Read What If Page 19

  Chapter 19

  The Club House at This Old House

  As usual, since Duncan had been gone, Heather arrived at the shop early. She had finally moved into the guest room at Linda Sue’s home. It had been so much more than she had expected. Much like the Apple Farm Inn, it was decorated in Victorian style. Linda Sue had picked her up at the Inn with all her things and brought her to the house. They had assured Duncan before he had left for his trip to Washington that they could well manage themselves. As she entered the house, the first thing Heather had seen above the door, was the new sign of Ceille Me Feilte, the sign for ten thousand welcomes. Linda Sue explained that the sign had been a gift from Duncan.

  Heather hadn’t seen the room since they had finished the carpentry and had it ready for the painters. She didn’t even know what colors Linda Sue had chosen. Even though it would be her room for some time, she hadn’t felt it would be right to interfere with Linda Sue’s choices. It was her home.

  She had gasped with delight when she opened the door to her new room. The walls had been painted soft lavender gray, her heather colors. The hanging drapes were of deeper lavender with matching bed cover. There were at least six small bed pillows of different shades and patterns in lavender, purple and soft green. All the furniture seemed to be antiques including the sleigh bed, small secretary and dresser. All about the room were vases of lilacs and heather with a few thistles.

  “I may never want to leave the room,” she had exclaimed. I really can’t thank you enough. This is too much.”

  “Just enjoy this room as much as I have enjoyed your art.”

  That had taken place a few days back. Heather was still enthralled with her room. It made it so easy for her to walk the short distance to the shop every morning. She loved the walk by the ocean. So much like home. So exhilarating no matter night or day to take that walk. In truth, she was a little anxious for bad weather when there would be somewhat stormy days to enjoy the ocean. That had always been days she had looked forward to when she was in Scotland. Nothing like a stormy day of pure power.

  “Aren’t you pushing yourself with your work?” Linda Sue had admonished her.

  “I’m trying to make up for all the time I missed going around with Duncan.”

  “But you did get some photos and a feel for the area.”

  “Some, but I really had enough work to complete with all the photos of the Apple Farm Inn, the area at Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and the first motel. Those will keep me busy for months.”

  “Not the way you’re working now. How many paintings have you in the works?”

  “About mom seven. But I have a little done on each one. I told you the layers have to dry before I can add more colors.”

  “I know and fortunately we have plenty of room to work back in the studio. I just worry you are burning yourself out.”


  “Working so hard you will get so tired you will want to quit. Like a flame on a candle that burns out.”

  “Oh. No need to worry. Once I get these seven ready and started, I won’t be able to push too hard until these are done. They should all be ready about the same time. I really do very little each day.”

  “You can’t fool me. I see you sketching all the time. And, you’ve gone back to forgetting your meals again. I had hoped you would plump up a little.”

  “I will. It’s just too much trouble to prepare a meal for just me. Now if you want to eat at home some night, I would be glad to prepare something for the two of us.”

  Linda Sue smiled. That is not necessary for you to cook for me. For one, I doubt there is all that much food in the house. I usually do go out to eat. And two, I don’t want you to feel as if you need to do that.”

  “You’re right. There are so many good places to eat within walking distance of here or the house. When you are busy, I will stop off and get something.”

  “Okay. Speaking of meals, can I ask you to close up here tonight? I want to leave early.”

  “Absolutely. Anything special?” Heather knew she shouldn’t ask, but she was curious.

  “Well, kind of. I’ve been asked to go out and try out this restaurant near here.”

  “With someone one of us knows and the other has yet to meet?” Heather gave her that inquisitive look although she knew the answer.

  “Yes, of course. Richard asked me to go with him to what was once This Old House. It is under new ownership. It was quite popular and some friends of mine actually had their first date there many years ago. Now they are very happily married.”

  “Seems like this might be getting a little serious. It’s none of my business, but ….?”

  “I’m not sure. I feel like everything is right. We get along so well. I’ve never known anyone as sweet and wonderful as Richard.”


  “I’m not sure either of us is exactly ready for any commitment. But for now, we are enjoying each other’s company. We talk of the future, but not rushing anything.”

  “Sounds sensible to me.”

