Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 8

  Chapter 21

  Jacques was incensed. It was almost midnight and no word on Laylah. And Henry…Never would Jacques have believed that his friend and Alpha would actually care more about his security system than his own daughter. A soft knock at the door broke his concentration. Frustrated, Jacques ran his hand over his bald head and barked, “Come in!”

  “Jacques, I brought you something to eat.” Naiya held a plate of steaming food in one hand.

  “Thanks, Naiya, but I’m not hungry or in the mood.” He heard her sigh. “Sorry. It’s Henry…dangit! He sent only one tracker, Naiya. Just one! As if Laylah was some stray dog that doesn’t deserve the time of day or the effort of being looked for. She’s his daughter for heaven's sake!” Jacques got out of his seat and punched the wall, needing to take his aggravation out on something.

  Naiya put down the plate and walked over to him. She put a comforting hand on his arm. “She’s safe, somewhere. Of that, I’m certain. If she were dead, we’d know by now.”

  “That doesn’t mean squat or make this situation any better! We all know how ruthless Zina is. She’s a crazy Alpha bitch who loves to inflict pain on helpless victims! Yeah, she’d keep Laylah alive to taunt Henry, but that doesn’t mean with body and mind in one piece. God, I can’t sit here!”

  Jacques jerked away from Naiya and stomped toward the door. He was not going to hang out working a useless angle. Laylah had grown on him and he loved her like his own pup. No, he was going to find her and the consequences be damned.

  “Wait, Jacques! If you go against Henry’s orders, he’ll make you an outcast and how will that benefit Laylah? Your replacement will be some no nonsense, unfeeling jerk. Is that what you want for her?”

  Jacques stared at Naiya and fought for self-control. “I don’t like it, but you’re right.” He sat back down. “I suppose being hungry isn’t helping me concentrate on how Gerard got in here in the first place.”

  She pushed the plate to him. “A full stomach can work wonders. I’ve got to clean up the mess our unwanted visitors made.” Naiya patted his hand. “You will figure this out.”

  Jacques smiled sadly. “Let’s hope your faith in me is not misplaced.”

  “I know it’s not.” She waved and left Jacques to his work.


  The first quarter moon’s light, obscured somewhat by the trees, cast a dim shadow over the clearing Stefan found himself standing in. Every ten years the Council would move their headquarters. For the current decade they held court in Homesa.

  His sensitive nose caught the smell of water and smoke from a recent campfire. The crackle of a leaf disappearing under a shoe alerted him to the newcomer. Stefan pulled his gun from its side holster.

  “Now, now, Stefan. Is that any way to greet a friend?” Drayden emerged from the shadows.

  “I have no friends. Let's get this over with.”

  “You’re still so broody, Stefan. Some things never change. And yet, some do. We’ll see if the new favors you or not.”

  “And what exactly does that mean, Drayden? And don’t play coy,” Stefan warned.

  “Remember that blood ties are important and should be used when everything else fails. Now, come, they’re waiting.”

  “Yes, let’s not make them wait.” Stefan knew the Council hated insolence. Tough titty. That’s what he was all about. A rule breaker.

  Drayden snorted and led the way to a run down shack. They stepped inside and Stefan wasn’t surprised by what he saw. A long corridor stretched out before them. Dimly lit, it was designed to intimidate visitors and supplicants. It served as a reminder that the things that went “bump in the night” were alive, well and dangerous.

  Stefan had long ago lost his fear of the Council’s inner chambers and of the Weres who ran it. He could thank Zina for that bit of confidence. He wasn’t arrogant enough to believe that he couldn’t die by their hands. Stefan did respect the power they wielded but, unlike the rest of his kind, the Council was not on a pedestal and worshiped as god. They could bleed like any mortal creature. That was knowledge he’d gained first hand at Zina’s side.

  He and Drayden stopped at the double doors. Until they opened, the two men could go no further. Stefan took a moment to admire the artwork. It was priceless and beautifully drawn. The artist, Alayah Fields, had loved animals and, when approached by the Were Council to do this commission, she had happily taken it. Animals of all shapes, sizes and tribes decorated both doors. The details were amazing. Slowly, Stefan traced his finger over the wolf. The doors started to open and he pulled his hand back. Time to face the Council. He schooled his features and entered with Drayden by his side.

