Read Welcome to Dunvegas Page 17


  Lucian held onto Desi’s elbow until he got to his room. He slid his keycard through the slot and opened the door, automatically letting out a long sigh as he walked into the room that Dunvegas provided for him. Everything was in blues, from the palest shade that was almost white to a dark midnight of the bedspread. Some wizard with a decorating bent said these colors suited his psyche best and helped him relax.

  Desi’s breath tickled his ear. “If you’ll promise to let me go, I’ll make your wildest fantasies come true.” How in the hell did she get so close so fast? Well, there went relaxing.

  Once he had Desi’s hands safely cuffed to the sturdiest chair in the room, he sat as far away from her as possible, which unfortunately was on the bed “Ms…” He paused. “What is your last name?”


  He put his hand over his mouth. “Your last name is Arnez?” He snickered.

  She frowned. “What is so funny about my name? That wereperson laughed at my name and yours as well.”

  Lucian stopped laughing. “My name's Lucian Ballantine. Harry has always called me Lucky.”

  “Desi Arnez and Lucky Ballantine.” Her pouty red lips thinned. “I don't find anything funny about that at all.”

  He coughed. “Neither do I. Look, Ms. Arnez, when you said my wildest fantasies, were you offering me sex or what?”

  Desi's eyes widened. “I most certainly did not! What do you take me for?”

  “I'm trying to figure that out. You took something from your customers tonight.” He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “But you also gave them a little bit of your aura.” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth. “I can see these things, so don’t even try and deny it.”

  She sucked in her breath, which had an interesting effect on her cleavage, but he refused to let that sway him. Much. Lucian decided it might be best if he looked somewhere else.

  “I'm a succubus, it's what I do.” Her voice was soft. He thought she was frightened, so he was surprised when he caught the angry expression on her face.

  “How old are you?”

  “Older than you.” She managed to look down her nose at him even though he'd stood and begun to pace. “You’re not supposed to ask a lady that question.”

  He stopped in front of her and rocked back and forth on his heels. “Okay, then, why did you mark those people?”

  “For future visits, of course.”

  “What?” His mouth fell open in shock.

  “I haven’t hurt anyone since the Civil War.” She wiggled her shoulders. “That soldier recovered completely, and more importantly, he didn’t hurt any more innocent women after he woke up.”

  “I umm... what?” He stared at her. She appeared younger than his own thirty years but had just stated calmly that she’d been alive over a hundred years ago. He concentrated on something else. “What do you do, exactly?”

  Desi peered at him from beneath her lashes. “I can't explain it. I'd have to show you.”

  Lucian’s skin prickled and his dick woke up, pointing in her direction like a divining rod that had found a well. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He shifted in his chair. Down, boy.

  “That’s the only way you’ll be able to prove that I’m not a danger to everyone around me.” She smiled at him, and he swallowed thickly past the sudden lump in his throat. “Close your eyes.” Her voice reverberated in his head.

  His eyes grew heavy but he forced them open. “Wait.” He shook his head. “How do I know you won’t kill me?”

  Her smile widened. “You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Desi thought she’d have a chance to escape when Lucian took off the cuffs. He must have been able to read her intentions, however, because he’d only unfastened one so she could get out of the chair, immediately placing the other on his wrist.

  He pulled her along behind him, turning when she balked and dug in her heels. “What’s wrong?”

  “We don’t actually do um…” She pointed at the big bed looming in front of them.

  “I figured that out, but I’d rather be comfortable for this little experiment in idiocy.” With that, he lay down and tugged on her hand. “I won’t hurt you either, you know,” he whispered when she just stood staring at him.

  She forced a smile and lay down on her back as far away as the length of chain would allow.

  “Now what?”

  She jumped at his question, but he grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall off the bed.

  “Just close your eyes and relax.” Since they were already holding hands, she simply used that to make a connection. She didn’t have to be touching someone to do it, but this was the easiest way. She wound a small tendril of her power out, frowning when it immediately latched onto his aura. It shouldn’t have been that easy unless…

  “Lucian, have we met before?” As she asked the question, she turned her head. Immediately, she realized her mistake, because even though he was asleep, his eyes were wide open. She gazed into the green depths and was helplessly sucked into the dark abyss of Lucian’s dreams.

  Lucian realized two things almost immediately. One, a dream blowjob is almost as good as the reality. Two, he didn’t like it. “Lady, get off me.”

  The blonde who’d just been deep throating him pulled away and frowned up at him. “Why?”

  “I don’t know you.” He pushed her away, zipping up his jeans. “Where is…” He paused, trying to remember something.