  “I’d better get to work. I have some new paintings of Jan Domela’s coming in today to unpack and hang.”

  “Right and I have some work to do as well. Heather donned her smock and went to the studio. Soon both were engrossed in work. The day went by quickly. Neither even thought of food until Linda Sue saw that it was nearly four o’clock.

  “I’ve got to rush if I want to get ready. Richard is picking me up at the house at six. Will you be okay to get home?”

  “In this perfect weather? I’ll be fine.”

  Linda Sue handed the keys to Heather. “There isn’t anything for you to do up front. Just lock up and stop off on the way home to get something to eat.”

  “Go on, mother hen. I’ll be fine.”

  The pretty blonde left, anxious to get ready for her date.

  Exactly on time, at six o’clock, the charming Richard came to her door. This was one night that he had planned carefully. Although they had promised no commitments, he did have a special surprise for her.

  “I do hope you will like the place I’ve chosen for dinner tonight.” He began. It was so important that he please her. From what he had read about this place, it was highly recommended, especially due to the well-known chef. Richard felt he had never known anyone like Linda Sue. She was beautiful, bubbly, and full of laughter. No matter what the conversation, she was always interesting. Whenever he discussed his work as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, she was always so compassionate about the people he was trying to help. She didn’t put them down as most people did. Linda often offered suggestions in ways to help his clients. She was a wonderful woman and all he wanted to do was be with her and please her.

  “I’m sure I will like wherever you want to take me.” She hoped he hadn’t gone to too much trouble or expense. She would have been happy with another picnic on the beach at midnight, as they had done a few weeks past. That was such a wonderful surprise. They had driven onto the beach late and he had produced a picnic blanket and basket full of wine and wonderful treats. They had sat there listening to the sounds of the waves as the full moon had risen over the ocean. So spontaneous and romantic. She didn’t see how Richard could top that evening.

  “Where have you planned?” Linda Sue asked as they turned down onto Foothill Blvd. in San Luis Obispo.”

  “It used to be called “This Old House” but it is now the Clubhouse at this Old House. It’s been revamped and is now kind of a rustic Western saloon. I hear that it even may have a ghost.” He smiled at Linda Sue, even turning his head away from the driving for just a minute. She was so beautiful.

  “I’ve heard of it. There was something in the paper about some famous and fantastic chef. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, the executive chef is Gregory K. Holt. From what I understand, the owner, Mr. Adams is well on his way to making this a real “hot spot”.

  As they drove into the parking lot, Linda Sue was not surprised to see it almost full, even though it
was reasonably early. They apparently were not the only ones to have heard about the spectacular menu.

  Upon entering, Linda Sue was delighted to see a roaring fire in the fireplace inside the bar. They were escorted to a table Richard had already requested. Although it was in the dining room, they had a great view of the bar and the fireplace. It was a perfect spot. Once they were seated, Linda Sue commented on the array of woods in the table, chairs, bar and floor. Old lanterns hung about giving it an authentic ambience.

  Before the waiter approached, Richard told Linda Sue that there was a beer served that was brewed especially for the Clubhouse by a local brewery. He was not going to order a bar drink as he was driving, but suggested she could.

  “I’ll just have a glass of ginger ale.” She answered. “It’s my preference.” She had studied the menu enough to make a choice out of the many wonderful entrees. She gave her order to Richard to relay to the waiter. “I would like to have the goat cheese salad and the Caribbean Baked Tilapia.”

  “I’ve been told that the baby back ribs were the best thing on the menu. I do love good smoked bar b que ribs. Oh yes, I’ll also have a salad. Richard chose his salad and ordered for the both of them, also requesting a coffee.

  “So what do you think? I really hoped you would like this place.”

  “Richard, you have no need to impress me. There are a lot of places I like to eat, but it’s your company that makes the difference. Relax and let’s enjoy.”

  He sat back and exhaled. He had been trying to make a big impression. This was the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. Richard knew that, but they had said they were not going to make a commitment. Not yet.

  “What do you want to do with your life, Linda Sue?” Richard began. “I know you want to make a success of your art gallery, but what else? What do you do on vacation time?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I do love to travel and there is so much to see.”

  “You mean Europe, Asia?”

