Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 12

  “Yes my lady. Is there anything else my lady requires?”

  Isabella waggled her fingers at Drayden. “No, that is all.” She saw the disappointment in his eyes, but it did not bother her. He was another little fish in a sea of males. She wanted only the best. So far she hadn’t found that man. Oh well, all good things come to those who wait.

  Chapter 30

  Henry stomped around the den, throwing things in his rage. His daughter was getting out of control. She was defying him and that was unacceptable. He had slaved over this family, making it the powerhouse it was. Henry was not about to let one little teenage girl tear it down. And the nerve of Kattcha Silentshadow, showing up on his doorstep! She knew good and well that she and her family were not welcome on Le Croix territory.

  Adding insult to injury, his brat had defended the woman! Had the universe gone mad? And then there was Zina. That bitch still was a thorn in his side. Henry had tried to warn the Council that she should be killed. They had decided to spare her life and only banish her. It was the stupidest move they had ever made and now it was coming back to kick them in the gut.

  A sharp knock on the door stopped Henry’s raging. “Enter!” he snapped.

  The door opened and Jacques stuck his head in. “Are you okay now? Is it safe or will I have something thrown at me?”

  “I’m still deciding. You keep choosing my daughter over your allegiance to me. If you think you can do the job of Alpha, challenge me and let us see who the better wolf is.”

  “I’m not going to challenge you, Henry. And I’m not going to indulge your rage. You knew this would happen when you decided to raise Laylah as human. She sees everything through their eyes, including manners and treatment of guests. She doesn’t understand Were protocol or rules. You can’t have it both ways, Henry. Either you stick to playing human or you tell Laylah the truth about what and who she is.”

  “No! I will not tell Laylah. Zina might be the bane of my life, but I will not give her power to destroy what I’ve built.”

  Jacques shook his head. “You should hear yourself, Henry. God, you sound like your father. All you harp about is your power and your things and how to protect them all. You even refer to Laylah as a thing. She loves you even when you’re kicking her after she’s down. Why can’t you love her back, Henry? Or at least show her some attention other than yelling at her. She’d be ecstatic if you spoke a kind word to her.”

  “Are you telling me how to be a father?” Henry had stopped moving, his body still as he stared at Jacques.

  “Yeah, I guess I am because someone needs to! You’re driving Laylah away, Henry, and when she graduates, she’s going to fly away far from your reach. She has no reason to stay in this lonely, empty place. Naiya and I are like family to her, but those ties will not hold Laylah here. And you know what? I wish Laylah the best when she does go. Anything is better than being the bird in the golden cage that sees freedom beyond the bars it can’t escape from.”

  Henry charged Jacques, his rage unleashed. His hands had changed to claws and he roared his intent to maim. He swiped at Jacques, who ducked out of the way.

  “Get a hold of yourself, Henry! You’ve got bigger problems than your daughter! Like Zina. She wanted Laylah for a reason. You need to focus on the why.”

  Henry froze, breathing heavily as he regarded Jacques. He felt disgust at his loss of control and shifted his claws back into hands. Henry grabbed a glass, threw ice in it and poured a drink before slamming into his seat. “Why can’t that woman leave me be? She should have stuck with Stefan. He’s the one who loved her. Why he did will always be a mystery to me. Even our father couldn’t figure it out.”

  “Maybe Stefan wanted power since that seems to be a theme in this family,” Jacques quipped.

  Henry waved his hand about. “I don’t care. He’s turned into some kind of mercenary, the last I heard, pandering to the humans he once scorned. But Zina, she’s not going to lie quietly. No, she’s as bad as the snakes, always coming back to inflict more damage. She probably wanted to make an example out of Laylah. Zina never could stomach the fact that I chose a werecat over her, a full-blooded werewolf.

  “And it definitely didn’t sit well with her or the other purists when Laylah was born. Not that I care what they thought. Helena wanted a child and I made sure she had one. I didn’t want a child. I was happy with Helena, but the joy on her face after she’d given birth to Laylah was worth all my misgivings about the pregnancy.” Henry clenched the glass in his hand so tightly it cracked. “Then that night, when Zina and my brother came to destroy everything I built, Helena chose to die to save our child. I would have traded our child’s life for hers.”

