Read What If Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Room 300

  Heather turned lazily over in the huge four-poster bed. When she had gone to bed, she had just barely gotten through her shower and was exhausted. She had put in a full day of completing two of her paintings and almost the third in anticipation of taking two days off. Linda Sue never pushed her, but it was her own drive that kept her going. At least, that tired, if Ian’s ghost came around, she was too tired to feel his touch.

  “Perhaps he doesn’t know I’ve moved to this new lovely room,” she almost laughed aloud. Heather looked around the room full of roses. The wallpaper was full of large and small pink, red and white roses. It looked as if there were thousands on the walls. The bed cover as well as the curtains that hung from the corners of the high posters was also covered with the same pattern of roses. In contrast, the small couch at the foot of the bed was striped with patches of other flowers. On the coffee table in front of the couch, were many of the amenities offered for the guests. The windows were covered only with plantation style white shutters without any other window treatment.

  Still snuggling down into the warm covers, she mentally planned her day. It was Linda Sue’s birthday and they were going to meet for breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then they were to spend a good part of the day just shopping. This was going to be their mutual birthday gift to each other. Heather’s birthday had already gone by, wonderfully celebrated with the new Ian, but today they would both celebrate, but how could the sprit return when he was alive and she would be seeing him today.

  As she slid out of the comfortable bed, she found it was just a bit chilly. Thankfully the room had a fireplace that went immediately on by the touch of a switch. Before even putting on her robe, she flipped the switch. The warmth almost immediately reached her as she reached toward the fire heat. She knew there was a white terry robe hanging in the armoire, but she hesitated to use more of the hotel items than she actually needed. Heather knew the many luxury items had been placed there for the convenience of the guests, but her Scottish heritage wouldn’t allow for waste. She didn’t realize that the staff would change everything seemingly used or not when she left.

  For a moment, the thought came to her mind that perhaps she felt as if she didn’t deserve such luxury. She had caused her fiancée’s death. What if they hadn’t argued? What if she had given in to his simple requests and he hadn’t gone to sea. What if she could have convinced him to give up the bachelor’s party? Then he would be alive and they would be in their home. She might have been pregnant with their first child by now. They would have been happy. Perhaps.

  Heather looked out the windows to see what kind of weather there might be. As guessed, there seemed to be a light misty rain coming down. It didn’t matter at the moment. She walked over to her purse and retrieved a small plastic raincoat, something she always carried in Scotland. You never knew what to expect. In fact, she often just wore a regular MacIntosh raincoat almost every day in the rainy season.

  Going to the closet, she looked through to try to decide what to wear. It was Linda’s birthday, so she wanted to make sure Linda Sue liked what she wore. There really was so little from which to choose, if she eliminated everything black and gray. For breakfast, fine dress wasn’t required, but Linda Sue would expect her to dress to impress. The art dealer had been such a good friend and employer that she really wanted to please her. There was that blue velvet skirt and blouse. It would really be too much, but it was pretty much all she had available. She did love the rich blue color and it fit so well even with her weight loss. When they went shopping again, she promised herself that she would get several colorful outfits. Even she was tiring of the black and grays.

  Looking in the mirror, she decided that this outfit looked great on her. In fact, she felt like a knockout in it. Her short hair didn’t require any changes, but this kind of clothing did insist on a touch of makeup and...even a hint of perfume. She didn’t have any jewelry, so that wasn’t an issue. Swirling about in front of the mirror, she decided she couldn’t look any better. Her friend and boss would be pleased. She left for the restaurant.

  The walk up the path was delightful. She even stopped to smell a flower. The brilliant colors, the perfect weather; it really felt like spring.

  It was as if nothing wrong had ever happened. As if Ian had never gone to sea. What if he remembered her soon? She wondered how long it would take for his amnesia to be gone. She would have to get with that doctor again and ask more questions. How could she help him? What if she caused a problem with his memory return? She didn’t want to jeopardize his recovery. Even if he didn’t know her, at least she was near him and he wasn’t gone forever. But, this was something she would no longer mention to Linda Sue.

  As usual, the restaurant had a few people waiting to be seated. She would put in her name for a table in the gazebo. It would be worth the wait. The room was so pleasant, especially with the garden view. As she approached the podium, the attractive hostess told her that Ms. Key was waiting for her in the gazebo room and she could just follow her.

  “Linda Sue,” Heather was surprised at the sight of a birthday cake on the table. It was white covered with yellow roses and there were so many candles on it. ‘Where did that come from?”

