Read Welcome To The Clash Page 2

The Raiders

  Days and Nights passed by, I started living with all the other villagers. I tried all the ways which came to my mind to get back to my real world but nothing helped out. I no more felt like the fish out of water, instead I was happy settling around there. Kita made the place more lively and she was the one I trusted most out there. I even tried to get back to the forest point where I was found first, but all my efforts ended in vain.

  It was one early morning, most of the village was asleep with some people were roaming around the village. I settled myself near a tree shade and was watching the happenings of the surrounding. After a while, I was accompanied by Kita. We had a little chit chats. Suddenly there was warning alarm ringing all around the village. The village was under attack by “Nandha”. There were five archers bowing their arrows at the town hall. Kita grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the town hall. All the villagers were running into the Town Hall. But I had a confusion, why is everyone running into the Town Hall knowing that it is being attacked. Kita pulled me into the Town hall. The last person entering the closed the front door and locked. Now we were all in a death box. Inside the Town hall was a Idol of a Hooded Person whose face was not visible. Kita ran to the statue and said “Hey Chief, Your Village is attacked by ‘Nandha”. This is the same notification message that I get when someone attacks the village. The Idol was the way how the people contacted the chief. Behind the Statue was an underground path leading to a safe place below the Town Hall. Everyone entered the underground and locked the passage door. The Town Hall was destroyed and the rubbles of the Town hall covered the passage entrance, thus hiding it from the attackers. Lucky for us, it was a Town Hall snipe. The attackers left after destroying the hall and so the resources were left untouched. So this was all about the villagers running towards the Town Hall during an attack. After the raid was finished, everyone returned to their normal works. The destructed buildings were brought back to their original form by the magic of the lab wizards.

  Now I know way to contact Ryan and somehow get me out of Yoan Village. The Hooded Statue in the Town Hall can help me get back to my original world. If I could send a message to Ryan about my state I would be saved somehow by him.

  Glitch Is Here

  I like to live in the village of Yoan, definitely better than the real world filled with boredom and fakeness. But I have a place out in the real world, no one can filled that spot instead of me. So I must return to my original living. I asked Kita to help me to send a message to chief on behalf of me but she refused to do it. The only way that I saw that could help me was the Hooded Statue inside the Town hall. But I was not authorized to enter the Town Hall at casual times. I only way I could get to it is by the way of sleek and sleath.

  I waited for the time till every villager goes to rest, the barbarian guards were still roaming out there who were the only problem at that time. I read out their patrol points and devised a plan to sneak past them. It wasn’t an easy job getting past them but thanks to my plan that went past through them and entered the Town Hall without getting noticed by them. I reached out to the Statue, starting telling out my problem to the statue which of course was that “Ryan, Ryan it’s me Yoan. I am stuck inside the game, please find a way to get me out of here really soon”. A little blink appeared near the eyes of the Statue which must be the denoting message sent. I really felt a great relief on doing this and thought it’s time for me to go home. Suddenly I was attacked behind my head, turning around to see some barbarians I fell unconscious on the ground.

  I slowly relieved myself to regain my consciousness. I was tied up with my arms around the post before the Town Hall. The entire village was watching at me and I saw many faces grudging at me. The Guard Barbarians accused me of illegal entry into Town Hall and I was stated as a glitch to the game.

  A glitch is something with does not come in or follows the rules of the game and it poses a great threat to the game programming. So glitches must be discovered and destroyed as soon as possible.

  Being accused as a glitch, I was ready to be executed by the Barbarian King. But again I used my skills to them and told them “I am an Update, not a Glitch” and asked them to give me a chance to prove it. The choice was given to the people of Yoan who were asked to vote whether to execute me or give a chance to prove me. Kita made a great help here, the faith she had on me made her and her people to go against the decision to execute me. So I was released and given a chance to prove myself as one of them.

  Time For War

  I was released from execution and the people of Yoan saved me by giving me a chance to prove myself. The only way to prove myself as a worthy villager of Yoan is to participate and fight for Yoan in the war attack. “All right, I am doomed” was the first thought on my mind when I heard it. I am clasher with fingers on my phone while with sword on my hand am definitely not. But I was left with no other choice and so I agreed to do it.

  I was given the rank of a Barbarian and was given training and outfit associated with the barbarians. I was given the same basic training as all the other barbarians and was forced to stay at the Barracks and train all time the day. The life of a barbarian really sucks to the core.

