Claire.

  With a sly look, Suzy said, “We will see girly. You forget I saw you two at dinner last week and the looks between you were actually making my underwear melt. I can’t imagine you being under the same roof and being able to control yourself. Just rip each other’s clothes off and see where it goes from there.

  “I do insist on details though as soon as you get home, call me, text me, email me, just get me the 411 on exactly what happened. ” With a laugh, Claire moved on to safer subjects and thoroughly enjoyed her lunch.


  The next day Claire was in the office before Jason had arrived and used the extra time to arrange for the repairs to her mother’s home. She picked up the check from the credit union yesterday and was still overjoyed at how simple the process had been.

  When Jason arrived a short time later Claire greeted him with a smile and a cheerful good morning. As if almost surprised, Jason returned the greeting and stopped in front of her desk.

  He looked at her warmly and asked, “How are you today?”

  “Very good, thanks. ”

  “I’m going to be out of the office for most of today, but I wondered if you were free for dinner tonight?” asked Jason.

  Surprised, Claire replied, “Dinner?”

  At her obvious confusion, Jason quickly added, “It’s really a business dinner. I’ll be out of the office for the rest of the week at Mericom in Charleston, and I want to go over a few things with you before I leave. Since we both have to eat, I thought dinner would work out well. ”

  “I can just stay late, and we could go over everything here when you get back if you’d prefer. ” said Claire.

  “That’s not necessary; we will eat somewhere close to your apartment if it’s more convenient,” added Jason. “How about the Italian place down the street from you, Villa Risso?” asked Jason.

  “They have great food,” said Claire, “it’s very casual though if that’s a problem. ”

  “No, I like casual. Let’s say around seven, does that give you enough time?” asked Jason. Claire agreed and after picking up some files from his office, Jason left with a quick goodbye.

  The afternoon passed quickly in nervous anticipation. Claire kept trying to remind herself that this was a business dinner and not a date. There was no reason to be nervous. She left promptly at five so that she would have time to go home and freshen up before meeting Jason. Luckily, she didn’t run into Suzy on her way out. She could just imagine what type of graphic comments she would have made.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Claire went straight to the shower when she arrived home. After getting out, she threw on her robe and walked over to the vanity to touch up on her make-up. As she was leaning over the vanity to apply her blusher, the sleeve of her robe caught the small wooden box that she used to store her toiletries and it came crashing off and landed painfully hard on her right foot. Shit! Owwww God that hurts!

  She hobbled to her bed to assess the damage. Her big toe was now bleeding profusely. She grabbed some tissue and held it against her toe until it looked as if the blood flow was slowing. Upon inspection, she was dismayed to see that her toenail had been cut. She hobbled back to the bathroom for her trusty first aid box and located a band-aid and antiseptic spray. Soon, she had an ugly but functional white bandage around her toe. With a sigh, she thought she should really start avoiding the bathroom since most of her accidents seemed to occur there.

  Claire planned to wear a long blue sundress she’d purchased on a whim several years ago and a pair of flat, white sandals. The dress might still be possible; the shoes, however, weren’t since the toe openings were too small for the bandage. Almost ready to admit defeat, Claire spotted a pair of flip flops she kept to wear on the beach. After sliding on her dress, Claire then gingerly tried on the flip flops. It wasn’t as bad as she feared.

  The shoes gave the dress a more casual appearance and of course there was no missing the huge bandage on her toe but from the ankles up she looked fine. If she could arrive at the restaurant first and be seated bef
ore Jason he might never notice her toe. After quickly finishing her makeup and locking up her apartment, Claire made her way to her car. Oh great, instead of looking sexy, I’m waddling like a duck.


  The restaurant was only a few minutes from her apartment, and she arrived fifteen minutes early. The parking lot was already crowded and Claire was forced to park almost at the end of the lot. Walking so far was going to be painful, and she grimaced as she got out of her car and locked her door. She was so intent on making her way to the front of the restaurant as gently as possible that she didn’t notice another car entering the lot. Claire jumped as she felt a hand cup her elbow. “Owwww! Ouch!” cried Claire.

  Jason peered down at her foot in concern. “I’m sorry I startled you; I thought you heard me. What happened?” asked Jason.

  Claire replied, “I knocked something on my foot and the toenail is… well, you don’t want to hear the details, but I hurt my toe,” finished Claire.

  “Do you need to go to the hospital?” asked Jason.

  “No, it will be fine; it’s just a little sore now. ”

  “Would you rather I just take you home Claire? I can’t stand the thought of causing you further pain. ”

  She looked up into Jason’s beautiful blue eyes so filled with concern for her and knew that she would not give up this time with him for anything; much less a little toe pain. “It’s fine, really; it already feels better. ”

  He continued to study her for a few moments and then tightened his arm around her. “Lean on me and let’s walk slowly. Let me know if you need to stop. ” Maybe it was Jason’s nearness and the feel of his arm holding her close but Claire didn’t feel any pain as they made their way into the restaurant.

  Jason walked up to the host and smiled. “Carlo, its so good to see you again. ”

  “Mr. Danvers, what a pleasure, and you brought such a beautiful companion tonight,” said a beaming Carlo. “I’ve the perfect table; it has a lot of privacy for you and your lady. ”

  Not bothering to correct him, Jason said a sincere thank you, and they were led to a secluded table in the corner. Claire was grateful when Jason pulled out a chair for her and carefully assisted her into the seat. After he was seated Jason asked Claire if she had any preferences in wine, but she was happy to leave the decision to him. Soon, Carlo had departed after leaving their menus and promising to return with the wine that Jason had selected.

  “Are you doing ok Claire?”

  “I’m fine Jason, really,” replied Claire.

  “Let me know if you’re feeling any discomfort. Would you like a chair to elevate your foot?”

  “Er… no, that’s ok, thanks. ” Claire could just imagine her bandaged foot complete with flip flop sticking out in a chair for Jason and the other customers to see. That was not going to happen.

  Carlo returned with their wine and poured them both a glass before taking their orders. Claire decided on a simple meal of lasagna and surprisingly Jason indicated that he would have the same. “You must come here often if they know you by name,” Claire said.

  “I usually dine here at least once a week, I love Italian food,” replied Jason.

  “Is this on your way home, then?” asked Claire.

  “I’ve a house on the ocean about fifteen minutes from here depending on traffic, and I admit to doing a certain amount of takeout during the week,” laughed Jason.

  Claire was pleasantly surprised that Jason seemed so normal. He was no doubt a millionaire yet talking with him like this you’d never know that. Most people in his position would have a cook or someone responsible for taking care of the details of his life such as his meals but Jason seemed to be completely self-sufficient. Even at the office he never expected to be waited on. He went to the cafeteria for his own food or coffee and didn’t ask Claire to run any type of personal errands for him.

  She knew that Jason was wealthy of course but there was never actually anything flashy that reminded you of that fact, well maybe the Mercedes. Somehow, that made her respect him even more. After working for him for three years, she still felt like she’d never really known Jason, the man. With Suzy’s revelations about his generosity, Claire was more intrigued than she would care to admit. How could someone as accomplished and powerful as Jason also be the man sitting beside her in a quiet, low key Italian restaurant?

  Jason the tycoon and object of various fantasies over the years was safe. The Jason she’d gotten to know over the last few weeks was oh so dangerous to her. This was a man whom she could lose her head over and her heart too if she wasn’t very careful. Was it already too late to save herself and did she even want to anymore?

  Claire noticed Jason studying her intently across the table and felt her cheeks flush. “You look beautiful tonight Claire, blue suits you,” said Jason.