Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 1

Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy

  by Lakisha Spletzer

  Illustrated by JD Hollyfield

  Copyright 2010 Lakisha Spletzer. All rights reserved.

  Cover and Interior Images design Copyright © 2010 JD Hollyfield. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely incidental.

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  Author Acknowledgments

  This is my second novel but without the usual suspects, the novel would still be sitting around. I want to thank Lyn Ehley and Earl Ehley, Sr., for enduring the grammatical error fest that they had to wade through as they edited Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy.

  I have to thank Meredith for reading and critiquing the very first draft of this novel. Your suggestions and questions helped improve the story.

  I must thank JD Hollyfield, my gifted, talented and awesome cover artist. You make my novel shine.

  I want to thank Dianne Dykstra for all the discussions we had about Were-creatures. Your insights helped tremendously.

  Thank you to the Lakes Region librarians who oohed and aahed in all the right places when I exuberantly talked about this novel and showed them JD's awesome artwork.

  I also have to thank and remember with respect, Nelson “Grandpa” Williams. He was a great friend, educator and motivator. If he hadn't challenged me to actually finish something before he died, Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy would have joined my other unfinished story ideas.

  Special thanks also go to my oldest daughter who constantly wanted to know what Laylah and the other characters were doing. My daughter's boundless interest kept me motivated.

  Last, but not least, I have to thank Elissa Malcohn for showing me a flyer back in 2006 for an event called "NaNoWriMo" (National Novel Writing Month). It was during this event in November 2008, that Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy's first ten chapters were written.

  Chapter 1

  Fall 2207: Floyal City, New Florida Territory

  Zina McFin stared at the giant, almost-impenetrable Sevicorps research lab. It was chilly, but not cold enough to form snow. Inside, Dr. Henry Le Croix, along with humans and some misguided Weres, gathered under the banner of “mutual scientific advancement” to find a way to subdue the genes that made Weres unique. She ran her fingers through her bobbed, blond hair and pondered how to make the Were traitors pay for their part in this mockery of science.

  Zina hated humans and their callous disregard for lives unlike their own. Just the thought of those pathetic fools made her stomach roil. Since the beginning of time, humans had taken, pillaged, and destroyed everything that came in contact with them. Weres, like her, had been no exception.

  “You need to control yourself.” Stefan McJeysen’s brown-eyed stare collided with her gaze in a momentary battle of wills before Stefan looked away. His shaggy, dirty blond hair fell forward to shield his face.

  “I don’t have to follow anything you say or suggest. Or have you forgotten, Stefan, that you don’t hold the rank of Beta anymore?” Her voice held a hint of barely leashed anger.

  “Of course not, my Alpha. I have not forgotten, nor did I mean any disrespect.”

  She watched him, aware of his insolence, but chose to let it slide. Other things were more important, such as the lab before them. She could not, would not, allow the research. Weres had right and, come hell or high water, those rights would be kept and maintained.

  “The troops are in position, my Alpha.”

  The messenger’s words brought Zina’s thoughts back to the task at hand. She growled happily. “Let’s go! Kill any who get in your way, no matter what age!”

  Ignoring Stefan’s shocked look, Zina slipped by him and headed for the field where her troop prepared to shift. Unlike Stefan, they eagerly welcomed bloodshed. Killing humans excited and ignited Were-hunger and bloodlust. Both emotions were all consuming, almost living, breathing things that could topple governments and decimate enemies.

  “We are ready, our Alpha!” the group roared.

  “Death to those who oppose our will!” Zina bellowed.

  The assembled Weres gave voice to their bloodlust and malice making the very air reverberate with the weight of it. The group charged the building, shifting mid-run into their various Were forms. Felines, wolves, horses and even avian animals rushed at the human guards barring the entrance.

  The Weres in the lead smashed into the electric fence, screeching and yowling their intent as several lost their lives. An audible pop and crack signaled the eminent end of the gate. With a thunderous boom, the energy barrier died and howls of triumph filled the yard.

  Belatedly, alarms blared, but the Weres paid no heed, swarming over the top of the fence and attacking the guards.

  “My Alpha, the males have the scent of Henry and are tracking him now. The females have distracted the remaining guards and mercenaries with their…feminine charms.” Stefan reported as he stood to Zina’s right, his eyes on the fighting below.

  “I want Henry, his wife Helena, and their brat Laylah brought to me. Challenges to my authority and the established order of Were society will not be tolerated.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.” Stefan bowed and swiftly left to deliver her instructions.

  Fifteen minutes after it began, the assault on the Sevicorps lab ended. Triumphant shouts reached Zina’s ears and she watched the progression of a group of felines as they herded a man, woman and child to the spot where she stood. The small family was unceremoniously pushed to the ground in front of her feet, making Zina smile. A malicious glint filled her eyes.

  “Should have known it was you, Zina! Still striving to destroy things you can’t control?” Henry snarled.

