Read Welcome to Dunvegas Page 15

Desdemona Arnez hurried under the long white fangs poised in perpetual bite that marked the entrance to the Fifth Annual ParaPleasures Expo. She skirted a group of people who seemed to be watching a couple writhing on the floor. She wasn’t sure but she thought they might be attempting to demonstrate how to have sex with their clothes on. It wasn’t an easy feat, but it wasn’t impossible either; she’d done it before. She heard someone say, “Mom!” and winced. She’d never done it with her parents watching, though.

  Sparing a smile for Amanda Bast, the well-dressed hostess of the Dunvegas Hotel's casino, she kept walking. She didn’t have time to stop and gab with the other woman about who had gotten more catcalls that week. Bast always won because she whistled at herself.

  She spotted her booth, which was unfortunately still in sight of the fanged entryway, but there was no help for that because she’d picked this spot. Thinking of what she’d done to snag such a plum location made her right eyelid twitch. Even more annoying was that she now had a new number one fan, who was gazing at her from across the crowded room.

  Andre gave her his best randy goat grin while smoothing his hands down his long, black coat and her eyes involuntary followed the same path. Unfortunately, the coat wasn’t quite long enough to hide the fact that he was indeed a horny little satyr, in more ways than one.

  She jerked her gaze away and concentrated on lining up her stock according to size, color, speed, and flexibility, hoping that if she didn’t look up again, he’d get the picture and leave her alone. She couldn’t get that lucky.

  Sure enough, the clatter of his shiny black hooves on the floor warned her that he wasn’t going to give up that easily. “Desi, how long will you make me suffer?” When he whined, his voice sounded like the bleating of a goat.

  With an irritated sigh, she tossed her long, black hair over her shoulder and gave him a glare designed to wither even the most stalwart of men.

  However, Andre was made of sterner stuff and simply stared back out of a pair of bright golden eyes that reminded her of a goat. He’d lived up to the randy part the night before. “But Desi, I love you.”

  She slapped a whip down on the counter and he flinched. “Look, Andre, I told you, I don’t do love, I do sex. That’s it.”

  “I could live with that.”

  With a low growl, she came out from behind the counter, standing toe to hoof with him. “Go away before I hurt you.”

  Instead of running away, Andre took her hands in his and took a deep breath, his eyes bright with lust. “Ooh, really?”

  Sighing, her anger cooled and her shoulders slumped. “No.”


  “Is there a problem?” A sexy rumble vibrated along her spine, heading straight into the crotch of her panties with unerring precision. Desi went on her toes to see over Andre’s shoulder and locked gazes with one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen. Her stomach clenched and her knees went weak. Andre mistook her reaction and tightened his hold, but she was glad for it, because she needed help standing up right then.

  A pair of green eyes stood out in stark contrast against dark lashes so thick they gave her a pang of envy. His hair reminded her of autumn leaves, in every color of red, brown and gold together in a longish, shaggy cut that almost reached his shoulders. His mouth was a shade too full, and the lower half of his jaw covered in stubble. Combined with the long, lean body packed into the untucked black t-shirt and faded Levi’s, he looked like he’d just rolled out of bed. She wouldn’t mind rolling him right into hers.

  “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” Mr. Sex on a Stick asked and her hormones, which had been on full alert, came to a screeching halt. Even as handsome as he was, that line wasn’t going to cut it with her.

  With as icy a tone as she could muster, she replied, “I doubt it,” and shook free of Andre’s hold. It was the truth; she’d have remembered this man. Unless... Frantically, she searched her memory. Talk about an awkward moment. Well, only for her. After all, none of her victims knew her real identity.

  As a succubus, Desi invaded men’s dreams, granting their wildest fantasies. In return, she fed off the energy they generated. She’d survived for three centuries because, unlike some of her greedier sisters, she didn’t take too much, which meant she’d visited a whole bunch of men.

  However, when she was in the waking world, she preferred to wear the face she’d had as a mortal. So, while it was possible that she’d made a sex pit stop at Sir Studly’s, she wasn’t too worried about him recognizing her, because she’d bet anything that he’d chosen blonde and brainless to be his dream girl. Though she’d never had any complaints in the breast department, she wasn’t blonde and she definitely wasn’t brainless.

  Lucian stared at the woman standing beside the counter and wondered why he'd gotten a tip about her. Those toys on the counter, some he didn’t even know the use for, didn’t really look very dangerous and she couldn’t be hiding anything in that red leather halter, because there simply wasn’t room for anything else.

