Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 5

  Laylah unbraided her hair, letting the water soak into it. Even the scent of the shampoo failed to cheer her up. By the time she finished showering, the water was cold. She shivered and turned the water off. She grabbed two towels, one for her body and one for her hair, and wrapped herself in them.

  She went to the bedroom, got her pjs and smiled at the koala bears design. They were cute and she felt better looking at them. They had been a best friend gift from Britta two years ago. Laylah forced her mind away from thoughts of Britta. She was not looking forward to telling her friend the bad news about being grounded. She towel-dried her hair, brushed out the tangles and headed to bed.

  On her way, she snagged a stuffed panther toy from her bureau. Yeah, she was still collecting stuffed animal toys. Britta teased her about it, but Laylah didn’t mind. She felt at home with them. The toys, at least, never condemned her.

  Laylah flopped on to the bed, lay back on the pillow and snuggled the panther. “It’s you and me, Protector.” All her animals had names and even though the lion was king of cats, there was something about panthers that made her love them more. Their glossy fur, sleek muscles, and intelligent gaze--all admirable qualities. Her toys were custom-made with special synthetic fur that felt like the real thing. Incredibly soft to the touch, she stroked it and felt calmness come over her. She yawned and gave herself over to sleep.


  The room was not hers, yet Laylah knew it would still welcome her. The opulent tapestries and drapes, the burgundy furniture--all were familiar. This dream was the same one she’d had for the last two months. Each time, more details were added and each time she woke from it, she felt unhappy and incomplete.

  This time, however, was different. The room was filled with more animals than the two who normally kept her company. There were felines of all types, wolves, birds, snakes and some type of reptile she didn’t recognize. They perched, sat, paced and lounged on the furniture. And she sat in the middle of them on silk pillows, dressed in a harem style top and pants made of sheer material that bared her belly.

  Any other time she would have felt exposed at showing so much skin, but here she felt almost overdressed. To her left lay a white wolf with a gray foreleg. His dark eyes seemed old and held the weight of knowledge that made Laylah shy away from gazing too deeply.

  It was the warning growl of the white wolf that had her head snapping up, eyes going to the double doors that swung open. An eerie silence descended and fear raced through her body. The animals were never silent. Always, they made some noise. She threaded her fingers into the wolf’s ruff, eyes wide as she waited for whatever it was to come through the door. The growling grew to a crescendo, and then abruptly ceased. Laylah stiffened and knew, with certainty, that this moment would change her. “Come inside. I’m not afraid!” Her voice echoed in the stillness.

  She blinked and there stood a man. She gasped. Mustering her courage, Laylah forced herself to look. The man had no shirt on and his bare chest and muscular shoulders were hypnotizing. Her eyes moved from his chest to his stomach where his clearly defined abs proved he took care of himself. She flushed with embarrassment from ogling him. Laylah glanced at his face – his face was blurred!

  Rubbing her eyes, Laylah checked her vision, but he remained the same. Terror seized her and the other animals reacted with warning cries.

  “Enough!” His voice whipped out with force, commanding instant obedience.

  Laylah could taste her fear but felt a surge of an emotion she didn’t understand. The fear made sense. After all, this man’s dominating presence reminded her of the school bullies and her father. The wolf growled again. She forced her attention back to her visitor.

  “Who are you?”

  He tilted his head to one side, watching her until she squirmed. He took a step forward but found his path blocked by a lioness.

  “You afraid?”

  His voice washed over her and she shivered. The animals would protect her if she asked it of them. That she did know, but…She ignored her cowardice and decided to take a chance.

  “No and yes. I’ve never seen you before. I don’t dream of boys, let alone men.” She stared at his blurred features. “And I can’t see your face, well, at least the parts that matter,” Laylah complained.

  The man laughed. “Such honesty is refreshing. Most girls play games.” He grinned at her. “Are my features that important to you?”

  Laylah thought about it. “I suppose not. No one ever pays attention to me anyway. I’m a nobody. Besides, I’m not some drop dead gorgeous person like my best friend or even Violet. Nope, I’m ordinary.” She shrugged. Let him think what he wanted of her; everyone else did.