  “Henry!” Jacques stared at him in horror.

  “Why so surprised, Jacques? Did you really think I wanted to be saddled with a kid? What place did one have in my life of corporate elbow rubbing and scientific research? None. I did try. For four years after I lost Helena, I tried. When my father died and Mother and I talked about my becoming an Alpha, I recognized the fact that I would be adding even more responsibility into my hectic schedule.

  “I decided to leave the care of the child to you and Naiya. She always wanted one, but couldn’t have any and you work at your best when you’re defending something. It gave both of you purpose and relieved me of a problem.”

  “Henry. I don’t want to hear this.” Jacques stiffened and took a step toward the door.

  “Oh? Why not, Jacques? Sorry to shatter your “image” of me, old friend, but I’m a cruel bastard and proud of it. I want things to run smoothly. Things that are a hindrance will be eliminated. End of discussion.”

  “I see. I’ll make sure that Laylah toes the line. Don’t want her to mess up your perfect system,” Jacques snarled.

  Henry watched Jacques storm from the room and he gave a hollow laugh. He didn’t need help. He liked being alone just fine.

  Chapter 31

  Kattcha made her last house call and headed home. It was nearing seven at night. Her mind, however, was on one lonely girl. Henry had behaved like she expected him to--arrogant and spiteful. Hurtful, too, judging by the expression on Laylah’s face. That man was never meant to be a parent.

  Helena had been her best friend growing up and Kattcha remembered how they’d talked of families and handsome boys. No one was more shocked than she when Helena had fallen for a werewolf. She’d tried to talk her friend out of it, but Helena had always been stubborn. Henry and Helena had eloped and both families had to adjust to the idea of a werewolf/werecat pairing. When news of Helena's pregnancy came, all hell broke loose.

  Many old-timers had screamed for an abortion of the unborn child. Others thought mother and baby should die for daring to violate the law that forbade inter-tribal marriages. Surprisingly, the Council sided with Helena. Kattcha suspected that the Council was intrigued at the possibilities and powers the baby might possess.

  Once the child was born, the Council watched her, but Laylah seemed rather human. Most Were children at least had telepathy. Laylah did not speak telepathically, though it was determined she could hear telepathic messages. When Laylah’s fourth birthday came and went without her shifting, the Council grew tired of waiting for some change and moved on to other pursuits. The festering resentment at Laylah being allowed to live grew in the Were community.

  It culminated in a fiery attempt at a coup by Zina and her zealots. Many lives were lost and the Council barely managed to stop Zina in time. Among the casualties had been Kattcha's husband, Gustav, who died trying to protect a human from Zina’s henchmen. That night had been the worst.

  Zina had attacked Le Croix’s lab and Kattcha had made the horrible discovery that her son, Donil, had inadvertently given Zina the location of the lab. Donil had come to her sobbing and beaten up. Kattcha dragged the story out of him. She'd rushed to give Helena the warning, but was too late.

  When Zina stood trial, Donil’s part in the coup came to light, but the Council showed lenien
cy, citing his age and inexperience as factors. Henry had never forgiven her son for his part in Helena’s death. And the two families, which had been such close allies, became enemies.

  Kattcha rubbed her eyes and pulled up in front of the house. She turned off the lights, got out and froze. “I know you’re out there. Might as well show your face.”

  “Man, I forgot how good your hearing is.”

  “Stefan Le Croix, what in the blazes are you doing here?” Kattcha put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.

  “It’s Stefan McJeysen now. And I came, Madam, to see your son.”

  Kattcha grew cautious and studied him for a moment while contemplating what Stefan could possibly want. “Well, I don’t know if that’s a wise thing to do.”

  “Oh, come now, Kat. Your family is treated like trash and people think I’m trash. Together, we’re a match made in heaven.”