  The two men went to the giant circle in the middle of room. Known by all as the Reckoning Circle, a Were could find salvation or punishment within it. Stefan had yet to find the first and plenty of the second. He tried to do the right thing, but what his heart told him was right ended up being wrong. Maybe this time would be different. Somehow he doubted it.

  Pulling his thoughts together, Stefan entered the circle, and stood with his head held high to let them see he was unafraid. He ignored the murmurs of the Weres who stayed at court with the Council, but were not part of it. Many of them were like fawning pups, hoping to curry favor with a Council member with the dream of rising in station.

  “Stefan McJeyson, the Council bids you welcome.”

  Stefan gave a curt nod to the female who had addressed him. He recognized her. Isabella Santos was a Werebear from the Alaska Polar Bear Clan and the current leader of the Council. She was a tiny woman at five-feet-three, but her presence was large and demanding. She was one Alpha he’d never cross. People that angered her tended to disappear. “My Lady.”

  “Always so polite. Knew there was a reason why I liked you.”

  Hazel eyes stared at him, searching for something. Patiently, Stefan waited for her to tell him what task they wanted done. His gut told him that it wouldn’t be to his liking.

  “Stefan McJeyson, thirteen years ago you sided with a female Alpha in her bid for power. You watched as she wiped out Were families, took down Alphas and murdered several Council members. You were her second-in-command and her lover. You even allowed her to attack humans, resulting in the deaths of several and creating a PR nightmare for us. All this, you did to get back at Zina’s object of obsession, Henry Le Croix.”

  “That is past history and I paid for my part in that rebellion. Even after my punishment ended, I cut ties with Zina and went into self-exile, where I’ve happily been minding my business and not bothering anyone. Next thing I know, you’re sending Drayden to play fetch and bring me before you.” Stefan ignored the other man’s growl. “You have disrupted my hard won peace and quiet. Let's get to the point. What’s so friggin’ important that you had to drag me here in the middle of the night to talk?”

  The room erupted in hisses, mutters and growls as the assembled Weres took offense to his words.

  “Silence! There will be order.” Isabella rose from her chair and grinned at Stefan.

  Stefan took a step back. Her grin was not a friendly one. No, it was one of calculation and bad intentions.

  “Stefan, Stefan. Come now. We don’t call unless there’s a good reason. She’s back, you know, and stirring up trouble.”

  The news stunned him and he managed to keep his expression guarded. “Your point?”

  “My point is this, Omega. We need you to lead our forces against hers. You know how she thinks, reacts, the moves she’ll make.”

  Of all the scenarios Stefan had considered, this was not one of them. He was silent too long. One of the prominent Council members, Javier Morales, surged to his feet.

  “Think you’re too good for this assignment, Omega? You have no status. You are nothing. You should be licking our feet and thanking us for this chance!”

  Stefan laughed. “No, I don’t think I’m too good. My involvement with Zina was the very reason you banished me thirteen years ago and is the re
ason you need me now. Ah yes, the irony. I want to make something very clear. I’ll do this, but it won’t be for you, for pride or money. No, I’m doing this for the one female who matters to me.”

  “Still pining after that Alpha bitch? Once a failure, always a failure. We’ll be watching you, Omega!” Javier partially shifted and bared his fangs and claws.

  Stefan gave him a mocking bow. “You and your opinions do not concern me.” Pointedly, he looked at Isabella who chuckled.

  “Smart wolf, you are. Just remember, Boy. One wrong move and I’ll personally snap your neck.”

  “Touché. Are we done?” Stefan pretended boredom, but was fed up with all the grandstanding.

  “Yes, for now. We’ll send our General and Captains to you on Sunday. If you pull this off, you can name your reward.”

  “Isabella! He is an outcast, not even a true Omega!” Javier protested.

  “Quiet! I lead here, not you.” She whirled on Javier. “Unless you’ve grown a spine and wish to challenge me?” Her voice was soft, the words menacing.