  “You are more than ‘okay.’ Perhaps it is time someone showed you.”

  Laylah’s heart sped up, her mouth dry. The man’s words sounded almost like a purr. She felt hot, her skin tight and her thoughts…they were strange, uncomfortable and exciting.

  “Oh my! I don’t understand.” She pulled her knees to her chest, gaze on the floor. The wolf pressed against her side, growling in earnest. “Shh, my friend, I’m okay.” Laylah tried to calm herself by stroking his fur. “This is a dream, Laylah. Wake up and it will be over,” she muttered to herself.

  “But do you really want to wake up? Do you want this dream to be over?”

  His words had her blushing and it made her angry. She didn’t like feeling these strange emotions. She lashed out.

  “You don’t know what I want! No one does! Everybody thinks they have me figured out but you’re all wrong!” Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she didn’t notice. “You’re making my heart beat too fast and my body feels funny. I don’t like it, make it stop!”

  “You poor thing. They’ve sheltered you too much. You don’t even recognize what’s happening to you.”

  “Stop giving me pity looks! I am not sheltered!” Laylah protested, but she knew he was right.

  “I mean, Beautiful, sheltered from your passion and feelings. Have you never had a crush on a boy before?”

  Laylah squirmed at the man’s probing gaze. “No,” she mumbled.

  He took a few more steps toward her. The lioness, who had blocked his way the first time, came between them, hissing.

  “Please, let me help you.” He held out his hand and waited.

  Laylah stared at his outstretched hand for a long time. Should she take it? She was tired of not being like the other girls who had boyfriends. Even Britta had dated a boy or two. Why couldn’t a boy like Laylah that way? She knew the answer.

  “Because I’m a freak,” Laylah whispered.

  “No, not a freak, Beautiful. Different and unique. Let me show you. Take my hand.”

  Tension sang in the air and she waged an inner battle with her feelings and her mind. She wanted this. If the only way to have a boyfriend was to dream one up, then so be it. Laylah stood, ignoring the concerned whine of the wolf. Carefully she nudged the lioness aside and came to stand a foot in front of the man. His features were still blurry, but it didn’t bother her as much.

  Gently, he took her hand, his fingers stroking her palm.

  “Oh.” Her mouth parted in surprise at the feelings he was creating.

  “I see you like it. This will make you smile.” He lifted her hand up to his face and placed four, slow kisses, starting at her fingertips and going to her wrist.

  Laylah felt her knees go weak and focusing was an issue. She was so hot, burning inside. She had the crazy urge to purr and rub her chin along his hand…That thought scared her and Laylah jerked away from him with a yelp. “No! No! I can’t do this! I have to wake up now!”

  “Wait! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you!”

  He reached for her, but Laylah was already running away from him and toward the ring of animals. She turned, took one last look at him, and willed herself to wake up.

  Chapter 14

  “Laylah? Laylah, wake up, Sleepyhead.” Naiya frowned. She went over to the balcon
y doors and flung open the curtains allowing the full brightness of the sun’s rays to hit Laylah’s face. She laughed when Laylah groaned and jerked the pillow up as a cover.

  “You’re evil, Naiya!”

  “Get up, young lady. You need to get dressed and eat so you will be on time for school.”

  “Can’t I stay home? I’m tired today, Naiya. I don’t feel like going.”

  “Why would you be tired? You went to bed around nine last night. Plenty of rest time.”

  “I had trouble sleeping and I had really strange dreams.” Laylah rolled over to her side, and slowly moved the pillow away from her eyes, giving them time to adjust to the brightness. She sighed, pushed the covers back and sat up. Her hair had come free from its braid and fell past her shoulders, cascading down her back.

  The red tresses came from her mother as did her green eyes. She grimaced and brushed her bangs out of her face. Laylah really didn't want to go to school. How was she going to explain to Britta about having to miss the party? Why did Father have to be such a jerk? Laylah left the bed, grabbed a baggy sweater, jeans and her most comfortable shoes and hurried to the bathroom to change.

