Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 10

  “Donil can take you. There’s no rush. Take your time with the call. I’m sure they’re worried sick about you.”

  “Sure, I can take you. Come this way. The comm is in the other room.” Donil stood and waited for Laylah to get her crutches. “Mom, we’ll be back in a few.” He helped Laylah through the kitchen door.

  ::Donil, be careful when you call.:: Kattcha warned.

  ::Don’t worry, I’ll be discreet if they demand answers or ask questions.::

  ::I know you will, but remember Henry is cunning and so is Jacques. Be careful.::

  ::I will, I promise.::

  Chapter 25

  Naiya stood with the rest of the employees on the game court and wondered what was going on. She had cooking and laundry to do. Maybe it was news about Laylah. If anything happened to that child…she couldn’t bear to finish the thought. She would keep hoping that Laylah was safe and had been found. She looked up when Henry arrived followed by Jacques, Kenneth and Michael. This couldn’t be good if they were here. Boris and Byron were already outside with the rest of the staff.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. As you know, yesterday afternoon we experienced a breech in security. My mortal enemy sent some of her pets here to harm what is mine. This is an insult I will not tolerate and shall repay. At the heart of this attack is something even more disturbing. One of you is a traitor,” Henry announced.

  The assembled staff began shouting at once, proclaiming innocence and denying the charge.

  “Be quiet! There is a traitor and evidence to support this. Michael and Kenneth, please be kind enough to fetch my traitor and bring that person to me,” Henry ordered.

  The cousins fanned out and slowly walked through the crowd of nervous employees until they stopped at Naiya. There were gasps of surprise and Naiya’s heart beat painfully fast. It took her panicked mind a moment to realize that Kenneth and Michael had grabbed Thaniel and were dragging him to Henry.

  “No!” She moved to stop them, but found her way blocked by Jacques. “Move, Jacques! They’re mistaken. I have to clear this up. It can’t be him!”

  Jacques gently shook her. “No, Naiya, I can’t let you interfere. We have him on the surveillance footage. He turned off the alarms and let them in, Naiya. He let that monster in to hurt Laylah. I’m so sorry. I know you two are together. He means the world to you, but he’s with them. He has to be removed.”

  Naiya covered her mouth and sobbed, sagging against Jacques in grief. How could Thaniel do it? How could he help Zina? It made no sense. Thaniel was stoic, not one protest when the cousins grabbed him. She didn’t want to believe it, but Jacques wouldn’t lie about something this serious. She couldn’t force herself to look as Henry started speaking again.

  “Thaniel, I took you in as a pup. Cared for you, gave you employment, a home and a life. And what thanks do I get in repayment? You fling open the doors to my home and let the enemy waltz right in.”

  Thaniel smirked. “Yes, you gave me a lot, Henry, but you lost the one thing that mattered to me. The one thing I swore I would avenge.”

  “Meaning what?” Henry snarled and his dark brown eyes changed to amber.

  “Helena. She was always so kind to me. Taught me how to be a person. Showed me how nice life could be. But then that day at the lab, when Zina attacked…you didn’t try to protect Helena. None of it should have happened if your Chief of Security had done his job. More lives could have been saved.”

  Jacques was moving before Naiya even registered the fact that he was gone from her side. He was up front and near Thaniel, an incredulous look on his face. “You mean to tell me that you let them in because you blame me for Helena’s death?”

  “Yes, I do. I wanted to watch you suffer as Gerard took what was most precious to you, Jacques--Laylah. You worship the ground she walks on! Treat her like she’s your pup. I wanted you to suffer the same pain I did, knowing that I couldn’t save the most precious thing to me!”

  Thaniel’s triumphant look sent Jacques over the edge. He swung a fist and punched the younger male. “You stupid little prick! If they kill her, I’ll rip you into so many little pieces, they’ll have to use a DNA scanner to know it’s you!” Boris and Byron pulled him away from Thaniel who continued to smirk at Jacques’ loss of control.

  “Thaniel! Thaniel!” Naiya pushed her way through the crowd and stopped at a glare from Henry. “My Alpha, please.”

  “Let her through. Be quick Naiya. I haven’t got all day.”