  I knew I would never last even a single war attack at the state currently I was. I would die the very first war that I participate, which must not happen as it may spoil the belief of the people and all his efforts to get back to real life. So if I prove myself as a great warrior, I would be a hero among the people and can be awarded with higher ranks in the village, which can even get me access to the Idol. All I needed now was some super extra training that would give me a cutting edge above all the other barbarians in the war. So I practised out as hard as I can and also received special training from once of Kita’s friend Ozi the wizard. During night times I would sneak out of the barracks and get to Ozi to get training from him. I really developed my fighting, warring and alchemy skills in a short span of time. The Research centre also gave me upgrades to make me even stronger.

  When the next attack was commenced by Ryan, I must join with the troops for the war. The day didn’t take long and Ryan went for an attack very soon. I was in the barbarian war troops along with the other troops of war. The war troops was a set of 40 barbarians, 30 archers, 6 wall breakers, 12 giants, 2 healers, 5 wizards and few hog riders filling the remaining space of the army.

  Yoan vs Micheal

  The entire army started marching into the forest, I was going along with them through the forest. After a short while there was a village suddenly from nowhere. It must be that Ryan has decided not to attack this village, the army neglected the village and continued the march. We all crossed about 5 to 6 villages and eventually we reached the village of Navnee.

  The “Navnee” Village was a Town hall 7 village with maxed out defences. The resources stored in this village were around 2lakhs with all the collectors filled up. The Village must be a dead village. A dead village is something which the player has left it without playing it for many days, like I did to Yoan. A dead village is perfect for the war loot. Ryan was an idiot not to attack this village and the army was lead to the next village.

  The next village was “Micheal”. The “Micheal” was a maxed out TH9 village and attacking it will lead to a lot of causalities and damage to the troops. The Town hall was attacked first by a few archers and till it was destroyed no other troops were sent in and it took around a minute of war timer. Then the group of hogs were sent in to take out the air defence. The hogs took out the first air defence after that it was destroyed by the wizard tower. The Giants were sent upfront with the wall breakers and healers at the back. After that I was sent into the war field with few other barbs and archers along with me. The wall was broken by the wall breakers, the giants were attacking the wizard tower with healers healing them from the back. I joined them to attack the tower. After destroying it the giants went to the next defence building while went to the nearby collector and started attacking it. I stayed away from the defenc
e buildings as much as I can because the only way to prove myself was by staying alive in this war and returning home.

  Though the war was interesting when I was above there, it’s a massacre looking at people getting killed one by one. The healers were killed by the archer towers which eventually led the giants helpless and the giants were too getting killed. There were only a few barbarians and wizards were left around me. Suddenly a horde of level 5 wizards came out from the clan castle and started shooting fireball at us. Everyone one who was before me became victims for those fireballs and died. The wizard came running towards me. There were 4 barbs and 4 archers along with me. I thought its time for my end and braced myself to take them on. Suddenly a blue ring occurred around us, and down came thunders from the sky landing over the wizards and killing them. There was only a few seconds left in war timer and I must survive it somehow. I led the other troops to the nearby barracks and started attacking it. The barracks was away from the defences and so we were safe and sound. By the time we finished destroying the barracks, the war timer came ended and the attack was over. We destroyed about 24% of their village and the loss on our side was massive. The returners of war were only those 4 barbs and 4 archers along with me.

  We returned to the village and everyone returned to their normal works. There was not much grief or sorrow about the causalities of war. It was what they were created for and nothing can be done about it. The dead bodies were buried in the graveyard to revive them as skeletons.

  Everything Come Down To This

  We all returned back to our normal works after returning from the war. Well I have proved myself as a worthy villager of the village by returning back alive from the war. I was back at the barracks to continue my practice which I was forced to do. The guard barbarian came running into the barracks. I was feared that it was about my decision to live or die. He said that I am being called by the Barbarian King. So I left to the see the King. There was the Barbarian King and Archer Queen near the Town hall and everyone over there was eager for my arrival. I went to the king with fear in my mind that I was going to be executed. But what happened there was a very big surprise to me. Instead of being dumped, I was given a praising in front of all the villagers and also was Ranked up. I gained a higher rank in the barbarian class.

  Life fully changed after I was ranked up. I was not forced to remain in the barracks or perform full time training. I was free to roam around the village again and was giving training to all the other barbarians. Life became easier and interesting after this event. I participated in all the wars after that.

  It has become five months spending my life in the village. I really lost the thought of returning back to the real world. When life was happening as you wanted, who will be willing to leave it. I spent my time warring and destroying other villages and my thirst for war was increasing with every single war. I spent my time training the villagers while my free time was for Kita. A nice relationship grew between us and spent most of our time together. Every time I returned from the war, the respect on me and my ranking became higher. It was the after the war of “call_me_ts” that I was given promotion as a wizard.

