Read Welcome to the Neighborhood #1 Page 6

  Chapter 6

  Andrew sat on his porch, hands clasped tightly as he tapped his feet. He was trying to decide if he should approach Garrett or not. On one hand, he had grown to like the guy and considered him a friend. But on the other hand, he had known Greg, Ted, and Brad for five years and they’d never lied to him before…at least not that he knew of. How could he even approach Garrett? Even if he decided that was the best option, how in the heck would Andrew start that conversation? Straightforward, that is what friends do, no bullshit. If they were going to continue to become better friends, Andrew needed to know. He needed to be able to trust Garrett, to trust him around his wife…and someday, around his kids. That did it. Okay, Andrew thought, here goes.

  He popped up to his feet and strode across the street and right up to Garrett’s door, quickly knocking on the door before he could change his mind. The sound of footsteps approaching was followed by the door opening. Garrett looked a bit disheveled, his hair a hot mess and stubble covering his face. That grew fast, Andrew thought. He hadn’t had it there last night when they’d hung out. Looking down at Garrett’s arms and legs, Andrew noticed he had long sleeves and pants on, in nearly 90 degree weather. Weird…but not the point. Garrett’s voice sounded strained as he spoke.

  “Hey, Andrew…I’m a little busy, what’s up?” Crud, Andrew thought. Here we go. He really hoped this didn’t backfire. It had to be done, he knew that. Andrew just hoped he didn’t lose a good friend.

  “Sorry to bother you. Yeah, you look kind of like crap bro. You doing alright?” Garrett’s facial expression showed annoyance as he answered.

  “Yeah, fine and dandy…I just have a lot to do before the sun goes down. So please, what do you need?” Touchy, Andrew thought. Better just get this over with.

  “I need to ask you a tough personal question. And I hope you don’t get upset with me.” Garrett looked worried, and more annoyed. After a few seconds of no response from his friend, Andrew just spat it out. “Some people in the neighborhood I have known awhile told me to stay clear of you. That you were dangerous…that you, that you…that you were a child…that you did stuff to kids and possibly killed one. I didn’t believe them, I mean…I don’t believe them, but I just don’t get why they would say that without meeting you or why they would make it up. I’m sorry, but I just had to discuss it with you, you know?” Garrett turned red, and not with embarrassment.

  “Andrew, no I don’t know. If someone told me that about you, I would dismiss it immediately and stick up for you. Did you even try to look it up online, to see if I’m on there anywhere for any of the bull your friends are feeding you?”

  “Well, I was going to, but they said there was no point because you probably changed your name.” Garrett blew out a huff and shook his head.

  “That’s convenient. You are smarter than that Andrew. If I changed my name then how would your friends know that I did that stuff? If my name wasn’t Garrett Sheppers when I supposedly committed these crimes and they haven’t met me yet…how would they know I did that stuff just from knowing Garrett Sheppers moved into the neighborhood. Seriously, think about it.” Damn, he was right. Andrew hadn’t even thought about that. How could they know Garrett did any of those things if he had a different name then? But why would they lie?

  “Why would they lie, Garrett?” Garrett looked at his watch and shook his head frantically.

  “I don’t know, ask them. I’m running out of daylight and have a ton to do still. Please, just leave me alone.” He started to shut the door, but Andrew put his hand against it to stop it.

  “Garrett, I’m sorry. Don’t be angry with me bro. I just had to be honest with you and make sure. Are we okay?”

  “Look, it hurts that you could even consider the fact that I could have done those things. But I haven’t exactly painted myself in a completely bright and shiny light with you either, so I get it. You had doubts and you came to me openly and honestly, I can’t ask for more. It hurts but I respect how you did it, and I understand. If I was in your shoes, with a young wife and a baby on the way…I would have done the same thing. We are fine, but I really need to go now, please.” Something Garrett said stuck out in Andrew’s mind.

  “Wait, Garrett…Ellen isn’t pregnant. Why did you say that?” Garrett looked anxious, and stuttered before saying anything coherent.

  “I, um, I must have misunderstood you at some point…sorry. Anyways, I really have to go. And Andrew, stay away from my house tonight. Once the sun goes down, stay in your house…and lock the door.” Okay, and the award for the creepiest possible thing to say to someone to end a conversation goes to Garrett. Andrew couldn’t let that one go unquestioned.

  “That is a frightening thing to say.” Garrett ran his hand though his hair and let out a huge sigh.

  “Look, just listen to me please. I will explain later. Now I have to go!” With that, Garrett shut the door in Andrew’s face. Stunned, Andrew turned and walked back to his house. He needed to get online and check out the accusations against Garrett for himself. Then, if he couldn’t find anything, he was going to call the guys and figure out what the hell was going on.

  Chapter 7

  Sitting at his computer, with Billiam resting between his feet, Andrew tapped his fingers on the base of the keyboard. It was after sunset now, and the sky was clear and illuminated by a full moon. Ellen was working a night shift and wouldn’t be home until after midnight. Good thing too, she would freak out if she knew what the guys had told Andrew. She was just starting to warm up to the idea of Garrett being a decent guy who just needed a little help. This info, even if untrue, would kill that idea doornail dead. He stared at the Google search box. Taking a deep breath, he typed in Garrett Sheppers and hit enter.