  Kattcha laughed, she couldn’t help it. “You always did have a way with words. All right, you can come inside. We can all talk in the study.” She led the way and made sure to send Donil a mental summons to be waiting. Once inside the room, she offered Stefan a seat. Donil sat behind the mahogany desk.

  ::You look tired. What have you been doing?::

  ::Nothing much. Just keeping Laylah’s dreams safe.::

  ::Donil Silentshadow, what on earth?::

  ::Not now, Mother. Later, I promise to explain.::

  ::I’m holding you to that, my boy.::

  “What can I do for you, Stefan?” Donil demanded.

  “I see you are like your father, wanting all the information immediately. All right, I need you tomorrow at noon at the Heyendo Pub and Eatery. I’ve been commanded by the Council to take down Zina. The Council’s General and Captains will be there. I need help. I’ve already enlisted Jacques’ aid and I need yours. Your innate talent for spotting a lie will be useful tomorrow.”

  “And why should I help you? If I recall correctly, you watched as Zina’s pet fighter beat the living daylights out of me thirteen years ago.” Donil drummed his fingers on the desk.

  Kattcha watched. Her son was a grown man, capable of making his own decisions. Whatever he decided, the clan would back his choice.

  “I wanted to help you, Donil, but you were like all the other flunkies. You couldn’t see past your hero worship of your older cousin nor your infatuation for Zina, which blinded you to her true colors. I'd hoped that if they beat you up enough, you’d run back home where you’d be safe, and it worked. I’m sorry you suffered through a trial. But right now, I’m trying to protect something important to both of us and I can’t do that without your help.”

  “And what could you and I possibly have in common?” Donil came to his feet and paced.

  “My niece, Laylah. I’ve been watching over her for quite a while. Pretty impressive the way you saved her from Gerard and his gang of misfits.”

  Donil froze. “You saw them chasing her and you didn’t help?”

  “No, you had the situation well in hand. Laylah doesn’t even know I exist. Henry removed all photos and evidence from his homes that prove I’m real and her relative. Besides, nothing like a love struck cub saving the girl he loves to add spice to an already interesting situation.”

  “You’re as bad as Henry! All you two seem to be able to do is use people as pawns!”

  Kattcha saw Stefan move and, too late, cried out a warning. Stefan grabbed Donil by the throat and slammed him into the wall. “I am not like my brother! He doesn’t have a kind bone in his body! Did you know that he only sent one tracker to search for Laylah once she’d disappeared? One tracker and it wasn’t even Jacques. Not knocking Byron’s skills, but come on! And he prevented Jacques from looking for Laylah. Henry was more upset about his costly security equipment failing than he was about my niece’s life! So don’t you dare compare me to him! You hear me?”

  “Yeah, I hear you.” Donil wheezed for several seconds after Stefan released him and stepped away.

  “I’m glad to see your passion still flows, my dear, because I was beginning to wonder.” Kattcha shook a finger at Stefan. “Next time, you decide to make a point, don’t use my son to do it.”

  “Sorry, Kattcha, it’s been a rough day. I don’t expect to be treated with any sort of respect but the comparisons to Henry are getting on my last nerve. So, boy, do I have your support?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there. Noon tomorrow.”

  “Good. Well, I bid you both a good night and I’ll show myself out the door.”

  Mother and son watched him leave. Donil flung himself into his chair. “Man, he’s scarier than I remember.”

  “That’s because the last thirteen years have not been kind to him. Now, I do believe you were going to explain why you’re exhausted.”

  “I did a dream walk into Laylah’s mind to check on her. She was caught in a nightmare, not of her making. Someone’s been invading her dreams and siphoning off her fear. Together we were able to push them out of the dream but it worries me. Who is doing this to Laylah and why? What can they hope to gain from it?”

  “I don’t know, but don’t run yourself ragged trying to help her. Laylah needs to learn to fight if she wants to keep alive.”

  “I know, Mother, I know. Look, I’d better get some sleep. Talking with Stefan is exhausting and, if I have to deal with Council members, then I need to be extra alert.”