  He knew he shouldn’t have asked about seeing her somewhere before, because the moment the words left his mouth, her dark eyes went flat and hard. Damn, she thought he was trying to pick her up. Not that he’d mind if she said yes.

  Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, leaving it to fall in a shiny ribbon of inky, black silk, long enough to bounce off her ass when she turned and hurried back to her booth. As he stared, a grin stretched across his mouth. He remembered that ass. Round, soft and firm, he’d had his hands on that, using it to hold her in place as he’d thrust inside...

  “Who are you?” The angry question jerked him back to the present.

  He blinked at the sight before him. The creature had furred legs and hooves and tiny horns, so it had to be a satyr. He wore a long, black coat, and on that coat was a tag that read Andre. More importantly it said he was an employee of the Expo.

  Lucian jerked his head to one side and Andre followed. Thankfully, the woman was distracted. Off to their left, a vampire emerged from the private tent of Zee Kirkland’s Magic Touch Massage booth, transformed into a bat and took off. Apparently frightened, a tourist squeaked and ducked beneath the counter, watching as the bat flapped off into the night sky. “My name’s Lucian Ballantine. I work for Paranormal and Magical Security.”

  “PMS?” Andre laughed so hard he could barely speak.

  “That’s Paranormal and Magical Security,” Lucian gritted out, trying to keep his voice down.

  “Yeah, but we call it PMS because everyone who works there is so bitchy.” Andre smirked.

  “Whatever.” He shrugged, acting as though he didn’t hate the initials. “Look, maybe you can help me.” Lucian nodded in the woman’s direction. “Who is she?”

  Andre narrowed his eyes. “Why do you want to know?”

  “Someone sent me a note, said I was supposed to watch this booth and the person in it.”

  All traces of amusement fled the satyr’s face. “Is she contagious?” He leaned forward, gasping for breath, his naturally golden skin ashen. “We, uh, you know.” Andre bit his lip and danced around on his hooves.

  “What’s her name?” Lucian asked.

  “Desi. At least that’s what she told me.” He glanced back at Desi, who seemed to be unaware that they were talking about her, then back at Lucian. “Look, just give it to me straight. How long do I got?”

  Lucian had been staring at Desi too, taking in the way the light turned her skin the color of caramels. It made him hungry.

  “Hey! Will you answer me? I’m dyin’ here and you’re communing with Richard and his two brothers down in Pantsville!” Andre snapped his fingers in front of Lucian’s face.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “I know you're dazed by the way she looks. She’s hot, but watch it or you’ll get burned!” Andre paused for a breath, but before Lucian could correct him, he was off again. “I was once like you until I woke up.” The satyr gave him a piteous look that lasted a split second
before changing to fear once more. “Now, tell me what’s wrong with her or I’ll—” As if a suddenly thought occurred to him, he stopped in mid-sentence and gagged. Lucian obligingly slapped him on the back until he held up a hand for him to stop. Swallowing hard, Andre took a deep breath and started babbling. “She is a she, right? I haven’t suddenly started playin’ for the other team without knowing it, have I?”

  Lucian let him suffer before he answered, “Naw, she’s a she.” Then, just because the other man pissed him off, he added, “As far as I know.”

  Andre scuttled off with a quick, “See you later, Desi!” over his shoulder.

  “Not if I see you first,” she muttered, then gave Lucian another glare.

  He wondered if she had another expression and found out a second later, when her eyes lit with a smile. For the first time, he noticed that they weren’t really black, but a deep blue, like the sky right before dawn. She also had a dimple in each cheek, not something he thought dangerous creatures had.

  Her smile got wider and his dick stood up straight and took notice. Tingles slid along his skin, starting at the top of his head, getting very friendly at all the good spots on the way to his toes. Her smile wasn’t for him, though.

  “Hello, welcome to the ParaPleasures Expo. Oh, wait.” She stopped and pulled a lanyard out from under the counter, looping it over her head. “Sorry, I forgot my nametag. I’m Desdemona, but you can call me Desi. How can I help you?”

  She touched her customer’s arm and an arc of blue fire visible only to Lucian slid from her hand onto the man's fingers. Almost immediately, red came from his hand and melded with the blue, tinting it a deep violet shade. Ah, shit, his tip was good. But it didn’t seem to bother the old dude. On the contrary, he looked mighty happy to be there, so Lucian got just close enough to watch and listen.

  The little bald man stared up at Desi in adoration. “I’m looking for something for my um…”

  She fluttered her lashes at him. “Let me guess, your wife?”

  “Oh, ah, how did you know?”

  Lucian rolled his eyes. How about that ring on your finger, you old fool?