  Searching through the hits, nothing stuck out or matched up to what Andrew’s friends had said. In fact, none of it even matched up to Garrett at all. Some Sheppers, some Garretts, but nothing on him specifically. Andrew was about to turn off the computer when the last hit caught his eye. The title made his spine tingle. Man Lone Survivor after Family Victim of Animal Attack. He clicked on the link.

  His heart sank as he saw the picture of a younger, happier Garrett in a family portrait with a beautiful woman and two adorable children, a boy and a girl. The article explained how Garrett and his family were camping in the woods when they were attacked and mauled by a large wolf. Garrett barely survived, but his wife and children weren’t so lucky…if being alive after losing everyone you loved was lucky. The story went on to say that Garrett claimed it wasn’t a regular wolf, but more man-like…like a werewolf. The police dismissed his claims as aftershock, survivor’s guilt, and heartache. They stated that wolves were highly abundant in the area, although the reporter pointed out that attacks such as this were not.

  That was it, no follow up articles…other than the obituaries of Garrett’s wife and kids. Poor guy, Andrew thought. No wonder he has such anger and trust issues. The guy is no monster…he is just lonely and deeply scarred from watching his loved ones be mauled and killed. Obviously it hadn’t been a werewolf as he claimed, he was just in shock. Watching your family be torn to shreds by a wolf could do that. Andrew felt like such an ass. This poor tortured soul had opened up to him and was trying to build a friendship of trust and Andrew accuses him of being a child molester. Damn Ted, Greg, and Brad…bastards. That reminded him.

  Andrew was fuming as he picked up his phone and dialed Ted. After getting his voicemail, he tried Greg, but got the same. He tried Brad’s cell next, hoping to get a hold of him if they were all out. The guy always had his phone on him. After three rings he answered.

  “Hello, Andy is that you buddy?” Don’t call me buddy, Andrew thought.

  “Yeah, we need to talk. All of us.”

  “Well, we are a bit busy tonight man, so no can do right now. You can meet up with us if you want.”

t are you guys doing? I really need to talk to you, it’s about Garrett.”

  “Funny you should mention him Andy. He is actually our focus tonight too.” Andrew didn’t like the sound of that.

  “What do you mean, your focus?”

  “Well bud, we are going to send a message to that sick bastard tonight. You are welcome to join us.” What the heck does that mean, Andrew wondered anxiously.

  “What are you planning? You better not hurt him. I don’t know what kind of game you are playing but you guys lied to me. He said it isn’t true what you said and I can’t find anything about it online. The only thing I can find about his past is that his wife and kids were mauled to death by wolves a few years back. Leave the poor guy alone.”

  “No can do Andy. You just aren’t looking hard enough. The guy is a con artist, he is playing you. Trust us, bro. We wouldn’t steer you wrong. This dog needs to be taught a lesson and understand that his kind ain’t welcome in this neighborhood.” Andrew was growing angrier. And more worried.

  “No he doesn’t. The poor man needs to be accepted and welcomed. He isn’t all those things you said, I know him. I don’t know why you guys lied about him, but you are not going to do anything to him tonight. You got it?”

  “What are you going to do Andy, are you gonna stop us? You gonna sic your fat little dog on us? Look, we like you man. Just mind your own business and ignore Garrett’s house tonight. Don’t make trouble for yourself or for Ellen. Just stay in your house and forget about this conversation. Have a good night Andy, after tonight none of this will be an issue.” Son of a bitch, Andrew thought. Did he threaten my wife? And did he call my Billiam fat?

  “I’m warning you Brad-” Andrew was cut off by his so called friend. And he was a little frightened at the angry snarl that snapped at him from the other end of the line.

  “No, we are warning you. Like I said, we like you, we have no problem with you. I am warning you right now…stay out of this. This needs to be done, and if you get in the way or cause problems, you are going to be very, very sorry. Stay. Out. Of. Our. Shit.” There was a click and then a dial tone as Andrew stared at his phone in disbelief. Oh heck no, he thought. Had Brad just hung up on him?

  Okay, how was he going to handle this, he wondered as he stood and began to pace. Billiam perked up and cocked his head at Andrew. He needed to call the cops, then warn Garrett. That was the best option. Andrew was a big guy, and strong. But he wasn’t much of a fighter. The only fight he’d ever been in was the one with his dad when he was a kid. There was no way he would be able to take out Greg, Ted, and Brad…even with Garrett’s help. No, letting the authorities handle this was the best way. As he picked up the phone and dialed 911, he peered out the window through the blinds. He gulped at what he saw.

  His three former friends were right in front of Garrett’s house, huddled in front of the door as Greg hunched over the doorknob. Were they breaking in!? Their faces looked exceptionally pale in the moonlight, especially since they were wearing all black. Before Andrew could start to come up with another plan, Greg turned the door handle and pushed open the door. Obviously wasn’t the first time he’d picked a lock. All men rushed in and disappeared from view. Crap, Andrew had to do something…and he had to do it now. He dropped the phone as the operator said hello. Billiam started barking like crazy, but Andrew hardly noticed as he tore out his door and across the street, hell-bent on helping his friend.