  “Wise choice, my son.” Kattcha accepted his kiss on the cheek and watched him leave. She sent a silent prayer out to the powers above that they keep her family safe.

  Chapter 32

  Stefan ran through the woods of Pheasant Grow. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, enjoying the wind running through his fur. His thoughts were that of man and animal. So many things to worry about--Zina, Laylah, Henry, and the Council.

  His primary concern was Laylah. Beautiful Laylah. She looked so much like her mother that it was heartbreaking. He remembered one of the few times he’d seen Helena joyful and full of life. God, was it really that long ago….


  October 2202, Invarnash Mansion

  It was a cool fall day, but Stefan didn’t mind. He was busy spying on his brother’s wife. Helena Le Croix was gorgeous and had the decency to not flaunt it. She had a grin that could seduce a man into doing anything and everything the tiny beauty could dream of. She was the only one besides Stefan’s mother who didn’t treat him like crap.

  Maybe those of the female persuasion really saw the man he was while his father and twin only looked at him as a big failure. So what if he didn’t have Henry’s knack with numbers? He was talented in his own way.


  Stefan yelped, rolled and came up in a crouch. “Geez, Helena, you startled me!”

  “Don’t pout, Stefan. It looks really strange on a grown man,” she chuckled.

  “I’m not pouting.” He tilted his head and looked at her. “There’s something different about you.”

  “Yes, but can you guess what?” Helena batted playfully at his hand.

  He grinned and wriggled his fingers at her. Stefan knew werecats loved movement and Helena was no exception. “I don’t know. You’ve got new clothes on?”

  “Nope, guess again.”

  “Henry’s finally going to take you somewhere romantic like the New Brooklyn Territory?”

  “Nope, you’re cold, so cold!”

  “It’s something closer to home?”

  “Now you’re starting to heat up.”

  “You’re getting a new house?”

  “Nope, I don’t need another one. I’m happy with the one I got.”

  “I don’t know, Helena, I give up.”

  “I’m pregnant!”

  Stefan was stunned. “How can you be pregnant?” he blurted out, dazed by her news.

  “Well if you really want to know….when a man and a woman hop into bed together....”

  “Okay, stop right there! I know how! I mean-um-congratulations?”

“Thank you!” Helena squealed, grabbing him in a hug and squeezing him.

  “So, when are you due?”

  “June 2203. I’m so excited. I’m already looking at baby names.”

  “Does Henry know?” Stefan saw a shadow cross her face and then Helena smiled brightly.

  “Not yet, Stefan, but I’m telling him tonight. I didn’t want to jump the gun until it was confirmed.”

  “Makes sense. Well, I wish you both lots of luck and happiness.” And Stefan meant it, at least for her. He could care less about his brother. Upset by the news, he left to go find Zina. She always knew how to make him feel better.


  Present, 2220

  Stefan came out of the memory and noticed he was on the hilltop where Donil had rescued Laylah. Why had his paws carried him here? Longingly he looked out across the land and wished that he’d made different choices. But now, Stefan would have to make amends and keep alive the one person left for him to love.

  Chapter 33

  The morning sun cast its light across the land, not that Jacques noticed. He made up some excuse to get away from the mansion and Henry who was still there. Any other time, his Alpha would have left in a hurry for his lab. Jacques didn't have time to care. He got into his personal vehicle and left the mansion.

  The drive to the Heyendo Pub and Eatery took exactly thirty minutes, but Jacques wanted to arrive early. He got there at eleven and chose a spot that gave him the best view of the bar and dining area. He watched the clock and was surprised to see Donil stroll in around 11:15. The two men eyed each other.

  “Morning.” Donil’s tone was light and wary.

  “Morning yourself. Why are you here?” Jacques demanded.

  “Stefan asked me to come, and since I have nothing better to do, I came.”

  “Hmm, he asked me here too. What is he plotting, I wonder?”

  “I have no idea, but I’m not doing this for him. I’m doing it for Laylah.”