  “Laylah, when you get finished, breakfast is ready downstairs,” Naiya called through the closed door.

  “Thanks, Naiya!” She stared at the shower. True, she’d taken one last night but her body felt stiff. A quick glance at the clock assured her that there was time for a quick one. She turned on the water and got in, taking a moment to enjoy the smell of her French Vanilla wash. It was her favorite scent above all others. Something about it made her feel girly and almost pretty. She peeked around the curtain, saw the time and got out.

  Laylah dressed quickly, grabbed a hair tie, her backpack and her data stylus for class before running to the kitchen. She made a beeline for the table when she saw the pancakes. “Naiya, they smell great!”

  Naiya placed the plate of food and syrup in front of Laylah. “Yes, they do. Sit. Eat. What did you dream about last night that kept you from sleeping?” She put Laylah's customary veggie drink in front of the plate.

  Laylah paused mid-bite, a blush heating her cheeks. “Just this and that.” She loved Naiya, but her dreams, especially last night’s dream, were private, not to be shared.

  “You don’t have to give me details. As long as it wasn’t a nightmare, I wouldn’t worry.”

  “No, not a nightmare. It was…interesting.” Laylah went back to eating and ignored Naiya’s nosy look.

  “Drink your juice,” Naiya reminded her.

  Laylah sighed and did as she was asked to do.

  “That dream was more than interesting, judging by the pinkness of your cheeks. I don’t recall ever seeing you blush this much during a conversation.”

  Laylah was saved from answering by Jacques’ arrival. “Well, gotta go!” She jumped up, scooped up her backpack, and hurried past Jacques. She heard him mutter about impatient teens as he followed her out to the limo.

  On the way to school, she took time to braid her hair into its usual single braid and spent the rest of the ride pondering her dream. In the light of day, Laylah felt silly for running from the man. He hadn’t hurt her. Once again she’d choked. Loser in life and loser in her dreams. She could have had an interested guy, and what did she do? Sic her animals on him and run like a wimp. She tugged on her braid and chewed on her bottom lip. Laylah knew the real reason she’d fled. He had offered her something, and in her little world, things offered had hefty price tags that she couldn’t afford.

  “Laylah? Laylah, wake up. You got to go inside before you’re late.”

  Jacques' words registered and Laylah scrambled to grab her things. She got out, ran hard to the front door, flung it open, and continued her mad dash to first period. She ignored the “Hey, watch out!” from a professor as she rounded the corner and rushed inside the classroom as the late bell rang. Laylah flinched at Professor Cormack’s stern look. Oh Great! She was in trouble already and her day hadn’t even started yet. To her surprise, the professor started class without rebuking her for being tardy. Relieved, Laylah dutifully took out her data stylus and started her notes.

  Chapter 15

  Jacques returned to the mansion, his thoughts on Laylah’s behavior. She'd acted different this morning. Happier, in fact. Not that it was a bad thing, but he’d watched the spark of hope that made her pray for Henry’s love progressively diminish. Henry might be married to his work, but Laylah should come first and she didn't. His Alpha's excuses were weak and illogical.

  Last night’s dinner had gone worse than anticipated. Jacques had seriously considering telling Henry to take a long walk off a short pier, but restrained himself. Henry’s rough handling of Laylah's feelings had hit Jacques hard. His duty was to protect her, and though it did not specify emotional protection, Jacques wanted to provide that, too.

  He parked the limo and sat for a few minutes thinking about the strange behavior of the rich, the loss of trust by the young, and the reasons why he stayed with this very dysfunctional family. He sighed, got out and froze. Something was wrong.

  Jacques shed his jacket, pulled his gun from its shoulder holster and stalked toward the front door. His eyes constantly checked his surroundings as he climbed the stairs. He noted the door was ajar. Tightening his grip on his weapon, Jacques nudged the door open enough to slide inside.

  Silently he checked each of the five downstairs rooms. All were empty. He put his ear to the kitchen door, listened but heard nothing. Tense now, Jacques cautiously pushed the handle down and eased the door open. The skylights flooded the kitchen with light. In one sweeping glance, he saw the overturned trash can, broken plates and flour covering the floor around the stove and sink.