  She approached Thaniel. Naiya had eyes only for the bitter young man before her. “Thaniel, did I mean nothing to you?”

  Thaniel seemed to waver and then he glanced away from her. “You were a means to an end.”

  His cold words seared her heart, and, with a sob, Naiya ran from the court.

  “Let her go! We have an example to set,” Henry ordered as some in the crowd tried to stop Naiya. “Bring the traitorous cur closer.”

  Kenneth and Michael put Thaniel a few feet away from Henry. They forced him to his knees and awaited their Alpha’s next order.

  Henry studied the defiant young man. “Such a waste. Let him shift. The cur shall fight for the right to live.” He continued above the howls of approval from his people. “If you can beat me, you get to live, boy, but you will be outcast. If you don’t beat me, you die.”

  Thaniel spat at Henry. The spittle missed and earned him a punch to the gut from Kenneth, knocking the air out of him.

  “Release him. Time to fight and live, or fight and die.” Henry’s last words came out as a growl for he was in the midst of shifting. A large gray wolf with a white left foreleg stood in his place.

  Thaniel looked around at the crowd of his former friends. He saw only angry, eager faces. None would help him here. With a snarl, he changed into a brown wolf that was one-third the size of Henry’s larger wolf.

  The two wolves squared off, circling and sizing up each other, while plotting their attacks. Thaniel made his move first. Dashing in, he aimed for Henry’s flank, trying to knock the older wolf over. Henry spun, moving his hindquarters at the last second, causing Thaniel to overshoot him and go sprawling.

  Henry was on the younger male, his teeth snapped and sank into flesh. He jerked backward, pulling fur and skin off to leave a giant wound. Thaniel howled, snarled and barely managed to get free. The hole was on his left side and blood flowed from it. Thaniel bared his fangs, his eyes on Henry.

  There was a tense moment, and then Henry charged toward Thaniel’s injured side. Thaniel twisted but Henry anticipated his movement. Henry was already there and his jaws closed over Thaniel’s windpipe. With one hard chomp, he broke it. Thaniel’s whimper died in his throat.

  Henry whipped his head back and forth until he heard Thaniel’s neck snap. He growled with disdain, tossed the body aside, flung back his head and howled his victory. All the assembled Weres went down to their knees and groveled as Henry reaffirmed his status as their Alpha.

  Henry remained in wolf form for a moment longer as he trotted over to Thaniel’s body and peed on it, the final act a physical reminder of what would befall any others who crossed him. Satisfied, he changed back. “Anyone else want to join my enemy? No? Dismissed!”

  The staff scattered, giving the body a wide berth. Jacques, Byron, Boris, Kenneth and Michael stayed behind with Henry. He eyed his Betas. “Let’s go. We have strategy to discuss and I’m famished.”

  Henry walked back to the mansion, completely unconcerned about his nudity and entered through the kitchen entrance. The comm rang, shattering the quiet. He snatched up the ear piece. “Hello?”


  Henry’s eyes narrowed. “This is Henry Le Croix. Who is this?”

  “Father! Please, it’s me. It’s Laylah!”

  “Oh really? I’m in no mood for games. However, I know someone who enjoys a good story.”

  “Father, wait!”

  Henry handed the ear comm to Jacques. “Take care of this.” He left the kitchen and his
five baffled Betas to wonder at his change of mood.

  Jacques put on the ear comm. “This is Jacques.”

  “Jacques! Oh, my god! You’re alive! You’re alive!”

  Startled, all Jacques heard were squeals of joy. He gathered his wits and held back his excitement. “Laylah?” He saw the other men straighten, intently watching his face.

  “Yes, Jacques! It’s me. I’m alive and ok! Please, tell me that you’re not hurt, Jacques.”

  “I’m fine, Laylah. Where the heck are you?”

  “I’m at Kattcha Silentshadow’s house.”

  “Kattcha Silentshadow!” Jacques was so surprised at her answer that he angrily growled and then cursed his temper when he heard Laylah’s breathing speed up in fear. “Calm down, Laylah. How did you get there?”

  “Donil saved me from five Weres that chased me to a hilltop. Please, Jacques. Is it safe now? Can I come home?”

  “Yes, come by cab. I’ll be here to get you.”