  Linda Sue was also dressed for the festivities, though a little more casual. She was wearing a lavender velour suit. Both jacket and pants were of a soft lavender while the top was of a deeper purple. She had such good taste, casual and perfect. She relied on colors to make her look distinctive.

  “I ordered it for us.” she nodded toward the ornate cake. “We are entitled.” Linda Sue gestured for Heather to sit in the booth.

  “But my birthday was a few days ago.”

  “I thought we agreed to celebrate for both of us today.”

  “We did, but I thought it was only to go shopping.

  “No, it was for both birthdays. Wow!


  “You, you look gorgeous. What did you do?”

  “Oh,” Heather looked down at her wardrobe. “Oh, ay, I hoped this would please you.”

  “Can I take your order?” their favorite waitress, Kim, asked. She always looked so nice, as did all of the wait servers at the Apple Farm Restaurant. Mentally, Heather noted that this was one of the things important to Duncan’s criteria of a good place to eat. How quickly she had learned the “tricks” of Ian’s new trade.

  Heather had looked at the menu so often trying to decide what she could get away with in ordering a small meal; she knew it by heart. “I’ll have a scone, two eggs scrambled and bacon crisp with a cup of coffee.”

  “Me, first the coffee and a California scramble and a big blueberry muffin. I do love that combination of spinach, mushrooms, ham, olives, tomatoes, green onions and two cheeses.”

  “Whew!” Heather wiped off her brown mockingly.

  Linda Sue continued talking to Heather as Kim walked away. “I really appreciate you dressing up so nicely. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you. And, this is for you.” She handed Linda Sue a card size envelope.

  The pretty blonde didn’t hesitate. She quickly opened it to find a fun card containing a gift certificate to the J. Henry Manor Tea Room. “Thank you, but you cheated. This is the same thing as I gave you.”

  “Good thinking. Actually, you ordering a decent meal is enough gift for me. I have been so worried about you.”

  “I have been feeling more like eating lately. I guess it is the going out with….(she almost said Ian) Duncan to all these restaurants that has jolted my dormant appetite.”

  “Hmm, is it the restaurants or the man?”

  “The restaurants and his company are nice.”

  “Speaking of that, he called me this morning to wish me a happy birthday and asked if we would meet him at Rosa’s tonight for a birthday celebration. It’s quite close to the gallery.”


  “Are you kidding? Would I turn down a free meal with a handsome m

  For just the briefest of moments, Heather felt a twinge of jealousy. Was her friend interested in her fiancée? But no, she was just being jovial as usual. “No, not you. So we are going out with Duncan, but I thought he was going to be too busy for the next few days.”

  “He said he had managed to get more work done than he anticipated and he also wanted to share some good news with us.”

  “What good news?”

  They were interrupted by their coffee arriving at the table. Before putting in her cream and sugar, Heather looked at Linda Sue as if requesting a quick answer.

  “I don’t know.” Linda sipped her coffee black. “But I am for good news anytime.”

  “So am I.” Heather wondered what it could be. She didn’t want to speculate, but what if….?

  Before they had a chance to really discuss this, Kim brought them their breakfasts. “Will there be anything else, ladies?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Linda Sue looked at Heather waiting to see if there was anything else she needed. “Maybe more coffee soon?”

  Kim nodded and walked off.

  They dug into their breakfasts, Heather eating as if she had an appetite.

  “I am so glad to see you eating like this.”

  “Me too. I think I actually missed enjoying food. Duncan has taught me so much about the pleasure in dining.”

  “I’m eternally grateful for that.”

  The girls continued their meal talking little until the waitress returned asking if they wanted more coffee and did they wish her to light the candles.

  They agreed to both. In moments, the candles were burning and Kim raised her hand to her fellow waitpersons. They immediately gathered about and sang Happy Birthday along with many of the other patrons. Both young women took deep breaths and blew as hard as they could. Not one candle was left burning.

  “Did you make a wish?” Heather asked.

  “I would never miss a chance for that, and you? What did you wish?”

  Heather gave her a dreamy look. “Can’t tell or it won’t come true.”

  “Never mind. I don’t need to know. I can guess. Let’s cut the cake and have Kim give some to the staff. This is too big for us.”

  “When did you think you will have time to go to the tea room?”

  “I know it is crazy, but why don’t we go shopping for a few hours and then head to the tea room in place of lunch. That way it won’t interfere with dinner tonight.”

  “Fine with me. I could use some new clothes in colors. I’m ready to throw out everything that is black or gray.”

  “And white too.”

  “Now there’s just one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We walk to every store in the mall.”