  “I can spot a satisfied man a mile off.” Desi leaned on the counter and the man’s eyes almost popped out of his head at the view. So did Lucian’s. “You have this glow about you,” she cooed.

  “I do?” Beads of sweat popped on baldy's head, so she was half right. “I mean, I do! Yes, of course I do.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Well, Fred, I think you and your wife need this.” She picked up a small purple vibrator with a little rabbit on the end. “And this and oh, yes, this. Now here’s what you do.” She leaned close and whispered in his ear.

  Fred jerked back and stared at her with wide eyes. “I don’t think Jackie would like that.”

  “Trust me, Fred. I’m a woman and I like that, a lot.” Desi smothered a giggle behind her hand. Lucian wanted to gag at her little act, but he wasn’t too surprised when Fred walked away with a black bag with pink hearts and the words Turn Me On written in bright pink.

  With the men, she got them to buy a toy for themselves or their partners. Most single men, she sold a DVD.

  With the women, she was either a confidant, a co-conspirator against a man who didn’t understand their needs, or just a girlfriend who knew they didn’t need a man if they had batteries. However, almost every customer walked away with a bag, and more importantly, they left a tiny bit of their aura behind with Desi. Each time her aura flared, he smelled something that made him crazy.

  He’d been struck by lightening at the age of twelve, and since then, he’d been able to hear people’s thoughts and see the occasional vision of the past or the future. However, he'd never had smells involved before. Yet when Desi started using her magic, the teasing smell of roses and some indefinable sweet scent wafted past his nose. It made him feel hungry, horny and pissed off all at the same time. It also made his psi-senses go haywire.

  Desi laughed with one of her female customers and he inhaled sharply. The smell was so strong it fogged his senses, breaking down his shields, triggering a vision that was more vivid than he’d ever had before.

  He lay on a bed in a strange room with plain white walls. He thought he was alone until he noticed a woman standing in the shadows. The light was dim, but her blonde hair and bright blue eyes seemed to glow, as did the long red robe she wore. “Did you call me?”


  Apparently, this was the right answer, because she let the robe fall to reveal soft white flesh and crawled up his body. Once astraddle him, she braced her arms on either side of his head, leaning down to kiss him softly on the mouth. He shivered when her long, silky hair tickled his bare skin. She laughed and shook her head, her lips curving into a mysterious smile. “Don’t you recognize me?” Her blonde hair darkened until it was raven black, and her eyes turned a familiar midnight shade. Desi!

  It took effort, but he thrust himself out of the vision. She’d been inside his head before, and from the familiar way she acted, it hadn’t been the first time either. Cold rage filled him, killing every bit of lust he’d been feeling for her.

  He’d seen enough, so he pushed away from the wall and walked over to her in case she decided to run. “You’re good.”

  “What can I say?” With a weary sigh, she leaned against the counter. “Sex sells.”

  “Too bad I’m going to have to haul you in for magical mischief.”

  “What?” Her eyes went wide when he pulled out a pair of magically enforced cuffs. “I did no such thing! How dare you!” She stopped talking when he snapped the first one in place and pulled her other arm behind her back, securing them in place.

  “What gives you the right to arrest me?”

  “Paranormal and Magical Security.” He flashed his badge before hooking his fingers in the cuffs. He ignored her pleading look, sure it was just another of her little tricks.

  She proved him right when in the next second her eyes turned blood red. Then, surprisingly, she smiled, or not so surprisingly, when he heard her question. “Para what? PMS, are you joking?”

  “Unfortunately I’m not.” She tugged at the restraints, and he tightened his grip, knowing the spell in the cuffs would keep her from getting loose. Without magical aid, she could overpower him and take off to parts unknown, never to be seen again.

  He was only a human after all; he didn’t possess any extra strength. All he had on his side was a psychic ability to sense magic. He leaned in and sniffed. Desi smelled like roses but she was full of shit.

  Once the elevator door closed, the scent got suddenly stronger and Lucian gave her a predatory smile as he walked towards her. She frowned, backing away, but he kept coming until she was trapped between him and the wall.

  “Desi, you’ve got some explaining to do.”

  Desi wet her lips nervously and gave her best innocent eyes to the man who’d made it his mission to ruin her night. “What’s your name?” When he didn’t answer, just continued to stare down at her, she tried another tack. “I can’t breathe, you know.” She wiggled.

  He blinked once and shook his head as if clearing the fog from his brain. “What? Oh, yeah, I’m Lucian Ballantine, I work for…”

  “PMS, yes, I heard you.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not surprised. You’ve been a pain in my ass since I first laid eyes on you.”