  “Okay.” A pause, then she cleared her throat. “Jacques, is he mad at me?”

  “No, Laylah. It’s been hectic around here trying to figure out who broke in and what happened to you. I know your father was worried and he’ll be happy to know you’re safe.”

  “Okay, Jacques. I’ll be there in an hour. Bye.”

  Jacques turned off the ear comm. “We have to get this place cleaned up before she gets here. Someone remove the body and dispose of it.”

  “I’m on it.” Boris left the kitchen, whistling some tune only he knew.

  Jacques sighed and gave the others a look that sent them hurrying from the kitchen to get the house ready. Laylah was safe, but for how much longer? And knowing Donil, what had the man told Laylah about Donil’s connection to the Le Croix family? Jacques hoped that Donil had revealed nothing. Otherwise, things would be very messy around the house for years to come.

  Chapter 26

  Laylah stared at the ear comm. Her father hadn’t even spoken to her. Instead he handed her off to Jacques. She was glad that Jacques was alive, but was hurt by her father’s brush-off.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here,” Donil assured her.

  She gave him a wan smile. “I don’t know why I bothered hoping this time would be different.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and peered into her eyes. “Because, Beautiful, that hope is a part of who you are as a person. It’s the part that makes you special. It can even inspire people to be better than what they are. Never forget that. Now, let’s get you ready to go home.”

  She didn’t move, simply stared back at him. ::His hands are so warm against my cheeks. And his eyes…so kind, caring, sincere.::

  Donil heard her thoughts and returned her stare with his own frank admiring gaze. He saw the hurt from her father’s rejection reflected there and wanted to erase it. He gently tilted her face up and kissed her.

  Laylah tensed, her hands going to his arms while her eyelids fluttered closed. She opened them when his lips left hers. She felt bereft.

  Their gazes collided and they both blushed. She looked away first, eyes downcast. She was so confused! And yet, she wanted more of the same. “Oh, wow!” She had no other words to describe the riot of emotions playing havoc inside her head and heart. She snuck a peek at him from beneath lowered lashes.

  “I agree. Wow!” Donil smiled and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. So lovely. Laylah was precious and special to him. She really had no clue how much she meant to him.

  Laylah's pupils contracted and her eyelids slowly closed. Her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest and the heat…the heat was intense!

  “I would love to kiss you again, but Mom would tan my hide if I don’t get you home,” Donil stated, breaking the silence.

  Screw home! Laylah wanted to be with him! He, who made her feel alive. The thoughts were bold, daring and so unlike her that she panicked. She jumped away from Donil as if scalded, her hand automatically reaching up to tug on her braid. She yanked on it hard several times as she fought for calm.

  “Laylah?” Donil stood still.

  His concern almost made her run back to him for comfort, but she stopped herself. Barely. “Whew! Look at the time. I told Jacques an hour. I’d better get a move on or he’ll worry.”

  “Laylah.” Donil tried to reach for her, but she evaded him, a feat in itself since she was on crutches. She was out of the room and halfway down the hall before he caught up to her.


  “No! Please, don’t! I can’t do this. If I touch you, then I’ll start to hope and then it’ll be dashed. Please, I need to go home!”

  Donil ran his fingers through his hair and regarded her. After a moment, he nodded. “Mom will take you home.”

  “Oh, no. I can’t ask that of her. I can take a cab.”

  “No. No cab, Laylah. You’re our guest and it would be rude to do that. Besides, she wants to take you. She has patients out that way that she needs to visit so it’s not a hardship to take you home.”

  “If you’re sure?” Laylah was tugging on her braid as if her life depended on it.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Mom!”

  “Keep your shirt on, Son, I’m coming. Yes, Dear?” His mother emerged from one of the rooms.

  “Laylah is ready to leave.”

  “Oh, good! Come on. Donil, pick her up. Get her off that ankle. I’ll carry the crutches.”

  “Hey! No! Wait a minute!” Laylah protested, but Donil scooped her up into his arms. She forgot to breathe as the smell of his cologne hit her nose rendering her speechless, her cheeks bright pink in mortification.

  Donil took her to his mother’s truck and put Laylah on the passenger side. His mother put the crutches in the truck bed.