  Zina laughed at Henry. “Now, now, there’s no need to get your fur knotted. You, of all people, should recognize that your union, and the resulting abomination it spawned, would not be accepted by the clans. Nor is your research on ways to get rid of our very essence being embraced. Face it, Henry, you are twice the fool!”

  Zina licked her lips and eyed him. Henry was a gorgeous specimen of what could go right in a Were. Giant, powerful six-foot-two frame, with piercing blue eyes...such a waste.

  Henry glared at her. Zina calmly stared at him, her eyes shining with cruelty.

  “Our child is not an abomination!” Helena snapped and hugged her frightened little girl closer to her body. The little girl trembled, glancing back and forth among the adults.

  Stefan mocked Helena'
s defense of her child. “Oh, do get over yourself, Helena. Just because you chose to whore yourself to the Le Croix clan does not give you the right to pretend your union to Henry is pure. There is a reason why we do not mix tribes.”

  “Love does not recognize imposed boundaries. We’re happy and content. Why can’t you respect that and leave us be?” Helena implored.

  Henry shifted closer to Helena and took their trembling daughter into his arms. “It’ll be all right, Laylah,” he murmured.

  Zina stood there gloating. She would end this madness tonight. Before she could react, Helena shifted into her panther form and was headed for Zina. Dimly, Zina heard Henry shouting. She was too busy fending off Helena's claws that ripped into her clothes and left deep gouge marks on Zina’s chest. With a snarl, Zina leaped at the other woman. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Henry and Laylah escaping.

  ::Stefan, stop Henry! Kill the child!:: Zina telepathically commanded and advanced on Helena. She didn't look to see if her orders were obeyed. No matter what, tonight would be the end of Helena Le Croix.

  Chapter 2

  Spring 2209, Ohcale Valley Hospital

  Jacques Lyser stood outside the intensive care unit staring blankly at the white walls. This couldn't be happening. He didn't understand any of this, but he was going to get some answers.

  "Scowling will not help her, Beta."

  Jacques stiffened, smoothed out his expression and turned to face his Alpha and friend of many years. "Henry, glad to see you could make it." He knew that his words had a bite and he didn't care. For almost a week, Jacques had been at this hospital watching anxiously as the doctors fought to save his young charge. Repeated calls to his Alpha to come to the hospital were ignored. He didn't know what Henry's problem was but he would be damned if he'd let his Alpha take it out on others.

  "Watch it, Beta. I might take your disrespect to heart," Henry warned as he stopped beside Jacques and glanced in the window before returning his attention to Jacques. "What are the doctors saying?"

  "Well, my Alpha, they are saying that Laylah is very sick and they cannot find the cause of it. I don't think you should have brought her here. What do human doctors know of Were physiology? Absolutely nothing. You should take her to one of our Were doctors."

  Henry snorted at Jacques' words. "My daughter is not Were enough to need a Were doctor. She is human and to the human doctors I brought her."

  "Henry, you're being stubborn. Just because Laylah is mixed blood doesn't make her any less Were. She needs your support, not your anger. She can't help being of two tribes. That fate was determined by you and Helena." Jacques ran his hand over his bald head and sighed. "Laylah has been asking for you. You should go inside and see her. I'll give you some privacy and keep the doctors away."

  Henry frowned and Jacques thought his Alpha would refuse. Henry turned and stared at Laylah's prone figure through the viewing glass. "Fine."

  Jacques let out the breath he'd been holding. "Good! Fifteen minutes and then the doctors will descend on you. They need some paperwork signed by you."

  "I'm sure they do," Henry retorted.

  Jacques only laughed and walked away to head off the duty nurse who was coming their way.

  Henry waited until the hallway was clear before entering the ICU room. He stood and stared at his slumbering daughter. His expression changed and he growled low and menacing for a few seconds before shaking himself and going silent. He peered about, but didn't see any monitoring devices. Smiling, he pulled a shot injector from his pocket and hurried to Laylah's side.

  He touched her arm and grimaced. She was burning up. Not quite what he expected, but he didn't have time to try again. This was the perfect opportunity and he wasn't going to waste it. Henry found a vein and quickly injected Laylah with the drug. If his calculations were correct, she should start showing improvement within 24 hours.

  Henry regarded Laylah again. She was such a quiet child and had always been even when Helena was alive. He slammed away the memory of his wife and let out an angry snort. He didn't have time to indulge in what might have been. No, he lived in the present and, if the drug worked, it would make him rich beyond imagining.

  He spun around when the door opened and froze. Jacques stared at him in horror and it took Henry a second to remember that he held the shot injector in his hand. "You're back early," he drawled and dropped the injector into his pocket.

  "Henry, what did you do?" Jacques snarled and took a step closer.

  "Don't bother, Jacques. I already gave her the injection. It's what she needed anyway." Henry smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile.