  The blonde with no name giggled and pressed a kiss to his thigh. He barely suppressed a scream.

  She sighed and sank back down to her knees. “Where is what? Would you like different hair?”

  “Your hair’s fine.”

  She raked her hands through the mass of curls and they turned red. He stared at her with his mouth hanging open. She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Fine, then, about bigger breasts.” She closed her eyes and her brows dipped down in concentrations. She took a deep breath, or he thought that’s what she’d done, but he noticed that her chest didn’t go back down.

  “Holy shit, three sizes at least. They’re Grinch boobs!”

  She laughed huskily, then clapped her hand over her mouth. With another snort of laughter, she stood and paced away from him, tossing her long, red hair over her shoulder so that it tumbled down her back. “Lucian, what do you want?”

  He liked her laugh, but the ass was even better. Something clicked, and the scent of roses filled the room. “I’d like Desi, please.”

  All traces of laughter fled her voice with her next comment. “What did you say?”

  “It’s my dream.” He stared at the strange redhead. “You’re pretty, but you’re not her.” Well, he thought, you are her, but I’d rather see the real you. However, he wasn’t fool enough to say it aloud.

  “I...uh.” She swallowed hard.

  “Fine, just give me a Desi clone.” He leaned back on the bed that matched his in the waking world and smiled. He’d just flummoxed a succubus. It wasn’t as if she could hide it, because right now she had a pale complexion. Or she would if she weren’t blushing so hard she matched that red hair.

  “All right.” Her hair darkened as did her skin and eyes until she looked just like Desi down to the tiny mole beside her lower lip. He’d noticed that when they got on the elevator and had wanted to lick it. Now, he could.

  She’d also put on a short red nightgown that shimmered with each breath she took. “Lucian.” She stepped forward only to stop. “I don’t know how to explain this, but I’ve tasted your energy before.”

  “I know.” And he didn’t care.

  “You don’t mind?” Desi was suddenly in front of him, her expression sad, but also hungry.

  Warning bells sounded deep within. He ignored them because he was getting sex with this woman, dream sex but still sex. “Not a bit.”

  “Good.” Her tone made him look at her again, or it could have been her fingers sliding up and down the zipper of his jeans. “I’ve
waiting too long between real feedings. It makes me a little bit—” She let her voice trail off at the same time as she undid the button.

  “Oh, damn.” He sucked in his breath and watched as she slowly unzipped his fly and pushed it open. She skimmed the nail of her index finger up and down the trail of hair that ran from his belly button to the top of his briefs before sliding beneath the waistband. He was hot, hard and ready, leaping at her fingertips.

  “Do you want me to stop?” When he didn’t answer, she pulled his briefs down and licked him once. “Honey, do you want me to stop?”

  “Are you insane?” He ground out, lifting up towards her mouth. She took him in her mouth, her eyes never leaving his. It was the hottest thing she could have done.

  She laughed and her hand gripped him tighter. “Trying to get away from me?” Her voice vibrated along the length of his shaft and he groaned, gritting his teeth to hold back the tingling at the base of his spine. “Tell me, Lucian.”

  “I’ll tell you anything you wanna know, just…” He bit back a yelp when she raked her teeth up and down the length of him, tugging on his balls at the same time. Hell, she was trying to kill him. She was a little Nazi; surely that’s where she’d learned her torture techniques.

  “Do you like this?” She laughed, low in her throat, and moved faster, her cheeks drawing in with the force of the suction. She gripped the base of his cock with her fingers, skimming her teeth and tongue over the underside of the head right where he was the most sensitive. How the hell did she know that? Oh, wait, maybe it was the groaning and thrashing around.

  “Yes,” he managed before she swirled her tongue in the opening at the head of his cock. She opened her mouth and took another long suck. He yelled her name and felt fire race down his spine. Almost. Dear God, please.

  He tunneled his fingers in her hair, pulling her close. His body tightened as he plunged back and forth, a little too roughly, forgetting to be gentle.

  She pressed her lips together and fucked him with her mouth, sucking and pulling back. He said her name with a gasp, his hips pistoning back and forth. She made a sexy little noise, somewhere between a whimper and a hum, tickling him. He knew then that he was going to lose it. His cock jerked in her mouth, and he tried to push her back.

  Desi was having none of it, though. Her fingers curled over his wrists, holding on with surprising strength. She sucked and licked; then, with a low growl, she nipped him. With a yell, he exploded and fell back onto the bed gasping for breath.

  She followed him down, her mouth on him, still making that hungry little noise that wasn’t sexy anymore. Now it was terrifying.