  Donil lowered the window, closed Laylah’s door and leaned on it. “I’ll see you soon, Beautiful.”

  “I’d like that,” Laylah whispered, her shy gaze met his teasing one.

  “You’re adorable when you blush.”

  Laylah gasped and tugged her braid. He thought she was adorable? A handsome guy liked her! Heart soaring, she mumbled a thank you. His chuckle made her look up.

  “Bye, Beautiful.”

  “Bye, Donil.” She waved as Kattcha started the truck. They pulled out and Laylah watched Donil until they rounded the bend and the cabin was no longer visible. She closed her eyes and began savoring the memories she’d made.

  Chapter 27

  Jacques was relieved that Laylah was alive, but not thrilled that Donil found her. True, the land beyond the forest belonged to the Silentshadow clan. What were the odds of the Alpha of that clan being on that hilltop at the exact moment when Laylah needed help the most? Jacques didn’t believe in coincidences or chance. Could Donil be in league with Zina after all this time?

  “I need to clear my head. I can’t do it here.” A quick run in the forest would provide clarity and give Jacques enough time to get back for Laylah’s arrival. He wasn’t about to talk to Henry, so he reached telepathically for the person he knew best. ::Naiya, I know you’re grieving about Thaniel, but you’re the only one I trust. I’m going for a run. I’ll be back soon.::

  He felt her acknowledgment though she didn’t speak. Jacques hoped she didn’t grieve over the traitor too long. Laylah was going to need Naiya’s guidance.

  Jacques left the mansion, shed his clothes and changed into a black wolf. Letting out a joyful howl, he ran into the forest. He fell into a rhythm--paws striking dirt, scents wafting into his nose and the loud cawing of the crows above. It’d been a while since his last run.

  Henry didn’t want Laylah to know about her Were heritage, so the staff was forbidden to shift on the grounds. They could do so in the forest or away from the mansion in some other part of Invarnash. This handicapped Jacques. He was always on duty, watching over his young charge. His inner beast was restless and the need to assuage it fully was overwhelming. But he kept it in check.

  He slowed to a trot, panting as he surveyed his surround
ings. Jacques was a little slow in his wolf form, which was not good. He was going to have to schedule weekly runs for himself and his security members. Gerard had shown him that the house security wasn’t up to par. He was going to fix that immediately. The cawing of the crows changed in pitch and Jacques halted. He scented the air and a low growl started in his throat. He knew that scent. Jacques couldn’t believe the other male’s audacity.

  Into view trotted a white wolf with a gray right foreleg. The newcomer stopped and simply stood, tail stiff, ears up and alert.

  Jacques approached cautiously, ears flat, and hair standing up as he circled the interloper. He growled a warning and then shifted to human. The other man did the same.

  “Stefan, what an unpleasant surprise. Why are you on Le Croix land? You know the penalty for being here,” Jacques spoke harshly.

  “That penalty expired after ten years. You need to learn to read the fine print in Council contracts. I’m not here to try to claim my half of Le Croix lands from my twin. Henry always did have a better head for business than me.”

  Jacques was skeptical. Stefan and Henry were fraternal twins and polar opposites. Stefan had thrown his lot in with Zina because of jealousy, going so far as to change his last name to McJeysen to further cut ties to his family. Jacques had grown up with both men. Stefan had been the wilder and more adventuresome twin, while Henry had pursued knowledge and learning. The brothers had fought constantly, but never over girls until Zina came along.

  Henry hadn’t liked Zina's clingy, obsessive ways while Stefan had loved her unconditionally. She’d rejected Stefan’s suit and hounded Henry. She changed her mind when Henry married Helena forcing the she-bitch to take Stefan back. Zina then used him against his family and her enemies.

  After the rebellion had been crushed, Henry disowned his brother and Stefan lost his right to the Le Croix fortune. He’d been banished by the Council and Henry made him outcast to the clan. If Stefan ever returned to Le Croix territory, he was to be executed immediately. That was the pact Henry had made with the Council. Jacques was certain there was no expiration on the banishment, but he would worry about it later. Right now he needed to know what Stefan wanted.

  “Yeah, Henry is the one with the brains. You still haven’t answered my question, Stefan. I’m a patient man, but not that patient. State your business, Outcast.”