  Stefan watched the byplay with interest. Time had changed the power base within the Council. Javier had been top dog thirteen years ago but now Isabella was in control. She ruled with fear and commanded respect. Stefan was impressed and smothered a chuckle as Javier rethought his next words.

  “No. No challenge, Isabella. A little surprised at such…generosity.”

  “We can afford to be. Keeps the underlings happy. After all, they are the ones doing all the work while we benefit.” She turned her gaze from Javier to Stefan. “Anything you desire will be yours. Now get out. The Council has other matters to attend to.”

  Stefan and Drayden bowed, backing slowly from the circle. Nothing else needed to be said. Stefan waited until they were outside before berating Drayden. “Whose bright idea was it to suggest I be pitted against Zina?”

  “Easy there, Wolf Boy. I couldn’t stand your moping around and wasting your skills on Humans. I might have dropped a hint or two in Isabella’s ear.”

  “Next time, Bear, keep your great ideas to yourself!”

  “Oh, come on, Stefan! If you pull this off, you’ll be able to see her, instead of watching over her from a distance.”

  Drayden didn’t see Stefan move and was caught by surprise when Stefan’s fist sent him crashing to the ground. Before he could recover, Stefan’s knee pressed on his throat. Shock flickered briefly in his eyes as did respect.

  “Just because you’re bigger than me, Cub, does not make me less dangerous. If I find out that she gets harmed because of this scheme you and your uncle are running, there will be no place on the planet where you can hide from my wrath.” His face was an inch away from Drayden’s. There was more animal in the threatening look Stefan gave the bear, but he didn’t care.

  Drayden held his hands up in a placating way. “Don’t worry, Wolf, I feel you. Now get off. You need to go rest. I have other jobs to do.”

  Stefan removed his knee, stood, and pulled Drayden to his feet. They regarded each other and Drayden walked away, leaving Stefan to wrestle with his thoughts.


  On the hilltop beyond the forest behind the Le Croix property, a large gray wolf stood, bathed in the moon’s light. The girl’s trail had stopped here. He shifted from wolf to human. He crouched down, examining the paw prints, footprints and tire tracks that filled the area. Whoever had the girl had taken the vehicle and headed northeast.

  Byron stretched, working out the kinks in his muscles. He would give his Alpha the bad news, but at least Jacques’ version of the story was validated. Byron recognized the paw prints of Gerard and Alexis, as well as their scents. The other three were a mystery to him. He liked puzzles. He’d get an answer soon.

  ::My Alpha, I have followed the trail as far as I am able. She was removed from the area by a vehicle that went in a northeast direction.::

  ::Good work, Byron. I will have the other trackers come up with possible hideout locations. Come back to the mansion. You cannot do anything else tonight.::

  ::As you command, my Alpha.:: Byron closed their shared mental connection and transformed back to wolf. He howled once and headed back to the mansion.

  Chapter 22

  Kattcha Silentshadow stood by the bed watching her patient. Her son, Donil, was clearly smitten. The girl was a beauty, like her mama, Helena, had been. There was no way Henry Le Croix would ever let his daughter be with Donil. Kattcha sighed and hoped he would cure himself of his infatuation quickly.

  A moan came from the bed and Kattcha looked down. Sleepy green eyes locked on her face. Confusion, then fear filled them. Kattcha readied herself for histrionics, just in case.

  “Where am I?”

  The calmness with which the question was asked surprised Kattcha. She had expected hysteria, aggression, even wailing. Not calmness. Nonplussed, she simply stared.

  Laylah fidgeted and averted her gaze.

  Maybe the girl was still in shock, thought Kattcha. No one was this calm after an ordeal like last night. Kattcha finally found her voice. “You’re safe. You’re safe.”

  “Safe?” Laylah lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “So, no animals changing into nude men here? And none that want to kidnap me?”

  “No, child. You’re safe. I promise you. How do you feel?”

  “Achy and my ankle hurts, but not as bad as when I injured it. Please, what time is it?”

  “It’s 9:30 am and it’s Saturday. You’ve been out like a light since 8:30 last night.”