  “Oh, no. There is so much to see in this country. I don’t’ think I told you, but my parents are full time rv’rs. They retired about five years ago. They just travel in their fifth wheel all over this country. I believe they have at least touched every state.”

  “Really? That sounds like a wonderful life. Would you want to do that too?”

  “I hadn’t thought too much about it, but yes, that would probably be what I would do if and when I ever retire.”

  “You don’t’ have to wait until then. Couldn’t you just do that on vacations? I hear there are places you can rent a trailer or motor home. Maybe you could make it a business trip and do some art buying.”

  “You know, I kind of like that idea.”

  “Maybe…” Richard hesitated. He didn’t want to come on too strong and he definitely didn’t want to scare her away. No commitments, they had said.

  Saved by the bell or in fact, the waiter stopped him from making a mistake by bringing their salads.

  “Coffee, now or later?” the waiter asked in a soft tone.

  “I’ll have it now,” Richard requested.

  “Look at this salad,” Linda suggested. “It’s gorgeous and look at these.” She held up a small wonton wrapper filled with creamy goat cheese in the shape of a flute. They were on top of the colorful greens; sun dried tomatoes and candied walnuts. She put one flute into her mouth and uttered her sole comment. “Yummmm!”

  “Now, what were we talking about?” she continued. “Oh yes, the travel in the fifth wheel. I don’t know what would be best to travel in. I suppose I could rent the different kinds and I’m sure my dad will teach me more about the rigs. I haven’t driven any as yet.”

  “I know how to drive all of them,” Richard began and stopped. This was not how he wanted to talk about travel. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mention going together.” He hesitated again. It was as if he couldn’t stop putting his foot in his mouth when all he wanted to do was impress Linda Sue.

  “Richard, stop. You are acting so nervous. I think it is a wonderful idea for us both to go traveling someday together. In fact, if you can drive all types of RV’s, that would take a lot of my mind. I have to learn. So…where do you think would be fun to go?”

  “I don’t know. Where do your parents like best?”

  They ate their salads slowly, enjoying the flavors.

  “They have a lot of places they like, but nothing is permanent yet. They mainly have lists of places they do not want to stop at. They’ve ruled out the Deep South, as they both do not like heat. They’ve ruled out snow country. Neither of them likes icy roads or streets. Right now, they are snowbirds, south in the winter and north in the summer. What sounds good to you?”

  “Everything. Why don’t we ask your parents to suggest some places to visit…that is, if and when we decide to vacation together?” There, he had said it. The words that told his companion that he would like to spend more time with her. The commitment words. Would she be angry? She didn’t seem to reject his suggestion.

  “Great idea. I’ll call them. Oh, my, this salad is spectacular. These little goat cheese flutes are so creamy and tasty. I’m glad I skipped lunch so I will have an appetite even after this delicious salad.”

  Richard had hardly touched his salad, afraid he had touched on a bad subject. But he was going to “go for it”. He was going to see how she felt about some kind of commitment. “Linda Sue, does that mean you would like to travel with me?”

  All she could do was give him that out of this world smile. “Yes, I mean I’m not ready for marriage or anything like that. But, I do think I’m ready to form some kind of steady relationship. I was afraid of making a wrong decision, but I believe we can make it work. I’d like to talk about a future with you.”

  Richard felt as if he could jump across the table and hug and kiss her. Again, he was saved by the bell. The waiter had perfect timing and was bringing their entrees. Linda Sue pushed her salad plate aside to allow the waiter to set down her meal.

  “I don’t know when I’ve seen such a pretty plate. The fish was encrusted with coconut and macadamia nuts. It was accompanied by a dish of mango chutney.

  Richard glanced as his plate as the smoky scent of oak and bar b que assuaged his nostrils. The dish looked and smelled wonderful. Next to the ribs was a side dish of au gratin potatoes. He wasn’t hungry, not now, but felt it best to eat the meal. Linda Sue was already enjoying hers. All that was on his mind was to begin this conversation about their future. He felt like shouting to the whole crowded room. “This girl is mine. We’re going to be together.” Perhaps it would be best if he just waited until they went outside. He hoped none of the desserts tempted Linda Sue. He could hardly wait to shout and then talk about their future.