  “You smell…” He buried his face against her neck and inhaled.

  Cuffed as she was, she could only shove at him with her chest. It wasn’t very effective, and it made her nipples stand up and try to see what was going on. It was safer for her to glare and seethe. “I beg your pardon.”

  He frowned and stepped back, but she noticed that it seemed like he had to force himself to do so. “Um…you smell really, really good.” He drawled out the last word and grinned, aiming a kiss at her mouth, missing and hitting her cheek.

  “Oh, pooh!”

  “Pooh? You said p
ooh? Don’t you curse?” He seemed to find that hilariously funny, doubling over with laughter.

  “Forgive me for not being foulmouthed enough for you!” She frowned when he slid down to sit on the floor. “Idiot.”

  “I like your accent when you get angry.” He curled his fingers right below her knee, squeezing slightly, and she jerked. Heat gathered low in her stomach and the muscles quivered in anticipation.

  “I don’t have an accent.” She stomped her foot and his hand fell away.

  “Yes, you do.” He simply placed his hand a little higher on her thigh, sliding his fingers up and down in little circles. “Where are you from?”

  “Hell.” At that, the doors opened and she stalked out, leaving him on the floor.

  Desi scurried down the hall, looking for someone to trick into taking off her cuffs. Just as she reached the next set of elevators, one of them lit up and the doors began to open. She ran for the cover of a dusty fake palm by the ice machine.

  A whistling man dressed in a tatty rocker tee and faded jeans came out carrying a covered tray. While he didn’t look like her idea of a waiter, he was a man and that was all that mattered. She blinked her eyes so tears would form and then called out, “Sir!”

  He turned and stared down at her but didn’t seem moved by her distress, just stood twirling the tray on one finger like a basketball player. “Where did you come from?” He looked over her shoulder as if expecting someone to be with her.

  “I’m running from a very bad man. Will you please help me?” she asked in her best helpless female voice.

  “No, and you best not try and make me, either.” He actually stepped back.

  What? She didn’t look dangerous. Men were idiots! “Grr!”

  “Grr to you, too.” He growled at her and then smiled to show off some very sharp teeth.

  “You’re a were!” It was her turn to step back.

  Footsteps thudded down the hall behind her, and though she knew it had to be Lucian, she was sort of glad not to be alone with this weird man anymore.

  “Did you lose something?” The man smirked.

  “I’m being kidnapped and you won’t even help me!” Unable to give it up, she let a few of the tears fall.

  He laughed. “Does that ever work?”

  She stopped crying instantly and snarled, “Shut up, flea-magnet! If I’d known you were a werewolf, I’d have offered you raw steak as a bribe.” Without looking, she twisted and kicked backwards, hitting Lucian in the shin, and took off running.

  In two steps, Lucian grabbed her around the waist, hauling off her feet. He turned and faced the other man. “Hi, Harry, thanks for stalling her until I uh…”

  “Took a whiz, ate lunch. What, Lucky?” Harry raised one brow and waited for him to explain why his prisoner had been running loose, but Lucian didn’t know. All he remembered was the elevator door closing and then feeling really happy and there was no other word for it. Horny.

  He was saved from answering because the little bundle of anger who’d been content spitting curses at him chose to up the ante and sink her teeth into his leg, so he howled instead. “Christ, Desi, stop that!” When he finally pried her teeth out of his leg, then off his fingers, Lupin was laughing. “What’s so damned funny?”

  “Lucian and Desi?” Lupin grinned at him.

  “Yeah, and?”

  “Oh, come on! Lucky and Desi,” Harry snickered.

  “Ha ha, so damn funny. How many times have I told you not to call me Lucky?”

  “You have no sense of humor.”

  “Maybe you just can’t tell a joke.”

  “I’m going to throw up,” Desi warned.

  Lucian rolled his eyes. “I’m taking her to my room for questioning.”

  “Big bed in that room.”

  “Piss off.” Lucian started to walk away and then remembered something. “Hey, wait, tell me something.” He lifted Desi up a little, so her head was closer to Lupin’s face. “Does she smell to you?”

  Harry stayed well out of reach of her mouth. Seeing how she’d just tried to take a chunk out of Lucian, he couldn’t really blame the other man. Lucian inhaled and then frowned. “Smells like any girl. Just wet.”


  “Tears.” Harry sniffled, and with one last smirk at Desi, who sneered back at him, he sauntered off.

  “Tears? Did he make you cry?” Lucian let her slide down, holding her arm just above the elbow, so he could lead her to the blue room.

  “No, but I’ll make you cry if you don’t let me go.”

  “Blah blah yadda yadda.”