Read What Emma Left Behind Page 44

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  On Monday morning, a buzz of excited voices filled the air just before first period. The mid-term examination results were to be posted that day, and the class with the highest grade point average in each department was to be awarded a free pizza party sometime during the next week.

  On her way to her locker, Ana passed Mrs. Johnson's science room, where results of the exams were just being posted on the wall. They were listed in alphabetical order but without any names so as not to embarrass anyone.

  Ana decided to look, remembering that she was fifth from the last when Mrs. Johnson did the roll call. As she found her grade, she felt someone come up behind her and half-turned to see Jessica Ford, who stood anxiously wringing her hands and chewing on her bottom lip.

  "What's wrong, Jessica?" Ana asked sweetly, turning to Jessica to show her concern. Jessica looked at Ana for a minute and then glanced back at the list.

  "Well, it's just... " she began hesitantly, "I can't figure out which one I am. I wanted so badly to get a good grade on this test. You see, I've been so busy recently, I didn't have that much time to study. My parents'll ground me if I get a bad grade!"

  Jessica let forth this flow of words like a geyser undamed. Apparently, she'd needed to talk to someone badly.

  "Well, I'm sure you did okay. You always do." Ana said consolingly, trying to sound sincere.

  "I hope so, butcha know, I spent so much time last week at Marie's house, and well, my mind's been on other things... " her voice trailed off.

  "Hmmm. I think this one's yours." Ana pointed to the list. She'd tried to remember how many people came before "Ford" and had counted down the column seven places. Jessica looked at her grade and beamed from ear to ear, heaving a big sigh as she turned to Ana, relief manifest on her face.

  "I can't believe it, Ana! I got an A! This isn't possible! You know, Marie told me to relax--she said the trip'd be more fun if I stopped worrying about how I did. She said I'd do fine, and she was right!"

  "Trip? What trip?" Ana asked, trying to seem only mildly interested.

  "Oh, Marie took us to the capital on Saturday to visit a museum. Well, actually, Chris drove us. He's so nice and friendly, not at all like Marie--when you first meet her anyway.

  "Why should Marie want to visit a museum?" Ana tried not to show the excitement she felt.

  "So we could get some advice on the Campbell treasure clues, of course..." Jessica answered her patronizingly, then suddenly seemed to realize who she was talking to. "Uh, I've gotta go. Thanks for your help, Ana." Jessica added perfunctorily and then hurried down the hallway.

  Marie's not the only one who can be manipulative, Ana thought to herself and laughed.