  I am a wizard now. The promotion from barbarian to wizard is not given to all, it is an opportunity given for one in a thousand. I accepted it and started my training as a wizard. A wizard without an afro hairstyle. I was given training in alchemy and magic. I was given high powers and had access to all the buildings. Now I can go to the Town Hall and can also reach the hooded idol. But it was not even in my mind and I was not ready to leave the game. The wars and all respect given made me to forget about the thought of leaving.

  The Final War

  Life could never be better than this. All my thoughts and wishes were fulfilled and was enjoying myself. Power gave me pleasure. The wars made life interesting, magic was awesome experience. I became one like the other programmed villagers. In a short span of time, I became a hero among the villagers of the village. Fame, Power and doing what I wanted gave me joy and happiness.

  It was time for our next war attack, this time I was assigned to the first battalion of wizards. We went to the forest to find our attack. After a few while we reached the village of “Shiv”. It was a TH9 village and it was a base which can only be destroyed by a dragon attack, even the Town hall was at the centre. I wished Ryan does not attack this village. But my wish did not work out. Ryan sent all the troops to attack the right side of village which was somewhat guarded little. It was a fierce battle and all our warriors fought to their life. I started shooting at everything in front of me. The fire balls that I fired with my fellow wizards did massive damage to all the structures.

  A dragon came out of the castle and it headed straight to us. We started shooting fire balls at the dragon and the dragon was breathing fire at us. After a few seconds of exchanges of blows against each other, the dragon came down destroying the wizards with me. Only me and Ozi were alive after taking down the dragon. There was a line of sight available to shoot at the Town hall. Destroying it will gain us the victory. So Me and Ozi rushed to the Town hall. But suddenly to our shock came out two lvl 7 Tesla towers near the Town hall. The towers gave electric blows to me and drained my life within seconds and I was heavily wounded and fell to the ground. It all comes down to this, the end to me as arrived. Down and down I fell with a big bang to the ground. The entire place went dim and darker by every moment. To my left fell Ozi with no sound. A last glance at the world while am alive, I looked around and all that I could see was my fellow warriors getting killed one by one by those massive defence structures. It’s time for my end. Thanks for this wonderful world for giving me a life which I expected to live and closed my eyes to death. With great glory and braveness I went to the gods in the war field. I went total blackout.

  The Replay

  I was struck by a tesla tower and left to death in the war field. What happened to the war, did we win or lose, and I never knew it. I am dead but I have the feeling of living still in me, maybe it must be my soul. I opened my eyes to see those blue skies high above and I was lying in the middle of a forest. It appeared similar to the same forest that where I came into the game. Am I back to the starting point?

  I stood and looked around the forest, it took a little time for me regain my mind. I started to walk around and find the way out to the village, after a while saw an opening at the end. Thought I found my village and rushed to it. To my shock, I saw my real world city which I was living. My phone rang and it was Ryan calling me. Ryan said that he was at my house and that I was gone missing for the past 7 hours even without a single way to contact me. I rushed home and there was Ryan standing at my door. I explained everything that happened to Ryan and I was only laughed at for this. Ryan told everything must be a big nightmare. I was really puzzled whether everything was a dream or a real experience.

  My thought of leaving Clash of Clans must be why this must have happened. I got my account back from Ryan and created another account for Ryan on his mobile. He left after sometime to take care of me and also advised me that its just a dream and also told to get back from it and live my own life. I was still confused and wanted o find out whether it was a dream.

  So I opened my Clash of Clans, this time after the Supercell screen it went to the loading screen while I expected the black screen to appear. I opened the attack log and found the last attack on “Shiv”. I wanted to see the replay so I clicked on the replay button. It was the same scene that happened in the war field, I even saw myself getting killed by the Tesla tower and eventually we lost the war. Everything that has happened to me is real and I had lived in the Yoan village for six hours which is six months in the world of Clash of Clans. It has happened, it has happened for real.


  I was the only person who lived in both real and Clash of Clans world. My experience over there has changed my views on Clash of Clans. I am not going to say about this to anyone to save myself from being called insane. Now am not an addict to the g
ame nor did I leave the game entirely. I started playing back Clash of Clans, but this time everything was under my control. I took entire care for Kita, Ozi and all others and also continued my life as Yoan in the real world.

  Everything done cannot go wrong when we have control of ourselves. Getting addicted to something and staying away from it can be hard. But trying something with self control is the best way for everything.

  The Yoan villagers may bury me in the graveyard and wait for me to be revived as a skeleton. But they are not going to find me in the graveyard, because I was above here guiding them to live their life.

  ---THE END---

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