  Jacques’ eyes narrowed and keeping low to the floor, he crept toward the flour. He stopped and examined the paw prints that were visible. Growling when he recognized that the prints were from a wolf, he knew there would be trouble. He knew who those paw prints belonged to.

  Jacques ducked as he heard the hiss of the dart gun. He rolled to the right where he crouched with his own gun ready. “Might as well show your ugly mug, Gerard.”

  “You always had the best eyesight,” chuckled Gerard Draco as he came through the pantry doorway, a savage grin on his face. “But such bad taste in Alphas. You should come join a winning team.”

  “Only an ex-pack member would think that.” Jacques sized up his opponent. Gerard had filled out somewhat in the last thirteen years. No longer a youth, Gerard was a broad shouldered man and dangerous. Jacques was going to have to tread carefully here. Even as a boy, Gerard had cheated at games and wasn’t adverse to dirty fighting.

  “I smell her stink on you. Why’d you go to her? What did Zina promise you, Gerard? Chance to be an Alpha mate, perhaps?” Jacques saw the tension around his unwelcome visitor’s mouth and knew he’d hit a nerve. “She did, didn’t she? I swear that woman needs to learn some new tricks. Of course, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” Jacques mocked, weapon ready as he waited for Gerard to take the bait.

  “Don’t talk about Alpha Zina that way, you disgusting cur!” Gerard charged, enraged at Jacques’ words.

  Jacques fired at the younger man, leaped up and around and punched with his left fist. People forgot he was a southpaw, an advantage he used in fights like this one. The blow connected and Gerard stumbled. Jacques was on him, pummeling him, forcing the man to retreat. He didn’t give his opponent time to think as he followed him into the foyer. Jacques’ intent was to take Gerard down. He couldn’t kill him because only Gerard knew where the staff was. Jacques circled his opponent and waited for an opportunity to end the fight.

  Gerard growled and warily watched Jacques. He jumped when Jacques fired a shot that clipped his left arm. He howled and grabbed the wound. “You’ll pay for that!”

  The look in Gerard’s eyes gave Jacques pause. He had only a second to wonder before he was bowled over from behind by a giant snarling leopard. They crashed to the f
loor and the gun skittered out of reach. Jacques swore and tried to buck his attacker off, but the leopard raked its claws down his back.

  Jacques grunted and, with a hard twist, snagged the leopard’s hind leg, yanking the creature off him. He punched it in the head and watched it go still. The giant cat wasn’t dead but it would sleep for a while. Jacques came to his feet, eyes focused on Gerard’s gaping mouth. “You honestly didn’t think a cat could take me down, did ya, boy?”

  “Maybe not a leopard, but he can.”

  It was then Jacques heard the heavy breathing. Pasting a smile on his face, he turned around. “Hiya, Alexis. Long time, no smell. And did I mention that your breath still reeks of dead things?” Jacques saw the giant grizzly paw coming at him. He ducked, but couldn’t escape the second paw that slammed into him, knocking him unconscious.


  The ear comm buzzed and Zina clicked it on. “Yes?”

  “Alpha Zina, we successfully infiltrated the Le Croix estate. All resistance has been neutralized.”

  “Including Jacques?”

  “Yes, my Alpha. He fought, like you said he would. He wounded Devin and me but Alexis put him down.”

  “Good job, Gerard. You are my favorite soldier for a reason.” Zina put enough admiration in her tone to make him growl happily. Everything was falling into place.

  “We will proceed with the plan. It’s 10:30 am right now. We have six more hours before the brat gets home from school. Are we allowed to have fun with our captive before we leave?”

  “By all means, Gerard. It can be an educational lesson for the younger males, especially Devin. And Gerard?” Zina’s chuckle was filled with malice and violence.

  “Yes, my Alpha?”

  “Make sure Jacques knows why he bleeds. I want him to remember his failure as Beta and Chief Enforcer to the Le Croix family.”