  Laylah paled and began to cry, which confused Kattcha. Gently, she pulled the young woman into her arms and hugged her tightly. “I’m here if you want to talk about it.”

  “Jacques, he was counting on me to get help and I failed. He’s probably dead and it’s all my fault!” Laylah cried, deep wracking sobs that shook her body.

  Kattcha rubbed her back and murmured soothing words to her distraught guest.

  That was how Donil found them fifteen minutes later when he came into the office to check on Laylah. He paused in the doorway, unwilling to intrude on the pair. His mother heard him and beckoned over Laylah’s shoulder for him to enter.

  “Hello, Laylah. Good morning, Mother.”

  Laylah’s reaction was comical. She squeaked in surprise at his appearance in the room, whirled free of his mother’s arms and almost hit his mother in the process. She turned a lovely shade of pink before dropping her head.

  “I’m sorry that we were not properly introduced last night.” He held out his hand. “Hello, I’m Donil Silentshadow, and this lovely woman you were talking with is my mother, Kattcha Silentshadow.” He gave Laylah a roguish grin, hoping to put her at ease.

  She blushed again and shyly took his hand and shook it. “Hello, I’m Laylah Le Croix.”

  “Well, Laylah, I’m glad to see you’re awake and feeling better. After yesterday’s events, I worried about you.”

  “Thank you for being concerned but I’m fine. Stiff and aching, but alive. That’s something to be thankful for, right?”

  Donil heard the cheerful words, but her eyes told a different story. They spoke of cautious hope and fear of rejection. He did not like that she believed she would be rebuffed. He wanted her to feel secure and know that her hope was valid.

  “Laylah, you don’t have to pretend to be happy for our sakes. In this house, honesty is valued, not trampled on. Without honesty, there can be no respect or trust.”

  “Oh!” Laylah wrung her hands together, distressed.

  ::Donil, you are a smart man, my son. But at this moment you are being rather dumb.::

  ::Dumb? What do you mean, Mother?::

  ::She’s scared, in a strange place with nothing familiar to ease her fears and you’re lecturing her about trust issues. Timing is everything and yours right now is bad. Son, I raised you better than that.::

  His mother gave him “the look” that made him blush when he understood his mistake. The mental conversation took only seconds a
nd Laylah appeared oblivious.

  “Laylah! I’m so sorry. That was rude of me. I didn’t mean to fuss at you. Please, can you forgive me?”

  Laylah glanced up at him, nodded and added a very timid, “Okay.”

  He grinned and his mother smothered a laugh at Laylah’s behavior. Donil stared unabashedly at Laylah, while she shyly did the same. His mother tsked him.

  “She needs to get dressed, Donil, and she needs to eat. So out! We’ll see you in the kitchen.”

  Donil chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “Yes, Mother.”

  Kattcha rolled her eyes as he whistled and left. “I swear he takes after his father. Now, my girl, how about a shower and some clothes?”

  “That would be nice.” Laylah glanced at the nightgown she had on. “Did you put this on me last night?”

  “Yes. Couldn’t leave you in what you had on. It would have been very uncomfortable. Come, swing your legs over the side and I’ll get you to the bathroom. You can shower, too. Let me cover the cast with a plastic bag to keep it dry.”

  “Please, I need to call home. I need to know if Jacques and Naiya are all right.” Laylah got her legs in position and, with Kattcha’s aid, shakily stood.

  “You can call after the shower. That way you’ll feel more human and be able to focus better on what they tell you.”

  Laylah tugged on her braid and shuffled about before agreeing. “Yes, a shower does sound nice.”

  “Good, it’s settled. This way.” Kattcha helped her to a side room that contained a simple shower stall, toilet and sink. With quick efficiency, Kattcha put a large trash bag over the cast, tying it tight with some cord and helped Laylah into the shower. “Here’s your towel, soap, washcloth and clean clothes. I’ll be back in forty-five minutes. Oh, here is some shampoo.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Silentshadow.” Laylah hugged the items to her chest.

  “Kattcha, my dear. Just Kattcha.”

  “Thank you…Kattcha.”

  She patted Laylah’s hand before leaving her alone with her thoughts.