  "You've been drugging her? Why, Henry? What is it you're trying to prove?" Jacques was livid and his body tensed with barely held control.

  "Don't play naive, Jacques. I'm a scientist first and foremost. I've been trying to find a way to help Laylah with her dual natures. This is the best course. It will keep her calm, meek and, above all, obedient. And we will not have to worry about her shifting. I have solved all my problems with a simple serum that you and Naiya will continue to administer to my daughter."

  "I won't do it." Jacques straightened, his eyes shifting to amber.

  Henry laughed. "Would you shift in here, old friend, and scare her? How would you like Laylah to see you as a monster?" he sneered.

  Jacques growled but made no move. Henry chuckled. Jacques was lethal but, when it came to Laylah and how she viewed the man, Jacques was weak. He would do anything for Laylah. Henry had taken that it to consideration and now he would set his plan fully in motion.

  "There will be no more shifting from any of the staff. I know we can't curb the beast completely, but if any staff member has to run as wolf, they are to go into the forests behind the house and do so. I will have the supply of serum delivered. She must be given it twice a week. It can be put in her food or drink. The serum is tasteless and odorless. Do I make myself clear?"

  Jacques glowered and Henry could see that the other male wanted to tear him to pieces. As much as he welcomed the challenge, fighting in the human hospital would be bad form.

  "And what if I refuse, my Alpha, to participate in this madness?" Jacques clenched his fists and shifted his stance.

  "You will be replaced. I have other Betas besides you. Make sure she goes home tomorrow. If the doctors give you any trouble, inform me." Henry looked at his watch. "I have to go. You know what to do, Jacques. Don't fail me in this like you did last time." And with that parting barb, Henry left the room.

  Chapter 3

  Late summer 2211, Invarnash Mansion

  Naiya stared at the food simmering on the stove. Her gaze traveled over to the vial laying on the counter. For two years she had put the drug into Laylah's food and drink. It really pained her to do it, but trying to disobey an Alpha's power was like slamming one's head into a concrete wall. Utterly useless and death-dealing.

  She sighed. Though Laylah seemed healthy, the little girl was unhappy. Naiya knew why. Laylah missed her father. Henry did not come around much. It tore at Naiya's heart to watch Laylah's hopeful expression slide into disappointment. So Naiya had decided to throw a secret party for her young charge. It would put a smile on Laylah's face and would give the rest of the staff a reason to relax.

  The door to the kitchen opened and Jacques strode in with a grin. “The food smells great, Naiya.”

  Naiya chuckled and patted at her graying hair. “I just hope she'll like it.” She paused when she caught Jacques' angry expression. “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just saw the medicine, that's all.” Jacques straightened and his expression changed to neutral.

  Naiya nodded sadly. “I don't like it either, Jacques, but Laylah seems to be better off taking it.”

  “That's not the point. We should be teaching her to love herself, not suppress it and make her into something she's not,” Jacques countered.

  “I know that, Jacques, but please feel free to take it up with our Alpha. If Henry changes his mi
nd, I'll stop administering the medicine. Until that time, I will do as I've been ordered.”

  “Doesn't it make you feel guilty?”

  Naiya frowned and studied Jacques. Something else was going on with the Head of Security. She opted for truthfulness. “All the time, Jacques. All the time.”

  “I'm going to go pick her up from school. Will you have everything done?”

  “Of course. After all, I am the cook,” Naiya laughed and bowed.

  Jacques merely grunted and left.

  Naiya shook her head and decided to run out to the garden to grab some strawberries to add to the side dish. She grabbed a basket and stepped outside. She had only gone a few steps when she felt the presence of another. She stopped and turned toward the forest.

  Standing inside the shadow of the treeline was a white wolf with a gray foreleg.

  “You shouldn't be here! Get going! You're not welcome here!”

  Naiya and the wolf glared at each other for a few minutes before the wolf flattened his ears, bared his fangs and raced back into the forest.

  Relieved, Naiya hurried to get the strawberries. She had other things besides the wolf to worry about.

  Chapter 4

  Fall 2220: Invarnash, New Florida Territory

  “Fight, fight, fight!” The chant from the gathered students echoed loudly in the cafeteria. They stared at the two combatants in the middle.

  It wasn’t the crowd that worried Laylah Le Croix. No, what bothered her was the spiked heel of Violet Spritz’s boot that pressed against her chest, right above her heart. She was so tired of this! Why did Violet dislike her? As far as she knew, she’d never harmed the other girl in any way, but that didn’t seem to matter. Even avoiding her nemesis didn’t help.

  Violet's eyes glittered with malice. “How many times do I have tell you, you little red-haired, brown-skinned freak, not to look my way?” She tossed her hair away from her face. “Hey, stupid. I’m talking to you!” Violet snapped her fingers in front of Laylah’s face. “Stay away from my man or you’ll be sorry.”